what is the flag from the html comment? tryhackme

For GET requests, this is normally web content or information such as JSON. When you find the issue, click the green button in the simulation to render the html code. Deploy the machine No answer required Task 2. An excellent place to start is just with your browser exploring the website and noting down the individual pages/areas/features with a summary for each one. This page contains a list of recently published news articles by the Click the green View Site button at the top of the task. This means that any comments you add to your HTML source code will not be shown when the document gets rendered in a web browser. This question is freebie; you can fiddle around with the html, add some tags, etc. Question 1: 1st flag (cookie value) This challenge is based on the same real-life internet puzzle by the same name. This was pretty simple. As a beginner, when I'm told to look into the "source code", I would naturally go to Inspect Element or View Page Source. the last style and add in your own. These can be added at will. Right Click on flash.min.js in the central part of the screen and select Pretty print source to make it easier to read. This comment describes how the homepage is temporary while a new one is in development. (2) You can add