article 7 luxembourg citizenship

If they do not have a passport, another identity or travel document may be provided; if applicable, the authorisation of the judge supervising guardianship to initiate a reclamation procedure; if applicable, the decision of the Minister granting an exemption to submit any of the required documents. [11] Dual citizenship [ edit] So, Article 7 qualifiers are exempt from having to go to Luxembourg to apply. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Persons, who had a direct maternal or paternal ancestor with Luxembourgish nationality on 1 January 1900, where the latter or one of their descendants lost this nationality, have to address the Ministry of Justice in order to request, by 31 December 2018 at the latest, the issuance of a certificate confirming that they are a direct descendant of an ancestor who was Luxembourgish on 1 January 1900. Les destinataires de vos donnes sont les administrations comptentes dans le cadre du traitement de votre demande. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It confers upon foreign nationals all the rights and obligations associated with being a Luxembourgish national. Die Empfnger Ihrer Daten sind die im Rahmen Ihres Antrags zustndigen Verwaltungsbehrden. In fact, it's usually easier to bring your non-EU family to an EU state that you are not a citizen of. If your husband is already entitled to Luxembourg citizenship, there will be no requirement to ever live there before you live somewhere else in the EU. a full copy of their birth certificate and, if necessary, that of their children under 18; a copy of their valid passport and, where appropriate, that of their children aged under 18. The civil registrar will send the reclamation declaration and supporting documents to the Ministry of Justice directly and without delay. Costs Have legally lived in Luxembourg for seven consecutive years. 11, Avenue de la Libration L-3801 Schifflange, petitioned before the administrative tribunal, reversal on appeal petitioned before the administrative tribunal, PDF: Reclaiming Luxembourgish nationality (Pdf - 1.13 Mb), Listes des experts, traducteurs et interprtes asserments, Decision tree: Can you apply for Luxembourgish nationality? The correction shall be made through an annotation on the reclamation declaration. I am over 18, and I can speak English and French. The civil registrar who recorded the reclamation declaration will inform the person concerned. Copyright 2023 Connaissance Solutions LLC. Copyright 2023 Connaissance Solutions LLC. If the minister has no objection to the reclamation declaration, the applicant will reclaim Luxembourgish nationality after a period of 4 months from receipt of the application by the Ministry of Justice. A minimum of EUR 500,000 into a new Luxembourg company . 6. 6 of 29 7 of 29 Busy Philipps participates in the Global Citizen NOW conference in New York, Friday, April 28, 2023. This exemption can be obtained by submitting a reasoned request to the Minister of Justice, who has sole authority to grant it. Go to Luxembourg r/Luxembourg by harrietharrison. 2 more replies [deleted] 3 yr. ago These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Acquiring Luxembourgish nationality is subject to a condition of good repute. If the file submitted is incomplete, the civil registrar will request that the applicant produces the missing documents. By 31 December 2025, they must sign, in the presence of a civil registrar, a declaration to reclaim Luxembourgish nationality. Ces informations sont conserves pour la dure ncessaire par ladministration la ralisation de la finalit du traitement. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. By ELIZA HAVERSTOCK of NerdWallet April 20, 2023. Vous avez galement la possibilit dintroduire une rclamation auprs de la Commission nationale pour la protection des donnes ayant son sige 15, boulevard du Jazz L-4370 Belvaux. Um die Empfnger der in diesem Formular erfassten Daten zu erfahren, wenden Sie sich bitte an die fr Ihren Antrag zustndige Behrde. As a member of the European Union, Luxembourg citizenship has several key benefits. Diese Informationen werden von der Behrde fr den zur Verarbeitung erforderlichen Zeitraum gespeichert. Relief options if you're in debt from your kid's education. The summit in New York brings together politicians, business and philanthropic . It does not store any personal data. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ALSO, ARTICLE 7 APPLICANTS ONLY HAVE TO DO STAGE ONE OF THE PROCESS AND SIMPLY PRESENT PROPER DOCUMENTS WITHOUT TRAVELING TO LUXEMBOURG. Follow Nichole on her first visit to the Grand Duchy as she completes her Luxembourg dual citizenship application at the Bierger-Center. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Pass an oral test in Luxembourgish. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But one group, the 3.7 million parents who owe parent PLUS loans, won . Adults over 18 who have a parent/grandparent who is/was a Luxembourg citizen OR a parent/grandparent (even if deceased) who would have a right to Luxembourg citizenship by virtue of ancestry, are still eligible to attain Luxembourg citizenship. The civil registrar can refuse to record the declaration. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The child or one of the parents was born in Luxembourg (article 4) The child was born in Luxembourg to parents who are stateless persons (articles 5.1 and 3.3) The child was born in Luxembourg to non-Luxembourgish parents and is not eligible under foreign legislation to obtain the nationality of either of the parents (articles 5.2 and 3.4) Wenn Sie Ihren Vorgang fortsetzen, akzeptieren Sie damit, dass Ihre personenbezogenen Daten im Rahmen Ihres Antrags verarbeitet werden. That would be phenomenal. If you have an ancestor from Luxembourg, we're happy to discuss whether you can apply for Luxembourg dual citizenship. Article 7 Luxembourg Dual Citizenship | LuxCitizenship LuxCitizenship 1.66K subscribers Subscribe 1.5K views 1 year ago Find out if you qualify for dual citizenship, visit. you must have started a citizenship application before December 31, 2018. However, Article 7, which only requires you to submit certified Birth, Marriage, and Death records via mail for all of you male ancestors to prove your all male lineage to a Luxembourgish citizen, is still open. If you want to reclaim your Luxembourg nationality, you must be in direct line of descent from an ancestor who had the Luxembourg nationality on 1 January 1900, according to article 89 of the modified Luxembourg nationality law of 8 March 2017.. 2 of the criminal record from the public prosecutor's office after having obtained an authorisation from the applicant. In January, the Department of Education unveiled details of a repayment plan overhaul that could halve monthly payments for many federal student loan borrowers. Adults who have completed 7 years of schooling in Luxembourg in a public or private school where the Luxembourgish public curriculum is taught can apply for nationality, provided they have lived in Luxembourg for the 12 consecutive months preceding application. Les informations qui vous concernent recueillies sur ce formulaire font lobjet dun traitement par ladministration concerne afin de mener bien votre demande. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Consequently, Luxembourgish nationality is refused: Refusal to grant Luxembourgish nationality on the grounds of a criminal conviction does not apply to women who have lost their status as Luxembourgish nationals, without expressly requesting it, as a result of having acquired the nationality of their husband through marriage, or because their husband has acquired a nationality other than Luxembourgish nationality. En poursuivant votre dmarche, vous acceptez que vos donnes personnelles soient traites dans le cadre de votre demande. On 8 March 2017, the parliament adopted a new nationality law meant to facilitate access to naturalisation to foreigners living in the country and ultimately to increase their political participation. Attend three civic instruction classes Citizenship Citizenship: available procedures Identity papers Certificates, copies of documents and extracts from criminal records Setting up and moving house in Luxembourg National Register and identification of natural persons Access to information Protection of personal data Choice and change of surname and/or first name Dual Citizenship through Article 7 . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I've been waiting to hear back from the San Francisco embassy for 5 months now. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Because I am now an adult, am I able to become a Luxembourg citizen through my dad once he receives his citizenship or would I also have to go through the same process as him? The facts underlying a foreign conviction must also constitute a criminal offence under Luxembourg law. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The minister will instruct the civil registrar to correct the reclamation declaration in the event of a purely clerical error or omission, the indication of an inappropriate legal basis or an error regarding the marital status of the applicant. Benefits of Luxembourg citizenship. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The only questionable thing is that my dad has already gone through the process with the Luxembourg Cultural Society, but is still waiting on actually receiving citizenship. Signature by proxy is not permitted. To meet the requirements for Czech citizenship, you must have at least one direct ancestor who: Article 7 - Paternal Lineage Only You can trace your family line back to a male ancestor born in Luxembourg. The EU gives us full rights to bring family members to live with us. 1. En outre et except le cas o le traitement de vos donnes prsente un caractre obligatoire, vous pouvez, pour des motifs lgitimes, vous y opposer. a certificate of loss of Luxembourgish nationality. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Luxembourg communes may request the payment of a municipal tax in exchange for preparing copies of marital status records; foreign authorities may apply a charge for the issuance of marital status records or extracts from the criminal record. A new index ranks Luxembourg as the top passport in the world for aspiring global citizens. The date on which Luxembourgish nationality was reclaimed is stated on the reclamation declaration. In this case, an appeal against this decision can be made to the Minister of Justice within one month of notification of the refusal. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. If this is not the case, the minister may impose the measures outlined below. Their minor children also qualify. But, if an American-born male of Lux ancestry can maintain his US citizenship" If the legal conditions are met and if the file contains all the necessary documentation, the civil registrar will record the reclamation declaration. The reclamation declaration will be cancelled by the minister: The reclamation declaration may be cancelled within the period of 4 months following the receipt of the application by the Ministry of Justice. Who is Eligible to Apply for Luxembourg Dual Citizenship 2023 There are currently 3 ways to be eligible for Luxembourg Dual Citizenship. In this situation, you have until December 31, 2022 (rather than December 31, 2021, as previously . This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Autorisation de demander le bulletin n2 du casier judiciaire. The forms listed in the 'Forms / Online services' section are to be submitted in person to the relevant commune, together with all other legally required documents. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Cancellation of the reclamation declaration means that the person in question has not obtained Luxembourgish nationality. The reclamation procedure is open to adults who have lost their status as Luxembourg nationals. Booking an appointment for the vision test 10 and the vision test 40, Applying for financial aid for special home adaptations for the physically disabled, Support services for elderly and/or dependent persons, Applying for coverage of long-term care insurance, Applying for inpatient care benefits for a dependent person, Applying for financial assistance to pay for gerontology services, Application for benefits for home care of a dependent person, Applying for the exceptional measure for intensive out-of-hospital support to ensure the provision of home care, Applying for financial aid from the long-term care insurance to install assistive technologies at home, Application for long-term care insurance with a view to receiving home adaptations, Hiring of personnel for aid and care for dependent persons, Applying for the cost-of-living benefit and the energy allowance, Applying for assistance for fuel-poor households, Finding out about and/or requesting help for a child or young person in distress, Information on requesting euthanasia or assisted suicide, Obtaining a benefit for close relatives in the event of the death of an employee or the recipient of an old-age or disability pension (3-month goodwill period), Applying for a survivor's pension in case of the death of a spouse or partner, Applying for an orphans pension in the event of the death of a parent, Schooling for children aged 3 to 11: basic education, Registering a child in an educational establishment, Registering your child at a basic education school (ages 3-11), Registering a child who has recently arrived in the country in a basic education class, Enrolling children with special educational needs for basic education, Looking after and supporting children with special needs in basic education, Requesting support at school for basic education, Educational guidance for pupils at the end of basic education (primary), Filing an appeal where parents disagree with the recommendation for their childs transition from the primary to classical or general secondary education, Schooling for young people aged 12 and over: secondary education, Enrolment in secondary education (from the age of 12 +), Enrolling a young person who has recently arrived in the country, Consulting the Department for the Schooling of Foreign Children (SECAM), Applying for scholastic or educational support at the post-primary level, Applying for subsidies for students from low-income families enrolled in the classic or general secondary education system, Applying for the stay-in-school subsidy for students in the classic or general secondary education system, Enrolling at the University of Luxembourg, Enrolment at the University of Luxembourg as a third-country national, Doing a semester abroad from the University of Luxembourg, Studying abroad with Erasmus+ as part of an undergraduate degree at the University of Luxembourg, Applying for state financial aid for higher education (AideFi), Application for recognition of professional qualifications obtained abroad (access to a regulated profession at a higher education level), Enrolling for vocational higher education, Registering as a student working towards an advanced technician's certificate (, Obtaining a general secondary-school leaving diploma through evening or distance courses (eBAC), Obtaining a Master Craftsman's certificate, Earning a technical secondary diploma through evening classes or a work-study programme, Obtaining a higher-education degree through evening or distance classes, Applying for accreditation of prior experiential learning (VAE), Applying for accreditation of prior experiential learning (VAE) CCP, DAP, DT, DFESG and master craftsman's certificate, Applying for accreditation of prior experiential learning Bachelor's degree, Master's degree or advanced technician's certificate, Applying for accreditation of prior experiential learning Continuous vocational training certificates LLLC, Continuing professional development training, Participating in a retraining programme for jobseekers, Applying for a Luxembourg identity card - resident, Applying for a Luxembourg identity card - non-resident, Booking an appointment online with the reception desk, Requesting a reissue of identity card (eID) PIN and PUK codes by phone, Application for a visa for a stay outside of the European Union, Applying for a passport as a non-resident, Making an appointment online at the Passport Office to apply for and collect a passport, Certificates, copies of documents and extracts from criminal records, Application for a certificate of residence, Applying for a certificate, a copy of a deed, certification of a signature or a certified copy, Application for a certification of signature, Having Luxembourg documents legally certified for use abroad, Application for a certified copy of a document, Requesting a certificate of registration on the electoral rolls, Applying for a certificate of nationality, Background checks by the Grand Ducal Police, Setting up and moving house in Luxembourg, Declaring one's move to a new commune of residence, Having a foreign driving licence registered, exchanged or converted, National Register and identification of natural persons, Consulting my personal data recorded in the National Registry of Natural Persons (, Validating personal data in the National Registry of Natural Persons (RNPP), Requesting a correction or an update of my personal data in the National Registry of Natural Persons (RNPP), Access to information held by institutions, Requesting a document from a government administration or department, Applying for a special dispensation to consult or reproduce archives, Filing a claim with the National Commission for Data Protection, Choice and change of surname and/or first name, Requesting a change of surname and/or first name(s), Applying to change one's gender status and first name(s) in the civil register, Obtaining Luxembourgish nationality automatically, Obtaining Luxembourgish nationality by simple operation of law, Acquiring / Reclaiming Luxembourgish nationality, Prerequisites for voluntary acquisition of nationality, Acquiring Luxembourgish nationality by option, Acquiring Luxembourgish nationality by naturalisation, Registration on the electoral rolls for the communal elections, Consulting the electoral rolls and filing appeals, Applying to vote by post in communal elections, Declaring inability to vote in communal, legislative or European elections, or in a referendum, Standing as a candidate in communal elections, Registering to vote in legislative elections, Applying to vote by post in legislative elections, Registering on the electoral rolls for the European elections, Viewing the electoral rolls and filing appeals, Applying to vote by post in European elections, Declaring inability to vote in communal, legislative or European elections, Standing as a candidate in the European elections, Requesting to vote by post in a referendum, Requesting to vote by post in a communal referendum, Electing representatives to the Chamber of Employees, Exercising the right to petition the Chamber of Deputies, Exercising one's right to petition the European Parliament, Organising a European Citizens' Initiative, Participating in the Adult Education Survey 2022, Contracting financial services offered remotely, Entering into a distance contract or off-premises contract with a professional, Exercising the right to withdraw after having concluded a distance contract or an off-premises contract, Credit agreements in the form of overrunning, Entering into a credit agreement when a consumer is already in default on the initial credit agreement, Credit agreements in the form of overdraft facilities, Display of prices for products and services, Liberalisation of door-to-door selling and consumer rights, Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, Amicable settlement of a dispute between a consumer and a professional, Getting help from the Mediator of Consumption, Organising your holidays as associated travel arrangements, Sale and organisation of travel- and tourism-related services and holiday packages, Timeshares Contracts for shared use of property, long-term holiday product contracts, and resale and exchange contracts, Asserting your rights if you are denied boarding or if your flight is cancelled or delayed, Asserting your rights in case of delays, material and bodily injury or death related to transport by train, Asserting one's rights in the event of delay, bodily injury, or death in connection with transport by bus or coach, Exercising your rights in the event of a delay, bodily harm or death in connection with passenger transport by boat, Referring a case to the Luxembourg Commission for Travel Disputes, Declaration for the cross-border transportation of cash, Understanding the social security courts and the appeals process, Introduire un recours devant les juridictions administratives, Filing an administrative complaint with the Nature and Forest Agency, Filing an administrative complaint with the Environment Agency, Filing an administrative complaint with the Water Management Agency, Filing a complaint with the Independent Luxembourg Broadcasting Authority, Referring to the Ombudsman (Mediator) to settle a dispute with a public administration, Getting help from the Centre for Civil and Commercial Mediation, Requesting mediation services from the Luxembourg Regulatory Institute (, Request the out-of-court resolution of a dispute at the Luxembourg Financial Sector Supervisory Commission (CSSF), Getting help from SOLVIT Luxembourg to settle disputes with foreign administrations, Use of languages in the Luxembourg courts, Applying for compensation from the State as a victim of a violent offence, European small claims settlement procedure, Making use of the European Small Claims Procedure, Online declaration of damage caused by a vehicle, Lodging claims or complaints against the police, Requesting a disability and priority card, Application for a travel card for people with reduced mobility (Adapto), Making an appointment to take the theory test for the driving licence, Understanding the points-based driving licence, Applying for a certificate of authenticity concerning the driving licence, Extending the validity of a driving licence, Replacing a driving licence that was stolen, lost, damaged or confiscated abroad, Immediate revocation of a driving licence, Exchange of information on road-safety-related traffic offences, Validity of a driving licence when relocating within the EEA, Applying for an international driving licence, Buying a vehicle that was last registered in Luxembourg, Re-registering a vehicle after it has been temporarily deregistered, Selling a vehicle that was last registered in Luxembourg, Periodic roadworthiness inspection of vehicles, Winter tyres compulsory in Luxembourg for winter driving conditions, Applying for a duplicate of the document issued by the SNCA, Purchasing and importing a vehicle from a foreign country, Buying a vehicle last registered outside Luxembourg, Importing a vehicle when moving to Luxembourg, Booking an appointment online with the Customs and Excise Agency, Financial aid for the acquisition and possession of a road vehicle, Applying for financial aid to install a private electric-vehicle charging station, Requesting a subsidy for the purchase of a pedelec25 or a bicycle, Applying for financial aid for the purchase of an electric or hybrid vehicle, Temporary aid to limit the vehicle charging price on publicly accessible electric charging stations, Applying for a residential parking permit, Requesting a parking permit for disabled people, Paying or contesting a fine or penalty notice when caught by a speed camera, Tax exemption for Belgian residents with company cars, Understanding the content and legal value of a sales agreement, Direct aid in the form of a capital payment, Applying for State financial aid to purchase or construct a dwelling (purchase or construction subsidy), Applying for a savings subsidy to finance a home, Financial aid for interest on loan repayments, Applying for a government employee interest subsidy, Requesting an energy performance certificate (Energiepass) for a residential building, Requesting a free and neutral basic energy advice on energy efficiency, sustainable housing and renewable energy, Applying for a financial incentive for electricity produced from renewable energy sources, Requesting an extract from the Land Registry, Applying for the commonhold division table of a multi-unit building (vertical cadastre), Applying for financial aid for renewable energy-based technical installations (PRIMe House 2017), Applying for financial aid for energy efficiency renovation of a residential building (PRIMe House 2017), Applying for financial aid for an energy consultation by an approved energy consultant (PRIMe House 2017), Applying for financial aid for the construction of a sustainable dwelling (PRIMe House 2017), Applying for financial aid for renewable energy-based technical installations (Klimabonus RGD 2022), Applying for financial aid for the construction of a sustainable residential building (Klimabonus RGD 2022), Applying for financial aid for energy efficiency renovation of a residential building without energy consultation and limited to a single element (Klimabonus RGD 2022), Applying for financial aid for energy efficiency renovation of a residential building based on an energy consultation (Klimabonus RGD 2022), Applying for financial aid for energy efficiency renovation of a residential building (Klimabonus RGD 2022), Entering into a rental lease agreement as a tenant/landlord, Terminating a rental lease as a tenant / owner, Understanding the specific features of the inventory in the context of a residential lease agreement, Applying for government aid to finance a rental deposit, Renting a property through the Social Housing Agency, Defending one's rights in court as a tenant/landlord in matters involving rental agreements, Resolving a dispute between a tenant and landlord on the setting of rent and/or additional rental expenses, Applying for financial aid to install a rainwater catchment system, Short-term rental of a furnished residential property, Applying for a building permit for the construction, transformation or demolition of a building, Applying for official measurement of a property, Reporting construction/renovation defects and seeking reparation, Applying for permission to put up a commercial sign or advertisement panel, Applying for the subsidy supplement for architect or consulting engineer fees, Applying for a LENOZ certificate for a building, Application for a building permit (or construction permit), Application for the year-of-construction certificate for a dwelling, Calculating the habitable floor area of a dwelling, Applying for a generalized home savings aid for your child, Applying for financial aid from the State for the renovation of old housing, Applying for financial aid to improve the sound insulation of residential buildings against aircraft noise, Applying for subsidies for restorations of historical buildings or buildings of remarkable architecture carried out before 28 December 2014, Applying for subsidies for restorations of historical buildings or buildings of remarkable architectural value carried out after 28 December 2014, Temporary subsidy to bulk buy wood pellets for households, Building and accommodation conversions statistics, Faire tablir un certificat de performance nergtique (Energiepass) pour un btiment dhabitation, Amendment of a general development plan (PAG), Application for a special development plan (PAP), Assistance in urban planning and environmental matters, Booking an appointment with the CFUE for assistance in urban planning and environmental matters, Request for receiving the CovidCheck Certificate by post, Consult my CovidCheck Certificates on, Applying for a European certificate of vaccination or recovery (DCC: Digital COVID Certificate), Booking an appointment with a social security body, Booking an appointment with the National Health Fund (CNS) online, Making an appointment with the Health Insurance Fund for Communal Civil Servants and Employees, Making an appointment with the Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS) online, Social security registration for an employee or self-employed person and their family, Applying for the Luxembourg social security card / European Health Insurance Card, Social security registration for posted workers, Registering with the social security system and having healthcare expenses reimbursed as an employee posted to Luxembourg, Registering with the social security system and having healthcare expenses reimbursed as an employee posted abroad, Social security registration for students and trainees, Registering with the social security system and having healthcare expenses reimbursed while studying in Luxembourg, Registering with the social security system and having healthcare expenses reimbursed while studying abroad, Registering with the social security system and having healthcare expenses reimbursed as an intern, Social security registration for non-active persons, Registering with the social security system and having healthcare expenses reimbursed as a recipient of replacement income, Enrolling for voluntary health and maternity insurance, Ordering a certificate of affiliation or an income certificate from the Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS), Hiring of personnel for aid and care of dependent persons, Requesting a voluntary termination of pregnancy (VTP), Appealing to the National Health Mediation and Information Service, Bnficier des services daide aux personnes ges et/ou dpendantes, Registering for the Heatwave Plan for monitoring visits, Applying for coverage of healthcare services, Obtaining medical treatment abroad (scheduled care), Receiving unscheduled healthcare in a Member State of the EU or the EEA, Switzerland, Montenegro, Serbia or the Republic of North Macedonia, Receiving unscheduled healthcare outside of the EU, the EEA, Switzerland, Montenegro, Serbia or the Republic of North Macedonia, Assistance following the birth of a child, Cash compensation in the event of an accident or illness, Incapacity for work due to accident or illness, Applying for social welfare aid through a social welfare office, Calling 116 000, the Europe-wide hotline number for missing children and children in distress, Receiving financial assistance from the government to cover the tuition fee for music education in the communal sector, Joining the National Library of Luxembourg, Making a legal deposit of a publication with the National Library of Luxembourg, Legal deposit: depositing audio or video documents with the National Audiovisual Centre, Applying to have a moveable asset listed as national cultural heritage item, Grant application for the restoration and showcasing of cultural assets classified as national cultural heritage, Inscription in the list of national intangible cultural heritage, Listing of an immovable asset as archaeological heritage, Join the work and holiday exchange programme, Rights and responsibilities of travellers, Informing the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of your stay abroad (Ltzebuerger am Ausland), Requesting consular assistance when traveling abroad, Tests for athletes to receive the national certificate of competence, Sports administration and coaching at the professional and amateur levels, Conditions of residence for third-country athletes or instructors, Applying for a basic and a Qualit+ subsidy for approved sports clubs, Enrol in a technical or administrative management course for different sports activities, Approval of a diploma/training course in the sports sector, Obtaining a licence to fish in waters bordering with Germany, Applying for a 3-day hunting permit (guest permit), Communicating the composition of the college of trustees of the hunting syndicate to the Minister, Declaring or updating bank details for hunting syndicates, Obtaining the certificate of aptitude for hunting, Constat et indemnisation de dgts causs par le gibier, Application for recognition of a foreign licence or certificate, Registering or identifying a recreational craft under the Luxembourg flag, Requesting a duplicate of an identification or registration certificate, a boat licence or an endorsement of a foreign boat licence, Requesting the deregistration of a pleasure craft registered under the Luxembourg flag, Transporting or transferring a firearm out of Luxembourg, Transporting or transferring a firearm into Luxembourg, Applying for a permit to organise a public event, party or fireworks display, Obtaining a licence to sell alcoholic drinks at an event, Paying the SACEM fee for the staging of a concert, dance or other public event, Applying for a road-building permit for billboards or banners, Understanding food safety requirements for special events, Applying for a temporary alteration of traffic routes and/or organising a procession on public roads, Applying for subsidies to organise 'congress tourism', Organising a sporting event on public roads, How to obtain the 'Green Events' or 'Mir engagieren eis' logo, Enrolling in a volunteer service programme, Requesting a certificate of participation, Becoming a volunteer in the emergency services, Amending a foundation's articles of association, Recognition of a non-profit association's status as a public interest organisation, Amending the articles of association of a non-profit association recognised as a public interest organisation, Approval of donations and bequests to an ASBL or foundation, Staying in Luxembourg for less than 90 days, Staying and/or working in Luxembourg for less than 90 days as an EU citizen, Staying in Luxembourg as a transferred EU national worker, Residence in Luxembourg of workers posted by businesses established in the EU, Residence in Luxembourg of workers posted by businesses established outside the EU, Third-country family members of EU Citizens, Staying in Luxembourg for less than 90 days as a third-country national and family member of an EU citizen or Luxembourg national, Luxembourg entry visa for third-country nationals, Staying in Luxembourg for less than 90 days as a third-country national, Working in Luxembourg for less than 90 days as a third-country national, Staying in Luxembourg for less than 3 months as a seasonal worker from a third country, Staying in Luxembourg for more than 90 days, Staying and/or working in Luxembourg for more than 90 days as an EU citizen, Loss, theft or damage to residence certificates, Loss, theft or damage to the registration certificate or the permanent residence permit for EU nationals, Requesting a permanent residence permit for EU citizens, Common procedures for all third-country nationals, Medical check-up for third-country nationals, Conditions of residence for third-country salaried workers in Luxembourg, Salaried work for third-country highly qualified workers (EU Blue Card), Staying longer than 90 days in Luxembourg as a third-country national temporary intra-corporate transferee (ICT), Staying in Luxembourg for more than 3 months as a third-country national posted by a business established outside the EU, Staying in Luxembourg for more than 3 months as a third-country national posted by a business established in the EU, Staying in Luxembourg as a third-country national seasonal worker, Conditions of residence for self-employed third-country workers, Family members of third-country nationals, Application for family reunification for third-country nationals, Carrying out an ancillary activity as a third-country national family member of a third-country national, Carrying out a salaried activity on an ancillary basis as a holder of a residence permit for private reasons, Conditions of residence in Luxembourg for private reasons for third-country nationals, Application for an authorisation to stay for exceptional reasons: schooling for at least 4 years in Luxembourg, Conditions of residence in Luxembourg for students taking part in an exchange programme, Conditions for residence in Luxembourg for students from third countries, Completing part of your studies in Luxembourg as a third-country student with a residence permit issued in another Member State of the European Union, Staying in Luxembourg to find a job or start a business after completing your studies, Conditions of residence for third-country national trainees, Conditions of residence for third-country researchers in Luxembourg, Doing part of your research in Luxembourg as a third-country researcher with a residence permit issued in another Member State of the European Union, Staying in Luxembourg to find a job or start a business after the research work, Conditions of residence for third-country volunteer workers, Conditions of residence for young au pairs from third countries, Conditions of residence for investors from third countries, Application for an opinion on an investment project in the context of an application for an investor residence permit - Ministry of Finance component, Long-term resident status for third-country nationals, Loss, theft or damage to the residence permit of a third-country national, Staying in Luxembourg for more than 3 months as a third-country national and family member of an EU citizen or Luxembourg national, Loss, theft or damage to the residence permit for family members of a EU citizen, or of the permanent residence permit for family members of an EU citizen, Requesting a permanent residence permit as a non-EU national and family member of an EU national, British nationals and members of their family, Applying for a residence document for British nationals and members of their family who are nationals of a third country, covered by the Withdrawal Agreement (for persons who are residents on 31 December 2020), Applying for a residence document for a family member, whether a British national or a third-country national, covered by the Withdrawal Agreement for persons arriving after 31 December 2020, Applying for a permanent residence document for British nationals and members of their family who are nationals of a third country and covered by the Withdrawal Agreement, Requesting a document for a British national which attests to their rights as a cross-border worker, Loss, theft or deterioration of the residence document of a British national or his/her family member as a beneficiary of the Withdrawal Agreement, Third-country national cross-border workers, Working in Luxembourg as a third-country national and cross-border worker, Work permit exemption for third-country nationals who are the spouse, partner or child of an EU citizen cross-border worker, International protection (asylum seekers and applicants for international protection), Rights conferred by international protection, Loss or withdrawal of international protection, Work for applicants for international protection, Renewal of the residence permit for beneficiaries of international protection, Application for the status as a stateless person, Work for beneficiaries of a postponement of deportation or suspension of deportation for medical reasons, Taking part in a school trip as a young person applying for international protection, Concluding a Welcome and Integration Contract, Declaring personal property to the customs when moving from a third country to Luxembourg, Certification of higher education diplomas obtained abroad and their registration in the register of certificates, Integration through schooling and language, Declaring means of payment and foreign currency, Going on a school trip as a young person from Ukraine (beneficiary of temporary protection), Application for a status change for displaced persons from Ukraine who are beneficiaries of temporary protection, Luxembourg citizens residing in the United Kingdom, Staying/working/studying in the United Kingdom as a Luxembourg citizen, Travelling between Luxembourg and the United Kingdom, Staying/working in Luxembourg as a British citizen, Employment in the public service in Luxembourg, General questions and secretariat: (+352) 247-84 547, B.P.
Joseph Obiamiwe Wilson Mother,
Steelo Brim Sister Picture,
Nh Fish And Game Officer Injured,
Leo Sun Sagittarius Rising Compatibility,
Articles A
article 7 luxembourg citizenship