celestron starsense explorer dx 102az vs 130az

Youre at the right place. Celestron Starsense Explorer DX 102AZ Vs 130AZ Theres a hex nut inside the dovetail clamp; a socket wrench will do the job. Can you describe how you were able to loosen? Celestron StarSense Explorer DX100AZ vs. DX 102AZ - posted in Refractors : There is about a $100 difference in these two packages, but there is only 2 mm difference in the aperture. ), Deimos vs Saturn (How Are They Different? Celestron - StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ Smartphone App-Enabled Telescope - Works with StarSense App to Help You Find Stars, Planets & More - 102mm Refractor - iPhone/Android Compatible 4.3 out of 5 stars 274 Also I dont speak for Celestron and to prove so I will say the eye pieces are complete trash and it should come with a collimating tool. I find it exciting to hear that the StarSense explorer seems to make it quite easy and fast to explore the sky. However, the system has a few notable limitations that could curtail observing sessions. Celestron dx 130az has a focal ratio of f/5. 10.7 Arcsec-(Rayleigh)0.89 Arcsec-(Dawes), 1.37 Arcsec-(Rayleigh)1.14 Arcsec-(Dawes), Has more magnification power and forms better views, Less expensive but doesnt provide enough features considering the price. Improved focal ratio for better photography, Less cumbersome than the larger models below, Less power (aperture) than the two reflector options below, More aperture and better views with 4.5 inch aperture, One of the cheaper options alongside the 80AZ model, Larger, heavier, more cumbersome, and less portable than the refractors above, Large aperture for the best views of objects in the night sky, Larger, heavier, more cumbersome, and less portable than the other models. But Celestron dx 130az does since they are exposed to dirt. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). As for other key specifications, dx 102az has a focal ratio of 6.5. That leaves 130az with more options for planetary views. These views will be much brighter and clearer with the larger aperture models. In this review Ill cover the pros, cons and the 102AZs features to ultimately help you decide on whether the system is worth investing in or a beginner level device that you should skip out on. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Which Celestron StarSense telescope is best? (14) notify when in stock. The only major complaint was to do with the inaccuracy of the apps tracking ability, especially when users decided to look further out. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. In this article, we provide an overview of the differences between these telescopes so that you can understand the pros and cons of each. What Are Users Of The Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ Saying, Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ Smartphone App-Enabled Telescope Works with StarSense App to Help You Find Stars, Planets & More 102mm Refractor iPhone/Android Compatible, Orion Spaceprobe 130ST Review (A Good Budget Astronomy Setup?! a 6" or even 8" dobsonian ( Links on what to expect in different telescope aperture sizes ). Learn more about our story and the team behind the scene. But with dx 130az you can. A tabletop telescope is the best choice at this price range. After much debate, we finally know everything that there is to know regarding the two telescopes. Quantitative measurements of how the telescope performs in various performance categories: An amateur astronomer and telescope maker from Connecticut who has been featured on TIME Magazine, National Geographic, Sky & Telescope, La Vanguardia, and The Guardian. This mount is a little on the small side for either optical tube, but it works just fine. The StarSense Explorer app is ridiculously easy to set up. A 32mm Plossl will provide 20x, with a slightly wider true field than the included 25mm ocular, but is of debatable usefulness. I'm aware the reflector has a larger aperture (though the secondary mirror erodes this advantage a little?) The Celestron dx 102az telescope is not good for viewing faint objects. Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ Reviewed: Partially Recommended Winner: Between the two telescopes, Celestron Starsense Explorer dx 130az has superior image formation quality. The larger the aperture is, the brighter you can see in the telescope. The Astro-Fi cant be used manually but is more capable overall. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Stargazing Help came into existence when some young minds got mesmerized by outer space while camping. StarSense Explorer Smartphone App-Enabled Telescopes | Celestron In that regard you cant completely be reliant on the app, which may or may not be reasonably accurate considering the quality of your phones camera nevertheless, this shouldnt be a deal breaker if you were to decide on this telescope. 8-inch dobsonians are often highly recommended as the best telescopes and have been hard to get hold of in recent years due to shortages and supply chain disruptions around the world. Is LT127 a better choice? These are still decent entry level specs and will allow beginner level astronomers to see the following celestial objects provided enough of the StarSenses power is used : The tube isnt too big coming in at around 81 cm whilst the tripod will allow the device to extend to 1.24 meters, which honestly isnt that great. The Celestron Starsense DX 6 is exactly the same as the DX5 above but has a larger 6-inch aperture instead. As a result, it sometimes shows chromatic aberration. The clutch that holds the telescope in altitude, on the test model anyway, is fierce, so to move it you need to grasp the tripod firmly with one hand and wrench the tube up or down with the other as per the instructions. Add to Wish List. In essence, what it does is take a snapshot of the sky and use computer algorithms and star maps to figure out where it is pointing. Your 5 year old will not be able to reach the eyepiece of the 130mm without assistance or something to stand on (which usually leads to grabbing for something and the only something in the area is the telescope which you just centered in on the object you want to show). Thanks so much in advance. The pros of the lens included within the StarSense include the following : Overall, even though the optics within this telescope arent necessarily the most accurate when it comes to colours, it will still provide a solid experience for most. The Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ is an achromatic refractor, with a 102 mm doublet lens composed of two different types of glass. I'm interested in spending perhaps an hour or so every week or two doing astronomy. How were you able to loosen the tightness in the altitude axis? ), Celestron AstroMaster 130EQ Review (A Good Beginner Device!? I am trying to get my 9 Year old interested in this and the only reason why I was considering the 130 was because of the Star sense app which makes it super easy to find deep space objects and galaxies. Robin is the Vice President of the Society for Popular Astronomy, and even has an asteroid named after him (24728 Scagell), but neither the asteroid nor Robin poses a threat to civilization as we know it. The refractive nature of the optics means collimation wasnt necessary a problem and the starsense app allowed users to get stuck in quite quickly. What eyepiece should I upgrade for this telescope? The software constantly checks the alignment of the instrument and complains if it cant see the sky, so snapping on the cover in between observations is not easy or ideal. They take care of employees and no work pressure and fun at work. If you disregard factors like size and portability, then the Celestron Starsense Explorer 10 Dobsonian is the best as it has the highest aperture and will provide the best views. How about Starsense Explorer DX130 compared to Astromaster 130EQ? Any advice would help. The 130 is better but still pretty small for that price. However, I want to share a great tip with you. This helps remove much of the frustration that can occur when starting with astronomy that it is too hard and takes too long to find things to look at. Our Verdict: The Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102 AZ telescope is a beginner's ultimate telescope. The method of alignment is to aim the telescope at a chosen object which is where the red-dot finder comes in handy and then move the red crosswires on the app to the same object shown on the phone view. Welcome to my Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ Review! This model and the 102 AZ are refractors. You can zoom in for better precision. Celestron dx 102az weighs around 6.4 kg. Robin Scagell is a lifelong astronomer. It's good environment company employees also good respect Great place to work in dxc technology. . See our overview of all the different Celestron NexStar models. I am sorry but I have zero knowledge on this so please excuse my raw language ! DXC Technology helps global companies run their mission-critical systems and operations while modernizing IT, optimizing data architectures, and ensuring security and scalability across public, private and hybrid clouds. When you unbox your new StarSense Explorer DX, you'll find: 130mm Newtonian reflector optical tube. You can take a number of its key characteristics from its name: Not in the name, but worthy of note, is that it is a refractor telescope (as opposed to a reflector). You may even see Marss red spot, Saturns rings, or even Jupiters spiral patterns. will also probably upgrade in 5 years or so. Thank you for the advice Mike and Tfer. The aperture is almost the same, but the eyepiece magnification that comes with LT127 are better (50x, 100x and 2x barlow lense), Ps: I dont have much choice except celestron, since only this brand is available in my country, The 127 is junk and magnification is not what matters most. Faint objects like planetary nebulae or galaxies are off-limit. The StarSense Explorer DX 102 is a nice telescope, but a fully computerized instrument or a manual scope with more aperture might be a better pick. The mirror can become dewed up within minutes on some nights often the clearest. $469.95. For information: The StarSense technology on these telescopes enables you to use your smartphone to give you much of what youd get from a GOTO telescope. Youll need more expensive telescopes from Celestron to take pictures. Can you explain how they are still about equal in light gathering? The Celestron Omni XLT 150 is available here but is priced way above my budget. Often this makes for more comfortable viewing with less stooping. Just trying to decide between a 102 refractor vs a 130 reflector. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. All of this requires some user input namely the date and time, the location, and choosing the stars. Although it's portable and definitely portable it wouldn't be as easy as moving a 102az. In practice, this system is limited to an accuracy of a bit better 0.25 degrees, or half the width of a full moon. The bracket fits most phones and will work just fine even if you have a relatively thick case (or even a PopSocket). Mainly interested in the mount and optical tube. Just follow the arrows to locate stars, planets & more! This diagonal is definitely a weak link in the scope optically, and replacing it might be a good idea. Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ Review (Worth Buying!?) Smartphones can be fitted into a spring-loaded slider on the StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ, allowing for basic astrophotography. Amazon.com: Customer reviews: StarSense Explorer DX 130AZ Smartphone However, we have some reservations on telescope vendors and recommend that you go with HPS. Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ: Full review | Space The series also includes an 80mm f/11 refractor and a 114mm f/9 reflector, both for $180 on the lighter LT mount. There is no reason at all to get the StarSense Explorer LT 114AZ. But youll find the images quite sharp. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from Skies &Scopes. The amount of celestial objects StarSense Explorer picked up under these conditions was truly amazing.Image by @wellreadnaturalist pic.twitter.com/QaPUPss0qM. These are very average specs and maybe even subpar when you consider reflector telescopes tend to offer a lot more bang for the buck nevertheless, the specs . As for the weight, when fully assembled it comes in at a very portable 6.44kg so you or anyone thats even younger shouldnt have too much of a problem moving it around or even storing it, whether it be at the home or for whenever you decide to take it to an area with minimal light pollution. These are very average specs and maybe even subpar when you consider reflector telescopes tend to offer a lot more bang for the buck nevertheless, the specs should be competent for beginners. Any additional thoughts you have to sesparate the two? Unlike other reflectors, it uses a parabolic-style mirror inside. Is that telescope comparable to this model? In order of aperture, the Celestron Starsense Explorer DX 102AZ is the second most powerful in the range. Brand new in 2022 are the two new Dobsonians in the range this Starsense Explorer 8-inch Dobsonian, and the 10-inch version covered below. Compare Celestron StarSense Explorer vs Celestron NexStar 130 SLT vs Celestron 130 vs Celestron DX 102AZ . Review: Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ ), Celestron Nexstar 4SE Review (Worth The Price Or Too, Celestron PowerSeeker 70EQ Review (Worth A Buy Or. COAST HX4 Dual-Color Utility Beam LED Clip Light. So undoubtedly, Celestron dx 130az is the winner. There are a few differences between each of the models, so lets look at each of them in turn to help decide whats right for you. . The Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 130AZ telescope is all about the smartphone app used to align it, though it's a more manual affair than you might expect. Its focal length is about 650 mm. The downside is that it is heavier and bulkier, so you should think about where you will use it and whether you value power over portability. This telescope was a huge investment for Someone like myself. Celestron StarSense Explorer Review & Comparison. Zane thoughts on StarSense Explorer DX130 vs Astro-Fi 130? For a summary of the entire discussion take a look at this table: Between these two Newtonian and refractor telescopes Celestron dx 130az is a better option. Why you can trust Space.com Unwary users are likely to try polishing it with glass cleaner or even abrasive solutions. The StarSense Explorer utilises the oldest telescopic optics out of the 3 main categories currently around called refractor optics. Testing out the StarSense Explorer DX 130AZ at our HQ in a brightly lit industrial section of light-polluted Torrance, CA. What Do The Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ's Specifications Mean?
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celestron starsense explorer dx 102az vs 130az