will illinois allow rifles for deer hunting 2020

"I had a number of constituents who wanted to hunt with rifles, and others who thought it took some of the difficulty of hunting away because rifles are more accurate. Facebook Starting January 1, 2023, Illinois will allow deer hunters to start using rifles to deer hunt. For more information on laws and regulations on rifle hunting visit the IDNR website Here>> What effect will this have on the deer population and deer hunting in the state? As a result of this new law, Illinois hunters will now have access to a wider range of hunting firearms to hunt down their deer prey. More deer equal lower overall habitat health, which equals bucks that are not reaching their full potential due to lack of prime browse and stressors that come with an overpopulated carrying capacity. Full-metal jacket bullets may not be used to harvest deer. Single shot only. The newly-approved firearms must still abide by site-specific regulations and uselegal ammunition. Considering most of Illinois is flat or gently rolling, rifle hunters will have to be extremely cognizant of whats behind their intended target. Recoil is more like a shove than a punch to a deer hunter, according to Dale. I have no problem with that . According to Ed Yednock, director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, it took him a long time to convince quite a few people that our weapons were not machine guns. It sounds like outfitter control is the direction of the future of hunting if something doesnt change. The Drury Outdoors team has been shooting Winchester rifles chambered in .350 Legend for a few years and have a lot of content exhibiting the capabilities of this cartridge. It is an excellent opportunity to hunt some of Illinois most beautiful and plentiful deer during the states hunting season. Muzzleloading season runs from December 10-12, firearms season runs from November 19-21 and December 2-5, and youth hunting season runs from October 9-11. I do not think IL will allow bottleneck cartridges to be fired from rifles ever, possibly straight-wall cartridges. The calibers we are talking about will give me the opportunity to have a lighter weight gun without any increase in recoil.. 1:46. Oh, you mean that activity which gives you justification for possessing firearms. Usually I transited south of Cairo where I would be feet dry for less than a mile leaving Missouri and entering Kentucky. A higher deer population equals less overall habitat health, which means that bucks are not reaching their full potential because of a lack of prime browse and stressors that result from an overpopulation of deer. But $13-$15 per box of five ammo is a no go when I can reload centerfire for less than half that cost. Yes, AR-15s are popular hunting rifles (in most states). It took some explaining to get everybody on board, but it worked, and thats the important part. Linkedin, Your email address will not be published. From the IL DNR 2019 Deer Hunting Fact Sheet.. Its coming, just like crossbows last year. What this means is you can take your existing rifle (in a legal caliber) and modify it to be a single shot. Those who own or lease land but do not live on it must be accompanied by a valid Illinois hunting or sporting license. A smoothbore shotguns will kill a deer 50 yards from it with slugs and buckshot, a rifled shotguns will kill a deer 200 yards from it, and the majority of hunting rifles will kill a deer 500 yards from it. Owners who applied for a lease before September 1, 2022 will not be able to take it forward. 223 diameter bullet or an AR-15 rifle. But as mentioned in the question about types of rifles, notice the part about modified rifles. For those who hunt in states that allow straight-walled rifle cartridges to be used as deer hunting ammo, these are the best options. You can get a lot better ballistics but you do sacrifice the chance of a follow up shot. Past a few years ago here in Michigan legislation allows for a straightwall cartridge to have a case length of 1.8 in That is what started the 450 Bushmaster craze here in Michigan. Residents of Illinois have a plethora of hunting options in addition to hunting. Pritzker on May 27, allows for the use of centerfire, single-shot rifles for deer hunting in the firearm set as set by the director of natural resources every year. Updates: IL DNR has issued the following guidance regarding modification of firearms to comply with the discussed regulatory changes: Modification of a rifle originally manufactured as a repeater (a lever action/bolt action/pump action/semi-automatic, etc.) Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Thanks. Effective January 1, 2023, a new Illinois law will allow hunters to use centerfire, single-shot rifles in certain calibers for deer hunting. To hunt deer, hunters must first plan their hunt in the area where they will be hunting. Effective Jan. 1, 2023, the legal calibers for single-shot rifles are: These caliber specifications are the same that hunters may be familiar with for handgun deer hunting in previous years. ATF Drops New Pistol Brace Rule: Its Not Good, Jonathon Blanks Epic Mountain Goat Hunt on Kodiak Island, Live With Courage, Keep Your Word: The Code of the West, 357 Magnum: The OG Magnum Revolver Round Is Still Relevant. That is again if they are in the legal deer hunting calibers. The gun-grabbers wet dream is the moron who says I own guns, and lemme tell ya, NOBODY NEEDS an ASSAULT WEAPON to HUNT DEER!. Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Delaware, Maine, and Rhode Island are among the states represented. While Delaware passed a Pistol cartridge rifles with certain restrictions I still rather use my Muzzle loader I have use it over a shotgun for as long as I lived in Delaware And still will My ML'er will do anything a pistol rifle will do with more bang for the buck. The new policy has been met with some criticism, but it is hoped that it will help to improve the deer population in the state. A: The following species may be harvested with a rifle or handgun: coyote, striped skunk, woodchuck, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, opossum and red and gray fox. 0:00. How much authority do conservation police officers and game wardens have. Can you shoot a 300 win mag or 7 mm during the rifle hunts? Furthermore, ten states have no restrictions on handgun hunting during the firearms season, according to the NRA. He put us on deer every day, every time! More decisions to take into account but the choice is yours to make . Register today and take advantage of membership benefits. ** See footnote below. You can read the text of the billhere. I don't think it can have a magazine attached (not sure about that though). I will be using a 350 legend and not the traditional slug. The following information can be viewed from the FAQ page mentioned in the tweet from Illinois DNR. I view it as a challenge at closer ranges. The season typically runs from the first week of November through the first week of December. In order to make hunting more accessible to hunters, Governor B. If youre shooting with a rifle chambered for a cartridge larger than.223, make sure the bullet is being shot from an expanding-type bullet rather than straight-walled rounds. Pritzker on May 27, This Is How Horrible New York Is On Gun Rights, Shooting Stances: Isosceles, Weaver, Modified Weaver, Judge Stephen P. McGlynn, Southern District of Illinois, Blocks Illinois Assault Weapons Ban, CRS Firearms: The Legal Community Doesnt Study Logic Any More, Sex Trafficking And Why No Family May Be Immune, The Second Amendment, Firearms Bans, And The Hecklers Veto, Knox County Commission refuses to support Gov. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It is illegal for someone who has received a Landowner permit but has an application pending to apply for an additional permit in the First or Second Firearms Lottery Drawings. There are virtually no bottleneck cartridges out there that are legal to use in IL for deer hunting, 300 Black Out is about all that comes to mind. A bill, introduced as HB 4386 and sponsored by state Rep. Lance Yednock, D-Ottawa, paved the way for the new rules by allowing certain centerfire, single-shot rifles to be used for deer hunting. So as I understand this .450 socom and .350 legend are still not allowed for use in Illinois correct? Until then, 100grs of 777 f I r her with her Traditions Youth Buckstalker. I dont want to sound sexist, but some people reached out to me and said younger people and female hunters dont always like the kick of a shotgun, he said. I have only taken one deer in my life with a shotgun, and I will never do it again. That being said, I do like to deer hunt with a pistol as well. Northern Illinois has conservatives too, but the closer to Chicago you get, the crazier the politics. I've never heard about these two types of rounds and really couldn't find anything on the ole interweb. Or what do you recommend. I also have a Magnum Research BFR in 350 Legend that I use. Crew-served shotguns, anti-personnel mines and M-79 grenade launchers are still prohibited in the spirit of fairness to the Bambi lobby. Although the use of centerfire single-shot rifles may appear strange to some, it is important to remember that these rifles are specifically designed for hunting deer. Stay with the muzzy. Makes me sick that its so hard for residents to find places to hunt. The law currently prohibits hunting with muzzleloadings, shotguns, and single-shot pistols. Davidsmeyer said another concern was the distance a bullet from a rifle can travel as opposed to a slug from a shotgun. Nationally, only Louisiana and New Jersey politics are alleged to be as-dirty as those of Illinois. Single shotmeans a gun that is either manufactured or modified toonlybe capable of holding a total of one round in the magazine and chamber combined. According to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, ammunition is restricted to .30-caliber or larger centerfire cartridges that are less than 1 2/5 inches in length or straight-wall cartridges of at least .30 caliber. While rifles are far more accurate and have a much broader range than shotguns, both are effective for deer hunting. The state Department of Natural Resources wishes to inform hunters that it is always illegal to conceal a firearm while hunting. Per a tweet by the Illinois DNR on August 25, 2022, there is a new law that will allow rifles to be used for deer hunting in Illinois. Follow Alice Jones Webb: Im in the Democratic caucus, and not many Democrats probably file deer hunting rifle bills, and it took some work. The pistol hunting season is single-shot, and the DNR worked with me pretty closely on this legislation, he said. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Permits hunting with a rifle for the taking of deer. I still do not understand the reasoning behind it being single-shot. There is no case length limit for straight-walled cartridges on rifles. A legal deer permit allows one deer to be killed in a bag. Public Act 102-0932is effectiveJan. 1, 2023. 223 to form a tough and reliable cartridge tailor made for deer hunting with the modern rifle platform. The ability to reload quickly with the current law requirements on most rifles will take a few seconds longer when compared to a good old fashion bolt-action or pump slug gun. Pyramyd Air has this interactive guide that shows airgun laws by state and what types of game animals can be harvested with airguns. Now the 350 Legend has quite a following as well.. 444 and 450 Marlins and 45/70's are to long. Larry Dale, owner of New Salem Firearms in Petersburg, told the news service The Center Square it's not a huge change for Illinois gun regulations, but hunters are glad to see it. On June 16, 2022 at 11:38 am, SamlAdams said: Family is from downstate. Such rifles would appear to be non-compliant unless the magazine is removed and not in the possession of or in close proximity to a hunter in the field. Join the list to receive special offers and updates! Rifle Bill Proposed in Illinois for Deer Hunting Representative Brandon Phelps (Democrat of Harrisburg Illinois), Chairman of the Illinois Sportsmen's Caucus introduced HB5978. But is that really a bad thing for Illinois or the deer herd? People who are small in stature, or who are older or disabled, can now shoot without feeling the amount of recoil kickback. I was considering getting a muzzleloader for the season next year (I'm a new hunter from IL). What is the point? That will remain unchanged when the new centerfire rules go into effect in January. Amid confusion, state reminds hunters change in Illinois rifle rules still months away, Newsletters: Get local news delivered directly to you. A rifle shall be considered a single shot if there is no magazine in possession of or in close proximity to a hunter in the field and the gun can only hold a total of one round. I will also mix it up when I hunt in IA with straight-walled cartridge firearms, like my 45-70 or 500 Auto Max. Straight wall would have made more sense, but there is no sense there anymore. One deer. 1.2aa. This is one of the most commonly used firearms in hunting. Rifles chambered in the soft shooting .350 legend will likely become a very popular choice for hunters, especially youth, in Illinois. READ NEXT Go here for content from Free Range Americans executive editor Michael R. Shea. Legislation listing for the Illinois General Assembly www.ilga.gov Here is an article with the kinds of cartridges that would work The Best Deer Hunting Ammo For Straight-Wall Rifle Cartridge States For those who hunt in states that allow straight-walled rifle cartridges to be used as deer hunting ammo, these are the best options. The terms possession and close proximity are not easy to define, but suffice it to say, I will be leaving all my magazines at home or using a true single shot rifle. Despite the fact that these rules are set to go into effect on January 1st, using a rifle for deer hunting this fall is still illegal in Illinois. Other states have enacted similar laws, however, Illinoiss statute is somewhat unique in that the rifle must be a single shot.. With 22LR, you can take down small to medium-sized animals with short to medium ranges. To check out our regular deer hunting rates and dates for this upcoming season Click Here for Rifle Hunting Info. In addition to the traditional use of approved shotguns, muzzleloaders, and handguns, hunters will now be able to lawfully take deer with single shot centerfire rifles beginning in 2023. What states allow 223 for deer hunting? HB 5978 - WLF CD-DEER HUNT-RIFLES-AMMO Amends the Wildlife Code. More hunting opportunities equal more deer harvested. It is available in a dozen centerfire rifle and pistol cartridge chamberings, including the Illinois-approved .45-70 Govt and .450 Bushmaster. Alice Jones Webb is an FRA staff writer, lifelong hunter, experienced shooter, and mother of four up-and-coming outdoor enthusiasts. Permits hunting with a rifle for the taking of deer. Provides that notwithstanding any provision of the Code, it is unlawful to take a deer with a rifle in a county of the State with a population of 500,000 or more. .350 legend will be the closest to a traditional .30 cal rifle performance. A deer hunter may recoil more like a shove than a hard blow, according to Dale. The list of legal rifles in Illinois can be found HERE >> on the Illinois DNR website. Illinois has been a shotgun only state since deer hunting resumed there in 1957 following a temporary moratorium that lasted 56 years. Hunting deer with a rifle is still illegal in Illinois, but that will change Jan. 1 when administrative rules issued by the Department of Natural Resources will go into effect that will allow deer hunting with centerfire, single-shot rifles of certain calibers. The governor is expected to sign it in the coming weeks. If there is a three-round capacity, it is possible to use many bolt-action rifles, lever guns, and semi-automatics with restricted magazines for hunting. Join the list to receive special offers, updates, and everything Free Range American. Its the big Democrat controlled cities, especially Chicago, that makes the state a horrible place to live. After decades of limiting Illinois whitetail hunters to shotguns and muzzleloaders, the state is finally catching up with the rest of the country, save for a handful of other states. Your email address will not be published. Yednock also said the expansion to include single-shot rifles for whitetail deer hunting also helps remove barriers that may have kept some women and young hunters from participating in the sport. May 13, 2022. 28-31 Dec 2023 and 12-14 Jan 2024. Henry Repeating Arms is a manufacturer of solid single shot rifles. Oh yeah, Ive heard of that target shooting too. I heard talk from both sides.". Guided hunts and leases have skyrocketed and most hunters that lease or hunt with an outfitter are only interested in harvesting a trophy buck. I'm on the opposite side of this argument. Under Public Act 102-0932 effective Jan. 1, 2023, Illinois is finally allowing rifles for deer hunting again for the first time since 1957, but there are limits on what can be used both in terms of the allowed cartridges and the rifles being limited to single shot only. In Illinois, the new hunting law allows for a single shot with one shell or a rifle with one shell. 1. But this doesnt just open the doors to all rifles. "I think most of the discussion was about other states that allow rifle hunting," said state Rep. C.D. DISCLAIMER: This publication is not intended to be legal advice but is presented for informational and educational purposes only. This law, which goes into effect in 2023, was created as a result of the Illinois Deer Management Plan. You are using an out of date browser. But will it? Here we have no weapon specific seasons, and I wish they'd introduce it. There are a lot of traditional, conservative people there, too, some might be surprised to learn. A .300 BLK centerfire rifle, for example,is extremely soft shooting in comparison, so many Illinois deer hunters are likely looking forward to making the switch. I'd go for a Ruger M77. Between August 2, 2022 - January 15, 2023: Combination Deer Archery permit OR a Single Deer Archery Antlerless-Only Permit. And I know it can only be shot in some single shot mode. Its going to be even more of an elitist sport. I've only ever shot a whitetail at 80 yards max, but passed up many at out to 200 at my stand. The state of Illinois is set to allow rifles to be used for deer hunting starting in the 2019 season. Permits deer hunting with a rifle. House Bill 4386, signed by Gov. Thanks to mandatory hunter safety training, Missouri has nearly zero firearms fatalities during deer seasons that last from Sept 15-Jan 15 but allows everything from spears to .50 bmg during various portions. You are using an out of date browser. In other states that allow such ammunition (often referred to as straight-walled) for deer hunting, popular calibers include the .350 Legend, .444 Marlin, .450 Bushmaster and .45-70 Govt. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Specific information on when rifles will be allowed during deer season will be established by administrative rule. "In the legislative process, those who have not been around hunting lean on the advice of individuals who hunt as well as the DNR," Davidsmeyer said. Amends the Wildlife Code. As a fan of muzzleloading and single shot rifles, the new Illinois deer hunting changes aren't a huge issue for me, but the rules still don't allow me to take out my .30-30 lever action. Provides that rifle hunting permits issued by the Department of Natural Resources shall be approved by county ordinance. D dozer_xj Supporter Supporting member Joined Jul 31, 2016 Messages The state is overwhelmed with nonresident bow hunters and nonresident outfitters leasing up huge tracts of private land. Back in the late 1990's over 50% of the private land in Pike County IL was leased to non-residents as was the case in all the counties in IL's infamous deer "Golden triangle" as well as other counties that became known for producing the biggest bucks. If the round has the same ballistics as a 20 guage [sic] why not allow 3 rounds? asked one commenter. Back when Indiana was restricted, I had a whole lot of luck with my .458 Socom. The only times I was even in Illinois was while I was in the process of traveling through to elsewhere and really didnt have a viable alternative. The amendment was introduced by state Rep. Lance Yednock, a Democrat serving the Illinois 76th District, which includes Bureau, LaSalle, Putnam, and Livingston counties in the states north-central region. The season is open to hunters with a valid Illinois deer hunting license and a valid Illinois deer hunting permit. You must log in or register to reply here. Non-Resident applicants may apply for and receive a maximum of one Nonresident Combination Archery Deer permit during a license year. Under the new law, hunters in Illinois will be able to use lighter rifles for deer hunting. The bill was signed by Gov. I will attempt to edit this post if IL DNR issues any guidance on this topic related to specific cartridges and compliant firearms. The two new sections of the Code define the terms centerfire and single shot:, Sec. Ethical hunters taking only ethical shots only need one well placed shot to do the job . I would go with a good muzzleloader over those cartridges. Straight wall cartridges only a minimum of 30 caliber no maximum but single shot only . However, rifles do have their drawbacks, including safety concerns. Ill be doing as much research on this as possible but I think the DNR explains everything very well. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. During firearm season, a light, single-shot rifle can be used with a centerfire centerfire cartridge in a hunting rifle. Well touch on that in a moment but for now lets look at the pros and cons of Illinois rifle hunting. The facts and circumstances of a specific legal issue are unique and you should seek legal advice for your specific questions or concerns. 449 S 12th St.Tampa, Florida 33602United States, Nonresident Combination Archery Deer permit, Deer Hunting On Maui: The Best Place To Hunt Deer In Hawaii, Designing Lanyards for Corporate Events: Dos and Donts, Unlock The Benefits Of Stabilized Binoculars: Discover Why You May Need Them And Which Ones Are Best For You. B. Pritzker pushed for this law change. Deer are permitted to hunt it in the majority of states, and it is a suitable hunting cartridge. The firearm deer season typically runs from the first Saturday in November through the first Sunday in January. Small shot can travel 200 to 350 yards, larger shot can travel more than 600 yards and slugs can travel more than 800 yards. Not sure where he heard it. He filed this bill on February 11, 2016. Modification of a rifle originally manufactured as a repeater (a lever action/bolt action/pump action/semi-automatic, etc.) On June 15, 2022 at 11:01 am, Bones said: I grew up hunting in Southern Wisconsin, right on the Illinois state line, (we called it the Illinois Border). Illinois deer hunters will soon have more tools available to them during the hunting season after the signing of a recent law. During firearm season, a light, single shot rifle can help you ensure that your first shot is successful. Michigan has been a pioneer in the development and implementation of similar deer hunting regulations. The measure could soon be signed by the governor. JavaScript is disabled. However, these laws are often changing, so it's a good idea to check with your state to see if hunting with a . When the long pause began, the whitetail population in the state had been overhunted to near-elimination. **If youre interested in rifle hunt in Illinois for next fall, we have rifle hunts available for 2023! Yes, more States have done it, with restrictions. The current law limits hunting to muzzleloaders, shotguns, and single-shot handguns during the regular deer firearm season. Single-shot rifles will be permitted for deer hunting in Illinois beginning today. Until then, rifles (except muzzleloading rifles) may not be used to hunt deer. While centerfire rifles remain illegal for deer, the workaround is that certain deer-worthy handguns are allowed. A sport trainer may also be beneficial to people of lesser stature, as well as people with disabilities or an aging parent. Master hunter, instructor and owner of . Learn how your comment data is processed. On January 1, 2023, a new Illinois law (Public Act 102-932) authorizes hunters to use centerfire, single-shot rifles in certain calibers for deer hunting, in addition to the already authorized shotgun, handgun, muzzleloading rifle, or bow and arrow seasons. We were pleasantly surprised to have seen plenty of deer and even a few mature bucks even though they were not in range. Taking mower out for drive at 4 a.m. leads to DUI arrest Jacksonville issues second boil order precaution, Baseball player shot during game by stray bullet, Kampsville man faces domestic battery charge. Purchase over the counter at a License Vendor. Davidsmeyer said the state is trying to manage a deer population that is rather large and so he was less concerned with how deer are harvested. Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Virginia, Ohio, New Jersey, Washington, and West Virginia require larger bullets to be used to hunt game. Ive deer hunted IL for near 20 years, prefer my M-L over shotgun options. Hunting with a shotgun presents several disadvantages for many hunters the felt recoil of a 12-gauge, or even 20-gauge alone, can be too much for some. Davidsmeyer, R-Jacksonville.
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will illinois allow rifles for deer hunting 2020