yuya and zuzu fanfiction

Though since Zuzu was trained by Sora to learn Fusion and Celina was taught Fusion since she was from the Fusion Dimension, Lulu and Rin are the ones who couldn't believe it. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Hello, DragonKnight-15 and I wish to inform those interested that I have once more open up my writing commissions again. you learne You are a spy for Akaba Reiji for years now. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It was not a planned event, but when life giv Luan used to make people smile, but since the death of her parents and her brother somehow becoming cruel, she's been really sad and lonely. (A fusion between anime and Arc v Manga, with some new elements in it). The problem is that most ships in the franchise turns out to be shipbait. Clearly someone else had a different ideas when six duelists found themselves in a world far from their duel disks and decks. Its the same story you all know and know- For now, they convinced themselves that they're just friends with benefits as will be seen in how Yuri has fun when he's with her, and Serena being with him in her time of need; it's a win-win for both to be with each other. i'll be honest, i haven't watched yu gi oh in years and the last yu gi oh series i watched was arc V and i didn't even finish it. ), (Discontinued for now. (Or, in essence, a canon rewrite with two more dimensions thrown in the mix. Series and playing the Trading Card Game. However they never expected for one thing that stands out their new lives. Yu-Gi-Oh! Time for info this story is about two main protags who get sent to the yugioh arc v world one is experienced and one is absolute novice they wake up in After Zarc and lancers battle,Yuya and the others went back to their dimensions( New world )for new life.Yuya and Yuzu are going to school as usual with Gongezaka and Sa Due to an unexpected circumstance Jack Arclight awoke somewhere completely different. #arcv I'll also return to this topic when I do the Redos for Yuri and Serena. (I'll take requests you can request scenarios or mal Never did a certain Duelist realize that by becoming a Duelist he would be forced to participate in a dimensional war where different dimensions depending on their summoning methods would be at odds against each other, starting from the Fusion Dimension that attacked citizens of the Xyz Dimension A series of one-shots with characters from Yugioh Arc V and ZeXal. background characters and a brief appearance by yuuya, Edo Phoenix | Aster Phoenix (Yu-Gi-Oh! Zarc Stories - Wattpad "But he winked at you. I understand that he wanted to see Ray again, but he should have known that by doing so, he was letting the Yu boys gather and become Zarc once again, making Ray's sacrifice completely pointless (and he still failed in doing exactly that). But when something is stated otherwise, well, there goes my hopes from before. But he had never felt that any of it was real until he saw them for himself, His children were perfect. yuzu and yuya stargaze while being very cute. He didn't know that much of Yuto, since the Xyz Counterpart defeated him at the warehouse, but seeing Heartland City destroyed, Sylvio can't help but feel great sympathy for Yuto, since he was only trying to find and rescue Lulu from the Fusion Dimension. A Highschool Girl named Gili is forced to participating into an occult demon rituals by her bullies. Yuya: Ok Y/n Zuzu: Y/n are you alright because I was so worried about you if you got hurt, I would have hurt you way worse I told you not to be reckless Y/n: Sorry Zu I will be more careful next time. Featuring characters from the first five Yugioh series' (DM, GX, 5DS, ZEXAL, ARCV). tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. She considered it, but has doubts. Academia has fallen, but it has not yet splintered. "Yuzu, what are you doing here?" Yuya asked. I can write different type of stories but I wish to move away from guro/vore or horror stuff. The Lancers have been split into Xyz and Fusion, they are going to stop Academia and face a new threat. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Also their identities have begun to merge but he doesn't mind.). Within those two dimensions, Chiaki, Yuji, Miharu and Yuno have their lives turned upside down, and are tossed into a vicious war. Yuya Stories Refine by tag: yuya yuto yugo yugioh yuri arcv yugioharcv zarc arc-v rin yugiohfanfic zuzu lulu yz ruri yusei serena counterpartshipping yuyasakaki synchro 486 Stories Sort by: Hot # 1 Blue Eyes King by IDontKnowWhatToDo 12.5K 136 13 You are a spy for Akaba Reiji for years now. ), Gongenzaka is just trying to be a good friend, Yuto flips between Very Mad and Very Chill But Also Responsible under the right circumstances, worldbuilding but the cement being used to lay the bricks is made out of headcanons, 34 chapters in I come to terms with the fact that this is a slice of life fanfiction, Red Daemon's Dragon | Red Dragon Archfiend, Yu-Boy Bracelet-Girl Ecchi Ecchi Hentai Tales! He loves the Yu-Gi-Oh! Also I will be using original Japanese names. Basically Yugioh girls Hannah Montana au that no one asked for. kamui had very rough life because his friends sell him out with lies, his girlfriend dumb him for someone better and worse of all his parens kick him out of the house be What if someone from our world was reborn into the Yugioh Arc-V anime and what if he had the sacred beast and what if zarc had a good twin sister Yuka is the queen of games and entertainment. Il y aura des scnes de violences. ), How do you save someone who does not wishes to be saved is the question the Flight of Heavenly Dragons have regarding their final member, Yuri, It may not be today, or tomorrow, or the day after that, But eventually, Yuri will join them and they will finally be reunited. It's a common tag. Sakaki Yuya has been living inside a nightmare, dreaming of a Metaphor Space, talking to a Ringmaster, waiting. Might add a lot of ZEXAL stuff inside this arc. Here's the list of different stories I've done: https://www.deviantart.com/dragonknight-15/gallery/78268840/writing-commissions My pay is simple: I accept ONLY DA points. Within those two dimensions, Chiaki, Yuji, Miharu and Yuno have their lives turned upside down, and are tossed into a vicious war. Please consider turning it on! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He crossed three troubled dimensions, risking life and limb, just to bring her home again. The final arc of A New Story of Pendulum. Yuya, and Zuzu were a happy couple 4 years after the battle with Zarc and have gotten settled with their lives in the Pendulum Dimension wondering how their lives can get any better. The description will be here sooner or later, #akaba Yandere | Anime/Manga Fanfiction Romance Death Sweet Sorrow Yugioh 5d. Yuto x Lulu support | Fandom Gloria helps him with his problem. Yuya kept running in the school hall at his duel school. "Yuya?" Zuzu asked getting constantly worried for her boyfriend. His friend, Riku is the son of a deity has feeling towards his friend. Gili Sakaki, nicknamed Gill, and brother to Yuya Sakaki enters this story with flashy steps, added with razzle dazzle and Icy moments. Join the story and see the finale of the story that started it all! (Or, in essence, a canon rewrite with two more dimensions thrown in the mix. Zarc felt his tears fell. And do they even want to know what lies beyond the borders of Paradise?-----(What happens if Yuya attempted to make his own version of WandaVision because someone had to do it eventually), [This is the users Green_Phantom_Queens fic, also on named Quarto. Not sure if it's really a fact or an opinion. NOW I've been scam which is why I ask for payment first then the full story. Now these are, as I've said, ideas with certain main characters that needed the attention or help more than others. One-Shot. #yugioh Two Fruits Under A Tree | FanFiction While starting a war just to resurrect your daughter may sound lovely and heartwarming, in the end it's plain stupid and selfish. He works to stop Zarc's evil from spreading across the other dimensions but there is another evil lurking beneath Zarc the number cards are back for vengeance with a twist. Who's magic may be strong enough to either destroy or save the world, depending on how he uses it No pairings, Yuya centric. Also, why are there five people with the same faces as them? He just graduated high school and was off to collage in a few days. A short collection of short stories of Reader (You) X Sakaki Yuya from Yu-Gi-Oh! On the way, he found Serena who didnt want to start a relationship with anyone nor was looking to start one. Join Akiko Fukuyama, Shun Kurosaki, Yuto, Kaito Tenjo, and many more as they are going to save Heartland City, including making the Academia pay for their demise. Nothing has ever been explicitly stated, so one can only assume, or people reached the final conclusion if nothing happened. Part 1 of Six Dimensions Language: English (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). Not long after Leo Akaba's defeat, the Four must face new and old threats with the help of Yuya, his counterparts, Yuzu, her counterparts, and some new allies. Even the one I support (Yusei x Aki) turns out to be shipbait. The real war begins here. But some knew better, choosing to move forward, in hope of one day reuniting with the ones they loved. #sora However, I am in need of DA points so I will open them for a short while. Perhaps things will be simple, or much more complicated than they appear? For the other changes you have to read it as it is being completed. Turns out, some company was all he needed. The sun, the star that shines the brightest at said to be the one that keeps the earth warm. And finally he can go back home after he escape, hoping fo Reginald Kessler was just a normal Yu-Gi-Oh! As for Yuri, in the other, Sylvio didn't know him really well, but he was not that worried about him, since Obelisk Attack Force invaded and destroyed Heartland City, and tried to do the same to Paradise City and New Domino City, and Yuri was part of it, too. And to make matters worse, You Show is rapidly growing, everyone wants to Duel him, and he's got hundreds of students to worry about. And what is Lightning's master plan? This story is of the dimension war but with a slight twist. The Revenge of Zarc, A Yu Gi Oh! Arc V Fan Fiction - Wattpad So any other story is fine with me. "We're just friends, nothing more." Yuya said. You asked for it, and you've got it! Thank you so much! (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. Waltzes into a dead fandom like 7 years late, drops questionable rewrite, leaves, cries. It's important that Yuya does that because it shows that he doesn't want to be consumed by the Demon Duelist or give up on the people counting on him including Yuzu. Arc-V. You are a shy girl. #yuboys My name is Yuna Sakaki and I'm making the Pendulum swing my own way. He could see himself in them, with their identical faces and the part of them that was so undoubtedly humanso undoubtedly Zarc. I need to PAY for a thing that my grandma destroyed and one commissioner hasn't pay me yet so I am quickly looking to do commissions with 1 or 2 people right now. Unbeknownst to them- but perhaps, that too, is fate.-For Holly Poly 2022. Arc1: Done ((12/19/2019)) Been busy and yea. I died in an accident there I meet God and he gave me the wish to be reincarnation in a world that I ch Y/N was just a regular 18 years old Senior High School student. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (438), Yu-Gi-Oh! A normal person, with normal and boring life, wo was just regular Fan of Yu-Gi-Oh, suddenly got transported to YugiohVerse. The reason is unknown, but there is are two things for certain. Kite sits outside as he thinks that he doesn't need to eat after what he has done in the past. All rights are hers, Im just expanding her story]. In Maiami city there are two types of people, the ones who follow their fate, and the ones who carve their own. Sakaki Yuya - Works | Archive of Our Own Just another fantasy AU fanfic that also happens to be a crossover. Hana was with Yoko, and Yusho for this evening where their staring at the starry night sky. It was Yuzu, but she was wearing a pink skirt and tank top that showed quite a bit of cleavage. With the end of the Miami Championship, Yuya Sakaki and co. face against a terrible enemy. That sounds clich as hell and it kinda is ngl. You ever wanted to punch the Doktor? Because, I am ontop of th (Yu-Gi-Oh! One-Shot. This also would be a way for Yuri to have his redemption. It's not mandatory for you to read it, but it does contain more information and background on their relationship that would follow into this work. Except Theres quite a few key differences. He opened the door, and got a surprise. This is based on my other work; Life is But a Stunt. Yuya Sakaki, un joven Duelista de Maiami City aspirante a hacer de sus duelos un Gran Entretenimiento y Diversin como su padre Sakaki Yusho. I'm begging you." he said with fear in his eyes. Even though both Lulu and Celina were defeated by Yuya and Yuto, the way that they were saying mean stuff to them, which makes them feel guilty, Lulu specially, since she ruthlessly Dueled against her older brother, Shay, who defeated her. Moving to solid ground will be a challenge, but what other choice does he have? [Modern-Day AU, no Dueling] Yuri wanted to find someone to start a relationship with mostly for fun, but maybe something else, too. However that is not the only mys Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V female Yuya x male reader Fanfiction, Yu-Gi-Oh ARCV The Legendary Red Hat who swings like a Pendulum. There were some things that made you so certain. But when their son was caught up in a Incident their lives changed forever, and now they are looking for the Knights of Hanoi to uncover the secrets of the Lost Incident, and the Ignis. Zarc was reborn. 34 chapters in I come to terms with the fact that this is a slice of life fanfiction; Summary. Who knows at this point. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. This story will be about you having fun with your After unlocking the Pendulum, there are many things happening in the four dimensions. Post-canon with a dash of Masumi/Yaiba.). 500 DA points per 1000 words. 14 years after the war, the four kingdoms had some time of peace. But Sometimes, Fantasy Is Reality. Y/n: Bye babe. Now embarking on a journey between worlds, Yuya, now part of the organization known as the Lancers seeks to reunite with his lost friend, Yuzu Hiiragi, and end the conflict known as the Interdimensional War, while grappling with an every-growing mystery that surrounds them. Could this be related to the very same secret the young kings are so desperately trying to hide? They couldn't believe it. With Yuya now being one of his reunited sons, Zarc now gains the information that another one of his fragments is residing in the Standard Dimension. Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V female Yuya x male reader Fanfiction. well you'll want to more, Yu-Boys and Bracelet Girls have their own bodies, Yugirls au and I just wrote a thing for her bday, Yugo as Hideki (a Hideki without porn magazines), Yuri likes cute things (or rather Yuya in a dress), Yusaku and Yuya try to find each other through drawing on their arms, Yusho is P.T. You play an Armed dragon Ojama ABC-Machine deck. Start: 12/19/19 Work Search: this could be seen as zarc/yuuya but at the same time it's not? More stories to be added by audience request! Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V One-Shots! (Lemons) Chapter 1: Yuya X Yuzu - FanFiction Although, she soon is wrapped in a world unlike her own. Years passed since the Dimensional Wall, and now Celina, and Yuri both are a family with a son. Yuya, and Zuzu are in a date. How can he escape to help his friends and bring smiles to everyone? I am in a, Hello to all, this is DragonKnight-15 and yea, it's been A LONG TIME that I'm doing this again. . The new commissioner I met last week is @CentaurWorks . When they were about to set out, a mysterious duelist challenged Yuya to a duel, having a card that no one could expect. Todos los derechos de (Yu-Gi-Oh! Barnum's alter ego and no one can convince me otherwise, Yuto flips between Very Mad and Very Chill But Also Responsible under the right circumstances, Yuuya can't do anything without it being a performance, yuuya gets the front seat to the emergency banlist, Yuya and his counterparts act like a DID system, Yuya and Reiji live in an apartment together with Reira, Yuya Sakaki is terrible at looking after himself, Zine: Get Your Gay On - An LGBT+ Yu-Gi-Oh! I wanted to show it near the end of 2022 if I didn't got super sick. Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Zuzu Boyle Fanfiction Stories | Quotev Can Yuya and his friends, and his family explore and save these dimensions? An Unexpected Sakaki!, a yu-gi-oh! arc-v fanfic | FanFiction Crecer como duelista, Y persona, pero al encontrar rostros iguales su vida y misin cambiarn a algo nunca antes imaginado. I was just looking through new Deviants in the DA main page and saw this artist doing YCH for Djinnification and I was like "Well archangemon is catching so I could try this" and I'm rather speechless how beautifully it turned out! And, yes, they were already a couple, until Akaba Leo's stupidity kicked in. Yuya please be okay, Sora thought, really worrying about his buddy, Yuya. Your body ready to leave but your heart just wasn't ready to. Work Search: I'm finding myself, in more than one dimension. Set post-canon; a companion to Our Hearts Ignite. I commissioned my OC Yukino as a genie and well the results. Because of each other, their siblings, and some friends, they have no idea how their lives were about to change, drastically. Lost to the underworld, Ruri is about to give up when a mysterious force makes her a tantalizing offer. Hey guys, its Yugo here, and not the one in Arc-V. so,,,,don't expect me to know the yu gi oh story or timeline well. #yuri (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). For today, all that had come and passed, he would make the struggle worth it for both of them. Chapter 17: Not A Date (Yuya Sakaki x Aura Sentia) - Wattpad Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-VRAINS: Legacy of Fusion Chapter 1: Yusaku - FanFiction Yuya Sakaki is a young boy that was given a pendant from his father, before he died, his father said that the pendent with show his emotions and show who he's destined to be with through different glowing colors. But, people can still ship if they like to, kinda brightens our times here and there if we like the two characters. New Story: Chronicles of Fusion! Someone.Today again, he is hungry. Being a turbo duelist has been Yuugo's biggest dream, not even being unable to ride a duel runner has crushed his dreams. your name Is Y/n L/n a duelist and friend of all main p Drake Hiraku is a 17-year-old half Japanese and half American boy who's a normal fan of YU-GI-OH! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Arc V Fan Fiction. CP! x !Warning 4UExplicit , CP4U\\\Warnings 2022.71109 4UEM. For just 2000 yen, you too can support the cause of feeding hungry children from the other dimensions -- and learn what makes Yuya's favorite pancakes so special! My name is Y/n L/n, I am 15 years old boy who loves Yu-Gi-Oh! Besides he even told you about his unhealthy ob After helping Yuma and Astral putting an end to the conflict between Astral and Barian world, Namin left Heartland alongside Luna and E'rah with the promise of coming back to her XYZ summoners family,but little did she know that her leaving caused her to slumber only to awaken and find out that [Various x Reader] Une rcriture de l'histoire d'Arc-V en ajustant les vnements pour rendre l'histoire plus plausible que l'anim (beaucoup de changement sur le fonctionnement de l'Acadmie). Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Yuugos vitality and excitability, a perfect mirroring of Clear Wings own energy and eagerness to explore the world around them. Yuya/Harem (All characters are aged, making the main cast at least 18. Also @archangemon has been away and slowly recovering back to his rhyme to do commissions so hopefully in the next update, I get to show more art that he's done So let's begin with the new commissioner I've met. "And why are you wearing that?" But also the inventor to the new and improved duel system called the arc v system created by the Leo institute. "Uh, huh. Sorry, Shun and Reiji are just almost too perfect to be touched but we'll see. My half baked ideas for the Yu Gi Oh protags. 14 years after the war, the four kingdoms had some time of peace. Sakaki Yuya/Yugo/Yuri/Yuto - Works | Archive of Our Own M pour tre sr. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. This story will be all about your life with all the Yu-Gi-Oh Protagonists, so enjoy and have fun with them! lets do this ACTION DUEL!!! I do not accept vore (AT ALL). Yu-Gi-Oh! This is a list of stories I was allowed to upload in DA by the users (you can also ask to not have them be posted in DA but Google Doc, private or posted here either by name or anonymous). There's no war, no dimensional struggle, and dueling is all about making people come together and smile. Yuya was hanging out at his house while his mom was hanging with some of her friends when he heard someone knock on the door. ARC-V) pertenecen a Konami. But just because she can't perform, doesn't mean that she can't still turn Yuyo's frown upside down! But he always wanted to know, despite hearing it for almost a month, who was making that music. When he goes to a new city with his mother and brothers his whole world is turned upsid. The time is right for the extravaganza you've all been waiting for! This book is inspired by the ones who made their own. Why?, he thought as he suddenly realized something. Will the two confess their feelings toward each other while saving the world or die trying. But he could also see his dragons. Sowhy did three boys with the same face feel like something was wrong? Only for Yu-Gi-Oh prot Kol Vice was a normal everyday person. Bakugan Arc-V: Let's Go Skate Chapter 16: Maybe i Like - fanfiction.net Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Arc V boys x Reader) Just some scenarios with some of the Yu-Gi-Oh! world hard and cold.fruitshipping soft and warm Hiiragi Yuzu & Kurosaki Ruri & Rin & Serena. Yuya stirred from his sleep, realizing he had been resting his head by Yuzu's arm as he sat next to her bed, seemed he had just dozed off. The past will always be unreachable and interchangeable, yet many still fell into its deadly grasps, unable to let go of what had already happened and set in stone. But what if the princes themselves also have skeletons in the closet, that their also desperately trying to hide?SLOW UPDATES, CPx4U\Warnings OCG 4UOOC , DDD Vs DDD Vs DDD, Four girls travel separate journeys, all alongside their trusted dragon companion, to a similar location. Yugioh Arc V Kingdom of Chaos (Yugioh Arc V x Male Reader), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Theres prolly more to this than just that, though. Until fate says she had to, with Yuri. "I don't want Aura to get me. So for this one, I decided to start it a year after the . May you enjoy it until the real deal comes out! A collection of STEAMY stories filled with PASSIONATE LOVE! The Wedding of Yuya, and Zuzu!, a yu-gi-oh! arc-v fanfic - FanFiction.Net Y/n is a pro duelist in the Standard Dimension who uses all the summoning techniques known and a few unknown. Thank you so much! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Over a year after the events of Arc-V, Declan Akaba - leader of both the Leo Institute and their charitable branch for interdimensional issues, the Ray Foundation - released a book: the Maimai City Pro-Leaguer's Cookbook. If anything, it's only strengthened it. So they're stuck forever inside of Yuya and Yuzu, nothing we can do about it. guysssss i'm not dead. This Is my actually first Time doing an actual Yugioh like the series so i do my best to do it so hope you enjoy This is when they get separated from Yuya and Zuzu (Btw, Im using the names in the dub), along with Celina x Yuri and Yugo x Rin. A simple confession wasn't going to be enough. This is based on my other work; Life is But a Stunt. Yugioh Arc V Kingdom of Chaos (Yugioh Arc V x Male Reader) Yuya is a boy seeking to become the greatest entertainer in Action Duels who brings forth a new summoning method to Duel Monsters known as Pendulum Summoning. !~ [Yu-Gi-Oh Generations x Reader]~! This is a story of a boy and his friends trying to save their homeland by a fake god that took over. Instead they find themselves in a world of magic and legends, enrolled in a school they never signed up for. I'm sorry but my English is not good. Waltzes into a dead fandom like 7 years late, drops questionable rewrite, leaves, cries. However they never expected for one thing that stands out their new lives. ARC-V), no romance outside ocxoc and mentions future ships, Seiren is a friends oc and I permission to use her, A light is always shining even when it appears not to be, Leon (Kingdom Hearts)/Squall Leonhart/Cloud Strife, Atem (Yu-Gi-Oh)/Original Female Character(s), Johan Andersen | Jesse Anderson/Yuuki Juudai | Jaden Yuki, Haou | Supreme King/Yubel Johan Andersen | Yubel Jesse Anderson, Yubel Johan Andersen | Yubel Jesse Anderson, basically a story where the yu-boys and bracelet girls are sibilling to Zarc and Ray respectively, Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Kurosaki Shun/Original Female Character(s), there are quite a lot of OCs so be aware of that, (most deaths are temporary but they still happen), art crimes (the reaction shots I sketched at 2 am), Yuya is slightly concerned over what appears to be a series of dissasociative fugue states, She's also smarter than him (but is that saying much? Arc3: coming soon. Yu-Gi-Oh! Regardless, it left me bummed for a while. When everyone is face-to-face with death and pushed to their breaking point, not only will they need to identify the murderer, but also solve the mystery behind their unusual awakening.
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yuya and zuzu fanfiction