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sample letter to parents from school nurse

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Instructions for Completion of the New York State School Health Examination EHR Compatible Form (NYSED 2020)Provides directions for health care providers on the required components and presentation order of those components for an electronic health record form to be an equivalent form. Sample End-of-Year Medication Pick-Up (NYSCSH 3/2017)Medication pick-up information for end of year. Instructions for School Nurses and School Medical Directors Related to Completion of the Required Health Examination Form (NYSCSH 1/21)Effective 1/31/2021. School Nurse To Do List. Wash dishes carefully in hot, soapy water or a dishwasher. My job is to support you and your childs health and learning this year, and I hope that I can help you stay healthy during these challenging times. Please complete the Annual Student Health Update form either online or in PowerSchool (Sept 1-30), or by letting me know by email or phone. Sample Acute Concussion Care Plan and Parent Information Sheet (NYSCSH 12/19)This template can be customized for your needs. Provider attestation must be included for independent medication use. Dear Parents and Guardians, Congratulations! endobj 3 0 obj <>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Filter/FlateDecode/Length 3732>>stream {og"3"" sh"LvE8&/lsg9f%^G5~]?4 5,"5`5j9+R/J-C Note: Any or all of the forms above may be shared with parents/guardians and providers to help keep students on track with immunization requirements. Supporting Student Success Through Health and Education. Join us by subscribing to our newsletter. Hector Silva. I am already missing the hustle and bustle of high schoolers whose energy and enthusiasm are infectious. Full training found here: NYSCSH e-Learning & Learning Management System (LMS), Model 504 Plan from the American Diabetes Association. Observed on the fourth . As we begin this extraordinary start to the new school year, please know that Seattle School nurses have been working behind the scenes to prepare for a safe return to in-class education and strategizing to support students and families during remote learning. There are a wide variety of resources on the King County website. It contains the required elements of an NYS non-patient-specific order. There are teen vaccines that are not required for school but are recommended by the Center for Disease Control. Ideally, this information should be communicated when the exemption is granted. The Texas School Nurse. Administrative Assistant for Grades 4-8 and Main Office State Road. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. School Nurse / Nut/Peanut Letter to Parents - Nantucket Public Schools Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Elastic waist pants or shorts for girls/boys, Disposable plastic Dixie cups Rubbing Alcohol. These letters are provided as guidance based on current best practices. In addition to school nursing, I have a background in the ICU taking care of patients with traumatic injuries, burns, bone marrow transplants and on the lighter side, many summers of camp nursing. Parent/Guardian Permission for Field Trip Parent Designee Medication Administration (NYSCSH 1/2018)Documents field trip information and parent/guardian permission for the administration of medications. Sample Exclusion Letter for Principals to Send to Parent/Guardian (NYSCSH 9/22)This sample may be customized to send to parents/ guardians whose children have not received the required immunizations for school attendance. Epinephrine Placement/Use Log (NYSCSH 4/17)Provides documentation for storing andaccounting of EAI. We look forward to establishing a relationship with you and your child. May be modified by local school districts. Blood Glucose / Insulin Log for Individual Students (NYSDOH Guide-Page 94). Adolescents are at increased risk of getting this infection. Please contact your school nurse for further guidance. Please do not hesitate to contact your school nurse to make this a Happy and Healthy school year together! It is vital for the School Nurse to foster communication between the entire school population about who and when someone has an infectious illness. Rarely, some children with strep throat later develop rheumatic fever (abnormalities of the heart valves and inflammation of the joints). This sample notification letter encompasses multiple ages and grade levels of students. If a student passes, it is sufficient to just indicated passed. Sample Immunization Notification Letters and Packet for Non-Compliant Students Schools have immunization notification requirements stipulated in DC law and regulation (DC Official Code 38-504 and DCMR 5-E 5300.5). kK>L[gcW ifijV ?+ KM&7^}iAhfn#{Hn|V7N"&S,2p4ed-B^Z.[(SPxYXz\JPVm0INA4Xf2$m~BC!)O]D{us+"t)U36{T2d2GjT~Gq9(im6'bQbep0Q 3zK=~CKeGhcGz!(tWz:.WPU Er/HMW. 1100 Ebenezer . Welcome back! Students must register at the ITHC before receiving services. AED-Epi Maintenance Checklist (NYSCSH 4/17)The checklist may be used to document the security of both the AED and the EAI, District Epi Notification to Parents/Guardians (NYSCSH 4/17)Provides information regarding the implementation of the program within the school district and contact resources for more information and date of administration. History and Current Status Check the foods that have caused an allergic reaction: Note: HCP orders only allow the parent to provide proposed adjustments or dosages and require the health care professional to make the ultimate decision after exercising his/her professional judgment. The clinic runs on donations only and supplies of new underwear are sometimes low or out. school day. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. You can access free COVID-19 screening through the Public Health SCAN program for your children. Dear Ms. Snodgrass, I would like to apply for the School Nurse position with the Clark County Elementary School. To be completed by the parent/guardian no earlier than 30 days before the start of the sport. School Checklist for Medications on Field Trips (NYSCSH 12/2016)Checklist of responsibilities regarding medication administration on field trips for the School Board/Administration, School Nurse/District Personnel, and Parent/Student. DOCX Asthma Action Plan: Parent Letter - Recommended vaccines protect adolescents from very serious illnesses: Meningococcal vaccines protect against infection with a type of bacteria that causes meningitis and blood infection (sepsis). Provides resources and information for creating a seizure emergency plan. We must have an Authorization for Medication form on file with the school nurse. A description of the illness, including the complaint's date, time, and details. Were so excited to see you back on campus next week. from: Health examinations are required for new entrants and in grades Pre-K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 (Section 136.3 Health Examinations and Screenings. %PDF-1.5 % As a final reminder, before your child can begin school with us we need these items. Younger adolescents have higher antibody levels to vaccination compared to older adolescents and young adults. Sample Students With Special Health Care Needs Record (NYSCSH 2/21)May be used to record students' health care concerns, medication, and emergency care plan status. If the local health department, in collaboration with the NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH), determines that there is an outbreak of a reportable communicable disease, they will provide response guidance to schools' medical directors and the Broad of Education (BOE). Sample Letter to Parents About Cold Weather Precautions (NYSCSH 2/18). Contains instructions for school nurses and school medical directors and customizable sample notifications for parents/guardians and community health care providers reminding them of the need to use the required form. Required Forms are indicated in the title. Classroom Treats (NYSCSH 3/17)General letter that should be altered to align with your districts policies on classroom treats (some districts only allow pre-packaged snacks, some allow home-baked goods). Clinic Information (2022-2023) Health and Safety News; Health News Links; Effingham County BOE Letter To Parents; Health Forms; . Helping the Student with Diabetes Succeed Sample Diabetes Medical Management Plan, a sample template for an Individualized Health Care Plan, and sample Emergency Care Plans for Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia. in Nursing. I know, I know you dont want to hear about it yet, but August will be here before you know it. %PDF-1.7 This form allows you to provide that information. Diabetes Medical Management Plan Addendum (NYSCSH 5/2017)Role of Parents/Guardians in Adjustment of Insulin Dose Documents provider permission to allow parents/guardians to adjust the insulin dose. We are always available by phone or you may come to see me in the clinic. Most sore throats, however, are caused by viruses and are not treated with antibiotics. SampleAthlete with Special Needs Supplemental History Form (AAP-Bright Futures, 3/2018)May be used to obtain additional health information from athletes with special needs. Why is it important that your child receive treatment? Children with a fever (100.4 or higher), vomiting, diarrhea, or other symptoms should be kept home from school until symptom free per the AGCS Sick Child Policy. What You Say In Here Stays in Here (NYSCSH 10/17)8.5 x 11-inch printable poster. Treatment reduces the spread of illness. The HPV vaccine is given as a three-dose series over a six-month period to protect both females and males. 8BB)p18yN:9B All students should have a face covering with them. Here is the link to the English form letter Welcoming preschoolers to an adventure can help reframe the experience and make it more exciting. This is a gentle reminder if your son or daughter is playing middle school or high school sports they must have an updated physical form on file before they will be allowed to practice. Sample Emergency Care Plan for Unlicensed School Personnel: ASTHMA (NYSCSH 11/21)Provides easy-to-understand information for unlicensed school staff to assist and respond to an asthma emergency. All of these are available through the School-based health centers or through vaccination clinics. ACE (Acute Concussion Evaluation) Care PlanThis form is part of the "Heads Up: Brain Injury in Your Practice" toolkit developed by the CDC. We want to protect every student from communicable diseases especially during COVID-19. PDF Welcome back to school from the nurse's office at Junior High East. My name is Janet Boyett, I am your school nurse. When to Keep a Child Home - Instructions to Parents/Guardians(NYSCSH 12/19)Sample letter to share district guidelines. Chicken Pox; Conjunctivitis; Cover Letter to Send Home with Height Weight Screening; Fifth Disease; Epi-pens, Albuterol, Benadryl, Childrens Tylenol, Childrens Motrin or any other medications are. I am wanting to make parents aware and to remind their students to wash hands frequently, . Nurse Letter to Parents - Smore Your email address will not be published. The sample resources may be modified for your district's use consistent with NYSED, local district policy, and school medical director guidance. Sample Permission to Share Protected Health Information(HIPAA) (NYSCSH 8/12)Allows the parent to designate health care providers who may share information with designated school staff. Charlotte ISD School Nurse Phone: 830-277-1637 Fax: 830-277-1675 . There are students at our school who have a serious autoimmune condition related to strep throat and other common infections. [Hiring Manager's Last Name], It's with great excitement that I learned of your school nurse vacancy at [School Name]. !Y?qLNFK`p;tTBGLVxQ$ mPfUJKM60iP+_^R%{Z+AmUTi(OaWch*hle|m8=eUp/hFp%;u4h!p$##nEm\ :ao%-L|!m ~";*`1Tqd7+of=c*T~#DM9fiTh?$A !bC"4gO}o Communicable disease prevention, surveillance, notification, and reporting are important roles provided by the school health team. As for infestation information, The Columbus City School offers information on lice and bedbug infestation. The letter is designed to be sent by the school nurse. Sample Student Daily Visit Form (NYSCSH 1/18)Aids school health personnel in tracking follow-up on student visits to the health office. The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear the importance of health and health safety. Minnesota Department of Health, May 2016. 1 0 obj PDF Head Lice Information Letter for Parent/Guardian of Classmates Sample Recommended Form - Medical Certificate of Limitations (NYSED 2022)Used to document private provider recommendations for accommodation for PE. You are receiving this letter because your child had an IHP and / or EAP with us last year. National Take Your Child to Work Day 2023 is Thursday, April 27th. HGw8npB} r\"4p4]i),^/pbDqtW4X`~Gr"2SA?P/": & SampleMedical History Update Form (NYSCSH 2/18)An optional form that may be used to obtain current health information from the parent/guardian in non-mandated health examination years or to provide student history prior to a school-provided physical exam. National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIH) ToolsSample DMMP, IHP, and ECPs under Health Care and Education Plans. We want to welcome you as your School Nurse. Checklist Training Unlicensed Personnel to Assist Supervised Students in Taking Their Own Medications (NYSCSH 11/2021)Checklist of training criteria for unlicensed personnel to assist supervised (formerly self-directed) students in taking their own medications. Separate medication orders would be needed. 2) You may obtain a copy of the medicat ion form from the school nurse or school secretary. We are seeing an increase in the reported cases of Strep throat. If you go dont forget these [attach sports physical, medication forms, treatment plan forms and link to web forms], These are the forms your child will need [attach and link forms], Please update your health and emergency contact information on this website, These are the forms to have filled out and bring with you so we can update our plans together [forms]. Sample letters to school community | Beth Harpster, BS, BSN, RN The purpose of the activity is to inculcate a sense of responsibility towards underprivileged people. To prepare for a healthy and safe 2020-21 school year, please provide updated health and medication information on your child before the first day of school in September. Appointments are required to drop off medication. Vision Screening Parent/Guardian Notification Results and Referral Form (NYSCSH 10/18) Note: Parents must be notified of both passing and failing vision results. PDF WELCOME FROM YOUR SCHOOL NURSE - Springfield Public Schools Sample Field Trip Notification with Information for Parents on Insect Repellents (NYSCSH 6/2018). (BDP>c%:] &n`,N^QEY> 4"%f9+Tsce;3WoPx6e|@[[[7boat #]0MCvc4,Qe[&NzY]U afb /-L%5:le,R]dgTSdcZUZLXQcff61}lQMPEPQ4030eZo#kR[A&i%\;GQr=NMGe a:aJGWFH_M*q< +'QtGXSs\}V$`WLBjsaE+:$m#~w{A$,aAsAEVQbpv7aj]QysQjw t-Hz4pbfdfVF%XA`U<wU)u(a]t*0hcYU#yQQ8XF@_go8M3-A[F9@$OThlw"lE`LA% XZED e1a.NIcOaR$Im;Jnu2TX]Y|d A~f{4c[PfRm`,Gq4v,!4KEhkm^a -8>(I0Iuah5+m]_av9dl(gY_DdraJ$g%7Y)XF.v27p,x{`TT*)5rk**Q3&KPWiLH0O N@0/frY#Kz}{N^T?Da|Yq^'Ymh E%\JV%s#]2PSGv[w}]Q"eM;,Z>U'r"](./,v*rQKlJF{pu Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Thank you for all of your cooperation this year. How Does a Parent/Guardian File a 310 Appeal? @&>D8q!""u]WMvsE&H|+ Your involvement makes a difference. Please feel free to call us anytime at 770-887-6161. With 5 years of expertise promoting health and safety at elementary schools, I believe my skills make me a perfect fit for your school. This letter should be reviewed and approved by the School Medical Director prior to use. Many sports practices begin August 1. Sample Emergency Care Flow Sheet (NYSCSH 12/16), Sample Emergency Care Flow Sheet for Staff (NYSCSH 9/17), Sample Faculty/Staff Emergency Contact Information (NYSCSH 5/16), Sample Individual Health Care Plan (NYSCSH 8/18). Copyright 2023. They are available in many languages. School Nurse End of School Checklist(NYSCSH 11/21)- List of tasks for the end of the school year. Please make an appointment with your childs healthcare professional and be sure to check that your childs immunizations are up to date. 2022-2023 School Year NYSDOH Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance Chart, Chronological Age/Grade Chart (NYSCSH 6/22), Meningococcal Vaccine School Requirement Flyer. Please review the following and let us know if you have any questions. Seizure Emergency Care Plan Provides information for emergency management in both English and Spanish. As for infestation information, The Columbus City School offers information on lice and bedbug infestation. Please complete the permission/refusal form by _____. Again, welcome! If your child is lacking school-district required vaccines, I will contact you.

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sample letter to parents from school nurse

sample letter to parents from school nurse

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