nervous for 20 week scan mumsnet

Such a scary experience all this when u can't see the baby all the time, having to wait weeks is a nightmare, Hi girls I was the same I had mine just last week at 21 weeksonly starting feeling bubbles bursting at 19/20 weeksI'm now nearly 22 was and proper movements now hang in t. I've felt her on and off but I am still super nervous for the anatomy scan. Once youre done, you may find thats the only growth scan you need. We had an extra scan at 16w6d because we didn't want to wait any longer to find out the gender. Maybe you're expecting now and you've just found out you need one? !. I hope everyone's scans go perfectly!!! Bad news at 20 week scan Please help - Netmums With my first baby, my now 5 year old son, we found out that he had a cleft lip/palate at my anatomy scan so going through that has opened my eyes that something could potentially be wrong and it is terrifying. 6'3"). Thinking of you and still sending all the positive thoughts for yours - I know how mentally tough this wait is! I see it as just one more hurtle to get though to make sure everything is fine. I'm 18w 4d. 12/02/2014 at 10:43 am. I obviously feel a huge sense of relief and we got the cutest picture of his little feet. I have maybe felt movement? Had my scan today and he was kicking like crazy! Very nervous for 20 week scan | Mumsnet She did put the doppler on me and as soon as she placed it - POW - a kick and then another and then she switched sides and got the heartbeat. Here, we explain how they work and what they mean for you plus what it means if your scan is at 28 weeks, 34 weeks, or 38 weeks. Everything looked good on our guy and he's weighing in at 12 ounces already(more than what the bump says which 8.5!) We just had it done Friday, i was 19w3d. I have felt my little booger like crazy & wasn't worried about that so much as all the other things that could of been wrong(ie dilated kidneys, the fluid on the brain, spinal issues, heart issues, cleft palette) like everything you could imagine, i worried about it. Anonymous. I will find out exactly what it was and let you know x. Reasons you may have an NHS growth scan include: if your fundal height is measuring smaller or larger than expected for your baby's gestational age if your placenta is looking low at the 20-week scan if you have diabetes or gestational diabetes if you have a history of premature delivery if you have a history of pre-eclampsia 13/11/2016 at 4:09 pm. I know little one is probably growing a lot which is causing the uncomfyness but just feeling nervous still. I'm a FTM and the feeling is incredible. I was the same with Ds. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here), I honestly didn't even know where my dds head was at 12w. Mine is on Monday and I'm super nervous! It doesn't help that mine is going to be late because I am going to be away for 2 weeks. I was seriously shaking and felt like I could vomit or pass out at anytime. I couldn't feel it but the tech said I should appreciate the extra sleep I'll get until then bc he's a kicker, I think I haven't felt movement yet, either and I'm 18 weeks today. I worry constantly and its not in my nature to worry really. Im 18w 2d and havent felt amything either but same thing, lot of aches, staying positive tho! I'm so glad you guys feel this way too! Mine is tomorrow too Racheal! I don't see ds when I look at her I just see our beautiful English Rose. I'm another FTM and I'm so worried about my scan. 25/10/2021 22:36, @Maighread thank you so much! Hi im in a similar situation. Please do tell us your story in the comments below! Maybe because from last week my symptoms seemed to have vanished and for past 2 days I've had a stomach ache. The NHS hasn't acted on these recommendations yet, but we'll update you if they do. These are assessment scans, or wellbeing scans as we call them.". "If the scan is being done on the NHS, its being done for a clinical reason. I worry all the time and I just hope when my baby is born he will be ok apart from the foot obviously.. just want to say good luck with your test results. It means a lot.. He says you could have anywhere from 2 to up to 8 or 9 scans. We found out we're having another girl and beyond excited. Docs dont think they need to keep an extra eye on things - as everything appears healthy, and you're not prone to any risk factors. Good luck to all of you ladies who are still patiently waiting!! Spina bifida etc. Told gender at 12 week scan! P.S. I ordered a Doppler last week off of Amazon Prime and my anxiety has gone away because I've been listening to my little bebes heartbeat every morning since, but I'm still so worried. The scan is the same as the others and is an ultrasound.". Slightly worried about my brown discharge someone help!! I just wish I could trust more that everything is going okay. It could be a follow-up to your earlier scan, a first time growth scan or one of many. November 2015 Moms Nervous for 20 week scan beckd89 member June 2015 I'm 18 weeks 3 days and have my 20 week scan soon. If you still want to talk then email me. We were offered test but I declined. What were babys measurements at 20 week scan? Soooo happy. She will need surgery at some point in the not too distant future. I am really nervous too. In April 2019, researchers at the University of Cambridge also recommend that all pregnant women have an additional 'breech scan' at 36 weeks to check on the baby's position. I just want him to be perfectly healthy so badly that I'm worrying myself. Maybe because from last week my symptoms seemed to . Feeling so nervous about it, haven't felt any major movements yet but keep suffering from ligament pain and back ache. Has anyone been told the sex incorrectly at their 20 week scan? Had my scan this morning. (: I always get nervous before OB appointments. I feel like I still am a little. I've just found out I'm about 6 weeks gone and I know I will feel the same this time till my 12 week scan. Agree that you should take someone with you if you can, and I hope you get happier staff for this scan. During a standard growth scan, there are 4 or 5 things that will be looked at - according to Nigel: If you need other checks, they'll be done during the scan, too. Yay! I can't private message back I don't no why. I'll be 18+3 the day of the scan, which is Tuesday. What will happen? Periods after coming off of Depo injection, Very faint positive line on clear blue test, Is this positive? But trust me, when you see your baby on that screen tomorrow with it's little heart beating away it's the best feeling ever!! Who's gonna be doing my scan, basically?". His parents were told to expect the worst and that he probably had a genetic defect as well as club foot. That said, yes, you can book a private scan at any point during your pregnancy. Yay that's brilliant Rachel! I won't be having my anatomy scan for another 4 weeks and will be very nervous until I get to see baby for the first time and know everything is developing as it should. And then I was cramping and spotting last night. But still not far enough to feel consist (recognizable?) Worried about brown discharge at 12 weeks :(. We just hope all is well. Theyre being done to reassure the woman, and the doctor, that everythings OK.". xx, Your symptoms fading is normal for your dates and tummy ache is probably all the worrying. I haven't felt movement but I am also 17 weeks (due Nov 28) so that's normal? Growth scans to track your babys size, weight and health are not uncommon. My niece is perfect. We know a lot of MFMers on our forum found this IRL. This scan will take your babys measurements and compare them to the average weight for babies at 28 weeks' gestation. My parents will be in town for our 20 week scan so of course I feel more pressure, like what if something went wrong?! Saw the baby & the tech said everything looked great! I was super nervous to. Try to stay calm, worrying does nothing, and I hope everything is fine. He just wanted to sleep lol.. 06/01/2014 22:51. We have a little girl with a large complete AVSD ( a hole in her heart) . I don't feel worried about tomorrow although I know stuff might show up but I feel he or she kicking about all the time now so I know they are ok in there! "The outcome when they come out of the scan will be either: "Everyone should be treated individually, as in, the scan results should be interpreted in the context of that woman and her size, ethnicity, etc theres various charts for those. 12/10/2021 16:51. With both my babies they were wayyyy off! I think I have once but definatly nothing regular. Costs will vary, but expect to pay up to 90 per private scan. I couldn't find the heartbeat as it got me scared. Glitterbug09 says: "My SIL was told she was measuring small to begin with and then she was told that her measurements were spot on. They will be extremely cautious over scans but it's most likely that baby just has club foot. Very worried that they find something wrong with baby. Told me it was not unusual at 19 weeks so we are going back but I am relieved everything looked good. Hi ladies it all went well!! They take all sorts of measurements so generally you get a much better look at the baby. My 20 week scan is tomorrow morning actually! She wants to see the heart more clearly so I'm going back on the 7 th. I haven't felt anything either. A good hearty 160 (exercise makes it faster, after all). I have mine in an hour and I'm a freaking nervous wreck!! Nervous for 20 week scan The Bump Feeling so nervous about it, haven't felt any major movements yet but keep suffering from ligament pain and back ache. Like I feel the aches and pains, I'm looking bigger so things must be going well? Usually, its just a precaution. So hurry Thursday please! They'll only be scheduled in if doctors want to be reassured that any symptoms, concerns about baby's movements or risk factors aren't affecting your baby's health. They were advised to amputate his feet and part of his leg but he's all good now, please try not to worry xxx. I know this time is terrifying and steals your excitement and replaces it with fear of the unknown, hang in there, reach out for support xx, Thank you for sharing your story. Youll find out after this scan if your doctor thinks you should deliver your baby a few weeks early, due to their size. I've felt her move occasionally and can't wait till its more consistent. Got my scan on Friday and super nervous. during the scan he also looked like he was waving at us, ugghh that made me cry, it was soo incredible!! This info is then compared to how far along you are in your pregnancy, and is then used to estimate your baby's weight. Seeing your little bubba on screen tomorrow will make all the worry disappear. Good luck! Just to let you know it was also at her 20 week scan they told her all this x, Hi Rebecca. So we're not getting scanned till 22 weeks. What your feeling is normal i am the same and my 12 week scan not till next Tuesday but like you don't think i have enough symptoms and just constantly worrying. Glad to hear I'm not the only one! Sonographers do pretty impressive techy stuff with these scans - and can use all these measurements they've taken to estimate your baby's weight. Had my scan today and he was kicking like crazy! Growth scans in pregnancy: everything you need to know, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), if your fundal height is measuring smaller or larger than expected for your baby's gestational age, if your placenta is looking low at the 20-week scan, if you have diabetes or gestational diabetes, if you have a history of premature delivery, if you have a condition like high blood pressure, or renal disease, that could potentially affect your placenta working properly, if you are very overweight, and as such there's a possibility your placenta might not work properly, if you have a BMI of 40 or over. Yes there! Which was pretty screwed up this far in advance. It might also take 10 or so minutes for any results to be written up and shared with you. Im terrified beyond belief! They're part of a plan called GAP (Growth Assessment Protocol), which is all part of an NHS campaign to reduce the number of stillbirths across the UK. 19/01/2023 16:38. I haven't felt any movement either but the tech confirmed I had an anterior placenta so I should feel him in a few weeks more than likely. We know a fair few mums whove had growth scans at around 28 weeks often its because their bump is measuring small. Down Syndrome was confirmed at 3 days old and we sobbed at first. At our 20 week scan she also had spine and brain queries and they initially thought it could be Edwards syndrome. All of this depends on your personal situation. Yep, that includes your midwife's fundal height readings and scans. July 7th is my anatomy scan. She didn't agree to it and gave birth to her little boy, he did have to have operations to correct his club feet and wear braces on his legs for quite some time but he has absolutely no other issues and is now 18 years old and you wouldn't know any difference. We dont measure growth and there is no system by which we can accurately assess the growth growth is speed, yeah? If your scan anxiety is at an all-time high, remind yourself: your babys being monitored closely which is a good thing. She was a 9lb newborn xx". I can't wait to see its tiny body again and find out if boy/girl. How common is it to find anomolies at the 20 week scan? I don't have any advice just wanted to say that I'm in exactly the same position, 20 week scan is next week and I'm so anxious, even though 7 and 12 weeks scans were both were good. Nervous about 20 week scan - what to expect? | Mumsnet That's why you might've heard them called '3rd trimester scans'. I'm glad yours went well! They said she may need surgery as soon as she was born. . Keep calm and enjoy x, I felt exactly the same way for my 12 week scan I was petrified they wouldn't be any heartbeat but I'm now 20 weeks and I have my 20 week scan tomorrow and it's the one scan I am actually looking forward to! A GROW (Gestation Related Optimal Weight) chart is a "customised antenatal chart for plotting fundal height and estimated fetal weight", according to Not long to wait now. I just like to think that when I'm really nervous or whatever, I just say to myself "in half an hour this will all be over" etc. They should also keep you informed as to next steps, such as booking in another scan. She's now ten months old and in the words of her cardiologist at Glenfield in Leicester, she's getting rather round, which is excellent. I have another scan next Thursday I think that's for the Down syndrome testing. Good luck ladies! I just had mine and it went great except they told me his kidneys were a little dilated but it was going to be ok and it happens a lot with boys and usually resolves itself.. This page may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a small amount of money if you click through and make a purchase.All articles are written independently by the Netmums editorial team. This is #5 and it never gets easier, I'll worry until I see her face and can hold her! Either way, I'm happy if she does have it, it is fixable but no one wants there baby to have to go through tons of surgeries as soon add they arrive:( my husband thinks I'm crazy with how much I worry but I can't help it! I was super nervous too about having mine!! Awww a little boy amazing, how's he looking? What is wrong with me?! "If someone's going for a scan in the independent sector which is fine, there's nothing to stop them they need to ask who's doing the scan, and are they qualified? You never know! He had a great heart rate and was doing wonderful except he didn't want to be bothered at all.. movement. Measurements might be a tiny bit off, too, as they're indicators. The bubba is looking good, strong heartbeat and even saw lots of wriggling around! Sending you lots of best wishes, I had my ultrasound last week at 19 weeks and the baby was moving around sooooo much, he is perfectly healthy and everything is normal for me!!! Remember: its not bad that your babys being monitored so closely. However, I kept reassuring myself that, even though I see sick babies day in day out, that is NOT the norm and that most scans go smoothly. Good luck chads fianc! A growth scan will take anywhere between 10 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on your babys position at the time of the scan. Multiple growth scans in your 3rd trimester mean doctors need to keep a close eye on how your babys growing. I don't know why I just have a really strong feeling. Seeing that helped because I thought I had been feeling things, but it was nice to get the confirmation that I was in fact feeling him since he's such a mover. It's not very likely you'll just have one scan, says Nigel. So, dont panic, and dont be afraid to ask your doctor questions, and share your concerns with them. The experts we've spoken to disagree on this one though - so we reckon it's on a case-by-case basis! Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). I just want everything to be okay with them. If you havent been asked to come in to your local hospital for a growth scan, thats not a bad thing! When he was born he did have club feet but not to the extent they had said at the scans. They do measurements and then "guesstimate" a weight. Not every NHS hospital will use the software that creates these charts yet, but lots will, and hopefully, more will soon. if one of you is very petite, e.g. Hope it all goes well for you aroha77!
nervous for 20 week scan mumsnet