minergate not working

MinerGate is a mining pool created by a group of cryptocoin enthusiasts. Thanks to it, the early MinerGate users were able to mine Monero along with Bytecoin, Fantomcoin, Dashcoin, and some other currencies. and our People pointing to the platform itself saying its not as good is rubbish because there are few developers in the world that can build a miner to run as well as Claymore. m 06:41:19 main Speed 0.00 Mh/s gpu/0 0.00 [A0+0:R0+0:F0] Time: 00:18 They claim that MinerGate is displaying lower hashrates for your hardware than what is actually being used. On the one hand, PPS allows getting stable rewards however, PPLNS is the way to get a bigger block reward percentage although the risk is involved. Its is something I am going to look into. privacy statement. MinerGate xFast GUI Miner is an easy-to-use yet high-performance mining software. Privacy Policy. STAY AWAY GUYS!! m 06:41:24 main Speed 0.00 Mh/s gpu/0 0.00 [A0+0:R0+0:F0] Time: 00:18 mining with the program is way too slow, so I tried mining with console miner, but it sonstantly reports "UNKNOWN CURRENCY" - while ALL other currencies work and can even start mining, Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). I guess we could get back to the previous situation if they would focus on monero again. Step 4. 1.8GB total while RandomX needs a free minimum of 2.3GB. They kept my mined XMR - for themselves. Pause for 3 s."""" in the command line window. Update config for the batch file to be utilized with Version 15 of EthMiner ( This setting is for Mining Ethereum Classic - Based upon the TCP/IP port of 45777) So version 15 will not work until both sides of the fence are using the same level/builds. I ran this on my Surface Pro, which is ideal for writing and content work. For more information, please see our The Mining tab is probably the most complicated, but its pretty easy to get your head around. I will tell you in this post how to fix the issue manually and how to clean it automatically using a special powerful removal tool. Also the file name may be: chromium.exe instead of chrome.exe. Always. What I am finding in the help text from the old EthMiner compared to the new, is that some functionality has changed. """ I can't mind Ethereum, others seems to work fine. All I have to do in the past, is just drop the new Ethminer into that directory that the shortcut points to, and then click on the desktop shortcut to run the latest EthMiner. https://minergate.com/altminers/ethminer Click the Withdraw tab when youre ready and select your currency from the dropdown menu. While computing the real cost of minting cryptocurrency is a long drawn process, and is constantly evolving, it is safe to say that youll end up spending more money in electricity and cooling costs than the value of the mined crypto. Remove MINERGATE virus from running processes. Coin Monero with Algo argon2/chukwa is a mismatch? As noted in the policy listed above, Google allows apps that help you manage cryptocurrency mining thats being done remotely, either in the cloud, or on your computer. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, There are a number of cloud mining companies who rent out Hash Power in their facilities so you can mine without buying expensive equipment. The 15.0 version, doesn't work just for me, it makes me think that some of the command line options have changed. The user interface is openly downloadable and allows people to quickly start mining Ethereumand a selection of other altcoins. Whilst everything works well, the mining does not utilise my GPU. MinerGate is one of a number of Android apps capable of mining. Nate Drake is a tech journalist specializing in cybersecurity and retro tech. ethminer -U stratum1+tcp://etc.pool.minergate.com:45777/youremail@emaildomain.com. The result was a $25 earning potential over a year. All you need to do is select your core output and let it do its thing. If it turns out that the intruder has already withdrawn your money you can request the blocking of the intruder's account via the customer support service. The software allows you to mine cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Monero and more from your PC or laptop. Hackers steal passwords, emails from hookup websites, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor doesn't need the Force to play at 8K just the Nvidia RTX 4090, Amazon needs to release a small Kindle with note-taking abilities. I sent multiple messages to Freewallet and they are not giving back my account. As opposed to MinerGate, the network is also compatible with systems using scrypt algorithms, proof-of-work ideas, and multiple mining techniques, including ASIC and GPU alternatives. Currently the most popular Monero mining app in the Google Play Store is Coinhive (opens in new tab). ethminer -U -S eth.pool.minergate.com:45791 -u YOUR_EMAIL**** for over 6 months with no problems. Dont see any text popup up in the window either. At times, this maintenance was continuing for months making people lose their trust in the platform. Use the slider to choose the amount of Hash Power you want to purchase. MinerGate client is equipped with the original block explorer so users can check the transactions on-chain. The first option is to use their software that comes with a Graphic User Interface ( GUI) and the second option is to use their console. One rather large problem relates to the ability to access ones funds. Again, you can designate different amounts of power to each mining process. Once done just add the folder and file to Anti-virus or Windows Defender . Your email address will not be published. Ok, but I not looking to connect to the stratum pool, so what is listed above is totally different that what is listed in minergate for the ethminer. Is it true that you must be much more careful with GPU mining in terms of damaging hardware? It helps users to break down the usual complexities found in mining to a simple download and run process. You are receiving this because you commented. Configure two-factor authentication (2FA) through the user's account. Delete any task related to MINERGATE. The MinerGate app has a very useful chat feature, which allows you to get in touch with more experienced users. Minergate Forum for CPU/GPU miners, cryptonote miners, bitcoin miners, litecoin miners. To begin, go to the menu at the top left then select Free Coins. Those who crave Ethereum can use Ethminer that exists in the Windows x64, macOS X, and Linux versions. At a close look, we can figure out that some of these users didn't reach a minimum withdrawal threshold. Monero can be mined with xmr-stak and xmrig. i 06:39:24 stratum Trying Next, choose the cryptocurrency you plan to mine using the dropdown button on the right. Heres a quick run-through to show you the steps. From here, you can view your exact balance for all mined cryptocurrencies. How to use MinerGate: Step 1. 0x012345678901234567890234567890123.miner1@ethermine.org, 0x012345678901234567890234567890123.miner1@nanopool.org, 0x012345678901234567890234567890123@nanopool.org, https://github.com/ethereum-mining/ethminer/blob/master/docs/POOL_EXAMPLES_ETH.md, https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AhRH3kLpu7CZ68Mn4abRG1hZywSRm6nkks5uM4pvgaJpZM4Vsyt7, They have adjusting diff: at first connection they apply a very low diff to mining jobs causing ethminer to find an insane number of valid shares which may cause trouble to concurrency threads in ethminer then slowly the diff raises (the more powerful is your mining device the more sensible is this problem), Minergate as a pool is very discussed: mainly due to their habit to "spam" blocks with lots of unneeded data. Some companies are, however, bringing cryptocurrency mining to the average user. Innovations in mining, Customer support service is slow Either click Smart Mining for the most profit or manually select a cryptocurrency. This interface consumes some of the hashing power but is easy to use by those who have little to zero experience in mining. I will try what you had mentioned, but just to raise one point, Mingergate console, no password is required, So not sure if Ethminer, looks for that password space to be filled, and if not generates an error. Q. """"". The platform was founded in 2014 and has gained a multi-million user base since then. Discover the directories where such processes start. Sometimes MINERGATE uninstaller does not work./p>. """, Thank you, I wasn't thinking about that, or did even fully realize it, I thought transactions ID are optional? STEP 6: Clear the Windows registry from MINERGATE virus. It supports both CPU and GPU mining. 1. Worker, ethminer -U -P stratum+tcp://email@emailaddress.com@eth.pool.minergate.com:45777, One of -G, -U, -X, -M, or -Z must be specified, So then I added - U after Ethminer.exe but before the -P. Heyyyyyyyyyyy I got it..Some tinkering and all is good. FFS, I can't even log in to it as it throws up a login issue dealing with java certs. Un robo, tengo 4 meses esperando se confirme lo minado y todavia no lo confirman, llevo 3 correos pidiendo estatus y no me dan respuesta, me abren otro ticket y tengo que seguir esperando,hasta cuando? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I have been waiting months to get my money from minergate. Here is the new errror.Only reason I had kept letting it run, is because I am multitasking and writing some emails.. ====================== It was just doing this =============. To workaround you have to URLEncode your email address basically replacing @ with %40. i 06:39:24 main Disconnected from etc.pool.minergate.com [] i 06:39:31 main Retrying in 2 Your email address will not be published. Apps such as MinerGate Control do not really mine cryptocurrency on your smartphone. The first page will encourage you to start Smart Mining. Couldnt I just sideload it? In the explorer, one can see the contents of certain blocks including transaction hashes, block rewards, and other properties and facts. Any good alternative? Pause for 3 s. A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. i 06:41:22 cuda-0 No work. For instance, the way the software that mines bitcoins is written, while the time taken to produce a bitcoin doesnt vary, the computing power used to produce it does. STEP 8: Remove MINERGATE from Internet Explorer. Head over to MinerGate and sign up. Console miners are capable of providing a better hashrate but they require a better understanding of computers and mining as they have no graphic interface and are managed through a command line. Youll need this to authorize withdrawals and transfers. I've being investing in cryptocurrencies since 2016. Nevertheless, as minergate requires an email address to login you can handle two cases: In both cases email address has to be urlencoded and that implies @ to be replaced with %40, From what I have seen in the chat groups some months back there are some people that do use the console, on MGate. """"" This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 24, 2022. To mine cryptocurrency with the MinerGate app, you need a compatible device. Not all of the side miners are supported by the pool, however, the list is quite long, and for years people were using their favorite mining software to get coins in the MinerGate pools. Did the full spec sheet for the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 just drop? Based on the new code architecture, the app shows impressive hashing output, making your mining experience even more efficient. You signed in with another tab or window. MinerGate is a cryptocurrency mining brand. Use the dropdown menu on the main screen to choose your cryptocurrency. You can unsubscribe with one click. Specify one or the other instead of both, or use --coin monero --algo rx/0 so they match correctly. Ignoring the fact that mining cryptocurrencies requires a huge amount of processing power, Google and Apple dont allow on-device mining on Android and iOS hardware. 2. The platform provides convenient software for mining a number of crypto coins and a mining pool in which this software or one of the supported side apps can be used. ethminer -U -S etc.pool.minergate.com:45777 -u (with my email address), Older version worked, but ver 15 generate the error of - S and -u was not expected. Go through the registration by entering your email and creating a password. If I can obtain or someone could steer me to the latest command line options for 15, so that i can check if the old commands in the bat file I have, work with the newest version of Ethminer. If withdrawals were a technical issue, then maybe this has been fixed. MINERGATE can redirect your browser search, collect your personal information and sell it for advertising. As the number of unsatisfied users was growing, the company has abandoned the cloud mining service completely. The platform provides convenient software for mining a number of crypto coins and a mining pool in which this software or one of the supported side apps can be used. The reward percentage is calculated depending on the timeframe the miner was sending shares. You can put your computer to work while you arent using the hardware. Its a common misconception that the team behind MinerGate is also the team behind Changelly, which builds trust. X 06:39:28 stratum No more ip addresses to try for host:etc.pool.minergate.com I have just tested it with Version 15 of EthMiner. 3 months and waiting. i 06:39:33 main Selected pool etc.pool.minergate.com:45777 Ive asked our mining expert, Ian, to compare MinerGates performance to one of the alternatives Claymore miner. Q. New Version does not support the -S 1 In the email field enter a valid email address. Minergate fix for Ethereum/classic (unknown error) BTCMad 142 subscribers Subscribe 23K views 5 years ago Hi all and welcome to my video on fixing minergate when you have the red "unknown.
minergate not working