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explain the rationale behind the safeguarding and welfare requirements

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Identifying organisational abuse and neglect is likely to have other benefits for the care home, in reducing staff turnover and staff absences. There was no research evidence identified in this area. Evidence on training suggested that improvements in safeguarding practice were not always maintained in the longer-term, and that there should be opportunities for further and more advanced learning. The strength of the evidence was limited, but the committee made recommendations in areas where the evidence aligned with their own experience and expertise. The committee discussed whether it is possible to specify how soon new staff should have mandatory safeguarding training. However, in care homes where this is not the case, managers will need to spend more time supporting staff and learning from safeguarding enquiries. There is some variation across the UK in the way care homes conduct training, although the contracts that providers have with local authorities will tend to encourage best practice and standardisation. However, as this can be an existing member of staff, the committee were confident that there would be no significant resource impact. Cotham students will be aware of how to seek support if safeguarding issues arise. It will particularly focus on the key areas identified within the Planning Tool manual and aims to help and support existing work with children and young people and to identify and evaluate its aims and goals.ADVANCED CHILDCARE, Afasic seeks to raise awareness and to create better services and provision for children and young people with speech and language impairments. Local authorities may also need to learn more about the reputational risks to care homes and effects on staff morale when they are involved in safeguarding enquiries. Instead, it is more likely to be a cumulative consequence of how services are managed, led and funded. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to inform the recommendations. The existing guidance did not cover all the areas that the committee thought were important, so they also used their own knowledge and expertise when agreeing the recommendations. Safeguarding children with disabilities: this course aims to ensure that participants can safeguard disabled children from harm through an increased awareness of their vulnerability to abuse. Prevention refers to stopping children from being abused. PDF Section 3 The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements - FW Solutions Evidence suggested that improvements in safeguarding practice were not always maintained in the longer-term, and the committee agreed that it was important to run refresher training if needed. Policies and procedures play a vital role in improving the quality of children's services and are an integral part of best practice. No research evidence was identified about the indicators that should alert people to organisational abuse and neglect in care homes. The committee also wanted to emphasise the important role of commissioners in working with care homes. For example, care home managers could assess this through follow-up conversations with staff, and by evaluating changes immediately after training and at further longer-term follow-up. There was no research evidence identified on safeguarding leads. However, the committee agreed that the culture of a particular care home (and the role played by managers in shaping this) is a key factor in enabling and encouraging care home staff to report safeguarding concerns. This research did not specifically evaluate the impact that care home culture can have on staff willingness to report safeguarding concerns. This should in turn improve the safety, health and wellbeing of care home residents. The Statutory Framework for theEarly Years Foundation Stage(EYFS) sets the standards for promoting the learning, development and safety of children from birth to five years in Ofsted registered settings. Qualitative themes were identified from the research evidence, covering the challenges associated with governance, roles and responsibilities, and lines of communication. However, this is unlikely to take a significant amount of time, as there should already be systems in place to record and share this information. Inclusion is key to effective practice in the EYFS, which places such emphasis on the individual child. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. Care homes will need to make sure that specific safeguarding concepts and terminology is clearly understood by all staff, regardless of literacy levels or language skills, and this may require some additional resources. To address this, the committee made a research recommendation to look at the effectiveness, cost effectiveness and acceptability of e-learning safeguarding training, compared with face-to-face training. This creates opportunities for parents and professionals to engage with current thinking on a range of issues. Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements - Bolton Start Well MENCAPMencap is the UK's leading disability charity working with children, adults and carers. SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIOURAL DIFFICULTIES ASSOCIATION (SEBDA). As a result of the limitations of the evidence, the committee also used their own expertise, and their knowledge of statutory guidance requirements, to make a recommendation. Everyone working in an early years setting needs to be aware of the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the EYFS. Safeguarding is the general idea that nobody should have to live in an environment where they are being neglected or abused. The recommendations should reduce the potential psychological and emotional distress on affected staff. There are rules around what information must be available to parents/carers, including information on how the EYFS is being delivered, the activities and experiences that are provided, policies and procedures, emergency contact details, and information about the childs key person. Managers will need to make sure their safeguarding knowledge is up to date. ABC MEDICAL SERVICESPaediatric First Aid: PFAA Approved, EYFS-compliant 12-hour course which is a requirement of all Childcare Practitioners who require registration by OFSTED. adequacy, as the themes were based on relatively limited data. It also promotes child safety awareness during Child Safety Week. While having policies and procedures in place is important, care homes and care home providers can have problems ensuring that staff follow these. PDF SAFEGUARDING POLICY Rationale - Educ8 Luton Theoretical perspectives on child abuse. The EYFS lays down the legal requirements that early years providers must meet, including: The learning and development requirements cover three prime areas, which are considered particularly important for stimulating childrens interest in learning, and in building relationships: The three prime areas are strengthened by four specific areas of learning: literacy, mathematics,understanding of the world, and expressive arts and design. There was a lack of detail regarding study methodology, making quality assessment difficult. The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) includes a requirement that to count in the staff child ratios at Level 3, staff who hold an Early Years Educator qualification must also hold a Level 2 English and mathematics qualification. The guidance highlighted the importance of writing down carefully what the person discloses using their own words, but not interviewing them, and encouraging the resident to preserve any physical evidence if a crime may have been committed. MUDIAD YSGOLION MEITHRINAbersaff: training linking to the Abersaff resource pack focusing on health and safety guidelines. These notifications must be made as soon as is reasonably possible, but at the latest within 14 days of the allegation being made. Commissioners may need to do more to promote good communication and working relationships with care homes, but this could be achieved without additional resources. The Early Years Foundation Stage | early years alliance Although there were concerns about this evidence (mainly regarding the adequacy and relevance of the data), the committee also drew on their own expertise to make the recommendations. Connecting with Autism is a recognised AQA Unit Award qualification Level 3.BASPCAN'Safeguarding Children in the 21st Century: Where to now?' Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements | Nursery World There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. There were also concerns regarding adequacy, as most themes were based on limited data. There were also concerns regarding the methods used in some of the included studies, for example their recruitment processes and how they considered the wider research context. TAMBA also offers information for professionals. dY There was no research evidence identified on confidentiality and suspected abuse and neglect. Reflecting on these observations means practitioners can shape learning experiences for individual children. This is because, in their experience, those indicators represented a higher likelihood of abuse and neglect. Subscribing with flick offers access to all flick courses, plus downloadable guides and resources in the flick library. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to inform the recommendations, alongside their own expertise and experience. Involving parents in their child's learning, Early Years Alliance is the trading name of the Pre-school Learning Alliance. hXn[7>hKw 051@. Y2$gWMv4y9p339*bN:TY*i|&&NQI{44"tQJX'A!1X4xqaYeqLZDF;$Rbw9>&8r>AxDQyo?7_&9k.bU|x5^!|3e9]/T"#`ep5{GGFPZBs2Gz)|2tDtx;L c->/$6p{peAq0^)o The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile is a statutory review of children's progress in the year they reach five. The difference between autism and Asperger's syndrome is clarified, looking at case studies. TAMBA provides information and support networks for families of twins, triplets and more. To address this potential issue, the committee made a recommendation on assessing how well training is working and whether it is being used to improve practice. This evidence did not demonstrate any differences in costs or effectiveness between 2 different programmes. First-aid course: two-day, in-depth course covering all aspects of first-aid, including dealing with anaphylactic shock. Cancer Research UK is the largest volunteer-supported cancer research organisation in the world. PDF Section 3 The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements April 2017 Care homes will have to check that their safeguarding leads have the relevant skills and competencies to assess and act on concerns. There may also be cost implications if practitioners need training of their own in order to conduct training for staff, or if external organisations are used to deliver training. Please note that changes to content are minor and providers willnotneed to alter any planning based on the September 2020 version that they may have already made. There was some limited economic evidence on training. However, increased costs will be justified given the improvements in safeguarding practice that are likely to occur. These meetings already commonly occur, so they may just need more emphasis on guidance and support for the affected member of staff. All staff must be given child safeguarding training, including training on the settings policies and procedures, and also induction training that covers other areas such equality and diversity and health & safety. The committee made a recommendation on sharing information from Safeguarding Adults Boards with care home staff because they thought it could improve accountability, and help staff understand the responsibilities of other practitioners and organisations in relation to safeguarding. The evidence highlighted the challenges associated with partnership working, and the difficulties in communicating with care homes. Publications, including The Gluten Free Food and Drink Directory, can be bought direct from Coeliac UK. There are many courses on safeguarding. As part of the assessment process, parents and carers should be encouraged to share their own observations of their childs progress. 0*X%aJ: The recommendations will help standardise practice, and ensure that managers promote safeguarding training and learning in care homes. There were also methodological concerns regarding some of the studies, for example in relation to recruitment strategies and data analysis processes. Section 3 - The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements April 2017 3 Registered providers must also notify Ofsted or their childminding agency of the action taken in respect of the allegations. CLEFT LIP AND PALATE ASSOCIATION (CLAPA)CLAPA provides support for parents, and for people with the condition and their families. It also promotes child safety awareness during Child Safety Week. Safety posters, signs and videos can be purchased. There were a number of concerns with this evidence, around: the methods used, for example in relation to data analysis and sampling strategies, the relevance of the themes in the evidence, as some of the studies were conducted in care settings other than care homes. The Alliance publishes a helpful guide, Observation, Assessment and Planning which is grounded in the EYFS and provides useful templates for effective practice. A small amount of qualitative evidence provided findings relating to the information and support that care home staff need during safeguarding enquiries. BRITISH INSTITUTE OF LEARNING DISABILITIES (BILD)Offers day training programmes on a range of learning disability related themes. This may have resource implications for care homes, who will be responsible for ensuring that support is available in the short and long term and that it is tailored to each person's needs. However, the content of training may vary across care homes, and some care homes may need to adapt their training programmes to make sure that safeguarding forms part of all new employee inductions within 6weeks of starting work. The aim of these recommendations is to help people better understand when a safeguarding referral should be made and when a referral should not be made. The committee recommended that care homes should ask for feedback from residents and families to find out what they thought about the way that safeguarding issues were addressed and managed in the home. The recommendations are based on existing non-NICE UK guidance, so staff should be familiar with the indicators in this guideline. The Alliance publishes a helpful guide, Observation, Assessment and Planning which is . Promotion of good health for the children in childcare settings is vital. There were concerns regarding the adequacy and relevance of the data, as it was not clear whether all of the findings were from a care home context. The committee agreed that it is important to reiterate the responsibilities of local authorities, clinical commissioning groups and other public sector commissioners, because they can use contract monitoring and other statutory monitoring processes to ensure that care homes are meeting their safeguarding responsibilities. There was a good amount of qualitative evidence on the barriers and facilitators to identifying abuse and neglect in care homes. Most of the indicators are adapted from the guidance the committee reviewed, and others were added by the committee based on their knowledge and expertise. Care homes do not currently nominate people to provide support to staff accused of abuse or neglect. Although the practitioner might be acting in the best interest of the person, they may be operating within the constraints of their role. For example, if staff have a better understanding of abuse and neglect, they may raise more concerns and there may be an increase in safeguarding referrals and enquiries. It meets the needs of Sure Start and Early Years and is appropriate for members of NCMA and PLA as well as anyone who is caring for children.BRITISH STAMMERING ASSOCIATION, BSA aims to help eliminate stammering in children by improving information for practitioners.BSA National Conference 2011 9-11 September, Durham: a programme of workshops and presentations, and a great chance to meet other people who stammer. The structure of staff supervision sessions may need to be changed, to ensure that positive learning is acknowledged and reinforced. Areas covered are similar to the course above. The committee used their own expertise to support the evidence and make recommendations. This evidence had various problems: issues with the methods used in the studies, such as the way they addressed bias and ethical issues, and their recruitment strategies, the adequacy of the findings, as the studies provided only limited data. Despite the limitations of the evidence, the committee recognised that this is a crucial issue, in particular for staff who are subject to a safeguarding enquiry. Well-formulated policies and procedures give essential, clear information to staff and parents on your provisions aims and the steps you take to put these into action. There is variation in how support is currently provided. The committee had concerns about the adequacy of the findings, which were based on 'thin' data. MENINGITIS TRUSTThe Meningitis Trust is the oldest meningitis charity in the world and provides a range of professional services and community support. There may be an increase in the number of requests for training. Implementing the recommendations may involve minor changes to existing practice. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to inform the recommendations, alongside their own expertise and experience. Inconsistent or poor-quality records could impact on future enquiries. Acting early may improve the quality and safety of care and support for residents. Recommendations on financial and material abuse are needed because, while staff are often experienced at recognising other types of abuse, they may find it more difficult to recognise certain types of financial and material abuse. Staff involved in food preparation must hold the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) Level 2 Award in Food Safety to meet the requirements of the Food Safety Act and the Food Safety Regulations. More resources may be needed for a multi-agency approach to safeguarding, but it should improve the quality and safety of care and support. Other evidence that was available highlighted the positive outcomes achieved with some training methods (such as case studies and examples), and the challenges associated with other types of training (such as e-learning). It is based on the principle that parents are the key figures in their care and development. MONTESSORI CENTRE INTERNATIONALSpecial Educational Needs course: an introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of special needs education. the barriers and facilitators to embedding learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews in care homes. The committee emphasised the importance of asking the resident at risk what they would like to happen next, to ensure that the response to safeguarding was in line with the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal. ERIC provides advice on bedwetting, daytime wetting, constipation and incontinence. The committee used qualitative themes from research evidence on responding to and managing safeguarding concerns in care homes, and support and information needs for everyone involved in safeguarding concerns in care homes. Child protection: a guide to current policy and practice. ARMADILLO TRAINING, ASTHMA UKSupports people with asthma and those who care for and work with people with asthma.THE ATHENA PROGRAMMEWorking together to safeguard children: focusing on the knowledge and resources required to safeguard children within the limits of professional structures.Safeguarding children with disabilities: this course aims to ensure that participants can safeguard disabled children from harm through an increased awareness of their vulnerability to abuse.Safeguarding children levels 1, 2 and 3: individual courses designed to enhance knowledge, understanding and practice of safeguarding children.AUTISM NORTHERN IRELANDAutism NI offers a full range of training from the very basic fundamentals of ASD to intensive professional training in diagnosis and intervention.

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explain the rationale behind the safeguarding and welfare requirements

explain the rationale behind the safeguarding and welfare requirements

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