is john constantine immortal

In Episode 5 of the series, Chas is shown coming back from life after being stabbed to death. Shaun Corley is a freelance writer currently residing in the mountains of Appalachia. The two bonded by going on amateur magical adventures together until Constantine decided she deserved a normal life and left her without explanation. For starters, he actually has no superhuman abilities. There have been no mentioned birthday celebrations since then, but nothing in the comics has stated a retcon of Constantine's age or the real time development of his comic. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early Life 1.2 Magical Beginnings 1.3 Shady Past 1.4 Great Darkness 1.5 Justice League Dark 1.6 Trinity War 1.7 Forever Evil ", Asked in 1985 about the similarities between John Constantine and the character Baron Winters (from Marv Wolfman and Gene Colan's Night Force), Moore revealed that he was a "big fan" of Wolfman and Night Force, but that there was "no intention to rip off Baron Winters." In the fight, Mercury and Constantine were separated and, since John had no idea how to find Mercury again, returned to London. It came with a cost, that of the 47. His origin story, on the other hand, is what has queers screaming with excitement. However, he has also lied to and manipulated demons into doing his bidding, or even breaking their own rules at times sentencing them further into hell. With the invitation to take E's spot as leader of the Cold Flame, Constantine agreed, secretly planning to take the cult down from the inside-out. Original Hellblazer writer, Jamie Delano also claims to have encountered Constantine, during his run on the character, outside the British Museum. Justice League Dark #1(November, 2011). Hopefully, as time goes on, someone will come along who can manage to lock down the Hellblazer himself. Instead, his descendant Johanna Costantine appears (and has an identical ancestor). In the movie Constantine He is played by American actor Keanu Reeves who was portrayed as a man in his early to mid 30's with black short hair and dressed in the same style as the original John Constantine, however Keanu's John wore a fitted black trench coat as oppose to the usual tan or beige trench coats. [14], At one point in time, Constantine encountered the power of the Other Place, a Dark Multiverse realm that is the source of all dark magic, when a piece of the darkness broke free and nearly burned Heaven to the ground. The power to pierce the multi verses membrane and meddle in the matters of another universe, sending and receiving messages, is not something any other telepath in the DC Universe possesses. Please enter a valid email and try again. His skills also cover the Dark Occult Arts and Spell-Casting that uses demonic energy. 9 The Family Man Over the course of his publication, it was eventually revealed that Constantine, despite his heavy penchant for women, was also attracted to men. His favorite characters are Batman, Swamp Thing, Blue Beetle, Spider-Man, and the X-Men. Film and television have had some cracks at you, but no one's been able to fully stick the landing. John Constantine Hellblazer Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. He had to work hard for gaining power. Though he often claims that he is limited in what he can do by a higher power, he has proven to be immortal and boasts the abilities of teleportation, interdimensional travel, time travel,. In a parallel universe, John's twin survived to become the . He has existed even before the Universe began and is said to be the one that witnesses its end. John Constantine has been a fan favorite character from DC Comics for years. 1986: Won "Favourite Supporting Character" Eagle Award Constantine and Winters met each other during Moore's run on Swamp Thing. First appearing during Alan Moores legendary run on Swamp Thing in the early 1980s, John Constantine is a working-class magician from Britain who uses his wits to get by as much as he uses magic. In Hellblazer issue 69, when The King of Vampires killed a man in front of John and casually asked if he'd been a friend, John replied "Must be. With all of his power, he is immortal and was actually was born in the 18 th Century, surviving the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade. While Constantine is adept at summoning demons to fight in battles, he can also create and raise his own powerful demons with ease. He also loves dogs. His violent and anti-social attitude makes him a formidable anti-hero, and he's known for doing whatever it takes to get the job done. His skills also cover the Dark Occult Arts and Spell-Casting that uses demonic energy. That could hopefully disrupt the market place: Desperate to Become a Billionaire, The Rocks $3.5B Brand Aims to Revolutionize $569 Billion Industry, He could literally just play Luke: Star Wars Fans Demand Mandalorian Season 2 Star Graham Hamilton to Replace Mark Hamill as Young Luke Skywalker, True Story: Real Reason How Pedro Pascal Got GrievousIy Injured While Shooting The Mandalorian, Hes kind of stuck with him: Zack Snyder Reveals Ben Afflecks Batman Had to Fight Henry Cavills Superman With Jokers Help in Knightmare Sequence, Dumbest thing Ive heard in a long time: Even Snyder Fans are Blasting Zack Snyder for Originally Wanting Greek Gods to be Kryptonians, Shut the fk up and let him do his job: Quentin Tarantino Learned The Hard Way After Trying to Make Brad Pitt Strip Down for His Movie. Together with Faust and Doctor Mist he plots to recover the Books of Magic, and simultaneously seek revenge on Constantine and Zatanna. John Constantine is bisexual, throughout his life he has been involved with women and sometimes men. To help clarify, here is our list of 10 things to know about John Constantine, the Hellblazer. Lets see who wins this round of magical mayhem. Spoilers forDCeased: Dead Planet #7 ahead! Constantine then returned to handle the war over Pandora's Box, gaining possession of the box in the chaos and watching as its true purpose was unleashed - summoning a doorway for the Crime Syndicate from Earth 3. Another skill he has is that he has learned escapology from one of the greatest in the field Mister Miracle. A comparison between the two is on order. In the 2005 Constantine film, the character of Chas Kramer, played by Shia LaBeouf, was loosely based on Chas Chandler. dark ish. One time he used a Dark Occult Art to memory wipe an entire prisons inmates, causing them to riot and frantically destroy the building because Constantine was out of cigarettes. Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Since making his debut in 1985, this morally gray bad boy has weaseled his way into and out of some of the most insane magical situations imaginable. Although a compassionate humanist who struggles to overcome the influence of both Heaven and Hell over humanity and despite his occasional forays into heroism, Constantine is a foul-mouthed cynic who pursues a life of sorcery and danger. RELATED: The 5 Best Justice League Leaders (& The 5 Worst). ago Ah, I see. As the series progressed his trademark attire became a grungier, more rumpled trench coat, white shirt and black tie. Trigon, an extra-dimensional demon, is running amok on Earth and Constantine is the only one who can stop him. In versions of Constatine where the audience are young his trademark cigarettes is replaced by lollipops. No longer on speaking terms with Georgiana, Constantine returned to New York. However, this wouldnt be Constantines first time on screen, as Keanu Reeves even took a stab at the character in the francis Lawrence directed film, Constantine (2005). While his rock and roll days are certainly behind him, Constantine will still call back and reminisce in the times when rock was his passion. John Constantine was born in Liverpool, England. It is in his ability to outwit beings that are far more knowledgeable than him and have the last laugh. He is a powerful figure and crime boss in New York who uses his magic to enforce his will. Constantine's official debut was not until Swamp Thing #37. Somebody who was streetwise, working class, and from a different background than the standard run of comic book mystics. The Lord of Order and the Lord of Chaos are forever locked in a battle to outrun and outwit each other. Rather than. His abilities have afforded him the opportunity not only to cheat death, but to trick the forces that govern Heaven and Hellmeaning he has no shortage of powerful enemies. Funny that a spell cast by a drunk Constantine changed . Constantine successfully killed Necro and worked the free the captive heroes. newsletter, Stephen Amell and Loki creator enter the SDCC ring for Heels, The Walking Dead adds new character relationships, new characters in final season, Amazon offers a first look at fantasy series Wheel of Time at SDCC 2021, Nuclear-grade Fear The Walking Dead Comic-Con panel reveals season 7 premiere date, first details, Therell be new Dune stories in the future, no matter how the movie does, The Walking Dead: The World Beyond promises to fill in some TWD universe gaps, Lucifer SDCC panel dug into season 5s big twists and whats to come in the final season, Dexter: New Blood creators want to redefine Dexters original finale with new ending thatll blow up the internet, Bobs Burgers will keep breaking rules in season 12, the eventual movie, The new Dragon Ball Super movie is Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Star Wars team reveals the next, grim stage of The High Republic prequel initiative, Eureka co-creator Andrew Cosby working on new live-action Dungeons & Dragons show, Death Note creators new series Platinum End to stream on Crunchyroll this fall, The Walking Deads season 11 trailer introduces us to the Commonwealth, Captain Janeway is back in the first trailer for Star Trek: Prodigy, A first look at the hero bunny of Netflixs Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles, Blade Runner anime Black Lotus gets first trailer at SDCC, Gen:Lock season 2 ups the ante with first teaser, The first trailer for Dexters new season revives the killer instinct, Doctor Who series 13 trailer hints at the shows new serialized approach, Netflixs Army of the Dead prequel Army of Thieves already has a trailer, Bone creator Jeff Smith got his dream team for Netflix animated series, Kevin Smith says Masters of the Universe: Revelation is He-Man for grown ups, The Owl House, Amphibia cross over and tease the future at SDCC 2021, Rick and Mortys 2021 SDCC panel took SDCC as seriously as Rick and Morty would, The Dragon Prince SDCC 2021 panel dropped lots of out-of-context clues and spoilers, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero character concepts revealed at SDCC 2021, The Simpsons writers enter season 33 with self-awareness and no signs of slowing down, DC Comics is taking Superman to War(world), Marvel X-Men writers plan to burn it all down in upcoming Inferno event, Todd McFarlane explains that King Spawn is not a king but he is a king, The future of Wonder Woman lies with Queen Nubia of the Amazons, The Scarecrow is a harbinger of Batmans dystopian future in Fear State, Junji Ito thinks the world has gotten scarier, but not as scary as his manga, Robert Kirkman promises more Invincible, more Walking Dead, and beyond, Heavy Metal Publishing wants you to know its still rocking post-pandemic, Dark Horse promises Its not just straight white boy comics anymore, Radiant Black is the weirdest Power Rangers comic youve never read, Spin the wheel on Polygons patented Comic-Con news generator, Two Magic designers walk into a tavern to discuss D&D cards, Becoming Storm Shadow meant more than learning moves for Snake Eyes Andrew Koji, Stargate Atlantis cast reunites to remember just how popular Stargate Atlantis was, Rick and Morty vs. D&D actual play is Comic-Cons nerdiest crossover event, The panels to stream during this years San Diego Comic-Con, The story of Tuvix, Star Treks most debate-worthy meme, Black Widow shows why the MCUs closure problem is so crucial, The Marvel and DC games you never played, but should have, Adventure Times Wizard City will explore a Dark Ones past, Netflixs Masters of the Universe: Revelation radically re-imagines He-Mans 1980s world. Etrigan was an immortal demon whose soul was joined to Jason Blood 's by Merlin during a battle with Destiny. A weekly roundup of the best things from Polygon. However, he was not told that the spell required a sacrifice; while performing it, his family home caught fire and resulted in the death of his mother and father. Who knows nuns, politicians, and bikers, and who is never at a loss for what to do. Season six will also be the final season for Dominic Purcell, who has played the pyromaniac criminal Mick Rory since the shows first season. The CWs Legends of Tomorrow has stayed fresh over the course of six seasons through a rotating cast that has involved both swapping in new principal actors and letting existing performers play new characters. We love Constantine, we want the best for you, but at some point you have to be honest about who that character is, co-showrunner Phil Klemmer told Ryan. published 27 October 2015 John Constantine's time as a leading TV hero is done, but he's not gone from television entirely. Together, Dream and Constantine retrieve it. John has a past with Faust, but thanks to the Rising Darkness, Faust is now more powerful than ever, so Constantine agrees to run an errand for him in exchange for Geraldine's soul (which is . One time Doctor Fate and the Spectre traded fists in battle. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Flashpoint Sometimes, he manages to talk just long enough to stall his opponent until backup arrives. Your email address will not be published. Contrast this with Constantines death in Hellblazer: he was shot and killed by his niece Gemma, a magic-user like him. John Constantine is one of the most fascinating comic book characters ever created. It is the most powerful entity that ever was, is or will exist. For more information see Constantine (film) and John Constantine (film character). He is married to Renee Chandler and father to Geraldine Chandler, with a granddaughter, Tricia Chandler. Here are ten must-know facts about the Hellblazer. The Cult continued their assault against Constantine while he attempted to juggle the war over Pandora's Box. But it seems . John Constantine. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. [25], Finding his Earth 2 counterpart, a version of himself who lived a happy life with his friends without the curses of magic, Constantine connected with the counterparts of family members he had lost before designing a spell he thought could transport himself and as many Earth 2 residents as possible back to his world before Darkseid finally destroyed the planet. The Reason Why John Constantine Became Johanna In Netflix's 'The Sandman' Neil Gaiman once put his thoughts on Twitter to answer this question. The film reveals that Constantine used to date . It is still not enough to get the advantage, however, and Trigon seemingly kills him. Moore also requested that Constantine look like the singer, Sting, as he believed the singer represented a lot of similarities that Moore was trying to associate with Constantine. Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! Keanu Reeves hit the late night circuit and told Stephen Colbert that he "would love to be John Constantine again." . NEXT: The 10 Most Powerful Members Of Justice League Dark, Ranked. Strange little story.". Constantine (comic) Chas Kramer was a taxi driver, John 's friend, and personal chauffeur, as well as an aspiring demon hunter whose life was cut short by the Archangel Gabriel . Well, we finally got Chas' backstory on Constantine Season 1 Episode 10 and the writers sure did cut it close; there's only 3 episodes left! He is portrayed by Harold Perrineau. Under these circumstances, Mira's "death" could be a deception in the same way she fooled audiences into thinking she was an average game master. "The Sandman" is the long-awaited upcoming adaptation of Neil Gaiman's classic comic book series about the immortal godlike being Morpheus, who's finally freed after more than a century of. This season is an open book of how can we mess John up ourselves.. See the full list of nominees below: Outstanding Play. Images "I know myself.I'm a ripe mix of guilt and torment." John Constantine. [5], Later, Constantine and his first love Veronica Delacroix formed a mystical-themed punk band named "Mucous Membrane" with their friend Gaz Lester. It may not look and sound like much at first glance. Constantine's boyfriend Oliver, whose daughters had been used as leverage to keep Constantine out of Neron's plans, had independently made a deal to save them from the demon and was dragged to Hell before Constantine's eyes. He looked no, he didn't even look exactly like Sting. Significantly darker and more mature themes were common in Vertigo titles, and John Constantine: The Hellblazer was no exception. His second meeting with his creation was illustrated in 2001's Snakes and Ladders, an adaptation by Eddie Campbell of one of Moore's performance art pieces: "Years later, in another place, he steps out of the dark and speaks to me. And we love him for it. The spell was destructive, causing Constantine to watch as some of his friends and family's counterparts died in front of him again along the way, but, nonetheless, he made it back with some of the survivors and resettled back into his life in New York City. Chas forever believed he was indebted to John, but in a friendly manner. Nowadays, most people may recognize Constantine from his role on DCs Legends of Tomorrow TV show that airs on the CW. 1987: Won "Favourite Supporting Character" Eagle Award John Constantine was born on May 10th,1982 in Liverpool, England. Alan Moore created the character after artists Stephen R Bissette and John Totleben, who were fans of Sting's band The Police, expressed a desire to draw a character who looked like Sting. Constantine has also exhibited considerable mastery in "stage magic skills" - hypnosis, sleight of hand and escapology. Capable brawler with some knowledge of martial arts; expert knowledge of London's streets, capable marksman. He plans to use her to get to John Constantine, as they are old allies. A Case for the Existence of God, by Samuel D. Hunter, Signature Theatre. Though he usually operates alone for a reason, Constantine is also associated with the Justice League Dark. None of those skills are possessed by Doctor Fate. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. She is approached by the First of the Fallen while relaxing in her garden. Constantine first appeared in Swamp Thing #37 (June 1985), and was created by Alan Moore, Steve Bissette, and John Totleben . Tracks will include the David Bowie-inspired Space Girl and music from the shows singing competition episode The Ex-Factor. The cast said theyd love to do more musicals in the future, suggesting riffs on Moulin Rouge! Since making his debut in 1985, this morally gray bad boy has weaseled his way into and out of some of the most insane magical situations imaginable. actually john dee is also dr destiny on the comics but his dr destiny persona isnt really used much so hes kinda free agent 5 poptartwith 5 mo. Then, Johns spirit, now free from his body, uses Deadmans powers to possess Trigon and compel him to stab himself with a spear. 152 ratings12 reviews. The first is a second version of him, introduced in Brightest Day issue 24, 2011, who exists in the DC Universe alongside comic book heroes like Batman and Superman. Much like the man himself, Constantines upbringing is a slightly darker origin story than most. Contents 1 History 2 Physical Appearance 3 Trivia 4 References History She was the daughter of Lord and Lady Constantine, orphaned at a young age when her parents were hanged for treason. Not too long after making his debut in Saga of the Swamp Thing #37, author Jamie Delano was tasked with writing Constantine as a solo book. Most people know author Alan Moore by his accomplishments with works such as Watchmen, V For Vendetta, and Batman: The Killing Joke. This version of Constantine is an American exorcist and former Catholic who can see into the world beyond and fights evil with a magical shotgun. Generally, people tend to focus on only one kind of magic. [31], After Superman is framed and rendered comatose, Constantine joined the group of heroes heading towards Mars to confront their mysterious enemy. Operating as an occult detective and adventurer in the 18th and 19th centuries, Johanna Constantine is thus John Constantine's ancestor. While he is not reckless in the death he spreads, he is also far from merciful. John goes ahead and cleans up . RELATED: 16 Of The Greatest Alan Moore Stories. and Yellow Submarine. Constantine attributes this to demon blood in his veins. The only time he was shown how to drive was during the. In his formative years as a magic rookie, John Constantine has learned a lot about magic. This is something Johanna and John Constantine have in common. List of minor John Constantine appearances, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Although he knows how to drive, John is either too lazy or uninterested and just allows his friend Chas to drive for him. This roughly corresponds with the realtime math, which would put Constantine at age 59 or 60 in this issue. This DC queer legend is known for his relationship with John Constantine, another bisexual character from the DC Universe, but more specifically the animated film Justice League Dark: Apokolips War. Despite the mutual attraction between the two, they are still far too different to ever have a secure romantic relationship. All of a sudden, up the stairs came John Constantine. After that, Lucifer packed his bags and moved to Los Angeles, the City of Angels. [9], At some point, John returned to England and fell in love with a young woman named Maureen, but her involvement with John eventually lead to her committing suicide, something John would always blame himself for. Due to their close friendship Constantine prefers to keep Chas away from the more dangerous aspects of his work, but it's the same friendship which allows Constantine and Chas to pull each other out of bad situations. Constantine has also appeared in the Justice League Dark (2017) animated feature. [10] John also had a casual relationship with the demon Blythe, but the two never got more serious than the occasional shag. And Doctor Fate is one of the worlds foremost experts on it. This character is or was a member of the Sinestro Corps, chosen by Sinestro to counteract the Green Lantern Corps and spread terror throughout their sector with a Power Ring. The voice of the AI computer of the Legends time ship, the Waverider, shell be appearing in the flesh in season 7. john constantine is a pretty big DC character so he is his own title and the show would have to pay to use him but johanna is made for sandman. John Constantine was born in Liverpool on May 10, 1953, after strangling his twin brother with his umbilical cord in the womb. Johanna Constantine is a character previously established in DC Comics too and is a distant ancestor of John; IGN reports that she shared an encounter with Dream during the French Revolution, who . May 10, 1953) is the protagonist of the comic book series Hellblazer and first appeared in Swamp Thing issue 37 in June 1985. During his childhood experiments with magic, he attempted a spell taught to him that would make him a powerful magician. With the powers of Shazam at his fingertips, Constantine was ambushed and defeated a member of the Cult of the Cold Flame before having to return his powers back to Billy. After everything, all Tony ever felt was exhausted. John Constantine (b. For information on Constantine's life in the main Hellblazer series, see John Constantine biography. That episode was so expensive that the showrunners needed to do a bottle episode to save money, so the crew winds up trapped in a game of Clue by an increasingly out of control Constantine. There was one other time he had sex with a Succubus, which further tainted his blood. The Spectre takes control of a host and uses him or her as its vessel. As a result, Constantine has pulled off greater magical feats, though often at someone elses expense. Fate still managed to find a way to defeat him. He was spun off into his own book, called Hellblazer, that ran for an astounding 300 issues. Confronting the demon who cursed him, Constantine managed to reverse the spell and begin his new adventure in his home country. John kills Queenie and rescues Chas, and the two developed a close bond with each other. Constantine using an offensive spell "Fiat Bloody Lux" to fight off two demons. Rory currently thinks shes dead because he left her on a planet full of lizard monsters, but that happy reunion will likely pave the way for Rorys exit from the show. The Immortal Hulk Omnibus Volume 4 by Al Ewing - paperback. He's an expert sorcerer and magician, but also an accomplished liar and thief known for his vices, self-loathing and on-again-off-again death wish. John Constantine is an occult detective from Liverpool, England. Having the power to communicate with others over vast distances via telepathy is a great auxiliary power. In that instance, Constantine simply went to his death with no fight or anything. Dream made one mortal friend throughout the centuries: an Englishman named Hob Gadling (Ferdinand Kingsley) whom Dream's sister, Death (Kirby Howell-Baptiste), granted immortality. John Constantine Hellblazer Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. His violent and anti-social attitude makes him a formidable anti-hero, and he's known for doing whatever it takes to get the job done. Constantine cannot be turned into a vampire. Enjoy a year of. As of DC Rebirth, Constantine is no longer a member of the Justice League Dark, though he is still seen quite often as a means to warn the team of an upcoming threat or to offer a small helping hand. John is the son of the late Tommy Constantine and the late Mary Anne, the brother of an unnamed woman, and a descendant . By submitting your email, you agree to our, John Constantine is leaving Legends of Tomorrow, but his actor will return, Sign up for the Nick's girlfriend at the time was Zatara's daughter Zatanna, who was herself a powerful magician. Now supercharged beyond anything he has ever experienced, Constantine slugs Trigon, knocking him down. Expect more development of the friendship shes formed with Astra Logue (Olivia Swann), a sorceress who was raised in hell. He is a con-artist, magician and anti-hero. As well as the John Constantine who first appeared in the comic book Swamp Thing and then moved into the Vertigo universe under the Vertigo Comics imprint (ie. While Constantine has worn many clothes over the years he was originally portrayed as often wearing a blue pin-stripe suit, tan trench coat and occasionally gloves. However, this ended when Constantine was exiled from the team. Words: 2,044. Back to home page Return to top. [1], Constantine was not in London long before being contacted by Swamp Thing, looking to collect on a favor: Abby Arcane had gone missing from the Rot, and Swamp Thing wanted Constantine to find her. If you're dealing with trouble that skews a bit supernatural, you'd better get yourself to the expert. Only there's a hiccup. In Hellblazer issue eight Constantine celebrated his 35th birthday. For more information see Constantine (TV series) and John Constantine (TV character). First appearing during Alan Moore's legendary run on Swamp Thing in the early 1980s, John Constantine is a working-class magician from Britain who uses his wits to get by as much as he uses magic. Darkest Alternate Reality Versions of the Joker Ranked. There was once an instance where Fate established a telepathic link with superheroes from another universe. For those unfamiliar, Vertigo is a sub company of DC Comics. Having become a full-fledged leader within the cult when he took down Mister E, Constantine began to secretly ally himself with other independent magicians who might be threatened by the Cold Flame. This version of constantine was voiced by none other than Matt Ryan himself as well. DC Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Johanna awakened from a recurring nightmare as she arrived outside a chapel, where she was warned of Morpheus' return by Mad Hettie before heading inside, where Erica persuaded her into performing an exorcism on the princess. Lucifer simply punished them for their own wicked actions. the one who appeared in Hellblazer), there are three other notable John Constantines. But let's go back in time to focus on . In the comics, John Constantine had left the bag with a junkie ex. Later, however, after they all once again experienced visions of an apocalypse, the magicians once again assembled and declared themselves an official (albeit unnamed) team under Constantine's leadership. Of course, this would make sense for him considering he was created using inspiration from Sting. In 1993, at the launch of DC's Vertigo Comics imprint, Hellblazer was made an official Vertigo publication. He's dead.". He had already announced that there would be no John Constantine in the series. John as a character throughout his comic book history walks alone, Ryan said. As mentioned previously, Constantines character has had a great presence on DCs Legends of Tomorrow TV show. While Zatanna is arguably more powerful than Constantine, she has a stronger moral compass, meaning that she is unwilling to attempt magical feats with too great a cost. Simon Spurrier, John Paul Leon (Cover Art), Aaron Campbell (Penciller).more. From here, Constantine would learn to master the mystic arts and become one of the greatest magicians in DC history.
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is john constantine immortal