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calculating a clients net fluid intake ati remediation

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Reduction of pain stimuli in the environment. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take first? Fluid imbalances can be broadly categorized a fluid deficits and fluid excesses. calculating a clients net fluid intake ati nursing skill For example, clients who are affected with cancer may have an impaired nutritional status as the result of anorexia related to the disease process and as the result therapeutic chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy; other clients can have an acute or permanent neurological deficit that impairs their nutritional status because they are not able to chew and/or safely swallow foods and still more may have had surgery to their face and neck, including a laryngectomy for example, or a mechanical fixation of a fractured jaw, all of which place the client at risk for nutritional status deficiencies. -To clean the ear mold, use mild soap and water while keeping the hearing aid dry. Talk directly to the client, instead of the interpreter, when speaking. A block oscillating on a spring has an amplitude of 20 cm. Which of the following actions should the nurse take as part of the medication reconciliation process? CT collection devices are changed when they become FULL. -Implement a bladder training program. Tachycardia, tachypnea, INCREASED R, HYPOtension, HYPOxia, weak pulse, fatigue, weakness, thirst, dry mucous membranes, GI upset, oliguria, decreased skin turgor, decreased capillary refill, diaphoresis, cool clamy skin, orthostatic hypotension, fattened neck veins!!! Some of the terms and terminology relating to nutrition and hydration that you should be familiar with include those below. 1.Maintaining standard precautions related to body fluids. 11). A nurse in a provider's office is obtaining the health and medication history of a client who has a respiratory infection. Lab Report #11 - I earned an A in this lab class. Dehydration occurs when one loses more fluid than is taken in. 2023 Registered All Rights Reserved | About | Privacy | Terms | Contact Us. A client who is nonambulatory notifies the nurse to tell her that his trash can is on fire. Obtain the pronouncement of death from the provider . Which of the following actions should the nurse take? What is the normal urine specimen gravity? Clients receiving these feedings should be placed in a 30 degree upright position to prevent aspiration at all times during continuous tube feedings and at this same angle for at least one hour after an intermittent tube feeding. Ankle pumps, foot circles, and knee flexion, Mobility and Immobility: Teaching About Reducing the Adverse Effects of Immobility, Nasogastric Intubation and Enteral Feedings: Unexpected Findings (ATI pg 334), -Excoriation of nares and stomach These modifications must be explored and discussed with the client; alternatives should be offered and discussed and the closer these alternative options are to the client's preferences, the greater the client's adherence to their dietary plan will be. Enteral nutrition is most often used among clients who are affected with a gastrointestinal disorder, a chewing and/or swallowing disorder, or another illness or disorder such as inflammatory bowel disorder, a severe burn and anorexia as often occurs as the result of an acute illness, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Emotional or mental stress Clinical decision point: She got her bachelors of science in nursing with Excelsior College, a part of the New York State University and immediately upon graduation she began graduate school at Adelphi University on Long Island, New York. Which of the following actions should the nurse include? -Divide abdomen in four quadrants in head. Assess the client for orthostatic hypotension. Chapter 27. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Fluid Imbalances: Calculating a Client's Net Fluid Intake, Weight, total urine output, hours, and fluid intake, Hygiene: Providing Instruction About Foot Care (CP card #97), Mobility and Immobility: Actions to Prevent Skin Breakdown (ATI pg. "When descending stairs, I will first shift my weight to my right leg.". (Select all that apply). Measure with a medicine cup. -Periodontal disease due to poor oral hygiene 232), -Antiembolic stockings Calculate and chart extra fluid with meals, including juice, soup, ice cream and sherbet, gelatin, water on trays.Before the client is reading for preop the client needs to be NPO to prevent aspiration Not assessing the patient output and intake can cause potentially serious problems such as edema, reduced cardiac output, and hypotension. -Keep skin clean and dry. *****AVOID: crossing legs, sitting for long periods, wearing restrictive clothing on the lower extremities, putting pillow behind the knee, massaging legs In which of the following situations does the nurse demonstrate the ethical principle of veracity? The number of calories per gram of protein is 4 calories, the number of calories per gram of fat is 9 calories and the number of calories per gram of carbohydrates is 4 calories. What will the amplitude be if the total energy is doubled? Download. 3. with the same scale -Acupuncture and acupressure- stimulating subcutaneous tissues at specific points using needles or the digits. Fluid Imbalances - N/A - Nurs 210 - Studocu Although patient has the right to choose. -Ankle pumps: point toes toward the head and then away from the head. terrenos en venta houston Queijo Flamengo $ 17.00 - $ 35.00; cuphead infinite health mod Queijo da Serra Amanteigado $ 50.00; influencers church salisbury Biscoitos Amores $ 8.50; grenada wedding traditions Alho e salsa $ 7.50; robert spike'' mickens cause of death Morcela $ 12.25 -back channeling : tell me more! Clients must be encouraged to drink these supplements as ordered and the client's flavor preference should also be considered and provided to the client whenever possible. A nurse is reviewing evidence-based practice principles about administration of oxygen therapy with a newly licensed nurse. how to delete saved games on sims 4 pc; magaddino memorial chapel haunted; 3.change in weight. View Nurses assess edema in terms of its location and severity. Calculating a patient' s net fluid intake requires nurses to measure, record, and calculate a patients intake and output of liquids. For example, clients who are taking an anticoagulant such as warfarin are advised to avoid vegetables that contain vitamin K because vitamin K is the antagonist of warfarin. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A nurse is caring for a client who has a heart murmur. Enteral feedings can consist of commercially prepared formulas that vary in terms of their calories, fat content, osmolality, carbohydrates and protein as well as given with regular pureed foods. Edema is an abnormal collection of excessive fluids in the interstitial and/or intravascular spaces. 1. time on collection chamber at specified intervals. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? -sleep deprivation -Foot circles: rotate the feet in circles at the ankles -Cutaneous stimulation- transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation(TENS) heat, cold, therapeutic touch, and massage. Medications, including over the counter medications, interact with foods, herbs and supplements. The relative severity of these nutritional status deficits must be assessed and all appropriate interventions must be incorporated into the client's plan of care, in collaboration with the client, family members, the dietitian and other members of the health care team. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client understands the teaching? According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a body mass index of: As with all activities of daily living, nurses and other members of the health care team must promote and facilitate the client's highest degree of independence that is possible in terms of their eating, as based on the client, their abilities and their weaknesses. %PDF-1.7 % So, the BMI for a client weighing 75 kg who is 1.72 meters tall is calculated as follows: The ideal body weight is calculated using the client's height, weight and body frame size as classified as small, medium and large. Explain. Educate the client on the importance calculating fluid intake. A nurse on a medical unit is preparing to discharge a client to home. To convert oz to mL, simply multiply the amount of oz by 30. -Routine tasks- bed making, specimen collection, I&O, Vital signs (Stable Clients). hVio7+0e'VY@iSo[ip=rB For example, if the client will be eating a 14 grams of plain tuna fish, the number of calories can be calculated by multiplying 14 by 4 which would be 56 calories. -Occlusion of the NG tube can lead to distention ATI Nutrition for Nursing - Chapter 3 Nutrition Assessment/Data "We can talk about advance directives, and I can also give you some brochures about them.". Some of the terms and terminology relating to hydration and the client's hydration status that you should be familiar with for your NCLEX-RN examination include these below. Delegation and Supervision: Delegating Client Care to an Assistive Personnel, Delegation and Supervision: Delegating Tasks for a Client Who is Postoperative to an Assistive Personnel, Delegation and Supervision: Identifying a Task to Delegate to an Assistive Personnel, Ethical Responsibilities: Demonstrating Client Advocacy, Ethical Responsibilities: Recognizing an Ethical Dilemma (ATI pg. Over which of the following locations should the nurse place the bell of the stethoscope? 2. vomiting A nurse is giving a change-of-shift report about a client he admitted earlier that day who has pneumonia. total parenteral nutrition solutions Remove tubes and indwelling lines . Infants and young children at risk for alterations in terms of fluid imbalances because of their relatively rapid respiratory rate which increases inpercernible fluid losses through the lungs, the child's relatively immature renal system, and a greater sensitivity to fluid losses such as those that occur with vomiting and diarrhea. Which of the following assessment findings should the nurse expect to confirm correct tube placement? hypotension vs. hypertension The client's respirations are noisy from secretions in her airway and she is short of breath. -Limit waking clients during the night. Chapter 6. pg.162-164 Monitoring Intake and Output Perry and - Quizlet Which of the following actions should the nurse take to prevent the spread of infection? -related to change in surroundings, Thorax, Heart, and Abdomen: Client Teaching About Breast Self-Examination. -ADLs- Bathing, grooming, dressing, toileting, ambulating, feeding(without swallowing precautions), positioning. These drinks come in a variety of flavors including chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. 10% or less of total calories should come from saturated fat sources) (Nutrition ATI: Chapter 1; Page 5) Recommended Foods for Managing Diarrhea A nurse in a long-term care facility is caring for a client who dies during the nurse's shift. Leave 1-2 inches of catheter at end of penis, Urinary Elimination: Maintaining an Indwelling Urinary Catheter (ATI pg. She worked as a registered nurse in the critical care area of a local community hospital and, at this time, she was committed to become a nursing educator. For example, a client with a chewing disorder, such as may occur secondary to damage to the trigeminal nerve which is the cranial nerve that controls the muscle of chewing, may have impaired nutrition in the same manner that these clients are at risk: Clients with a swallowing disorder are often assessed and treated for this disorder with the collaborative efforts of the speech and language therapist, the dietitian, the nurse and other members of the health care team. Calculate fluid intake for: Parenteral fluids blood components total parenteral nutrition solutions *Chapter 29, 30 and 13 Clinical decision point: Record intake when: As soon as you measure it for accuracy. Fad diets and drastic weight reduction diets are not a successful way to lose and maintain a healthy weight; learning new eating habits is a successful plan for losing and maintaining a lower and healthier body weight for those clients who are overweight. 4. comparable clothing. -make sure it isn't kinked (what to do FIRST) A nurse is caring for a client who has a terminal diagnosis and whose health is declining. calculating a clients net fluid intake ati nursing skillderidder city council election results. Lastly, clients who are febrile and clients who are exposed to prolonged hot environmental temperatures will lose bodily fluids as the result of sweating and these unpercernable fluid losses. -Cold for inflammation The nurse is preparing to auscultate the pulmonary valve. A nurse is performing a skin assessment of a client who has a lesion on his anterior thigh and expresses concern about skin cancer. -Assess for manifestations of breakdown. Observe what in the foley cath: color and characteristics of urine in tubing and drainage bag. This includes oral intake, tube feedings, intravenous fluids,medications, total parenteral nutrition, lipids, blood pro, ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATE Nursing Skill STUDENT NAME SKILL NAME REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER Description of Skill Indications CONSIDERATIONS Nursing Interventions (pre, intra, post) Outcomes/Evaluation Client Education Potential Complications Nursing Interventions. Indirect evidence of intake and output, which includes losses that are not measurable, can be determined with the patient's vital signs, the signs and symptoms of fluid excesses and fluid deficits, weight gain and losses that occur in the short term, laboratory blood values and other signs and symptoms such as poor skin turgor, sunken eyeballs and orthostatic hypotension. -Violent death and injury. Apply clean gloves. -OPTIMAL TIME: right AFTER period Step 12. 399 0 obj <>stream -Discomfort (look at ATI page 334 for more details) Pitting edema is assessed and classified as: Some professional literature classifies pitting edema on a scale of 1+ to 4+ with: Dehydration occurs when fluid loses are greater than fluid gains. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? A problem is an ethical dilemma when: A review scientific data is not enough to solve it. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Make sure the client wears a mask when outside her room if there is construction in the area. -summarizing A nurse in a provider's office is assessing the deep tendon reflexes of a client. a graduated container clearly marked with: Admissions, Transfers, and Discharge: Dispossession of Valuables, Admissions, Transfers, and Discharge: Essential Information in a Hand-Off Report, Client Education: Discharge Planning for a Client Who Has Diabetes Mellitus, Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment: Caring for a Client Who Has Nausea, Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment: Prioritizing Client Care, Cultural and Spiritual Nursing Care: Communicating With a Client Who Speaks a Different Language Than the Nurse About Informed Consent, Cultural and Spiritual Nursing Care: Discharge Teaching for a Client Who Does Not Speak the same language as the nurse, Cultural and Spiritual Nursing Care: Effective Communication When Caring for a Client Who Speaks a Different Language Than the Nurse, Delegation and Supervision: Assigning Tasks to Assistive Personnel (ATI pg. Virtually all acute and chronic illnesses, diseases, and disorders impact on the nutritional status of a client. A nurse is planning to initiate IV therapy for an older adult client who requires IV fluids. . Info More info. There are a number of therapeutic special diets that are for clients as based on their health care problem and diagnosis. 38% to 47% for Females A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who has a new prescription for a home oxygen concentrator. Insert the IV catheter without using a tourniquet. A nurse is planning care for a client who has fluid overload. -Cognitive-behavioral measures- changing the way a client perceives pain, and physical approaches to improve comfort. Consider purchasing a generator for power backup. A nurse is caring for a client who is postoperative following knee arthroplasty and requires the use of a thigh-length sequential compression device. 1. name Example: 67 oz = 2010 mL Miscellaneous: Tube feedings (include free water) IV and central line fluids (TPN, lipids, blood products, medication infusion) Place a client who has tuberculosis in a room with negative-pressure airflow. ATI Remediation Fundamentals - ATI Remediation Fundamentals - Studocu Intake includes all liquids (oral fluids, food that liquefy at room . Significant fluid losses can result from diarrhea, vomiting and nasogastric suctioning; and abnormal losses of electrolytes and fluid and retention can result from medications, such as diuretics or corticosteroids. **SEE other sets for diets, Nutrition and Oral Hydration: Calculating Fluid Intake (ATI pg 223), -Intake includes all liquids: oral fluids, foods that liquify at room temp, IV fluids, IV flushes, IV medications, enteral feedings, fluid installations, catheter irrigants, tube irrigants, Pain Management: Determining effectiveness of Nonpharmacological Pain Relief Measures (ATI pg 238). 27) CNA. -footboards used to prevent foot drop!! BUT do not use continuously. Second intercostal space at the left sternal boarder. calculating a clients net fluid intake ati nursing skill Some of these factors, as previously discussed, include gender, cultural practices and preferences, ethnic practices and preferences, spiritual and religious practices and preferences and, simply, personal preferences that have no basis in the client's spiritual, religious, cultural, or gender practices and preferences. A nurse is calculating a client's fluid intake over the past 8 hr. "We will apply oxygen through a tube in your nose.". Fluid Imbalances: Calculating a Client's Net Fluid Intake Include volume intake to get a net fluid balance calculation as well (assuming no other fluid losses) Weight, total urine output, hours, and fluid intake Hygiene: Providing Instruction About Foot Care (CP card #97) -inspect feet daily -use LUKEWARM water -dry feet thoroughly In addition to aspiration, some of the other complications associated with tube feedings include tube leakage, diarrhea, dehydration, nausea, vomiting, inadvertent improper placement or tube dislodgment, nasal irritation when a naso tube is used and infection at the insertion site when an ostomy tube is used for the enteral nutrition. Unformatted text preview: To be significant and to suggest fluid depletion, a drop of at least 15mmHg will be noted in the systolic pressure, with a drop of 10mmHg in the diastolic pressure. Which of the following instructions should the nurse provide to the client and his family? Fluid excesses are the net result of fluid gains minus fluid losses. These special diets, some of the indications for them, and the components of each are discussed below. The signs and symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration include, among others, orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, constipation, headache, thirst, dry skin, dry mouth and oral membranes, and decreased urinary output. %%EOF Fluid Imbalances ATI Flashcards | Quizlet The client tells the nurse that she is not aware of any allergies, but that she did develop a rash the last time she was taking an antibiotic. calculating a clients net fluid intake ati remediation Recording the clients weight, total urine output, hours, and fluid intake Description of Skill Indications Outcomes/Evaluation CONSIDERATIONS Nursing Interventions (pre, intra, post) Potential Complications Client Education Nursing Interventions ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATES TherapeuTic procedure A9 Administer pain medication 45 min before changing the client's dressing. The aging population as well as Infants and young children are at greatest risk for fluid imbalances and the results of these imbalances. A nurse is caring for a group of clients on a medical-surgical unit. Measure the drainage at the : end of the shift, use appropriate containers and notice color and characteristics. -Exercise regularly. In addition to a complete assessment of the client's current nutritional status, nurses also collect data that can suggest that the client is, or possibly is, at risk for nutritional deficits. Ex. Sensory Perception: Evaluating a Client's Understanding of Hearing Aid Use (ATI pg. hbbd```b``z "s@$U0[D2'`LIv0yL $[9-gt&F7 !30}` $&w -Verify suction equipment functions properly, Nutrition and Oral Hydration: Advancing to a Full Liquid Diet (ATI pg 223), Clear liquids plus liquid dairy products, all juices. Full Document. *Chapter 29, 30 and 13. Nutrition, Feeding, and Eating - ATI Testing The signs and symptoms of severe dehydration include, among others, oliguria, anuria, renal failure, hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, sunken eyes, poor skin turgor, confusion, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, fever, delirium, confusion, and unconsciousness. -Help clients establish and follow a bedtime routine. University: Chamberlain University. -When hearing aids are not in use for an extended time, turn it off and remove the battery. When the nurse prepares to change her dressing she says, "Every time you change my bandage, it hurts so much" which of the following interventions is the nurse's priority action? Thorax, Heart, and Abdomen: Steps to Take When Performing an Abdominal Assessment(ATI pg 157). Which of the following actions should the charge nurse identify as contaminating the sterile field? Ethical Responsibilities: Responding to a Client's Need for Information About Treatment, Grief, Loss, and Palliative Care: Responding to a Client Who Has a Terminal Illness and Wants to Discontinue Care, Information Technology: Action to Take When Receiving a Telephone Prescription, Information Technology: Commonly Used Abbreviations, Information Technology: Documenting in a Client's Medical Record, Information Technology: Identifying Proper Documentation, Information Technology: Information to Include in a Change-of-Shift Report, Information Technology: Maintaining Confidentiality, Information Technology: Receiving a Telephone Prescription, Legal Responsibilities: Identifying an Intentional Tort, Legal Responsibilities: Identifying Negligence, Legal Responsibilities: Identifying Resources for Information About a Procedure, Legal Responsibilities: Identifying Torts, Legal Responsibilities: Nursing Role While Observing Client Care, Legal Responsibilities: Responding to a Client's Inquiry About Surgery, Legal Responsibilities: Teaching About Advance Directives, Legal Responsibilities: Teaching About Informed Consent, The Interprofessional Team: Coordinating Client Care Among the Health Care Team, The Interprofessional Team: Obtaining a Consult From an Interprofessional Team Member, Therapeutic Communication: Providing Written Materials in a Client's Primary Language, Adverse effects, Interactions, and Contraindications: Priority Assessment Findings, Diabetes Mellitus: Mixing Two Insulins in the Same Syringe, Dosage Calculation: Calculating a Dose of Gentamicin IV, Dosage Calculation: Correct Dose of Diphenhydramine Solution, Intravenous Therapy: Inserting an IV Catheter, Intravenous Therapy: Medication Administration, Intravenous Therapy: Priority Intervention for an IV Infusion Error, Intravenous Therapy: Promoting Vein Dilation Prior to Inserting a Peripheral IV Catheter, Intravenous Therapy: Recognizing Phlebitis, intravenous Therapy: Selection of an Intravenous Site, Pharmacokinetics and Routes of Administration: Enteral Administration of Medications, Pharmacokinetics and Routes of Administration: Preparing an Injectable Medication From a Vial, Pharmacokinetics and Routes of Administration: Self-Administration of Ophthalmic Solutions, Pharmacokinetics and Routes of Administration: Teaching About Self-Administrationof Clotrimazole Suppositories, Safe Medication Administration and Error Reduction: Administering a Controlled Substance, Safe Medication Administration and Error Reduction: Con rming a Client's Identity, Airway Management: Performing Chest Physiotherapy, Airway Management: Suctioning a Tracheostomy Tube, Client Safety: Priority Action When Caring for a Client Who Is Experiencing a Seizure, Fluid Imbalances: Indications of Fluid Overload, Grief, Loss, and Palliative Care: Manifestations of Cheyne-Stokes Respirations, Pressure Injury, Wounds, and Wound Management: Performing a Dressing Change, Safe Medication Administration and Error Reduction: Priority Action When Responding to a Medication Error, Vital Signs: Caring for a Client Who Has a High Fever, Coping: Manifestations of the Alarm Stage of General Adaptation Syndrome, Coping: Priority Intervention for a Client Who Has a Terminal Illness, Data Collection and General Survey: Assessing a Client's Psychosocial History, Grief, Loss, and Palliative Care: Identifying Anticipatory Grief, Grief, Loss, and Palliative Care: Identifying the Stages of Grief, Grief, Loss, and Palliative Care: Providing End-of-Life Care, Grief, Loss, and Palliative Care: Therapeutic Communication With the Partner of a Client Who Has a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order, Self-Concept and Sexuality: Providing Client Support Following a Mastectomy, Therapeutic Communication: Communicating With a Client Following a Diagnosis of Cancer, Therapeutic Communication: Providing Psychosocial Support, Therapeutic Communication: Responding to Client Concerns Prior to Surgery, Airway Management: Collecting a Sputum Specimen, Bowel Elimination: Discharge Teaching About Ostomy Care, Complementary and Alternative Therapies: Evaluating Appropriate Use of Herbal Supplements, Diabetes Mellitus Management: Identifying a Manifestation of Hyperglycemia, Electrolyte Imbalances: Laboratory Values to Report, Gastrointestinal Diagnostic Procedures: Education Regarding Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) Testing, Hygiene: Providing Oral Care for a Client Who Is Unconscious, Hygiene: Teaching a Client Who Has Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus About Foot Care, Intravenous Therapy: Actions to Take for Fluid Overload, Nasogastric Intubation and Enteral Feedings: Administering an Enteral Feeding Through a Gastrostomy Tube, Nasogastric Intubation and Enteral Feedings: Preparing to Administer Feedings, Nasogastric Intubation and Enteral Feedings: Verifying Tube Placement, Older Adults (65 Years and Older): Expected Findings of Skin Assessment, Preoperative Nursing Care: Providing Preoperative Teaching to a Client, Thorax, Heart, and Abdomen: Priority Action for Abdominal Assessment, Urinary Elimination: Selecting a Coud Catheter, Vital Signs: Palpating Systolic Blood Pressure, Client Safety: Care for a Client Who Requires Restraints, Client Safety: Implementing Seizure Precautions, Client Safety: Planning Care for a Client Who Has a Prescription for Restraints, Client Safety: Priority Action for Handling Defective Equipment, Client Safety: Priority Action When Responding to a Fire, Client Safety: Proper Use of Wrist Restraints, Ergonomic Principles: Teaching a Caregiver How to Avoid Injury When Repositioning a Client, Head and Neck: Performing the Weber's Test, Home Safety: Client Teaching About Electrical Equipment Safety, Home Safety: Evaluating Client Understanding of Home Safety Teaching, Home Safety: Teaching About Home Care of Oxygen Equipment, Infection Control: Caring for a Client Who Is Immunocompromised, Infection Control: Identifying the Source of an Infection, Infection Control: Implementing Isolation Precautions, Infection Control: Isolation Precautions While Caring for a Client Who Has Influenza, Infection Control: Planning Transmission-Based Precautions for a Client Who Has Tuberculosis, Infection Control: Protocols for Multidrug-Resistant Infections, Infection Control: Teaching for a Client Who is Scheduled for an Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant, Information Technology: Action to Take When a Visitor Reports a Fall, Information Technology: Situation Requiring an Incident Report, Intravenous Therapy: Action to Take After Administering an Injection, Medical and Surgical Asepsis: Disposing of Biohazardous Waste, Medical and Surgical Asepsis: Performing Hand Hygiene, Medical and Surgical Asepsis: Planning Care for a Client Who Has a Latex Allergy, Medical and Surgical Asepsis: Preparing a Sterile Field, Nursing Process: Priority Action Following a Missed Provider Prescription, Safe Medication Administration and Error Reduction: Client Identifiers, Chapter 6. pg.162-164 Monitoring Intake and O, Virtual Challenge: Timothy Lee (head-to-toe), Nursing 110 Exam 1 - Diagnostic testing/Lab v, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins.

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calculating a clients net fluid intake ati remediation

calculating a clients net fluid intake ati remediation

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