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research title about modular learning

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9. They took the whole instructional time giving uninterrupted lectures. This study discusses the scope of modular distance learning from various perspectives, how these modes of delivery compared with traditional face-to-face approaches, and its potential, impact on students and affordances in student learning. Interviewees were selected using purposive sampling technique. Research indicates that parental involvement is an effective strategy to ensure student success (Barnard, 2004; Desimone, 1999; Hill & Craft, 2003; Hill & Taylor, . Should elementary school children be taught about LGBTQ? Most instructors cover two-three chapters in one session through power point presentation as the time allotted for the course is not adequate. PDF | On Dec 7, 2021, Evelyn Rena published Research Title: Problems Encountered by Teachers and Learners using Printed Modular Distance Learning amidst Pandemic: Basis for Intervention Program . They have to provide the student with immediate and continuing feedback. I've identified five core types of learning gaps that students can experience, including: Knowledge gaps: Students do not know or were not exposed to the correct information. A study of the application of digital games to autistic learning. They usually give lengthy lectures for consecutive three and four hours. The result' scores were in the favor of usage of modular teaching approach. Online, Face-to-Face, Learning Mode Comparison, Student Variables . 2. Similarly, Frederick (Citation1987) and Ndebele and Maphosa (Citation2013) explained that when beginning a new topic, for instance, instructors may start with a participatory lecture by asking students brainstorming questions. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: The practice of modularized curriculum in higher education institution: Active learning and continuous assessment in focus, Assistant professor in curriculum and instruction, Department of education, Dire Dawa University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, National Chi Nan University, Puli, Taiwan, Perception of educators towards using modular object oriented dynamic learning environment (module) for teaching, Effectiveness of modular teaching in Biology at secondary level, Review of modular implementation in a University, Developing the theory of formative assessment, Redefining assessment? The study was experimental type. And this will aggravate the challenges on the students side. A foreign national can open a savings account in the Philippines. Here are some education topics for research that you can consider for your degree. They further argue that the assessment criteria should be clear and students should be informed about it before they generate the work for a given task. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 9 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> In the implementation of active learning approach, both instructors and students have reflected similar views. recent years, both the supply and demand for distance learning opportunities have risen. How to use modern teaching techniques in unique learning environments. Assessment is the process by which the instructor collects information about students that he/she will use to make educational decisions about them. Fifty-three per cent of children in low- and middle-income countries cannot read and understand a simple text by the end of . By continuing to access this website, you give your consent to our use of cookies. How online education terminates university fraternities and sororities. transfers conventional teaching approaches to an outcome-based learning model (Dejene, 2019). Researchers question whether students are prepared to be successful in this kind of environment. MoE [Ministry of Education] (Citation2013) of Ethiopia asserted that there has been an increasing focus on modular approach of learning in higher education institutions. A business can open an account (savings or current) even without a proof of It demands greater maturity on the part of the learner, the modules is more appropriate for more mature students. Parental Engagement in Children's Learning - UNICEF-IRC Group assignments are meant for engaging only one or two students whose academic performance is better and other group members did not take individual accountability and/or contributions to complete group assignments. The study was experimental type. The aim of this study is to explore the, effect of modular distance learning on students' academic performance. Furthermore some other instructors also attributed the dominance of traditional teaching approach for the nature of classroom, shortage of time for covering courses, and large class size. (D) An inference task implemented on the actual chip resulted in good agreement between . What are the characteristics of mental health deterioration among students? Therefore, a module is a course that together with other related courses can constitute a particular area of specialization. Have your money back any time. A review of the need for sexual education in elementary schools. This learning modality is used by all public schools at present in the Philipines. Thus, the application of active learning approach largely depends on the perception that instructors and students adhere. Thus, we prefer written test and quizzes, though not supported with written and/or oral feedback. Similar findings have been reported in previous studies (Tadesse & Getachew, Citation2009, Citation2010; Imran & Ayobami, Citation2011; Michelle, Nancy, & Candace, Citation2012). Moreover, as explained by Loughran and Berry (Citation2005), such learning approach permits the student to work at their own pace (Kain, Citation2003; Nadeem, Citation2013). This also helps students receive feedback about their learning with advice on what they can do to improve. The merits of parental involvement in students cognitive growth. The interview made with students also confirmed that test and quizzes are the most frequently used assessment techniques. The practice of continuous assessment as reported by instructors, Strengthening the above notion, another instructor from institute of technology added that. Modular instruction meets the needs of todays students more adequately than traditional instruction both with respect to the quality of learning and the content. Besides, groups submit assignments copying each other. Average course load of instructors is 13.5 credit hours per week (considering full-timer academic staffs only). Group 1 Sample Research Titles: 1) The effects of new normal academic year to the social state of Grade 12 HUMSS Strand. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically impacted education. The teachinglearning process was found to be predominately teacher-centered and limited to PowerPoint presentations. Assessing quick computer literacy among elementary school pupils. They had never been informed about the evaluation criteria and they often did not receive feedback either in written or oral form from their instructors. Full Document, 1. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. View To your surprise, most instructors miss classes for the reason that there was no electric power. Accepted author version posted online: 29 Apr 2019. (Quinones, 2020) Modular learning is the most type of Distance common Learning. For instance, capabilities required managing an institutions finances which includes generation of finances, allocation, accounting, and monitoring can be grouped together and form a module called financial management (Sejpal, Citation2013; Goldschmidt & Goldschmidt, Citation1973). The instructors stressed that the absence of compensation for overload that emanates from large class size, reassessment, and tutorials is eroding their commitments. Academic dishonesty among tertiary institution students: An exploration of the societal influences using SEM analysis, Assess as you go: The effect of continuous assessment on student learning during a short course in archaeology, Teacher-centered versus student-centered: Balancing constraint and theory in the composition classroom, effectiveness of modular approach of teaching for bachelor of education trainees in terms of self confidence and teaching attitude, Modular curriculum design using personal learning plans and reusable learning components, Effects of modular and traditional approaches on students general comprehension, Displacing or depressing the lecture system: Towards a transformative model of instruction for the 21st century university, Connecting Instruction and management in a student-centered classroom, The use of evaluation to improve practice in learning and teaching. Accordingly, college of natural and computational sciences, college of business and economics, and institute of technology were selected. However, the lecture method shall be transformed from the traditional thrust where the instructor was the dominant and all-knowing figure in the teachinglearning process with students viewed as passive listeners. Modular Distance Learning: Its Effect in the Academic Performance of You might think that do instructors cant teach without LCD?? The creation of a personalized curriculum for students. stream A modular system of higher education curriculum, according to Ali, Ghazi, Khan, Hussain, and Faitma (Citation2010), is largely a response to the very growing sectors of business, industry, and consumers choice in general. Write your explanation on, Give some Interesting Research titles for STEM students (Quantitative Research). Different delivery modes were adopted depending on the needs and capacities of the schools, teachers and students. How can institutions address increasing mental health needs? They are not interested to participate. Accordingly, the last two decades are characterized by high expansion of higher education in terms of student enrolment, fields of study, graduate programs in the already established universities by adding additional infrastructure, libraries, laboratories, dormitories, classrooms, sport fields and computer centers and establishing 40 new universities in the different regions of the country. To this end, the researchers raised the following leading questions: How is the implementation of active learning carried out in the universities? Interaction is no longer between teachers to student; it now needs to be multidirectional. When frequent assessment is combined with regular feedback, it will improve students learning (Rushton, Citation2005). These institutions fostered an educational culture that was heavily influenced by its long informal association with Orthodox Church (Teshome, Citation1990). our instructors spent most of their time reading power-point slides and telling us to take notes. We use cookies to improve your website experience. 10. So it is recommended that the modular approach should be widely used at various levels of education. The results are presented in the following tables. For instance, as indicated in Table 2, 283 (91.9%) of the students replied that their instructors were not acting as facilitator rather were dominating the instructional time delivering ready-made knowledge. The Department of Education . One of the strong justifications to this bold conclusion is that the purpose of the school was to train the highly qualified priests to organize religious music and dancing. Confirming this, students also admitted that group assignments are perceived as support for low achieving students to score passing mark with the effort of the few good performing students in the groups. Particularly, instructors and students should clearly understand the underlying ideas, concepts, merits, and demerits of the new approach. With this innovative spirit in mind, there are two questions education . Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. (JEe]^4$tyiJ#6;T<=.EOsd58/$(l>RBTr6W}*yO@}{GUX2S%e!KJ:U2'q+$\! The best research titles about education must be done through the detailed process of exploring previous works and improving personal knowledge. You might lose your semester break for discharging such responsibilities. According to Struyven, Dochy, and Janssens (Citation2010), in order for students to acquire these skills, schools need to be organized around the learner not the teacher.

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research title about modular learning

research title about modular learning

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