[LOG[Successfully queued event on HTTP/HTTPS failure for server 'SESCMSC01.corp.azadea.intra'. NEW Cannot push CM agents and they do not report in - Prajwal Desai HostName = "SERVER2.domain.local";
Failed to send management point list Location Request Message to VRPSCCMMS03.ad Result: Not Applicable, ResultCode: 0, ResultType: 0, ResultDetail: Failed to get SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware\Real-Time Protection\DisableIntrusionPreventionSystem. The only suggestions I can seem to find that aren't "your whole certificate scheme is screwed up" (which I doubt, since the rest of my world works) is to do a client reinstall AND delete the contents of: which scares me (a tiny bit) to cut and dice on my MP. Getting this error in CcmMessaging.log on client: If I start the Configuration Manager Service Manager and query the SMS_MP_Control_Manager, it shows that it is stopped, when I start it, i get the above error immediately in the event log.. Build Number: 6.3.9600.19873, I have several clients which were working fine previously in CM 2006 but now I have an error in the ccmsetup.log. I am also seeing warrnings for "Assigned MP error threshold reached, moving to next MP". SCCM Client CMG Communication Failure Error 0x87d0027e With a whopping 600 machines in two states, this works All of the clients (within reason) in my domain do their magic. SrcUpdateMgr.log Instance of CCM_SourceUpdateClientConfig doesn't exist in WMI 6. ccmperf.log Failed to create or open file mapping for CcmFrameworkServer\CcmIsapi PerfObject::InitMemoryMap failed (80070005) LocationServices 11/2/2022 9:35:32 AM 9512 (0x2528)MPLIST requests are throttled for 00:59:59 LocationServices 11/2/2022 9:35:32 AM 9512 (0x2528). - install sccm client. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, https://ramzibot.wordpress.com/2012/10/04/mpcert-mplist-access-denied-error-after-securing-the-management-point-by-a-certificate. DateTime = "20130403101936.350000+000";
I changed the value of GPRequestedSiteAssigmentCode key from USA to new site code. MP check failed for 6 times and exceeded the threshold 3. Resolution He writes articles on SCCM, Intune, Configuration Manager, Microsoft Intune, Azure, Windows Server, Windows 11, WordPress and other topics, with the goal of providing people with useful information. LocationServices 11/2/2022 9:35:32 AM 9512 (0x2528)Failed to verify thumbprint with error '0x87d00304'. I found that it was GPRequestedSiteAssigmentCode in the registry. Enabled SSL revocation check. };
What do you mean by "did you add the information on the AD servers? Failed to send management point list Location Request Message to XXX.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_MutualAuth/72057594037928290 LSUpdateInternetManagementPoints: Failed to retrieve internet MPs from MP XXX.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_MutualAuth/72057594037928290 with error 0x87d00231, retaining previous list. Error: 0x87d00231]LOG]!>, Strange "failed to send" errors in LocationServices.log Sending MP [SCCM1] not in cached MPLIST. Microsoft doesnt tell you what registry key holds the site code information. I have 3 SCCM servers, CAS, Primary and Secondary, the issue is taking place on the Primary server. Fixing the "Unable to activate send-on-behalf-of list" Error Failed to create or open file mapping for CcmFrameworkServer\CcmIsapi. [LOG[Post to https://SESCMSC01.corp.azadea.intra/ccm_system_windowsauth/request failed with 0x87d00231. Successfully submitted pending event to WMI. Server may be temporarily down or a transient network error. Now go back to the client , run machine policy cycle and monitor the logs locationservices.log and ClientIDManagerStartup.log. Attempting to create pending event. Successfully queued event on HTTP/HTTPS failure for server 'SiteServer.Domain.local'. Could not retrieve certificate from MPCERT. Manually entering the SCCM client site code and clicking Find Site showed Configuration Manager did not find a site to manage this client. Failed to send management point list Location Request Message tocontoso.com LocationServices 9/25/2018 9:40:41 PM 1380 (0x0564) 4 assigned MP errors in the last 10 minutes, threshold is 5. Could not retrieve certificate from MPCERT. Why is this changing the password of the account that was configured to publish the site info into AD domain services causing all this problems? The MP name retrieved is 'SERVER1.domain.local' with version '7804' and capabilities ' '
An integrated solution for for managing large groups of personal computers and servers. I investigated that registry entry like you have in this article, and while we havent applied site code via group policy, I do see the AssignedSiteCode key with the correct site in it. I generated the MP certificate Alternative Name using both the hostname and FQDN fields for DNS. The only suggestions I can seem to find that aren't "your whole certificate scheme is screwed up" (which I doubt, since the rest of my world works) is to do a client reinstall AND delete the contents of: C:\Windows\CCM\ServiceData\Messaging\EndpointQueues .which scares me (a tiny bit) to cut and dice on my MP. There was just one error logged several times RegTask: Failed to refresh site code. The ccmmessaging.log assisted me further with my troubleshooting. I tried to restart several times.Can someone guide me through this? So to get this done, we ended up replacing it in a few areas of the registry for it to work smoothly for all actions: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\MobileClient\AssignedSiteCode (Wouldnt do anything on the Site tab in the Configuration Manager control panel properties window), HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\MobileClient\GPRequestedSiteAssignmentCode (the one you have above), HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CCM\CcmEval\LastSiteCode (Wouldnt run anything on Actions tab in Control Panel until we changed this one), Hi i need a power shell script to check whether client site code is correct or not (client machines are communicating with the correct primary site code or not) and i am very new to the Power shell. 1 Answer. Now comes the most interesting part which is checking the log files on the client machine. Under 'Devices' in the console the status of these clients is 'inactive'. If I click on Site>Configure Settings>Find Site, with nothing entered, it automatically finds the correct site code and says it has successfully found a site to manage the client. [LOG[Failed to send management point list Location Request Message to SESCMSC01.corp.azadea.intra]LOG]!>, I am sure those are correct. Attempting to send WSUS Location Request for ContentID='{3767B81D-00B2-4D68-A3F4-0CD9C0FB4B34} LocationServices 30/11/2018 13:53:52 5660 (0x161C), Failed to send management point list Location Request Message to . For more details, please take a look at this blog. instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status Attempting to create pending event. Current AD site of machine is ADSiteName LocationServices
Worker thread [software Metering Processor Usage (Site)] halting execution. LocationServices 11/2/2022 9:35:32 AM 9512 (0x2528)MPCERT requests are throttled for 00:04:59 LocationServices 11/2/2022 9:35:32 AM 9512 (0x2528)Refreshing the Management Point List for site TST LocationServices 11/2/2022 9:35:32 AM 9512 (0x2528)Failed to retrieve MP certificate encryption info from AD. Current AD site of machine is ADSiteName
OK so some real issues here but again why only on a rebuild of a device? I have been trying to install SCCM Client on one of the machine. Could not retrieve certificate from MPCERT. [LOG[[CCMHTTP] ERROR: URL=https://SESCMSC01.corp.azadea.intra/ccm_system_windowsauth/request, Port=443, Options=448, Code=0, Text=CCM_E_BAD_HTTP_STATUS_CODE]LOG]!>, /ccm_system/request failed with 0x87d00231. So this guy had set up SCCM previously with a different SCCM client site code. SCCM site need to have a root cert exported from CA. The description for Event ID ( 63 ) in Source ( WinMgmt ) could not be found. Post to http://BBK-SCCM-PRI.bbk2310.com/ccm_system_windowsauth/request failed with 0x8000000a. When you assign or reassign the client to a site by using Windows Group Policy, the site code is stored in a registry key on client computers. This time ClientLocation.log showed Getting Assigned Site, Autodiscover Site, Client is set to use HTTPS when available. Error 0x80041013]LOG]!>, RegTask: Failed to send registration request message. Error: 0x87d00231 Ant migration tool--FAILED TO SEND REQUEST The status messages errors are gone and multicast
Paste as plain text instead, I realized that, there was change in the password for that account earlier (before the https changes to the site) hence the site publishing failed. Client on my MP won't talk to my MP despite repeated Re-installs Thanks for your response. Failed to set DNSSuffix value to the registry. The reinstall of the SCCM client didn't do his job properly, it left some files which caused this strange behaviour. Attempting to create pending event. When you switch from https only to http or https and back, be aware that the site actually re-installs itself. Raising pending event: Created connection on port 443 Thanks for posting the resolution. Error 0x80004005 [CCMHTTP] AsyncCallback(): WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_SECURE_FAILURE Encountered [CCMHTTP] : dwStatusInformationLength is 4 The client agent started to communicate with management point and all the action cycles were seen in few minutes. I remember, that this entire scenario requires 4 certs; I might remember this wrong, but please doublecheck. 1. Home SCCM Fix SCCM Client Site Code Discovery Unsuccessful. ClientID = "GUID:0D23044C-8E08-4B1E-A91B-4EB4849A41FA"; Failed to send management point list Location Request Message to SERVER2.domain.local
The only WSUS entries were as follows: Attempting to persist WSUS location request for ContentID='{3767B81D-00B2-4D68-A3F4-0CD9C0FB4B34} and ContentVersion=45 LocationServices 30/11/2018 13:53:52 5660 (0x161C) I am 99.9% sure the PKI setup is correct. An integrated solution for for managing large groups of personal computers and servers. ccmmessaging.log: Post to managementpoint failed with 0x87d00231. Client deploys but doesn't register / see MP - windows-noob.com [LOG[[CCMHTTP] ERROR INFO: StatusCode=403 StatusText=Forbidden]LOG]!>, ]LOG]!>, Failed to send management point list Location Request Message to SERVER1.domain.local
HRESULT = "0x00000000";
This means the client agent was still assigned to the old site. Pasted as rich text. The Secondary server is on another subnet. [LOG[CcmSetup is exiting with return code 0]LOG]!>, '
Here I noticed many errors and these errors are listed below. HostName = "VRPSCCMMS03.ad"; SCCM Client Partial Install - Microsoft Community Hub Worker thread [Discovery Data Manager (Trusted)] halting execution. Checking the URL 'HTTPS://VRPSCCMPR01.ad/CCM_Client/ccmsetup.cab' 2.Could we know if any other clients are pushed successfully in this environment? I have an issue on my SCCM 2012 SP1 server managing 2000+ clients and running on Windows server 2012 platform. So looking in locationservices.log on my laptop, I am seeing "Failed in WinHttpSendRequest API, ErrorCode = 0x2ee2" and also "Failed to send management point list Location Request Message to Sccmserver.FQDN". On the Primary Site server I've noticed the following errors: No reply message from Server. Your link has been automatically embedded. Name: 'SERVER2.domain.local' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'N'
Attempting to retrieve local MPs from the assigned MP
ConfigMgr Task Sequence failing on device rebuilds Powered by Invision Community, MDT, SMS, SCCM, Current Branch &Technical Preview, Can't deploy any applications through SCCM 2012 R2, Management Point Critical Error, If I start the Configuration Manager Service Manager and query the SMS_MP_Control_Manager, it shows that it is stopped, when I start it, i get the above error immediately in the event log., Modern management of devices with Microsoft Intune and System Center Configuration Manager, http://BBK-SCCM-PRI.bbk2310.com/ccm_system_windowsauth/request. In the file called LocationServices.log I see this over and over, Attempting to refresh certificate information from AD LocationServices 11/2/2022 9:35:32 AM 9512 (0x2528)Failed to refresh certificate information from AD LocationServices 11/2/2022 9:35:32 AM 9512 (0x2528)Refreshing Certifcate Information over HTTP LocationServices 11/2/2022 9:35:32 AM 9512 (0x2528)Raising event:instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status{DateTime = "20221102163532.451000+000";HostName = "SCCM1.OurDomain.net";HRESULT = "0x00000000";ProcessID = 8736;StatusCode = 0;ThreadID = 9512;};LocationServices 11/2/2022 9:35:32 AM 9512 (0x2528)Status Agent hasn't been initialized yet. Open your site > Site Setting > Users and Permission > Site permission. LocationServices 20-07-2012 04:50:00 5592 (0x15D8) CcmMessaging.log Windows 10 Kiosk Mode without Intune - Notes from the field, defaultuser0 when using Autopilot pre-provisioning, Call to HttpSendRequestSync failed for port 80 with status code 500, text: Internal Server Error - Configuration file is not well-formed XML - ConfigMgr Management Point woes, Set .zip files default app association to 7-Zip via Intune. The error code 0x8007052E translates to the user name or password incorrect.. HRESULT=0x8007052E using the account that was configured. Failed to send management point list Location Request Message to VRPSCCMPR01.ad Trying without proxy. Thanks a million, Thanks The description for Event ID ( 63 ) in Source ( WinMgmt ) could not be found. Make sure you have provided a read permission to the DL in your current site as the following. Error 0x8004100, Failed to revoke client upgrade local policy. Then I turned HTTPS back on for the MP only, and all clients went offline. Go to back to the site and re-enter the correct password of the account and monitor the log (hman.log) to see if the site info is published or not. The winlogon notification subscriber took 129 second(s) to handle the notification event (Logon). then I found this. I also upgraded the SCCM version 1902 to 1906. Thanks for sharing. You can post now and register later. Current AD site of machine is ADSiteName LocationServices
The ccmmessaging log is your go to log when investigating communication between devices and management points. PENDING - Locationservices.log is showing errors, clients are online [LOG[Assigned MP error threshold reached, moving to next MP. Attempting to create pending event. Lookup Management Points from AD:
My main problem is recent master images for Citrix. 6. ccmperf.log. After the upgrade to CR 2207 I've noticed that I can't install the SCCM client onto any domain joined machine. SCCM (MESM) Secondory site install client. PKI certificate none ccmsetup: Host=VRPSCCMMS03.ad, Path=/CCM_Client, Port=443, Protocol=https, CcmTokenAuth=0, Flags=0x4300, Options=0x1e0
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failed to send management point list location request message