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tips for drawing blood on obese patients

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The elderly lose fat tissue as well as muscle mass, making their skin saggy. Still, if you prepare yourself for any possible variable, you should be able to make drawing blood second nature. Use alcohol to stimulate the site to make the vein more visible. Sometimes, you may see a tendon thinking that it is a vein. If a patient is reluctant or fearful, it can interfere with drawing blood. If I can't feel it then I let SWAT come in with the ultrasound. Gloves are a must. Otherwise, it may indicate that you have missed which is when you should immediately back up. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It happens! It can really make the veins pop. What may be warm to you could be hot or even burn someone else. After assembling the appropriate equipment, follow the next steps to perform a proper venipuncture. If the veins are deep and not visibly popping out, use a tourniquet and have the patient lower their arm. Please wait while we send your information. Blood pressure cuff is a great method of extracting blood in case that the veins are not visible enough. (function() { Applied Muscle Tension (AMT) is a series of simple exercises that help your blood pressure stay up and improve blood flow, so your chance of experiencing any side effects, like fainting, stays low. Follow your institutional guidelines or polices or get advice from qualified personnel. Top Student Loan Forgiveness Programs for Nurses, Top Nursing Interview Questions & Answers, How to Create a New Graduate Nurse Resume, Best White Shoes for Nurses and Nursing Students, Best Stethoscopes for Nurses and Nursing Students, How to Work in the US as a Foreign-Educated Nurse, Why Nursing is a Great Career Choice for Men. Patients Check out our list of the top non-bedside nursing careers. Ask the patient where they usually get stuck. Massage the arm. A tourniquet should also never be left on for more than one minute. Weight gain. Dismiss. tips on starting IV, drawing blood on obese patient. Additional equipment such as goggles and splash shields should also be worn in extreme situations. By explaining everything, you make sure there are no surprises ahead. A second option for finding veins and drawing blood are hand veins. Besides proper knowledge, you will also have to have a good head on your shoulders and to make sure you follow these venipuncture guidelines closely. Doctors usually mistake if for hyperkalemia when assessing the results. Blood tests are no longer Hi! I have had patients tell me nurses are more successful in one arm than the other, etc. Enjoy :). If at the hospital, get nursing staff to assist you. How to Use a Vein Finder on Obese Patient. This will move their fluid and/or tissue out of the way so you can see a good vein. The WHO has best practices that are key to preventing infection and being successful during blood draws. Reflecting off the subcutaneous tissue, the light colors subcutaneous and fat tissue. Fluid retention. For example, the veins of a middle-aged man will likely be easier to find than that of a woman, unless shes extremely active. Some patient-friendly advice for getting blood drawn include the following: Drink plenty of water an hour before the draw. Venipuncture is a skill that takes time and practice to master. Has 12 years experience. Afterward, make sure to store them properly. Can You Get an Associate Degree in Nursing Online? Be careful, though. WebYour effort to overcome obesity is more likely to be successful if you follow strategies at home in addition to your formal treatment plan. Another thing a person can do is to try to be relaxed as much as possible. They dont harm the patient in any way and can be used regularly to make your job easier and safer. Sometimes, you will need another person or two to help you with difficult patients. Students should study venipuncture in books and watch licensed nurses in clinical settings perform this task. Avoid exaggerated hyperextension, which can be uncomfortable for the elderly. You should draw blood in the following locations: Often, you wont know your patient personally before drawing their blood, unless you work at a smaller practice and have done it for them before. This, in turn, can cause increases in your blood pressure. Be sure that youre doing everything in your power to keep a level mindset before and during the blood drawing process. This can pose a real problem as their veins collapse quicker. obese patient venipuncture is one of the main parts of your job. Patients who are severely dehydrated can also make it difficult to find a vein. 0000005129 00000 n *This website is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services. How to Make Your Veins Pop Out to Give Blood I Feel Stuck - Like My Options Are Limited, Ethical Arguments Against Mandatory Vaccination, Nursing Student on Spring Break Saves Collapsed Man's Life, Candida Auris: Dangerous Fungus Spreading in US Health Care Facilities, Nurses Week 2023 | Best Discounts, Freebies, and More. One thing that I find that helps is using two tourniquets - take them together and tie it. Next, identify the vein that you will be using. The needle is in place but there is no blood flow? 196 45 just like everyone else. Anchor the vein. Apply the tourniquet one to two inches above the wrist if drawing a hand vein. Ask the individual to flex his or her arm a bit. Kindness and helpfulness must be shown to them. However, this article will take you through the basics of drawing blood so you can understand the steps and guidelines. When done drawing blood, ask the patient if all is well. It all depends on your preparation and equipment. They are not as healthy and strong as they once were. The medical expert needs a certain amount of practice as there are many things that can go wrong. Use your index finger to palpate and trace the standard path of the vein on the arm. That's why we rely on registered nurses and other experienced healthcare 0000005243 00000 n CMAA exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet Extend the arm. This Instead of forcefully tapping the vein, it is much better if you start stroking them. First, remember where to look. It worries me to see so many people in this thread and others talk about seeing veins and palpating them only if you can't see one. Congratulations, you just took the first step towards a new future by furthering your education. The three most commonly used veins for drawing blood are the median cubital, the cephalic, and the basilic veins. Remove the tourniquet as the last amount of blood is drawn. Using heat (such as a warm towel) or placing the extremity in a dependent position (to allow gravity to fill the veins) can help, too. Use a transilluminator to find or confirm vein A transilluminator is a cool way of finding or confirming veins. Every so often I'll go in an area where I'm not sure whether I feel anything or not, but know there's usually a vein there. But when dealing with a particularly disruptive or difficult individual, its imperative to balance both sympathy and professionalism in this matter. But lots of people swear by it, so there might be something to it! A doctor can access the femoral vein and others to draw blood. How To Draw Blood | A Step-by-Step Guide - 196 0 obj <> endobj xref Attach the needed tubes or syringes to remove the proper volume of blood. This is also called the practice of venipuncture. WebWhen the patient has never had blood drawn The most important factor in controlling the spread of infection is Hand washing before and after the patient Latex sensitivity is a type of Allergic reaction The recommended vein to perform the venipuncture b/c sometimes is more superficial than other veins is called Median cubical vein Contact should be limited and you shouldnt place the locator on burned skin. Get the latest on all things nursing by joining our email newsletter. }); Its important to remember that the patient is actually your most valuable resource during this process. I once had a patient who was a VERY difficult stick - I brought in the best of the best IV starters that were working that night, but no luck. Also, you can gently press the needle against the venipuncture site for several seconds before insertion so that the nerves can get accustomed. In this guide, well cover how to find a standard vein and what you can do if that vein isnt proving to be a good option. Sometimes you can find a good one there, though be careful as you insert the needle. 0000012097 00000 n Warn the patient that they will experience a sharp scratch. This is mainly due to the fact that different people have different biological systems which can make it harder to find and puncture the vein. Find a convenient blood drive near you and schedule an appointment to donate today. With the foot- some places require a specific order r/t other dx that can increase DVT risk :) 0000025579 00000 n We've looked at programs nationwide and determined these are our top schools. If other sites are resulting in no signs of veins then go back and re-examine the sites. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. Blood Test Vs Blood Donation (Comparisons). If you have an issue finding the vein, do not hesitate and call for a senior, more proficient colleague. There are two main ways to find a vein to draw blood. While traditionally a nurse would use their hands to feel for a vein, many hospitals are now using vein finders to help reduce the amount of time it takes to find a vein and start treatment. This can be a real time saver and it is also the best way of finding the right insertion point. Premarital blood tests have been done away with. Red light reaches a depth up to 6 mm. The first step is to discuss with the patient what you will be doing and why as well as gather all the needed supplies. If you experience dizziness or lightheadedness, stop what youre doing and sit down or lie down until you feel better; avoid performing any activity where fainting may lead to injury for at least 24 hours. However, for the elderly, it may be difficult. Then, apply heat to the lowered arm. This makes sense, as many individuals, particularly those with very low body fat in their arms, will have extremely visible veins. }; 0000016460 00000 n Difficult Blood Draws: Best Tips For Difficult Veins allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. To use a tourniquet to draw blood correctly, you should tie it three or four inches directly above the puncture site. In fact, the majority of intensive care units require their nurses to possess these skills. 0000018898 00000 n 0000009535 00000 n Whether youre becoming a nurse, a doctor or a certified medical assistant, youll probably have to draw blood countless times over the course of your career. Commonly referred to as the antecubital or the AC it can be found in the crevice of the elbow between the median cephalic and the median basilic vein. Click to visit Blood Collection: Special Considerations, Obese Patients In order to prevent it, professional will have to avoid phlebotomy from a hematoma and to avoid drawing plunger forcefully. You can do that by gently massaging the arm, from the wrist to the elbow. All rights reserved. Excess fat around the waist can put you at an even higher risk for obesity-related health problems, including heart disease and type 2 Try tourniquets, hot packs, gravity, and ask the patient where they usually have luck with blood draws. If you can find a vein with that desirable characteristic, youll know that youve discovered a usable vein, even if its not prominent. Ask the patient to make a fist and not pump the hand. Do it by performing a quick backward motion. Besides that, there are some additional considerations. 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tips for drawing blood on obese patients

tips for drawing blood on obese patients

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