tamuk rabbit info

We used shade cloth that we rolled down to shade the rabbits in summer, and in winter used tarps. It should be a fantastic pet. Interesting. We also use shade cloth on our barn now to shade ewes and lambs in summer. Composites - A new breed - About 30 years ago, Dr. Lukefahr began crossing different breeds for backyard meat production to feed his own family. But we didn't like the results, so we just kept layers after that. The recommended breeding management regime involves first mating at 4-1/2 months of age and a 14-day breed-back system that allows for 8 litters per doe per year. In some cases protective eye wear is also indicated. We raise only purebred TAMUK bunnies from diverse initial stock. Tamuk isn't actually a breed which is why you can't find standards. WebThe Tamuk Composite breed of Rabbits are truly multi purpose! Tamuk rabbits, also known as Texas A&M University rabbits, are a unique breed developed at Texas A&M University in the 1960s. Shipping and taxes calculated at checkout. Note: those working with rabbits should also be aware of possible allergic reactions. Pros and Cons of Eating Duck Eggs vs Chicken Eggs. Proudly created with Wix.com. They were developed by 2 We're in central Texas, which means cold probably isn't an issue but heat certainly is. What are the standards? Tamuk rabbits, also known as Texas A&M University rabbits, are a unique and interesting breed of domestic rabbits. I have Californians for meat and find in Texas that sun is not a friend to the rabbits. The name Tamuk comes from, Texas In the photo to the left, nine rabbits from the same litter are each of a different color! Tamuk do make a great meat rabbit for Texas. we had very few losses. What is a tamuk composite rabbit? Composites are made up of a bunch of different breeds, so it is like a bubble gum machine to find out what colors you will have from these. The garden will be fertilized for months to come, thanks to the grow-out rabbits. Tamuk rabbits, like all rabbits, require a diet high in fibre to maintain healthy digestive function. at maturity. Transitioning to meat rabbits was a great choice for us, one I recommend trying if you are looking to add a sustainable meat source for your family. The Breeding Objective for our breeds (NZW and Composite) is to conserve genetic integrity or quality by managing a low ratio of does to bucks (<3:1), conducting random matings (except for close relatives), and practicing no further selection to maintain genetic variation for high performance. With proper care, tamuk rabbits can live for up to 10 years. This is the closest pin on my map in Warrenton VA. In addition to hay, tamuk rabbits should be fed a small number of fresh vegetables daily, such as lettuce, spinach, and carrots. Rabbits are also extremely quiet and can be raised in small spaces such as a suburban backyard, no huge farm required. To create the tamuk rabbit, Dr Richardson crossed a New Zealand White doe with a Chinchilla buck. Tamuk rabbits can make excellent pets for people of all ages. They were originally begun by Dr. Steven Lukefahr at Texas A&M University - Kingsville. WebThey were selectively bred to produce high meat yields ( I'm talking 10 to 12 lbs of meat per rabbit) and to be heat resistant. Our original intention was to raise the rabbits in a colony system as we were only going to be focused on producing meat for ourselves. Gloves, masks and a laboratory coat (or other dedicated protective clothing such as a scrub suit) should be worn when working with rabbits. Since we are moving to Texas and will be setting up a rabbitry, another friend suggested we look into the new TAMU-K breed. So, what makes a Tamuk rabbit? Meat Rabbits as a Sustainable and Affordable Protein Source, transitioned from a corporate job to small-scale farmer in 2015. MOTHER EARTH NEWS: GUIDE TO GROWING YOUR OWN FOOD 3RD EDITION, E-BOOK, How to Raise Guinea Fowl: A Low-Maintenance Flock. Tamuk rabbits have a broad, full chest and deep, well-rounded hindquarters. This composite maternal line is especially well adapted under HOT and HUMID conditions. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Thanks for hanging out with us, and we hope to see you again soon! They have Grand Champion in their lines and have been kept indoors and socialized all their lives. Processing the rabbits was very quick, each one took me approximately 15 minutes from start to finish. The Tamuk Composite breed of Rabbits are truly multi purpose! As a result of crossing seven breeds over the years (in chronological order: New Zealand Red, Siamese Satin, Californian, New Zealand White, Dutch, Champagne dArgent, Harlequin, and Havana), this composite breed now possesses all of the major genes for coat color. I'm hoping this will be an endeavor the kids can be involved with, and that they'll do well with the fact that we're eating what we raise. Where can one find these composites? The University Farm accommodates both applied livestock management and basic physiological research projects. With our 100F+ summers, that was important for our We started out with four rabbits two males and two females. The University Farm is a working laboratory which provides undergraduate students with experience in swine, beef cattle, sheep and meat goat management. Try a breeding trio. TAMUK stands for Texas A&M University-Kingsville; it is the name of the facility, not a breed. We decided on the TAMUK Composite rabbits bred out of Texas A&M as they are a mix bred for heat tolerance. It is one of the locations where the Altex breed was developed. So, we decided to try out a breed developed at Texas A&M. The rabbit is a mixture of different breeds, developed especially to be heat tolerant, among other things. They come out all different colors and are supposedly very hardy. The mix has now been recognized as a distinct breed, called TAMUK (Texas A&M University Kingsville). They were originally begun by Dr. Steven Lukefahr at Texas However, during those first 9 months we learned a ton, and realized that the survival rate for the litters would be greatly improved if we changed our approach to housing. WebCommercialredworms or African night-crawlers grown in rabbitmanure produce a superb andfairly odorless organic materi-al. Tamuk rabbits are not particularly active and do not require much exercise, making them well-suited for apartment living. We By paying with a credit card, you save an additional $5 and get 6 issues of MOTHER EARTH NEWS for only $17.95 (USA only). Good quality hay, such as timothy hay or oat hay, should make up most of their diet. They are related will not make breeding pairs. 2021 by CFF Farm. Learn how to transplant plants outside to get your vegetable garden ready for summer! The University Farm includes over 650 acres of native brush, improved pastures, irrigated and dry-land plots, feed mill, rodeo arena and horse facilities, and a covered livestock pavilion. We're looking at adding meat rabbits to our little ranch in the near future and I'm trying to figure out what breed. Currently I'm doing California/New Zealand meat pen rabbits and they are doing just fine but I have two big barn fans and a misting system in my bunny barn. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. And the garden gold they gave us! You must log in or register to reply here. However, protecting your tamuk rabbit from potential dangers such as toxic plants, household chemicals, and other pets is important. Were a small family run rabbitry, begun in 2021, with NZ and Champagne. Fresh water should always be available to tamuk rabbits. Several breeders now in different states are reporting good production success with this new breed. 9 babies to choose from. However, the average lifespan of a tamuk rabbit is 5-8 years. WebCommercialredworms or African night-crawlers grown in rabbitmanure produce a superb andfairly odorless organic materi-al. They will be 8 weeks old February 17th. WebAustin Family Rabbitry We have a small, family-run pasture raised rabbit operation in the suburbs of Austin. They have a medium-length, dense coat that can come in various colours, including black, blue, chocolate, lilac, and red. The doe will feed the kits with her milk and protect them in the nest. Tamuks are all white, which meets the majority of the commercial processors requirements. Connect with Nicole on Instagram and Facebook, and read all of her MOTHER EARTH NEWS postshere. You can watch a video Justin made about the structure while visiting Polyface Farm here. 10-12 week old (ready now) Located in Austin right off Mopac/2222 in 78757. Canadian Subscribers International Subscribers, Canadian subscriptions: 1 year (includes postage & GST). In summary, tamuk rabbits are a unique and interesting domestic rabbit breed developed at Texas A&M University in the 1960s. They were originally begun by Dr. Steven Lukefahr at Texas A&M University - Kingsville. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. Just pure feed costs. We tried processing chickens once when I was in high school. We provide Texas A&M University of kingsville breeding stock for homestead farms and backyard meat breeders Subscribe Contact Us Message us on WhatsApp Tamuk Rabbits of California Rabbitry Dunnigan, California, United States 510-776-0789 Drop us a line! Also of concern is possible disease transmission from human to animal. In the photo to the right, a seemingly rare magpie-californian rabbit is shown. The Rabbitry Map - Google My Maps Rabbitries large & small in Texas and across America and on up into Canada. DIY Home Biodiesel Production: Make Your Own Fuel. We are now producing both Tamuks and Composites. TAMUK stands for Texas A&M University-Kingsville; it is the name of the facility, not a breed. Tamuk rabbits can live for up to 10 years with proper care. A commercial rabbit pellet, formulated for large breed rabbits, can also be fed in small quantities. 2 were born 02/08, 7 were born 02/10. They have a medium-length, dense coat that can come in various colours, including black, blue, chocolate, lilac, Ahhh, thanks for clarification on the name, Bunnylady! It should also be pointed out that these rabbits are heat tolerant with adaptive characteristics that include long ears and thin fur coats. TAMUK X Rabbits - The University no longer breeds/raises rabbits. Rabbits raised in "clean" facilities are considered relatively free of zoonotic diseases unless they have been experimentally or accidentally infected with a human pathogen. As a family activity, this color feature will hopefully pique the curiosity and active interest of children. We had the opportunity to try Tamuk composites and fell in love with these big-eared Texas bunnies! However, an important point is that this breed better suited for small-scale backyard production. Perfect for the commercial breeder OR just a backyard breeder who is interested
tamuk rabbit info