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what is a group of bandits called

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In historical settings where these practices were common, the line between privateer and pirate was blurred. Local responses were mixed but increasingly hostile to such collective negative stereotypes. [27] Similarly, Zhang's comrades Liu Brothers and Tiger Yang had wives and children. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Colorful memoirs by buccaneers such as William Dampier and Lionel Wafer influenced the depictions of pirates by the writers Daniel Defoe and Robert Louis Stevenson and thus were important sources for the modern pop culture image of the golden age of piracy. Barcelona, 19621963. The act resembles both a sacrificein that the victim of the second murder is not responsible for the firstand a legal punishmentin that the violent retribution can be seen as imposing an act of reparation on the offender. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age ofPhilip II. C for Cobras A group of cobras is called a quiver. In the late nineteenth century Corsican bandits liked to present themselves as "Robin Hood" figures. Bande armate, banditi, banditismo e repressione di giustizia negli stati europei di antico regime. Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. In Sicily, such support was forthcoming from mafiosi (local men of authority who often engaged in illegal activities and protection rackets) or local politicians. He set himself up outside the community and thus as the ultimate sacrificial victim. He is still celebrated in German folklore, being idealized as a "social bandit." They exhibited little loyalty and switched sides according to their assessment of the best potential profit. His Italian counterpart was Marco Sciarra, who controlled the countryside around Rome in the 1590s. Noted for their fur (or hair) and ability to produce milk to feed their young, mammals come in all shapes and sizes. Some estimates suggest that there are 1.4 billion insects for every single human on the planet. The bandit is thus not so much an expression of peasant reaction to oppression or a form of wish fulfillment as a transfiguration of peasant suffering, transformed from individual execution to the collective personification of sacrifice. Brigantaggio politico had already emerged as a central feature of Corsican independence strategies against Genoa under Giacinto Paoli and Gian-Pietro Gaffori in the mid-eighteenth century. Throughout the early modern period, especially in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, affluent travelers and merchants as well as peasants and farmers were afraid of banditry. In the nineteenth-century Mediterranean, banditry was particularly strong where pastoralists occupied an intermediate position between small-scale cultivators and large-scale proprietors, as in northern Greece, or where overseers and sharecroppers occupied that position, as in rural Sicily, but also where pastoralism was prominent in its own right, as in Sardinia and Corsica. They were known as train and bank robbers. In casual conversation the words pirate, buccaneer, and corsair tend to be used more or less interchangeably. Looters are the first-tier infantry for Bandits. However, if youre in doubt, you can always stick with herd or group. A widespread and effective climate of fear would in any case be difficult to maintain if it were to be reduced to the potential violent actions of a few individuals, unless it were supported by a consent bandits received at the local level. In Northern Canada, the term fluffle is also used to refer both to the group of hares and rabbits. [39], Marauding was one of the most common peasant reactions to oppression and hardship. Revenge in kind is threatened by the family who made the initial slight. The modern state stereotypes regions within it as inhabiting a bygone era, thus rationalizing repression of legitimate regionalist, autonomist, and cultural aspirations by labeling them as banditry. See also Crime and Punishment ; Vagrants and Beggars . Most bandits in Corsica saw themselves as victims; they spoke about their "disgrace," "destiny," and "fate" (poveru disgraziatu). During the Ming Dynasty, military and civil jurisdictions were separated. No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks but witnesses have attributed it to "bandits", the catchall phrase for criminal gangs masterminding frequent bouts of abduction, maiming . a group of bandits | English examples in context | Ludwig BANDITRY. In the hands of urban intellectuals it points to the bad old days before the establishment of the nation-state, when life and property were not secure. She brings her brothers along on a journey with Peter, a group of bandits called the Lost Boys, and his pint-sized pixie friend Tinker Bell, to the magical world of Neverland. The Rousseauesque utopia inverted traditional wisdoms and manufactured the bandit as the first modern primitive within the borders of Europe. And "La Carambada," a female bandit who dressed in male clothing, robbed travelers in Quertaro, Mexico, during the mid-nineteenth century. While there isnt an official committee that says its a murder of crows or a crash of rhinos, its still worth knowing these different animal group names for your writing and personal knowledge. The members of the gang were , Emmett "Em" Dalton, born in 1871, Robert "Bob" Renick Dalton, born 1869 and Gratton "Grat" Dalton, born in 1861. J "Banditry The serrano (mountain region) uprisings during the Mexican Revolution offer another good example of political banditry cutting across class barriers. In part two of this three-part series, Jan Westmaas and his tour group get a taste of the food and architecture of the town of Irazu, Costa Rica, with an unplanned visit to the volcano museum. The mythology and rhetoric that surround banditry must be interpreted carefully. According to Hobsbawm, the characteristic feature of social bandits is that "they are peasant outlaws who the lord and state regard as criminals, but who remain within peasant society, and are considered by the people as heroes, as champions, avengers, fighters for justice, perhaps even leaders of liberation, and in any case as men to be admired, helped and supported" (p. 17). Women played only a minor role in banditry. [38], Similarly, small groups of local bandits could also end up joining larger groups of rebels. Richard W. Slatta, "Banditry as Political Participation in Latin America," in Criminal Justice History: An International Annual 11 (1990): 171-187. The brigands found their victims mostly among rich merchants traveling through the forest in that part of France. Banditry, Chivalry, and Terror in German Fiction, 17901830. In Andalusia local communists turned nineteenth-century bandits into protorebels in the regional cause, symbols in their devolutionist struggles with Madrid. In contrast, Rosalie Schwartz argues that western Cuba's banditry reflects neither class conflict nor social banditry. Souna is soon rescued by Garami, an Arms Peddler who sells weapons to clients wishing to buy guns. Whereas smaller animals such as dogs were destroyed, larger ones such as sheep were grievously wounded, and the largest animals (bulls, mules, etc.) Calculated arbitrariness in imposing one's will and extravagant generosity are two aspects of the same phenomenon. Eleodoro Benel (18731927), a bandit leader in northern Cajamarca, Peru, was one of many such grasping, rural petty tyrants whose main goal was self-aggrandizement. Looter (Bannerlord) | Mount & Blade Wiki | Fandom Domination by the wealthy forced the rural masses to defend their interests through various means. Chicago, 1935. Yes! Encyclopedia of European Social History. [22] This was especially troubling when soldiers lived physically far from their superiors: when soldiers committed robbery, civil officials had no jurisdiction nor power to apprehend them. [2], Pope Sixtus V had about 5,000 bandits executed in the five years before his death in 1590, but there were reputedly 27,000 more at liberty throughout Central Italy. Gambetta, Diego. Bandits required protection in order to survive; otherwise they were quickly killed by the landlords' retainers, the police, or the peasants. If theres a boat but no water, you need to go back to pirate school. was, as Hobsbawm has shown, a somewhat less suitable candidate for idealization. Billy Jaynes Chandler, The Bandit King: Lampio of Brazil (1978). "[10] As a result, Tong finds that banditry, like other types of collective violence, had a spatial and temporal pattern. "The Greek Hero." Man New Ser., 14 (1979): 477496. Banditry can be defined simply as the act of taking property from another by using force or the threat of force. He further expanded the field in the 1969 study Bandits. 'A cauldron of bats generally assembles in a . A trader who worked for Queen Philippa of Hainault, the wife of Edward III, was holding some jewels on her behalf in his house in London. Banditry is a vague concept of criminality and in modern usage can be synonymous for gangsterism, brigandage, marauding, terrorism, piracy and thievery. Molfese, Franco. When elites denied them access to land or to a living wage, the rural masses struck back using legal and extralegal tactics, including banditry. [35] His gang of bandits eventually grew into a rebel army and Deng conducted attacks on the government in Fujian. It functions as a warning and a deterrence against further acts of violence. Although they were supported by the local community whose yearnings for a prepolitical just world they embodied, they were usually betrayed. 9 Most Outrageous Outlaw Heroes - bandits - Oddee window.__mirage2 = {petok:"EV6XD901GYmICFHXx6qFgPW3RpXZeJL5FpM.yILeC4E-86400-0"}; In his Contrat social (social contract; 1762) the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau singled out the Corsicans in Europe as the one people fit to produce just laws. As the genesis of banditry was personal, so too was its prosecution. Paul J. Vanderwood, Disorder and Progress: Bandits, Police, and Mexican Development (1981). This group are usually the bad people. Yet through that act the bandit embarked on his final transformation. In postindependence Greece Klephtic heroes figured prominently in nationalist rhetoric. There were basic differences between banditry in predominantly agricultural areas and in mountainous pastoral areas. Ancient History, Middle Ages and Feudalism. [17], The Capital Region also housed a huge number of soldiers with Ming's system of hereditary military and a major portion of bandits were actually soldiers stationed in the region. What A Thug's Life Looked Like In 19th Century India A group of travelling merchants are called carvans Why. The name is derived from the French boucan, a grill for smoking meat, and was first applied to French wild game hunters living in western Hispaniola in the early 17th century. The victim was therefore defined taxonomically. Like Robin Hood's Band of Merry Men, Kil-tong's group of bandits. Sometimes you look at a group of animals, and youre not really sure what to refer to them as collectively. The Uskoks of Senj: Piracy, Banditry, and Holy War in the Sixteenth-Century Adriatic. Richard W. Slatta, ed., Bandidos: The Varieties of Latin American Banditry (1987). In banditry, as in feuding, from which it in part derives, personalized violence is crucial and finely graded; the intensity of violence, however distasteful to a modern sensibility, suggests a form of control. ." But bandit myth, like most myth, expresses only half-truths. Banditry, then, can be an expression of mass discontent, a means of achieving a political agenda, or a yearning for economic betterment. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. . Marginal rural people became guerrilla bandits, drawn to war by coercion or by promises of booty. Retrieved April 27, 2023 from In Latin America it was part and parcel of an expanding frontier economy. Some of the most notorious corsairs were the Barbary corsairs of North Africa, who were aligned with the Ottoman Empire but were often beyond the empires ability to control them. Other famous bandits of the eighteenth century were Nickel List, who was active around 1700 in North Germany, and Lips Tullian, who committed most of his crimes in the Saxon region of Germany. Parish Mass on the Fourth Sunday after Easter. (30th April 2023 Bandit Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary Bandits in Peru, Mexico, and Argentina operated in a similar fashion. Where banditry has persisted, it can clearly be linked to the inability of the state to control the countryside. What is a Group of Rabbits Called? [35] Bandit-rebels were not only common in late Ming. Histoires curieuses et vritables de Cartouche et de Mandrin. [36] Their illegal actions eventually evolved into open rebellion against the Ming Dynasty as they blatantly besieged cities, seized imperial weaponry, extended area of operation southward, and even assumed rhetoric and attire of an imperial dynasty. New Haven, Conn., 1985. Many bandit gangs developed and profited from close ties to regional and local power brokers: the Caudillos (political bosses) or coroneis (planter elite). Female gang leaders were out of the question in early modern times, although some of the women associated with organized robbery, such as the famous German archthief named Alte Lisel, could well have commanded a band themselves. Social bandits were considered by their people as heroes, champions, and fighters for justice in a world that often denied them justice. Banditry | It was rather that, by being betrayed and killed or publicly executed, they achieved sacrificial status. [27], Of course, the Ming government used a heavy hand to crack down on banditry. The other French bandit-hero of the eighteenth century, Robert Mandrin (17241755) Property, as a stand-in for its owner, was subjected to an excess of violence, such as the disembowelment of livestock, but not killed. Ming China was largely an agricultural society and contemporary observers remarked that famine and subsequent hardship often gave rise to banditry. Oxford, 1987. William M. "Bill" Dalton, born in 1866, was an outlaw as well and mainly rode . Many bandit groups plagued rural areas, but towns and cities could also be the haunt of the medieval gangster. The closer one gets to it, the more such positive features appear to recede. SOES Bandits: A slang term for traders who make rapid buy and sell orders, using the SOES system, in order to make a profit from small price changes.

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what is a group of bandits called

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