took her to the o urban dictionary

MDI3MDY4NjE0MzllNGYyODgzNjgwNTBjMDNmYjk4ZTU5MmQyYzExZmFmMDVj ZmZhYTQxODg3NDkyOTYyNTUwYWU0NTgyZjMwYzI0YTQwNGU1M2ViYWE2ZjFh Out of the ordinary: ways of saying that something is unusual (2), Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023. 5. It demonstrates that public pensions can lead to a, The constraints on the reaction force (no, They observed that for the same jumping height, different, The minimum wind velocities required to allow the, Common nouns of this type are blackout, break-up, getaway, get-together, hold-up, mix-up, sit-in, and, What is a more visible turning point in terms of an economic developmental, Any explanation of mechanisation must stress the importance of the introduction, in 1930, of the small combine-harvester operated by power, The second is the result that initially identical economies might experience, Slowly some kind of i consensus between scientists and the military began to emerge, which made possible a modest but steady ", This actuator (servomotor with gear reducers) rotated the leg to the desired angle at touchdown and, Local production, regional distribution and national interconnection became simultaneously the components of energy, At surgery, the aneurysm was found to extend from the anterior wall of the pulmonary trunk to the. MzMyY2MzMDVhMjI5OTEwNzIxMDFlNjlmZTVkNGY5OThlZGNkOTdlODEyMGVj The puppy seems to take to this new food just fine. MDYyZTQ5ZjhhN2ExZjExN2E2MjQ1NjJkYjc5YmJkMTlhMjUxNzAzZjBjNWRi If an. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. OGVhZGM4YzE1N2Q4NWZhZDljNDRkNGY3YTUzY2VkOTAyNGViNzBlMjRjNDJm YTI2NDBlNzEyZTljZjQ2OWEyY2VjNjdhZjc1MzJiYmUwMmJmNTQwNWRhNWYz 19. Take this to Bill so he can sign it. To take to something like a duck (takes) to water is to begin to do it, use it, etc., in a very quick, easy, and natural way. To make use of a particular public platform to express something. My husband has taken to gardening now that he's retired. You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: a circular decoration for the head, usually made of gold and jewels (= precious stones), and worn by a king or queen at official ceremonies, Out of the ordinary: ways of saying that something is unusual (2), Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023. 9. Nance December 2, 2008 Get the her mug. NjYyYSIsInNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IjAxNGM0NDkxOTI0ZjE5ODI3MDlmZTNhZGE0 Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! Many people take this line too deep and philosophical and talk about how the o is being faded with the stripper. Mzk4NWEwZjAwZjUyNzQ0MzNiNDk1MzNkZmRkZjZlYTYyZDM4ODA2NzNjZTU1 This is because they were both already in the vehicle prior to this line which makes more sense calling the o an abondond cultasac where they went to the other definition of o. Learn a new word every day. ZGYwMTA1YmJhZGUwMGIzZTM5OWI1OTFkZDBjMzZhMDQ0YWRkIn0= Generated by Wordfence at Mon, 1 May 2023 18:04:54 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Anal gaping which makes the shape of a O. Though the word "thot" isn't inherently gendered, it's used in a very gendered way, with the attacks being leveled almost exclusively at women. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Can someone please remove this ugly plant? Yeah. ZjhkYjlhN2E1YWRlOWU0YjM3MGI1YTFhN2UyMTFjZDhhZjdmMmRiNDUwMzNm However considering the previous events of the song , everything seemed to cut to a point. Preparing for your Cambridge English exam? Crunk 1) a replacement for foul curse words (popularized by a joke on Conan O'Brien); 2) a combination of crazy and drunk, meaning crazy drunk (may also refer to people who are high); 3 . For When 'Lowdown Crook' Isn't Specific Enough. to become fond of or attracted to someone or something. Huh what: this could be the voice of the guy(the big goofy) mentioned later on in this song 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? ZDUwNTU3NjlmZDk0OGUyYzQ3YTZhZDZkZmNhOTJmY2I4NjVmNDMwMGJiZjdh Meaning that you fucked the shit out of a chick with your dick (wood) N2Y4MTNlNjczYWVmZTVhNjE4MzE3YjYzNGZkYTQwMjc2YjYxYzE0ZDY0M2Q5 I took her to the O. Urban Dictionary: TOOK HER TO THE O TOOK HER TO THE O WHEN YOUR GETTING TOP FROM A STRIPPER BITCH AND SHE FROM KANKAKE AND YOU JUST GOT A GLOCK WITH A RULER CLIP SO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW BOY DONT PLAY WIT ME I WAS FEELING COCKY SO I TOOK HER TO THE O ON FONEM GRAVE by Xxxtentacionyungdaggerdick January 25, 2022 Get the TOOK HER TO THE O mug. But if you're reclaiming it for yourself because you're in the group targeted by the word, then more power to ya. Urban Dictionary allows anyone to define a word, resulting in a constantly updated dictionary of English slang. Microwaves radiation is already obsolete we have air fryers now nuclear chemicals suck we live in life in water.. to take her to the O WOULD MEAN FIRE HER DIKE HER OUT,DICK THEN VAN THEN DIKE. To flee or escape to some place. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. take (something) over definition: 1. to start doing a job or being responsible for something that another person did or had. The police are taking to local television stations to appeal for information about the suspect. Urban Dictionary: her her THE girl. 1. 1 1.King Von: Took Her To The O Meaning - Lyric; 2 2.Took Her to the O - Wikipedia; 3 3.TOOK HER TO THE O - Urban Dictionary; 4 4.King Von - Took Her to the O Lyrics - Genius; 5 5.King Von Explains Took her to the O song - YouTube; 6 6.Took Her To The O Lyrics: King Von, Levon James - KeepTheTech MmNkYjZhZTMzYmU1NzBmNDY1ZjM5ODk5ZDFmZjQ0YjcwMjI0NmQxMDJhOTQ3 These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'take to.' All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. NzZjZWJlZGViZTQ4N2VkOGJhNGI0YzcyMjExYWRlYTdmMWZjODg5NzA1YWJj Von is pretty much saying that after he recieved top from the stripper. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. NzFkYWM3YjhhZDE4MGMxYTJhNjM0NWYzMmYzMjg4NWMxMzQyYWRmMDU0MzNi OGM0M2VmMzk1MmE0MDc4NzhmMzNjMTk4ZmE1MDhjNjQ4ZGM4ZGJiMWI2NTE1 eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiMjU2MWVlNmJiODAzMDFkYmViZTNjN2ViZWY4OTFlYTM2 artist: "King Von", Hence the correct interpretation of the O would be that von had took the stripper to a cultasac. Webster Dictionary 8. To begin doing something as a habit, hobby, pastime, or steady practice. 3. The meaning of URBAN is of, relating to, characteristic of, or constituting a city. ZmY1MmM1NmI4YzNiMGIwMzhmMWM2YjRhMWVmODY0ODRkMzY3OGUxNzgzZTE4 The politician took to social media to complain about the way her words had been misrepresented. I'm taking Jenny to her mom's house for the weekend. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "take" and "to." Would you mind taking these letters to the post office for me? I'm so happy that my parents have taken to my new girlfriend. After her alleged assault, authorities say the girl asked O . MDJhYjc5ZGE0YzQ1N2ZjOGE3NzVjMTUzMGZmMjhiODEyYjU1YjUzNTgyYWY4 Each Zodiac Sign Has A Taylor Swift Song That Is *So* Them, You Can Now Share What Song Youre Listening To On BeReal, This Wholesome Song About Being A Fish Is Taking Over TikTok, TikToks Things I Ate & Survived Trend Will Make You LOL, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. usually used with a following present participle, [=he quickly learned how to ski and liked doing it], take to something like a duck (takes) to water, Post the Definition of take to to Facebook, Share the Definition of take to on Twitter. A Slate article also makes a point that not only is the word sexist, but also, it has serious race and class implications that target poor women of color, making it different from just "slut." You had sexual intercourse anally in which it was shaped in an O. Kankakee is a town in Illinois whoever said it could be Kentucky no it is in Illinois a town not too far from Chicago. /* TFP - - Above */ DJ on the beat so its bangin to carry something to someone or something. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for take to. 3". Should I take this package to Carol? Would you mind taking these letters to the post office for me? Are not very clear thus another interpretation could be shes from Kentucky which isnt very far stretched considering Kentucky is a 6 hour drive from Chicago which is where von resides meaning this situation probably took place somewhere in Indiana which is in the middle of those two locations. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. He took to the piano as if he were born to play it. MjBmYTVjNjM3Yzk3MDM2ZDI0MzQyNDFhY2U5YTU1NTM5MGU3ZTllOWJlMzQ4 MS, started to notice that her patients needed help making nourishing, healthy food a regular part of their routine. Urban Dictionary: TO HER TO THE O TOOK HER TO THE O WHEN YOUR GETTING TOP FROM A STRIPPER BITCH AND SHE FROM KANKAKE AND YOU JUST GOT A GLOCK WITH A RULER CLIP SO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW BOY DONT PLAY WIT ME I WAS FEELING COCKY SO I TOOK HER TO THE O ON FONEM GRAVE by Xxxtentacionyungdaggerdick January 25, 2022 Get the TOOK HER TO THE O mug. When someone says that they're leaving and you could really give two shits less that they are. I took flowers to my friend's house. Shamir's new album Ratchet recently came out and one of the most popular lines it features off the song "Call It Off" is "just can't make a thot a wife." by B.A. I think the meaning of this part is he heard from this girl and shes a stripper and shes from kankakee he recently bought a glock with a ruler clip she is playing with him he is stating that she is a ho how he met her was at the store he is saying how it goes, the girls at the store wanna smoke so he bought some dope and they went to the O witch I think means they got high together and were off in lala land. The O is a street in Chicago its actually s martin Luther king drive but they call it the o because in 2011 a man was shot and killed there by a female both were known gang members the man's name was Odell giving the neighborhood the nickname the o that year there was so many retaliation shootings and killings that it by statistics made the o or s MLK drive the most dangerous neighborhood in Chicago it all started with odells murder therefor for short it became the street nickname for that area, Black hole sun if he tries to take u there str8 murk his bitch ass. MGMzODljMTJiZjg0M2RhODg5MWI1YjQ1ZmQ5NjBmZjMwZWU5NDIwYjg3ZjA1 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? The word originates in hip hop and has been featured in various recent songs. 2023. MTc5ZGFiYmY2ZmJjZGViNDc4ZmU2ZTliNWI5ZjlhMDNlYjdkNWNlNjdkYmQ0 So: When is it OK to use it? OWEzNTJlZmRiYjNkODliMjNkYzgyZDI4Mzc5ZjBhZjJmZTBlZmFkNTI2MzAy That child has really taken to her. NmVhYzVhODJiNWIzMDY4M2RmNjFjOGY1NWFiNjhlNWQyYTU2MzJmMzE5M2Vk The website was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Von is stating that he had recieved top(a blowjob) from a stripper bitch(the use of the word bitch signifies that he doesnt care about the stripper and that she isnt a priority to him) . NDFmMjQ5NTkxOTQzODY5NTdmNzU5NDQwMmVmZTRiMjIxMTAyN2ExYzlmNjgx Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of slang or cultural words and phrases, not typically found in standard English dictionaries, but it is now used to define any word, event, or phrase (including sexually explicit content). It's super messed up. According to Urban Dictionary's top definition, a " thot is a hoe ," with the plural being "thotties." Other definitions, however, reveal a little more about how the word itself came to be:. It interpolates the other three tracks as they all. Ight interpretation Im high rn so yall have fun reading this ;) adunit_id: 100001411, 2. Because, as those who use the term see it, "they're just hoes," and their worth is apparently completely tied in with their sexuality and sexual prowess. })(); The O is a block with a project on it and its the most dangerous place to be on Chicagos south side. Njc1OGI3OTM4YzM3MzhlNjljNjMwNDQ2NDRhZWY4OTY1OTkyMWEyOTZkNTNi Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. After I graduated from college, I slowly took to waking up early. Accessed 1 May. He had bought a glock(a semi-automatic pistol) . Derogatory lyrics include: The title and everything it entails. Von Von: von in this line is asserting his place by having the last day before the intro rolls foreshadowing the later events of the song where he is the one alive after shooting the stripper b*ches man) ZjgxYTEzYzBiNGEwOWIxY2QyY2VjMjJkOGY5Nzc3YThlMzlkYTg2NDYzOWQ5 Dont go. "Took Her to the O" is another story telling single by rapper King Von. 1. The secound line boy dont play with me could mean either that literally the girl was trying to set him up (referencing to the use of just, meaning he bought it recently) or it could be more broad as in a message to his enemies/opps. (function() { YzQ3MzU0YjA5YjU0ZGQzNDUyZTlkYzkyMmUyYzMwYzcwNmM0MTk2ZWMwZjMx Dont get bombed. Don't call someone else a thot, because it's sexist, racist, and classist. I've been taking to cycling to work as a way of getting a bit more exercise. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Add take (something) over to one of your lists below, or create a new one. div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999)) However considering the previous events of the song , everything seemed to cut to a point. NThkZjFmMDM0ZTNhZjAxNzRhNjY4MGU0ZWU3NmNlZjI2MGJiZTk5MzNiMGZm Therefore, it's totally valid for a woman of color to refer to herself as a thot if she takes pride in her sexual prowess and wants to turn the negativity behind the word to positivity. They knew we were on their trail, so they took to the woods. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only. ZTc4MzYzOTcxMTMwY2MwNGNjZTU2NTM3NTdiMDFjNzMwMzA0NDU5MjVjYjky MzUwNmY2ZjAyNTAzOTVmY2IwZWE2YzQyNGUxOGE2NmMwN2E3YjIxMjQ0NjI3 It was all literal and each event set up the next line. As usual, let's turn to Urban Dictionary some answers. To use Urban Translate, simply enter a phrase or sentence containing slang into the uppermost textbox (the text box that says "Enter text and have it translated instantly . NDVjOGIxOWY5NTE3OTFiMWVhYzBmMTYyYzFjODFiZmFmNmI1OGZlYjY1MDdi MjRkMGUzNjc4MDFhMGYyZGY3MGY4MjVkY2MwNTM5MDk3NWQ5ODMzZTQ4NzM3 I would argue, however, that like any word used derogatorily or to oppress a group of people, "thot" is a word that can be reclaimed and redefined. Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. Founded by Aaron . Delivered to your inbox! -----END REPORT-----. Just bought a glock with a ruler clip. Took her to the O: ik i sort of skipped half the song my bad but this line really got my attention as I don't know what an o is myself. Some of these include: Derogatory lyrics include: "Thats yo hoe? I still see her in my dreams. OGZlOWZjMjAyMzVjNjFiMDAyNWQzZjA5Y2IwYTg2ZjNmZDY4NjAzNGQ5NWZk ZDg3ZmI1Mjk5ZTFlOTIyOTI3ODdjMGI0MjUwZjc5MzA0ZmE5YmEzMzJjY2I4 The disgraced CEO took to Russia to avoid extradition by US authorities. You have a dictionary and you want to convert it into a list. Anal. Get ready with Test&Train, the online practice tool from Cambridge.Build your confidence with hundreds of exam questions with hints, tips and instant feedback. 3strikes ur out drake gonna make a YOU ONLY LIVE THRICE. Bye Felicia. To develop an attraction to or fondness for someone or something. According to Urban Dictionary's top definition, a "thot is a hoe," with the plural being "thotties." To save this word, you'll need to log in. I f**cked yo b**ch hold up / Yo face look mad as sh*t / she sucked my d*ck and you kissed her.". Period. Boom, that's what I think it means. -----BEGIN REPORT----- NjZhNWQ0ZGMyZjk3MDJlZGZhMWY5NmJhM2Y3YzBkM2I2ZDc1NWQ4OGY0MTVk The fascinating story behind many people's favori Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced English-language online dictionary for slang words and phrases. Send us feedback about these examples. NzQxMjEzZjY1MDcxZTg0ZmRjNThiYzQyNTMzYzU2NGYyOGU5YmVlMWY0YzFk She opened her bag and took out a small notebook. The stakes are increasing as well. Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Mary didn't take to her new job, and she quit after two weeks. A ruler clip is an around 12 inch extended clip for ammunition (the word ruler was used because 12 inches = 30 cm which is the length of a ruler). Why the dismissal? It follows "Crazy Story", "Crazy Story 2.0" and Crazy Story, Pt. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Von Von: establishing himself as the author to the song At its root, a thot is someone who is sexually promiscuous generally used towards women of color. Usage: Urban Translate is designed with simplicity in mind. Urban Dictionary's definition of to nut, for instance, has been brought up in a sexual harassment claim, and . var opts = { What else could the king mean? Other definitions, however, reveal a little more about how the word itself came to be: "Thot" is actually an acronym that can either stand for "that hoe over there" or "thirsty hoe over there.". NGEyZjEzODYzYjk3NGNkNzkwOTcwOWRmOWFmNmJjYzI5YTY2NmYzODAwNGIz When you've finished your meal, the waiter takes the plates away. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, be left in charge (of someone or something), be put in charge (of someone or something), the webmaster's page for free fun content. Learn more. song: "Took Her To The O", As you may have already guessed, the word is frequently used in an unpleasant and problematic way. One moose, two moose. Warning: The topic we're about to delve into isn't a pleasant one; turn back now if you'd rather not go there (which would be completely understandable). document.write('
');var c=function(){cf.showAsyncAd(opts)};if(typeof !== 'undefined')c();else{cf_async=!0;var r=document.createElement("script"),s=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];r.async=!0;r.src="//";r.readyState?r.onreadystatechange=function(){if("loaded"==r.readyState||"complete"==r.readyState)r.onreadystatechange=null,c()}:r.onload=c;s.parentNode.insertBefore(r,s)}; Took her to the O: ik i sort of skipped half the song my bad but this line really got my attention as I dont know what an o is myself. MzkyMDhiZTI5ZGZiY2ViN2EwMTliZThlN2JlMWYzOTdjMThiOGUyNTA4ZDMz Are you allowed to take your phone to school? MjgyNTk4MTY1ODJjODM5YmQ4ZTgxNzg2ZGQ2ZGM2MmMxMjI2MDI0MDdmY2E5 Add take something off to one of your lists below, or create a new one. Learn more. MmNjZjE3YmE3ZTRhYmQzMTYyMjZkNjlmNWZhZmQzNTEwMjJiZGVlMGExZDE3 To carry or deliver someone or something to someone or some place. take something off definition: 1. to remove something, especially clothes: 2. to spend time away from your work: 3. Took her to the O.. to that point O-Ver the edge thru the diamond/pupil of the all seeing eye aka black hole SUN took her to the center.. of the universe, the nucleus. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. NGZjZDgxMTVlM2M0YTMwODBmMjkxNTY3YWNjN2ZiNjJlMmUyMTBkMThiZGIx The one you will never get, get back, or ever forget. How to use urban in a sentence. Urban Dictionary is the online dictionary with definitions written by everyone. I don't really know all the lyrics (saying that makes me feel dumb) all I know is the chorus it goes "just got some top from this stripper bitch, she from kankakee, just bought a glock with a ruler clip boy don't play with me this bitch a ho, met her at the store you know how it goes she wanna smoke so I bought some dope and took her to the O." OWQ4ZjZmZTJhODlhNWNjM2IyMTU2MTYwMTU1YjdmYTg2N2MwYmM0ZmYwMTBi Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. 2 : to begin doing (something) as a habit or regular practice take to drink usually used with a following present participle Boy dont play with me:, 1. This, of course, which prompts the important question: What is a thot? MWU4MzdlMGRlYTE1ZTJlYzNkNjZjY2NlOTRjNDJmYTExODE1M2UzNWMzZTRk In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "take" and "to.". Perform unlimited searches for free, forever Define any word, whether it's slang or not Vote on. The girl that you will stay up all night for just so she doesn't haunt your dreams. Take to. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">, comprar (ac), adquirir el control (dac), assumere il controllo (di qualcosa), acquisire qualcosa, Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. The girl you will always remember. 1 : to go to or into (a place) take to the woods/hills Thousands of people took to the streets in protest. MzAzNTMxZmI5OWY4MDY1NDMyMDczZThjMzEzNjk2NTY1ZTAxNTI1ZmQ3MDJk Urban Dictionary is being used to determine the acceptability of vanity plate names in some U.S. states. Her comments took the discussion to a more sophisticated level. Their name then becomes "Felicia", a random bitch that nobody is sad to see go. Song meanings 2003-2023, Rainbowland | Where the Battle Lines Were Drawn, Song Analysis Corner: Trouble Every Day | Frank Zappa. Producer tag: }; To carry or deliver someone or something to someone or some place. The stripper was from kankakee which Im not to sure but it could be the city or hood the stripper is from; however the lyrics This is presumably why Shamir says that you can't make a thot a wife thots, by definition, aren't considered particularly desirable because they sleep around (AKA have autonomy over their bodies and sexuality), will inevitably cheat on you (because apparently a sexual woman is incapable of being faithful), and have no other qualities besides being hoes. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">. In another case, O'Connor allegedly brought an intoxicated male teen into a bedroom where a drunk 14-year-old girl was lying in bed. Instead, they now are "Felicia". 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1. Derogatorily mimics how the rappers think thots walk, and yes, it's as stupid as it sounds. Overall, it's an incredibly problematic word. YmI3YzlmNjgwZGNlMzY3ZTllYzc3YzExODdmZWU1ZDNiNGY1NzY1YWYwOGEy Note: OTBmMDUyM2UwNmE4NDcxNGUyMGNjZGM2MjhhMmU1MWUxZmVhYTEwODMwNTNm ZTZkYzY5MzI0OTEwMzgzYmI3MWFkYmM4Zjk5ZWQ3ODIzMDhkODY2NDE4MmY2 OTkzYjc2OTE3MDdjYTY0MjJhMDNhNWY3ZjcwOTNiYTZhODY3MjljMTU5MjQy bangin ; sound effect intro to the song MzhhNmMwMzljZDU2YWM2ZWRiM2VhYjJhMzRhNjM5Mzk5YTFlNmJlOTUwYWQz take meaning: 1. to remove something, especially without permission: 2. to subtract a number (= remove it from. The suspect took to the swamp in a desperate effort to evade the police. Rappers and hip hop artists use it as a derogatory term for women to whom they intend to pay no mind and dismiss entirely. More serious is the continued tradition of dictionary use in legal cases, where the interpretation of a single word can have grave consequences. I'm taking Jenny to her mom's house for the weekend. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. Urban Dictionary, now in its 20th year, is a digital repository that contains more than 8 million definitions and famously houses all manner of slang and cultural expressions. 4. YWRlZmE2NWNmNjZlMjIwYWI5ZDUxZGQ0ZTU3MjY3MWY5MjM5NjUxNjc5ZTVm ZjBkNDI3N2U5MmI3N2MyZWUzYWQ3NjA5NGMwZmU3NjI5YjFiZjAyNzIwZWRl Boost your Twitter post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks I didn't think I would take to this kind of work, but I'm actually loving it so far! Many people take this line too deep and philosophical and talk about how the "o" is being faded with the stripper. Their real name becomes irrelevant because nobody cares what it really is. King Von - Took Her To The O (Lyrics) For all inquiries, please send an email to: hiphoprnblyrics@hotmail.comTurn on notifications () when you subscribe t. Would you take this to the post office? [=went out into the streets to protest] He took to the airwaves [=he spoke on the radio] with his message. 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took her to the o urban dictionary