teamsters local 710 phone number

He was elected as a Business Agent in 2017. This website contains only highlights of certain features of the Local 710 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Health & Welfare Plan and the Local 710 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Pension Plan (or Plans). He began as a Business Agent for Local 710 in October 2015 to represent members in the freight industry. He started his UPS career in 1984 during peak, worked both reload and preload, spent 20 years as a Package Car Driver, and has been a Feeder Driver since 2011. Your telemedicine benefits for in network PPO virtual visits will be paid at 100% through January 31, 2022. Toutes les autres marques et marques de commerce sont la proprit de leurs propritaires respectifs. He served on the national negotiating committee for UPS Freight in 2018 and has been appointed to the 2023 committee for TForce Freight. It was released from trusteeship in June 2017, paving the way for elections that fall. Read More, Did you know that prices for the same quality medicalservices can differ by thousands of dollars within thesame region and health plan network? He has chaired many grievance panels and has over 31 years experience as an agent. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. From organizing workers and negotiating solid contracts, to balancing its budget and growing its treasury, Local 710 has continued to make a major comeback and serve its membership since coming out of a trusteeship in 2017. Under the leadership of Secretary-Treasurer Mike Cales, Local 710 has worked hard to be fiscally responsible and responsive to the needs of its more than 13,000 members. (f pension)773.927.6325 Such mail will . He became a driver five years later and became a steward at the same time. Also include your local union number, if applicable. UPS is the single largest employer in the Teamsters Union. Local 710 Health Welfare and Pension Funds have been around for decades, and are stronger than ever. He represents members in freight and several other industries. The company is . Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Representing More Than 13,500 Workers Across the Midwest Michael J. Cales, Secretary-Treasurer, Street Address: Rule began his union career with Yellow in January of 1989 as a dockworker. 10-10-710-00 By mail: Caztel Communications PO Box 425 Sainte-Marie, Quebec, Canada . Founded in 1903, Teamsters performs tasks such as pension management, Safety and health community outreach, and Governmental affairs and communications. ); Baptismal certificate or statement as to date of birth shown by a church record, certified by the custodian thereof; Census Bureau notification of birth registration; Certification by physician or midwife in attendance at birth as to date of birth shown on his or her records; Certification of Bible or other family records; School records certified by the custodian thereof; Life insurance policy with the application; Labor union or fraternal record certified by the custodian thereof; Marriage license (application) or certificate providing the full date of birth is shown. Toutes les autres marques et marques de commerce sont la proprit de leurs propritaires respectifs. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). * The program gives you access to a nationwide network of fitness locations., (t) 773.254.2500 Get Phone Numbers, Address, Reviews, Photos, Maps for Teamsters Local 710 near me in Addison, IL. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Email. Phone; Charged Party / Respondent Legal Representative COLLINS, PATRICIA ASHER, GITLER, GREENFIELD & D'ALBA, LTD. 200 W Jackson Blvd Ste 1900 Chicago, IL 60606-6942 (312)263-1500 : Involved Party Employer JEWEL FOOD STORES: Melrose Park, IL 60160-1131 : Charged Party / Respondent Union TEAMSTERS, LOCAL 710: Houston, TX 77022-1524 : Charging . During the 1970s and 80s, as some industries grew smaller, others blossomed. (e) In May 2018, 180 drivers at Southern Glazers Wine and Spirits overwhelmingly ratified a new four-year contract that increased wages and improved work schedules, among other gains. Find their phone numbers & email addresses. The local has hired two staff members who will serve as business agents/organizers, and Local 710 will continue to make organizing a priority; Continued work to provide top-notch representation. Show all. Pssst, null vous voulez vous inscrire notre super infolettre de promotions locales ?Bien sr, vous pouvez vous dsabonner quand vous voulez, sans tracas. . As of June 30, 2019, the local had nearly $1.1 million in the bankthe first time in history that Local 710 had $1 million in the bank. Check here for more detailed information and frequently asked questions. He was elected Trustee in 2017 and served on the 2018 UPS negotiating committee. The Online Home of Teamsters Local 710 Representing more than 13,500 workers across the Midwest. By the mid-1960s, Local 710 represented more than 25,000 hardworking men and women. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what's great and not so great in Mokena and beyond. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. & DessinMC, PagesJaunes.caMC et PJ ShopwiseMC sont des marques de commerce de Pages Jaunes Solutions numriques et mdias Limite au Canada. Some of the initiatives include: Cales has also made working with Chicagos Joint Council 25 a priority. (f pension)773.927.6325 Phone number (708) 478-6496. Dick Bartolo Bob Downey Craig Friedrich Mike Stump Halvorson Matt Hamilton Keith Kazluski Anthony Lamy Neil McKinney Simon McNamara Mike Ramirez Phil Reams John Shaggy Rule Del Schaefer Bernie Sherlock Justin Vaughn. International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), Teamsters Union Local No 710 Scholarship Fund, International Brotherhood of Teamsters 179, Teamsters Union Local 25 Affiliated with Ibt, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Union Local No 135, Teamsters - International Brotherhood of Teamsters 118 TCWH, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union No 727, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 222, Private Foundation Excise Taxes on Undistributed Income, Gifts from Private Foundations to Donor Advised Funds, Secretary - Treasurer and Principal Officer, Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union 710. He has also worked as an organizer with the IBT and is now a 710 Business Agent representing a number of different industries. View Maria McCarthy's business profile as TITAN Operator at Teamsters Local 710. Email. MC, Canada411 MC, PagesJaunes MC, le logo des doigts qui marchent MC, MC, Trouver.& Dessin MC, MC et PJ Shopwise MC sont des marques de commerce de Pages Jaunes Solutions numriques et mdias Limite au Canada. In 2004, he became a Feeder Driver at the Jeff Street facility in Chicago, where he also served as a Steward for 8 years. Sherlock has been a union member for over four decades with the CTDU and IBT. How many employees does Teamsters Local 710 have? Custom solutions for your entire sales team, AssuredPartners of Florida LLC dba Transportation Insurance Advisors. Theyre doing the job and theyre doing it well.. Please look around at the various documents, forms, and resources provided. This has allowed us to do so much more for our 13,000 members and their families, and Im excited to see how we can continue to move forward.. No more than six (6) months before your pension eligibility date, you should contact the Pension Fund office for an Application to Commence Payment of Pension Benefits. Here you can find information, forms, and links for health care providers. Voter participation was up over past UPS contract votes. Teamsters Local 710 is an affiliate of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters committed to protecting the rights and advantages of its 13,000+ rank-and-file members. Browse Nearby. Im proud of how Local 710 has worked hard to steadily get on the right path toward continued economic growth, Cales said. Engage via Email. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Information pertaining to the 710 Health & Welfare Fund is . 710 Most of the early records of the local were destroyed in the fire as well, save for the record of minutes of its membership and executive board meetings going back to the early 1920s. Union for 46+ years, Business Agent Since 1992. "Mike Cales and his team have done an outstanding job turning this local union around," said Stu Hochfelder . Before he was appointed as a Business Agent in 2022, he worked as a Feeder Driver and served as a Steward at UPS Addison. Representing more than 13,000 workers in Chicago, Illinois and Across the Midwest Full details are contained in the Plan Documents that establish the Plan provisions. Progress was made on a number of supplements. It's free. He has sat on the negotiating committee for several rail contracts with 710 and continues to help organize new bargaining units for the Local. IBT MEMORANDUM: Update on Yellow's Proposed Change of Operations. During the post-war era, the country was experiencing rapid economic growth. Get Directions. Click to reveal t*** The Funds strength is borrowed from the hard work Local 710 members accomplish each day. Highway Drivers Health & Welfare Fund . Cause IQ is a website that helps companies grow, maintain, and serve their nonprofit clients, and helps nonprofits find additional foundation funding. You may also use the form located on the Contact Us pageto get in touch with us. . Seul le prnom et/ou le nom de famille est requis, mais fournir plus d''informations donne des rsultats plus prcis. While working at ABF, he became a trained spotter. This website is brought to you by the Funds Trustees and Michael OMalley, the Funds Administrator. TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION NO. Once the local was officially in the hands of 710 members, it got on a great path of continued growth, which has continued into 2019: In addition to financial growth, Local 710 was busy negotiating a record number of contracts in 2018 alone. Find. . Membership is increasing, the finances are in better shape and they listen to the members. About Yelp; Careers; Press; Full details are contained in the Plan Documents that establish the Plan provisions. Featured Listing. Vancity Bank 3,934 Branch and ATM Locations BMO Bank of Montreal 44,846 Branch and ATM Locations International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union 710 is child organization, under the parent exemption from International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT). These contracts covered more than 9,000 of the locals more than 13,000 members. Local 710 UPS Since 1984, Steward for 12 years. Local 710 Freight Since 1994, Steward for 15 Years. Contact: Free Tools ; Leads by Industry ; Top Profiles . He has been an elected CFL delegate for 7 years and has experience as an organizer and DRIVE coordinator. Providers and Current Customers Call: 800-808-3239 . He also serves as the Executive Vice President for the Chicago Teamsters Hispanic Caucus and speaks fluent Spanish. Bien sr, vous pouvez vous dsabonner quand vous voulez, sans tracas. Toutes les autres marques et marques de commerce sont la proprit de leurs propritaires respectifs. He is an elected Business Agent and represents members in the Jewel Warehouse, as well as several other shops. Copyright 2023 Lusha Systems Ltd. All The Funds strength is borrowed from the hard work Local 710 members accomplish each day. Make Your Fitness Program Membership Work for You. The entire Joint Council has been extremely supportive, and Im looking forward to working together in the future for the benefit of our members., International Brotherhood of Teamsters on Twitter, International Brotherhood of Teamsters on Facebook, International Brotherhood of Teamsters on YouTube, International Brotherhood of Teamsters on Instagram, Justice For Sanitation Workers at Republic/Allied Waste, Virginia is For Lovers and Organized Labor, Liabilities were cut by nearly $200,000; and. Halvorson is also a veteran of the United States Marine Corp, having served 6 years as active duty. We look forward to hearing from you. Ramirez has been with the Teamsters for 26 years. Vaughn started his Teamster career working to help organize his own rail ramp as an intermodal worker. 8:00am 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. He was elected as a Trustee in 2017 and also serves as a Business Agent. Maria McCarthy's Phone Number and Email. Want updates when International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union 710 has new information, or want to find more organizations like International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union 710? The action you just performed triggered the security solution. As an active member in both his union and community, McKinney has headed-up several charity projects. If mailed, required original documents will be returned to senders address. Teamsters Local 710 was a founding local of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and was issued its first charter on October 1, 1903. This program is part of yourhealth plan benefits and administered by Sapphire Digital.It is quick and easy to shop with Member Rewards. 9000 West 187th Street He came to the hall in 2021 as a Business Agent and Organizer, and was also an elected to the International Convention as a Delegate in 2016 and an Alternate Delegate in 2021. When the CTDU merged with Local 710 in 2001, Sherlock brought 4,200 members & a wealth of experience with him. Contact Us. 12.61 MI . Local 710 News; UPS News; . He is a familiar face at Local 710, having driven for Local 710 companies and being active at membership meetings. The local is not letting up. On July 25, 2019, workers at the intermodal rail company ITS ConGlobal in Chicago voted to join Local 710, the second organizing victory at the company since Cales took office. Earlier this year, UPS members overwhelmingly ratified the Local 710 UPS Agreement, which is separate from the national UPS contract. Reach decision-makers at Teamsters Local 710. 9000 187th St Mokena, IL 60448. Fifty percent our staff working is from the office and the other half working remotely in order to be in compliance with COVID-19 Office Safeguards. ORIGINALS WILL BE COPIED AND IMMEDIATELY RETURNED. Shopping. Teamsters Local 120's phone number is (202) . Did you know the same medical procedures can vary widely in price, evenin-network? The 10-10-710 service DOES NOT work from cellular or mobile phones. He primarily represents UPS members in the greater Chicagoland area. Official birth certificate from Bureau of Vital Statistics (This is the preferred proof and only if it is impossible to obtain should any other be submitted. Also known as. How Do I Find the CEOs Email Address From Any Company? 2023 Nonprofit Metrics LLCTerms of Service and Privacy Policy. Executive Board Michael J. Cales | SECRETARY-TREASURER & PRINCIPAL OFFICER Local 710 Since 1991 Delmar R. Schaefer | PRESIDENT Local 710 Since 1989 Neil J. McKinney | VICE PRESIDENT Local 710 Since 1994 Michael Ramirez | RECORDING SECRETARY Teamster Since 1997 Robert C. Downey | TRUSTEE Local 710 Since 1986 Philip E. Reams | TRUSTEE Schaefer joined the UPS Business Agent team in 2014, servicing members in central and southern Illinois. reserved. Local 710 was originally located across from the Great Chicago Stockyards on Halsted St. for more than 100 years, even after the permanent closing of the stockyards in 1971. IRS details. Recently, three new units were organized, adding nearly 300 members. He sat on the last nine bargaining committees fighting for stronger contracts at Jewel and served as a steward for 25 years. Phone (773) 254-3200. Banks in Canada. He now works representing 710 members in southern Illinois and Indiana. Fax: (773) 254-4193, Office of Health, Welfare & Pension Subject: Phone Company . Total revenues. Teamsters Local Union contact info: Phone number: (630) 887-4100 Website: What does Teamsters Local Union do? Please look around at the various documents, forms, and resources provided. Following the voting, Cales and his officers took office on Jan. 1, 2018. Local 710 UPS Since 1989, Steward for 20 Years. Teamsters Local 120 contact info: Phone number: (202) 624-6800 Website: What does Teamsters Local 120 do? Teamsters Local 710 contact info: Phone number: (773) 254-3200 Website: What does Teamsters Local 710 do? Nightlife. You may want to make an appointment or set up a time when you are both free to talk about your complaint. Canada411.caMC, Canada411MC, PagesJaunesMC, le logo des doigts qui marchentMC, PJ.caMC, Trouver. As always, if you do not find what you are looking for on this site, dont hesitate to call the fund office at. First Name: Last Name: Email: Telephone Number: - - Ext. Lamy has served as the the co-chair for the Central/ Southern Carhaul Arbitration Committee and chairs many Local 710 grievance panels. Labor Union. . There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. He also serves as Vice President of the Local 710 Scholarship Fund. Fax: (773) 254-6528, Office Hours: . Find Teamsters Local 710 in Addison, IL. Performance & security by Cloudflare. 2/7/2023 9:56 PM. Kazluski has been a Union member at Jewel for 33 years. Our data and tools help professionals prospect for nonprofits, research opportunities, benchmark their clients, and enrich existing information. The Executive Board has been working on new programs to benefit the members and their families. Teamster since 1997, Business Agent since 2013. Phone: 1-877-577-5148 Please fill out, print, sign, and mail forms to 9000 W. 187thSt. Suite 200, Mokena, IL, 60448. Discover the practices of the best performing sales teams, Trusted by 280,000+ revenue teams of all sizes, By clicking Submit or signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The majority of members who ratified new contracts work at YRC/Holland, ABF, UPS and UPS Freight. When you shop with Member Rewards, you can save on yourout-of-pocket costs and earn cash rewards. Local 710 also had a union office located in the Drovers Bank Building at 4200 S. Halsted St. until the entire building was destroyed by fire in April 1934. He became a package car driver in 1989 and served as a Local 710 steward for twelve years before joining the UPS team as a Business Agent in February 2015. Blue Cross andBlue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) provides Member Rewards a program administered by Sapphire Digital that offerscash rewards when a lower-cost, quality provider isselected from several options. Weve built a strong relationship with Joint Council 25 and President Terry Hancock, Cales said. Same Procedure, Different Cost and Potential Cash in Your Pocket! For generations to come, Local 710 will be a leader in organized labor across Illinois, Indiana and Iowa, winning stronger contracts, settling more grievances and negotiating higher wages for countless working families. . You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Toutes les autres marques et marques de commerce sont la proprit de leurs propritaires respectifs. Teamsters Local 769 represents Teamster brothers and sisters in South Florida, from Orlando to Key West. Fifty-nine contracts have been ratified, the majority of which were unanimous or overwhelmingly approved. Top Companies . He represents UPS members in northern Illinois, including the facilities in Rockford where he worked. There are 74 workers in the bargaining unit, and there were 57 workers in the unit at ITS in Calumet, Ill. who voted to join Local 710 in February 2018. & DessinMC, PagesJaunes.caMC et PJ ShopwiseMC sont des marques de commerce de Pages Jaunes Solutions numriques et mdias Limite au Canada. He served on the Local 710 bargaining committee for the UPS Contract in 2002 and 2013, and chaired the committee in 2018. Phone: (773) 254-3200 Fax: (773) 254-4193 Office of Health, Welfare & Pension The Package Division is the union's largest division, serving hundreds of thousands of members throughout North America. Leads by Industry . If there is a discrepancy between the wording here and the documents that establish the Plans, the Plan Document language will govern. Learn more about TEAMStar or get a free quote. TEAMSTER SINCE 2006, 5-YEAR ELECTED STEWARD. Local 710 also TEAMStar offers health insurance designed to supplement Medicare sponsored by The International Brotherhood of Teamsters. rights (e) Local 710 April 30, 2023 General Membership Meeting. The Trustees reserve the right to amend, modify, or terminate the Plans at any time. MEMORANDUM To: Yellow Local Unions (YRC Freight, Holland, New Penn and Reddaway)From: John A. Murphy, Director, Teamsters Freight DivisionDate: April [.] The Trustees reserve the right to amend, modify, or terminate the Plans at any time. Since you are a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) member, the Fitness Program is available exclusively to you and your covered dependents (age 16 and older). Jump to your 710 Representative by name: 10/17/2022 12:24 PM. Here you can find information and forms that deal with the Pension Fund. He chairs several state panels and has experience as a volunteer organizer. Today, Local 710s tradition of proudly and boldly representing these members continues with its fortified UPS membership of more than 6,000 full- and part-time workers. Give us a Call: 877-577-5148 . Service Type Traditional Cable Fibre Based Mobility Your message: Please Take Note. Interested in joining the Teamsters? Ramirez was elected as Recording Secretary in 2020, and he represents members in a variety of industries as a Business Agent. 9000 W. 187th Street Mokena, IL 60448 (t) 773.254.2500 . Mokena, IL 60448, Phone: (773) 254-3200 731 Ken Doot is a driver for Waste Management and a proud Teamster Member of Local 731 for over 25 years. View Tracey Minor's business profile as Receptionist at Teamsters Local 710. 14.32..-20230208.0618 Intermodal Worker for 10+ Years, Rail Agent & 710 Organizer. 710 Apparel; Contact Us; 710 HWP; Scholarship; Home Local 710 Freight News IBT April 28, 2023 Memo Re: . Hamilton was an elected Delegate to the 2021 International Convention and is serving on the 2023 UPS Negotiating Committee. The contract is in effect from August 1, 2018 through July 31, 2023. The 1950s also saw the foundation of the Local 710 Benefits Funds and the construction of a large meeting hall to accommodate the growing membership. MC, Canada411 MC, PagesJaunes MC, le logo des doigts qui marchent MC, MC, Trouver.& Dessin MC, MC et PJ Shopwise MC sont des marques de commerce de Pages Jaunes Solutions numriques et mdias Limite au Canada. Teamsters Local 710 is an affiliate of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters committed to protecting the rights and advantages of its 13,000 . If an individual/member needs to come to the office to discuss either a Health matter or a pension matter they must wear a mask and make an appointment. The Plans are maintained by the Trustees of the Local 710 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Health & Welfare Fund and the Local 710 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Pension Fund (Funds). Home; News. This website contains only highlights of certain features of the Local 710 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Health & Welfare Plan and the Local 710 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Pension Plan (or Plans). LOCAL 710 UPS SINCE 2002, 8-YEAR ELECTED STEWARD. more info | Phone | map. Bien sr, vous pouvez vous dsabonner quand vous voulez, sans tracas. Only contact the Legal Department if you have exhausted all local options. | SECRETARY-TREASURER & PRINCIPAL OFFICER, | Executive Assistant to Secretary-Treasurer Mike Cales & Communications Director, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Keith Kazluski, Business Agent & Organizer, Neil McKinney, Vice President & Business Agent, Mike Ramirez, Recording Secretary & Business Agent, Justin Vaughn, Business Agent & Organizer. EIN 36-1460890 Fiscal year end December Taxreturn type Form 990 Year formed 1903 Welcome to Teamsters Local Union No. TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION NO. 1,221 talking about this. He was elected President of the Local in 2017. Teamsters Local 710 is an affiliate of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters committed to protecting the rights and advantages of its 13,000+ rank-and-file members. He was hired at the Union Hall as a Business Agent in 2020 and represents UPS and TForce Freight Road Drivers in the Chicagoland area. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, Our product consultants will reach out within one business day, For general questions visit our help center, Create your ideal filter based prospecting list, Enrich data in any database, system or app, Find prospects on Linkedin & anywhere on the web, Automatically enrich your Salesforce CRM data, Integrate into your existing workflows with one click, Reach out directly to prospecting talents, Information about our data and privacy policy, Our community keeps our database up-to-date, Learn from Lushas sales and marketing experts, See how companies use Lusha to hit their goals, Quantify the impact we can have on your business, Fight Night: Man vs. ChatGPT What Our Data Says, Welcome to the Era of Intent-Based Marketing. . Teamsters Local 710 in Mokena, reviews by real people. Street Address: 9000 West 187th Street Mokena, IL 60448. Halvorson began his 710 career at Yellow in 1994 as a Road Driver in Chicago Heights. Tracey Minor's Phone Number and Email Last Update. For generations to come, Local 710 will be a leader in organized labor across the midwest, winning stronger contracts, settling more grievances and negotiating higher wages for . We, as your Trustees, felt this enhancement will facilitate our participants in reaching out to their Doctors virtually, to get the care that you and your family might need. Bartolo has been a Union member at Jewel for 41 years. Teamsters Local 710 | 67 followers on LinkedIn. Free Tools ; Leads by Industry ; Top Profiles . 710 Michael J. Cales, Secretary-Treasurer. Read More, The Fitness Program gives you flexible options to help you live a healthy lifestyle. Free Tools . He served as a steward for 17 years there before joining the Local 710 team in 2016. Please be advised that if you have a matter of importance that you would like addressed in an official manner you need to write a letter to the address provided below. t*** As of June 30, 2019, the local had nearly $1.1 million in the bankthe first time in history that Local 710 had $1 million in the bank. Email. At the start of the Cales' administration in January 2018, Local 710 had $338,781 in the bank. Teamsters Local 710 was a founding local of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and was issued its first charter on October 1, 1903. To organize and represent workers for their moral economic and social advancement of their condition and status. Your team has been waiting for a solution like this. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). . In the years that followed, Local 710 worked to become a more diversified union, expanding its membership beyond meatpacking and trucking to beverage and spirits, dock workers, car haul and automotive, manufacturing, cartage, magazine distribution and office workers. Participants proof of age (see acceptable list of document below); Spouses proof of age (see acceptable list of document below); Copies of any divorce decrees or death certificates of any former spouses. If your local is unable to resolve the matter, you can call the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Legal Department, (202) 624-6945. He is also serving on the 2023 UPS Negotiating Committee for the Local. The Plans are maintained by the Trustees of the Local 710 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Health & Welfare Fund and the Local 710 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Pension Fund (Funds). Together with other locals throughout the nation, the Teamsters Union became the primary representative and labor voice for United Parcel Service workers. He was elected as a Business Agent in 2020, and also was an elected Delegate to the 2016 and 2021 Conventions. Downey and his son also have a DJ business which has raised over $300,000 for cancer patients. This website contains only highlights of certain features of the Local 710 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Health & Welfare Plan and the Local 710 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Pension Plan (or Plans). He also has experience serving as a Trustee on union Health, Welfare and Pension Funds. Teamsters Local 710 | 68 followers on LinkedIn. Home \ IL \ Addison \ Teamsters Local 710; Local 710 Uaw . Terry Ruiz's Phone Number and Email Last Update. He has sat on numerous Jewel and other Local 710 bargaining committees fighting for stronger contracts. . He was inducted into the UPS Circle of Honor for safe driving in 2014 and has served as a steward since 2009.
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teamsters local 710 phone number