kathy rumer botched

Rumer Cosmetic Surgery. . Rumers legal matters dont just end there, Dr. Kathy Rumer actually employed a Republican affiliated legal firm (with former Trump ties) to silence two of her low income trans patients from speaking out, and if this was not egregious enough, her lawyers were transphobic (forced a patient to disclose her deadname during a deposition) and ultimately got this girl to cave to a gag order under the threat of this patients genitals being up for public scrutiny in front of a juried trial which would be presided over by a Trump appointed anti-LGBTQ judge. COLEY v. RUMER, 2:18-cv-01188 - CourtListener.com Dr. Kathy L. Rumer is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon in the Philadelphia tri-state area who has deep experience with gender reassignment surgery and a practice that is geared exclusively toward transgender patients. Dr. Kathy Rumer for top surgery? : r/asktransgender - Reddit I also quite possibly need a lawyer. Carlie says she saw the doctor briefly before being wheeled into the operating room, but didnt see Dr. Rumer again during her three days of recovery in the hospital. "You can have permanent redness of the nose and, if the undermining of the soft tissue is too severe, you can have skin death. But they say that their frustration is also directed at the systemic issues surrounding procedures like these: The lack of doctors who perform GRS and the lengthy waiting lists that mean people like them have few options to choose from and not enough information when they go looking for a surgeon. Stage a Picket: All of the individuals and organizations on the list have a physical place of business, nothing applies pressure more than a dozen people standing outside an office with a megaphone and signs and the first place that should be picketed is most definitely Rumers office in Ardmore. Get botched by the butcher, get sued if you speak out. Mike Groll/Office of Governor Kathy Hochul. What is wrong with this staff?! If you have any questions, or would like to setup a phone, Skype or in-person consultation with Dr. Rumer, please send us a message using the form below. Rule 5: This sub is by and for trans people. When you see a pattern of outcomes that suggests that maybe a surgeon isnt meeting standards of care, then you feel obliged to speak up.. : Wed love for the hashtag #DropRumer to trend. AcheJ on Twitter: "RT @ShifterofShapes: Dr Kathy Rumer is another "sex Dr. Rumers attorney, Lance Rogers, wrote in a status report on July 31 that his office had additionally subpoenaed Google, CloudFlarean internet service providerand an unnamed domain registration site to gain access to the identity of the anonymous blogger, as well as retain the services of an expert in advanced investigative computer techniques. The case remains pending. In a follow-up appointment and then again in a subsequent email which Simpson shared with Jezebel, Dr. Rumer blamed the dead skin on a pair of too-tight Depends Simpson had worn in the hospital, which Simpson believes was a way to dodge the issue. Then watch an all-new episode this Sunday, June 29 at 10/9c! The most active members of the group left, says Danielle, including herself and a dozen others. We would mostly suggest putting pressure on Sultan Shakir, the sitting president of Mazzoni, We highly recommend calling the health center despite this. UPDATE: a petition has been posted demanding Rumer's immediate resignation. Patients of Rumer often have to undergo stressful and costly revision surgeries with other doctors. Share this post! Legal threats havent only been directed towards anonymous trolls and reporters: Dr. Bowers shared a 2018 email written by Dr. Rumer alleging written defamation and threatening a libel lawsuit after the surgeon commented on Dr. Rumer in a consultation with one of Rumers former patients. Rumers litigiousness isnt unique among surgeons, and the environment can make it difficult for many trans people to find recourse, or warn others about bad surgical experiences. (He says the model combatted similar problems within bariatric surgery in the early 2000s, providing concrete outcome data and tightening restrictions on a surgery once struggling with similar issues.) Incredibly unprofessional. This standard is followed by all medical centers and defined by national accrediting agencies, he says. I had to have my health insurance company call her office. I kept insisting to them that I couldn't wait that long. We all want greater access for trans persons seeking surgery and we do our best to educate and to facilitate better outcomes, says Dr. Bowers, the San Francisco gender surgeon, but Dr. RT @ShifterofShapes: Dr Kathy Rumer is another "sex reassignment surgeon" who botched countless patients and gave many colostomy bags along with other life long complications. In late July, the presiding judge ordered Rumers legal team to show just cause to continue the case, considering the failure to allege the citizenship of the anonymous website owner since the complaint was filed in January. We all have complications, things dont always come out the way we want them to. Offices can vary widely when it comes to patient-to-doctor ratios and what kind of specialized training a surgeon receives. Despite Dr. Rumers insistence that everything was fine Simpson developed necrosis of the vulva. Kathy Rumer has left a trail of almost unspeakable atrocities in her wake from patients who lost sensation to patients who have had the wall between their vagina and their rectal area torn. Can't keep records straight. After learning of its existence, Carlie joked that shes a graphic designer by trade and if she had made the site it wouldnt look so shit.. She is represented by Kristy Bruce of The Rubinstein Law Firm LLC in Hamilton, New Jersey. Dr. Kathy Rumer, DO | Cosmetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery in Cookie Notice But no board has wanted to take this on.. Simpson, who was studying medicine at the time, described her new vulva: a misshaped clitoris that was off to the side and a labia that looked more like a lump than two flaps. Simpson experienced other complications as well, including hair inside her vaginal canal that the surgeon had promised to remove, as well as odd placement of her urethra. It's horrible. Individual hospitals are ultimately responsible for determining who has admitting privileges to perform certain procedures within their facilities. Nobody in that ward knew how to deal with peoples trauma, she says. In fact, that was the only time Kathy ever emailed me. According to Schechter, necrosis like Simpson experienced is a risk in any vaginoplasty, and could have been caused by wearing a too-tight undergarment early in post-operative recovery, though it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what may cause the infection for a given patient. A few months later, she said she never said that. I couldn't have just pulled "twilight sedation" out of my ass. (THANK YOU!) Kathy also has a long standing reputation for ghosting and victim blaming her patients whenever complications arise. Public Call to Action Against Dr. Kathy Rumer : r/MtF - Reddit For her, the violation of privacy was painful. She spent two days in the intensive care unit and five days total at the hospital. They dont make themselves available for trainings. Will This Botched Patient Back Out of Surgery? Watch! - E! Online We got you, make a .txt file and copy and paste these. Generally, it results in a loss of tissue in the infected area. Something like cardiac surgery or plastic surgery has., When I asked Green about the varying quality of standards in the current landscape, he told me it was because of our medical system: Its because of the decades of anti-trans bias that has existed, he said. That seems like her go-to word for every check-up: "beautiful." Additionally, since 2016 there have been four malpractice suits filed against the doctor over similar issues, all of which were eventually arbitrated out of court. ALBANY - A political guru recently exposed as a main adviser to Gov. There is an open petition calling for Rumers resignation with 600+ signatures. During this time numerous calls from Carlies mother and her OBGYN to Dr. Rumers office went unanswered, both she and her mother say. She provides comprehensive transitioning surgical procedures to both the male-to-female (MTF) and female-to-male (FTM) transgender communities. These two men are responsible for that fear, Lance Rogers and Joe Heffern. Carlie chose a surgeon, Dr. Kathy Rumer, who was based in the Philadelphia area and specialized in gender-affirming procedures. There is so much more to this story, but I'm moving on. It was the spring of 2017 and about two weeks prior Carlie, a 34-year-old trans woman, had undergone a vaginoplasty: a surgery sometimes performed after injuries or post-cancer but most commonly associated with transition-related care. Spoiler: NSFW. This is a good share: When Surgeons Fail Their Trans Patients by Katelyn Burns https://jezebel.com/when-surgeons-fail-their-trans-patients-1844774990?rev=1597854733082. Despite all of this Marci has remained mostly silent. (855) R U A LOOKER Phone: (855) 782-5665. If you think you can do better, why dont you just give her a vagina?. For more information, please see our Kathy Griffin has made a name for herself in the comedy industry and uses her celebrity encounters to make fans laugh during shows. While the OSHU patients negotiated with hospital officials over possible reforms, some former patients of Dr. Rumer have taken more extreme action. Kathy Rumer is using a Right Wing legal team to harass her own - Reddit According to her website, she is one of the few female board-certified plastic surgeons in the Philadelphia tri-state area, a fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, and a site director for the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship. Mar 20, 2018. But according to Green, of WPATH, there are no medical boards that specifically certify individual surgeons for gender-related surgeries: I badgered the surgeons to get the societies, like the plastic surgery society, to try to figure out how to make this training part of the boards examination, so you could be board certified, he says. I had bottom surgery with Dr. Kathy Rumer in May 2017. 1,516 talking about this. How many botched or dead patients one surgeon must have before we Providing an Invaluable service to the trans community also means listening to the trans community, nothing for us, without us. The organization serves as an active gatekeeper, laying out strict guidelines for which patients are allowed access to transition-related surgical procedures, but it does not expressly oversee the practices that perform them. alleging that the . Over time, we have participated in several in-person meetings with individuals and groups. https://linktr.ee/resignrumer There is also a subreddit /r/KathyRumer, Need to radicalize a friend who thinks its possible to beat Rumer via the legal game/system? Call 855-782-5665 for your consultation. I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. In 2018, another group of trans people who saw her speak at a trans medical conference filed a complaint accusing the doctor of falsifying success rates, after which the Pennsylvania State Medical Board communicated with the surgeon but took no disciplinary action. Each of those disciplines have separate boards responsible for certification. Her legal firm is Roger's Castor who represented Trump after his impeachment and this case is being brought before an anti LGBTQ Trump appointed judge. The organization runs its own surgical trainings, which began under Greens presidency from 2014 to 2016. (855) 782-5665. Dr. Kathy Rumer - Gender Reassignment Surgery Expert Whenever I deal with Dr. Rumer's office, I have to be the liaison for my insurance company and her office. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Dr. Rumer declined to respond to Jezebels inquiries about her treatment of this or any of her other patients. After her experience with Dr. Rumer, Carlie decided against a malpractice suit and tried to spread warnings about the surgeon on her own. While any surgery, especially one performed on the bodys most sensitive bits, carries risk theres nothing inherently dangerous about GRS for trans women. When Jezebel reached out to request an interview and offered a detailed summary of patient complaints in early 2020, an attorney wrote back suggesting we were conspiring with the unnamed author of a Blogspot site dedicated to exposing Dr. Rumer. Any lawyers reading this??? Below are my current symptons. Dr. Kathy Rumer, DO is a Cosmetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Specialist in Drexel Hill, PA. Meet Dr. Kathy Rumer, Gender Reassignment Surgeon Kathy L. Rumer, D.O. And speaking out after a traumatic experience, in a moment when so few are able to access care, can either be weaponized by anti-trans activists or interpreted by advocates as a step back. Most of her patients including the defendants in an ongoing case are low income an When problems occur, speaking out about such a private issue can be difficultCarlie requested a pseudonym, concerned about harassment and being identified publicly with such an intimate issue in the press. Dr. Kathy L. Rumer is trusted by her patients for ethical, high quality care. Since 2016 the blog has intermittently posted figures in Guy Fawkes masks, the doctors home address, and linked to public reports about the surgeons work. Recent attempts to quantify the learning curve for vaginoplasty have indicated that 40 procedures need to be performed to truly learn the technique. Carlie chose a surgeon, Dr. Kathy Rumer, who was based in the Philadelphia area and specialized in gender-affirming procedures. Rose says theyre still angry about their surgery six years later, and theyre concerned about Dr. Rumer operating on trans people. Dr Kathy Rumer is another "sex reassignment surgeon" who botched countless patients and gave many colostomy bags along with other life long complications. Scan this QR code to download the app now, https://jezebel.com/when-surgeons-fail-their-trans-patients-1844774990. Let him know how urgent this is in volume. Recently it has come to light that Rumer has been employing a right-wing legal firm (Rogers Castor) to intimidate her own patients into silence. Get botched by the butcher, get sued if you speak out. Up until July 2018, Dr. Rumer told me how "beautifully" I was healing when I'd see her for a post-op check-up. Google Chad Kenney. Transgender questions; transgender answers. Share The Following Links: Want to effectively spread the word and provide receipts of Rumers wrong doing? For more information, please see our A subreddit devoted to transgender issues pertaining to male-to-female or AMAB people. My dilators have 5 dots on them to measure depth. BRUCE JENNER SURGERY HELL | National Enquirer Its the insurance system, its the way people get paid. Jezebel was unaware of this website when we began working on this story and all of the people interviewed said they had no prior knowledge of the blog. I meed much MORE urgent help now. Please don't stalk patients online?? With no central database for reviews or information of trans-related surgical providers, trans people often depend on word of mouth between friends, social media, or trans-related message boards for feedback. In 2018, Dr. Rumer appeared in an NBC documentary about the transformation of a college student. Over the course of 2018, four former patients of the surgeons filed separate malpractice suits in Pennsylvanias Eastern District court. and our RUMER COSMETIC SURGERY - 105 Photos & 21 Reviews - 105 Ardmore Ave Disclaimer: All of the phone numbers posted are their public business numbers. My symptons and complaints are WELL-DOCUMENTED in all of my emails to Dr. Rumer's office. While Danielles complaints centered on her experience with post-op care within the hospital, others found themselves struggling to deal with serious complications, including fistulas and incontinence after surgery. Blasdel notes that while several medical facilities have recently begun calling themselves transgender centers of excellence, there are no current criteria the surgeon or facility must meet in order to earn that designation. (855) R U A LOOKER. Conservative scaremongering against transition-related surgeries have directly led to eight states introducing bills which would criminalize doctors who provide transition care to minors. Give her some free publicity). Annoying the desk reps enough might actually get Mazzoni to finally speak up and say something about Rumer. A 2018 study by researchers at Harvard University and Johns Hopkins indicated that the number of trans-affirming surgeries showed significant growth between 2000 and 2014, with an increasing number of them paid for through private insurance or Medicaid. Granted that even a serial butcher like Dr. Butcher Brown striked it lucky that he had a few happy patients who worshipped him? Cookie Notice Specialties: Dr. Rumer, a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, is a renowned transgender surgical specialist. View attachment 2462301 View attachment 2462306 Stitches left inside the vagina, which had to be removed later by another doctor in a revision surgery: View attachment 2462304 View attachment 2462305. I was like, I need to get a vagina before we have a Republican president, she told Jezebel in an interview in the spring of 2018. This means no city is safe from her reach. Alexis Lake, Lake Therapy: This therapist serves the Lancaster area which has little to no resources for gender affirming care, not only is she a personal friend of Rumer but actively brags to her own clientele about how many people she refers to Rumer. I needed urgent help a year and a half ago. On the trans-focused message board Susans Place, one of the only centralized repositories of reviews for surgeons, warnings against libel abound, particularly in the Facial Feminization Surgery sub-forum. Privacy Policy. The plaintiff requests a trial by jury and seeks damages of not less than $75,000, costs, pre-judgment and post judgment interest and other relief. So who is responsible for allowing a monster like Rumer to continue? consultations through RealSelf. Since 2007, she has had her own practice (Rumer Cosmetic Surgery), and since 2016, she has switched to focusing exclusively on transgender patients, offering a range of gender-affirming care such as vaginoplasty, facial feminization . The most common reason for regretting trans-affirming surgery, in fact, is inadequate surgical outcomes. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. There needs to be a national organization of healthcare professionals. Sinai, to the stand. Our surgeons strive for perfection, but occasionally there are complications, he says. JimBurke@JimBurke21 on Twitter: "RT @ShifterofShapes: Dr Kathy Rumer is Theres still this sort of very wide variation in how the surgeons are collecting that information and then how theyre reporting it, he said in an interview last year with Jezebel. Our goal, of course, is to train more people so that at least in major areas people dont have to travel So theres also that lag time between getting people trained appropriately and getting institution centers [and] hospitals up and running., Cutting down on that lag time to meet the growing demand for gender-affirming surgeries can often mean cutting valuable training corners for hospitals and surgeons. As a surgeon I can tell you every surgeon has bad outcomes, Dr. Ting tells Jezebel. DO NOT GO TO DR. KATHY RUMER. We hold them accountable through organizing and direct action which you can help partake in. Specifically, the hospital started a community advisory board comprising of local trans and gender non-conforming people who consult with staff and leaders from OHSUs Transgender Health Program, patient relations department, and other relevant parties. A team of doctors, none of whom had experience with a post-op vulva or vaginapost-op genitalia are slightly different from their cisgender counterpartsoperated on Carlie. While these guidelines would improve the training quality across the country, it remains voluntary for individual hospitals and surgeons. The Life and Sad Ending of Cathy Lee Crosby - YouTube A revision procedure with a different surgeon was unsuccessful in repairing Dr. Rumers initial work, even causing additional issues, and Simpson was left without a clitoris. I have a mystery wound hole. A complaint she filed with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs resulted in no formal action. Rumers reckless endangerment of her patients does not stop there, Her team has prescribed medications which could have possibly killed their patient. PHILADELPHIA A patient is suing Dr. Kathy Rumer and Delaware Valley Aesthetics PLLC, which does business as Rumer Cosmetic Surgery, citing alleged medical negligence. (855) 782-5665. Spread the word. Rogers Counsel, Rumers Right-Wing Attack Dogs: Did a loved one of yours recently have a surgery with Rumer that they are afraid to speak out about due to how litigious Kathy is? (650) 570-2270. There is no independent resource where patients can get data on a surgeons complication rate. Medicaid sent her to see Dr. Daniel Dugi in Portland, who she says informed her that she was his 12th transgender vaginoplasty patient ever. Shape Shifter on Twitter: "Dr Kathy Rumer is another "sex reassignment Fields marked with an * are required. Worse yet, her help came from some of the very people we are supposed to trust . Contact Us - Rumer Gender Surgery These patients experiences and their difficulty finding recourse arent about one doctor. Adam Sullivan, 42, runs a small and little-known political . That seems like her go-to word for every check-up: "beautiful." In July 2018, I had minor surgery right in her office to remove some granulation tissue. Do You Know of More Individuals or Organizations Who Have Shielded Rumer From Justice? That's my layperson understanding of this. Dr. Kathy Rumer is a leading aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon in the Philadelphia area who specializes in gender reassignment surgery. Tune-in to the series premiere of Botched this Tuesday, June 24 at 9/8c! Kathy Rumer is an experienced plastic surgeon and surgical specialist who operates out of Ardmore, Pennsylvania. I had bottom surgery with Dr. Kathy Rumer in May 2017. So people cant really compare one surgeon to another in that context. This story has been updated to more accurately reflect the outcome of Hannah Simpsons surgery. I had no idea about this until a friend told me. Watch: Dr. Terry Dubrow and Dr. Paul Nassif Dish on Botched - E! Online https://jezebel.com/when-surgeons-fail-their-trans-patients-1844774990?rev=1597854733082. According to several studies, the industry average for those complications range between 10 percent and 64 percent. Patient says Rumer Cosmetic Surgery botched gender reassignment Kathy Rumer did not reach this point of zero accountability without help. PLLC, d/b/a Rumer Cosmetic Surgery, and Kathy Rumer, DO, FACOS, by and through their counsel, ROGERS CASTOR, hereby brings this action at law and respectfully aver the following facts: Page 5 . As coverage for these procedures increases, likely so will demand for qualified surgeons to perform them, the researchers concluded. Kathy Rumer can no longer call herself an "ally" of our community when she is working with right wing lawyers to silence and intimidate her own patients. Without that key element, insurance coverage questions are left to regional decision boards, often comprised of insurance company representatives and public health officials who may harbor anti-trans beliefs they want to institutionalize. Dr. Rumer was referring to World Professional Association for Transgender Health, or WPATH, the organization that sets out guidelines and best practices for trans-related health worldwide. This is a great one to share. 10. Advocates describe a patchwork of surgical practices and transgender centers for excellence overseen by local hospitals and state medical boards. Her follow-up appointment, a week after the surgery, was administered by a nurse. I'm basically winging it and referring back to old notes as I type it, but I'm not exactly the most mentally sound at the moment. Kathy Rumer is no ally of the trans community in a time when republicans are actively rolling back abortion and LGBTQ rights. Fear of expensive and time-consuming legal challenges based on patient testimonies are not unfounded: Dr. Rumer and her legal team directed letters to me questioning the integrity of your inquiry and article, declined to answer factual questions, and eventually served me a subpoena in an attempt to gain access to my reporting notes and sources. In the summer of 2018, the group of trans people who had surgery with Dr. Dugi in Portland met with OSHU to discuss how the hospital could provide more trauma-informed care for its trans patients. We can beat Rumer through a war of attrition by denying her as many new patients as possible. (Do not EVER contact me again.) Jezebel reached out to several prominent gender surgeons to inquire into how many of Rumers former patients they had seen for revision procedures to fix her results. Her office accepts new patients. (For full disclosure: I paid $100 for a surgical consultation over Skype with Dr. Rumer in late September 2017 but ultimately decided to go with another surgeon.). GRS Surgeon Kathy Rumer is using a right-wing legal team to - Reddit I am relieved that more people are becoming aware and it's extremely sad that there are more stories like mine. She has now consulted with, by her own count, 36 surgeons about fixing her genitalia. It's time to take action. Additionally, Rumers hair removal technique failed, leaving some hair growing just inside the labia, though not in the vaginal canal itself. : Rumer has resorted to taking out of state medicaid as a result of her dwindling reputation in PA. Maybe they go and scrub in with one surgeon on one surgery and they say, Oh yeah, now I know how to do this. As one anonymous surgeon quoted in a 2017 survey put itsomeone is going to see someone with a reputable name; they learn for a week, and they start doing them. Then we were supposed to book for February or March, but her office simply couldn't figure out how to handle insurance, and THEN they put me on a wait list to have surgery on July 17, 2019. She told me that it's very rare for someone to develop granulation tissue like this a year after bottom surgery. It was help that never materialized. 24 Sep 2022 19:13:22 Kathy is having some hesitations before her double operation.. On Tuesday's episode of Botched, Dr. Paul Nassif agrees to repair patient Kathy's nose and perform a revision facelift after she . Jul 12, 2018. Surgeons are accountable to a patchwork of institutions and GRS training can vary between a week of observation with an established surgeon to a years-long apprenticeship program.
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kathy rumer botched