tibia damage calculator
| |126.00 ||Werewolf Helmet ||Pair of Iron Fists | |3 |34 | | |sorcerers|Naginata | | | | |knights|Crystalline Axe | | |33.00 | | |14 |paladins|Elvish Bow |70 ||Simple Dress | |10 | |95.00 |15.00 | |druids|Arcanomancer Regalia | |33 | |11 |knights and paladins|Depth Calcei | |0 | |22 | |5.00 ||Noble Armor |40.00 | | | |sorcerers and druids|Soulshanks ||Seashell Lamp (Lit) | |0 |10.00 |120 ||Club of the Fury | |20 | |35.00 | |9.30 |6.00 |48.00 | | | | | |32 |82.00 |5.00 |400 |18.00 |fire +8%, ice -8% | |25.00 | |16 | | | | | |200 |16 |68.00 | | | | | | | | | | ||Depth Ocrea ||Earth Knight Axe |5.00 | |19.00 |50 |3.80 |90.00 | |16 | | |physical +6% | | |10 ||Shield of Destiny (Activated) |physical +3%, ice +7% |knights|Fiery Clerical Mace | ||Crown Helmet | |knights|Umbral Masterblade | ||Moon Mirror ||Steel Helmet | | | | | |99.00 |25 |57.00 |40 ||Leviathan's Amulet | |59.00 |5.50 ||Demonrage Sword |20 |12 ||Ferumbras' Staff (Blunt) |distance fighting +3 ||Obsidian Zaoan Rook | | |28.00 |death +3% | | |180 | | |0 |42.00 | | |knights|Twin Hooks |magic level +1 ||Chocolatey Dragon Scale Legs | Speed calculator. | |61.00 |20 | | |40 | |29.00 | |50 |0 | |22 |1 |35.00 | | | | |1.00 |knights|Headchopper | |23 | ||Sword | |18 | |0 ||Pirate Boots | |86.00 |7.70 |115.00 | | |150 | |distance fighting +2 |69.00 |healing magic level +2 | | | | | | | | |2 |27.60 | | | | ||Dreaded Cleaver |5.00 |10 |7 |ice +3%, energy -3% |energy +4% | |80.00 | | | | | |120 |38.00 |paladins|Ranger Legs |24.50 |6 |220 | |2.00 |5.00 | |180.00 | It is clear the buff from the latest balance changes are not applied to the character level bonus in the formula. | | |paladins|Moohtant Cudgel ||Broken Wooden Shield |5.00 |80 | | | |29 |15 | |300 | |200 | ||Pirate Hat | |physical +5% | Blacklist. | | ||Composite Hornbow |45.00 | | |84.00 | | |9 | ||Dream Blossom Staff | | | |20 |fire magic level +1, ice magic level +1, earth magic level +1, energy magic level +1 | |12 |5.00 ||Lit Rift Lamp |6 |sorcerers|Wand of Destruction Test |knights|Icy War Hammer | |paladins|Chaos Mace |2 | |0.10 | | |19 |0 |3 | |78.00 | | | | |27.60 | | ||Luminescent Fungi (Unlit) |druids|Oriental Shoes |0 |170.00 ||Gourd |5.00 | | |5.00 |18 |180 |druids|Test Weapon for Knights | | | |55.00 | |65.00 | |energy +8%, earth -8% |150 | | |20 | | | |82.00 | ||Lightning Pendant | |42.00 |0.80 | | | | | |180 | | | |knights|The Shield Nevermourn |4.50 |distance fighting +1 |knights|Frostmind Raiment | |distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1 | |42 |31 ||Prismatic Helmet |magic level +2, fire magic level +1, perfect shot +65 at range 4 |5 ||The Eye of Suon |2.00 | |95.00 | | ||Diamond Necklace |60.00 |60 | | ||Werewolf Amulet | | |19 ||Icy Dragon Slayer ||Rainbow Necklace | |3 |knights|Lion Hammer | |120 | |20 | | | |4.50 |knights|Umbral Master Bow | | |30 | |31 | | ||Bronze Medal | | |18.00 |49.00 |35 | Weapons needed: - . |11 | |120.00 | |18 |26.50 | | |club fighting +2 How much (constant) damage is dealt by field runes, e.g. | |knights|Royal Scale Robe Chcesz wiedzie, ktra gildia w tibii jest najlepsza? |59.00 |35 | |3.00 | | | | | ||Hailstorm Rod |fire +5% | |physical +60%, ice +40% |42 Damage Reflection | |70 |61.50 - Distance training for paladins, Join our Discord channel to stay up-to-date! | |axe fighting +4 Stamina calculator. |knights and paladins|Leather Boots |17 | | | | | |76.00 | | |19.00 ||Wand of Cosmic Energy ||Demonbone Amulet |energy +10% | | ||Lit Torch (Small) |250 | |19 |8.00 | | | | |25.00 | | | | |7.30 |15 |78.00 |12 |52.00 | |156.00 |magic level +3 ||Energy Spike Sword |0 | | | |70.00 | | | |sorcerers and druids|Steel Shield | |80.00 | |earth +4% | | |18.00 | GENERAL. |druids|Falcon Wand |400 | |82.00 |200 |25.00 | |7 |knights|Naga Crossbow | | I want to know what is the formula to calculate the damage of each vocation , I mean for example I deal more damage if im more level? | |knights|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Distance) |300 |1 |paladins|Umbral Chopper | | |45.00 |6.50 |distance fighting +4 |120 |death +2% |2 |68.00 |0 Please note the game added a mitigation stat that even the weakest creature can reduce 1 damage with a really low mitigation value. |33 |18.00 | Like the other Melee skills, Sword Fighting advances more quickly for Knights than any other vocation . | | |magic level +4 |4.80 |78.00 | | |2 | Tibia Damage Calculator Missing spells values: All values have to be looked at as tons of changes were made since the last version of the app. |75 |earth +6%, fire -6% | | | |220 | | |physical 7%, earth +24% |9 | | | |paladins|Shimmer Rod | ||Scimitar | |120.00 | | |44.00 |37.00 | |sword fighting +3 | |38.00 |400 | |magic level +3 |0.80 | | |29 |magic level +1 | | |18.00 Winter Update 2021 brings three new effects that can be added to weapons, armor and helmets using the Exaltation Forge. | |60.00 | |84.50 | ||Bronze Amulet |knights|Spellbook | | | | | | | |knights|War Hammer |paladins|Midnight Tunic | |38 | | | | | Use Calculator Gold Changer Ideal for calculating how many CT would cost you to buy GOLD in lukewarm Use Calculator Profit and Waste Calculator to distribute profit in a team hunt. |32 | |knights|Earth Headchopper |8 | |druids|Arcanomancer Sigil This is the same color displayed when mana is used to protect hitpoints by using. |17 |18 |69.00 |0.80 | | | |20.00 | | Level limit is 4500. |magic level +2 | |distance fighting +2 | ||Helmet of the Ancients | |220 |1 | |21.00 | |death +4% | | |15 | ||Stale Bread of Ancientness |earth +10%, fire -10% |19.00 |22.50 |7.50 | |120.00 |35.00 |24 |9.00 |69.00 |35 |knights|Energy Headchopper ||Great Axe |47.00 | | | | |magic level +2 | | |26.00 | |31.00 | | | |physical +3% | | | | |earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, energy +5% |magic level +1 | |200 | |knights and paladins|Feverbloom Boots ||Crystal Boots | |270 |20 |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% |8 | | |19 | | | | |physical +5% | |0 | |earth +11%, fire -2% | | | | | |85.00 | | | | |earth +7% | ||Viper Star | |88.00 | | |sword fighting +4, axe fighting +4, club fighting +4, 19 damage reflection | |knights|Gnome Shield ||Icy Culottes | |knights|Arboreal Crown |0 |sorcerers|Combat Knife |400 |250 ||Sorcerer Test Weapon Test |25.00 | |25.00 ||Ornate Shield | |150 |9 |faster regeneration, speed +20 ||Axe of Destruction | |death +10% | | |32.00 |12 | | | | | ||Galea Mortis | |energy +10%, earth -10% | ||Sea-devil Wall Lamp (Lit) | |22.00 |40 |1 | |6.00 |7 ||Legion Helmet | |59.00 | |paladins|Soulshroud |20 |30 | ||Zaoan Shoes | |paladins|Twiceslicer | |0 |16 | | | | | | | |42 |paladins|Soulshredder | | |31 |36 | | | | | | | |60 | ||Incredible Mumpiz Slayer | | | |100 | | | |63.00 | |22 |400 | | | |knights|Diamond Sceptre | |130.00 |energy +5%, earth -5% |50 | |fire +5% | |9 | | | |3 |55.00 | | |speed +15 | |5.00 ||Magma Amulet | | | |25.00 | |paladins|Sandals | | | |25 | Training Calculator Leech Calculator Rashid in Darashia Calculator to work out the amount of experience points needed between two levels. | |18.00 | |78.00 | |110.00 |2 Vocation-Skill-Base skill + loyalty. | |0 |61.00 |29 | |1 |invisibility | ||Hat of the Mad |5.00 | |club fighting +2 |61.50 | |67.00 | |10.00 |55 | |7.50 |0 |45 ||Cobra Crown | ||Dragon Robe | |8 | | | | ||Golden Sickle |15.00 | |220 | |knights|Slayer of Destruction |knights|Magic Sword | |220 ||Great Shield The formulas used are from TibiaWiki and some multipliers are from TibiaStats. |13.00 | ||Charged Ghost Charm ||Brass Armor | | | |0 | | |1.00 ||Earth Spike Sword | |10.00 |fire +10%, ice -10% |earth +8%, fire -8% |33.00 |35.00 | | |85.00 | |41.00 | | |knights|Fireheart Hauberk | |55 |100 | |250 | |5.50 |4.20 |24.50 | | | | We are an Official Tibia Fansite made for the whole community, here you will find guides, quest, calculators and a Q&A section for your questions. | |52.00 | |knights|Frostheart Hauberk |8 | Instead going to use a custom formula based on TibiaStats results that seems more accurate than TibiaWiki for now, it is going to be an ongoing project to make it closer and closer to what we see in game. | |25.00 |sorcerers and druids|Rusty Winged Helmet | |1 |300 ||Iron Crown |22.00 |8.00 |24.00 |70 |145.00 |270 | | | |knights|Fur Boots Check if you get cheaper imbuing Strike with items or buying Gold Tokens. ||Zathroth' Redeemer | | The skills shown in game are the character's base skills with the account's loyalty bonus. ||Sedge Hat | |1.50 |45.00 |20 |80 |15 |25.00 |28.00 |energy +8%, physical +6%, ice -2% | ||Small Dragon Tear | | |120 | |perfect shot +20 at range 4 |45.00 | | ||Iron Helmet ||Lit Rainbow Torch |38.00 | | |25.00 | |0 |22.50 |5.00 |11 | | |knights|Eldritch Tome | | |sorcerers and druids|Dragon Scale Legs | | ||Throwing Star of Sula |37 |9 | |2 |80 The result is that the target loses Hitpoints (or Mana if using Magic Shield spell or an Energy Ring). | ||Light Mace |3 | | Exercise Weapons Calculator. To use, clear your Server Log and look all your loots, paste the info here. |18 | | | | | |30 |10.20 ||Silver Mask |16 |13 |80.00 |23 |25 | |30 | |32.50 |30 |25 |19 | | | |speed +30, faster regeneration |32.00 |10 |4.55 |5.00 | |220 |5 |37 | |400 | | |1.55 | |18 |0 ||Poet's Fencing Quill | | |17 |89.00 ||Jungle Bow | | | | | |89.00 |druids|Naga Sword | |fist fighting +6 |16 |34 | |21.00 |47.00 |0.80 |37 | ||Garlic Necklace | | | | |3 |41.00 | |physical +3% | |earth +6% |70.00 | |16 | | |2.20 | | | Transfer checker. |earth +3%, fire -3% |earth +5%, fire -5% | |180 ||Dragon Lance |druids|Jungle Wand ||Ring of Wishes | | | |220 | | |21.00 |knights|Wooden Sword | |knights|Spiky Club |knights and paladins|Goo Shell | |60 | | |16 | |180 | |2 |30 |fire +3%, ice -3% |60 | |paladins|Collar of Green Plasma | |knights|Eerie Song Book | ||Soulforged Lantern | |30.00 | ||Leather Helmet |300 |61.50 | |16 | | |magic level +3 |85.00 |5.00 | |30 |1.00 | | ||Metal Wall Lamp | | |sorcerers and druids|Frostsoul Tabard | | |45 |2 | | |45 |25 | |earth +5%, fire -5% | ||Onyx Flail |100 They do load long but they works and its best calculator Reply watershipdown811 . | |30 | |12 |38.00 |60.00 |knights and paladins|Falcon Shield | | |270 |None|Emerald Sword | |10.00 | |2.50 |sorcerers and druids|Ring of Healing |paladins|Flower Dress |11.00 |0 | The official ||Shapeshifter Ring | |physical +4% ||Leaf Star |0 ||Fish Tail (Unequipped) |sorcerers and druids|Magma Coat | | |59.00 | | |65 ||Boots of Homecoming | |12.40 | | | | |8 |2 | | |37.00 ||Little Big Flower Lamp (Lit) | ||Icy Rainbow Shield ||Anglerfish Lamp (Unlit) | | Private dummy. | |16 |knights and paladins|Gill Legs | | |magic level +2 |0 |8 | |225 |32.00 | | | | |distance fighting +2 | |paladins|Pair of Soulwalkers |earth +8%, fire -8% |32 | |14 | | | | |54.00 ||Turquoise Flower Lamp (Lit) | | | | |20 | | | |38.00 |10.00 | | |0.85 | |sword fighting +3 | |2.00 | ||Blue Quiver |0 |37.00 | |16 | | |31.00 | | |100 | | | | |druids|Morning Star |68.00 |54.00 | ||Kitchen Lamp | |100 |82 | |60 How do fighting stances affect hit chance and damage? |physical +15%, earth +10% |energy +8%, earth -8% |2 |45 | | |58.00 | ||Silkweaver Bow |25.00 | |5.00 | |65.00 |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Lost Souls Summary. |270 | |8 |7 | ||Small Lamp | |69.00 | |145.00 | |2 |28.00 |45.00 | | ||Icy Barbarian Axe | Here is the link: https://www.mityz.com/tibia/character/calculators. | | | | | | | |physical +2% If you select 'offline' training, the tool assumes full 12h of offline training per day. |5.00 |5.50 | | | | ||Pendulet | |23.00 | |knights|Falcon Battleaxe | ||Demonbone |0 | ||Jade Hammer ||Tower Shield | | ||Hibiscus Dress |250 ||Lion Amulet | |knights|Naga Wand | |paladins|Native Armor |120 |100 | |sorcerers|Eldritch Warmace | | | | | | |club fighting +3 | ||Ring of Blue Plasma | | |2.50 |99.00 ||Guardian Boots |knights|Umbral Mace |3 |18 | |19 | |19.50 | | |paladins|Gilded Eldritch Claymore | | |8.50 |200 | ||Glooth Amulet |80 |25.00 |ice +5% |magic level +1 ||Spiritthorn Ring |75 |5.60 |physical +3% | | | | |fire +8%, ice -8% | | | |100 |25.00 |sword fighting +3, Cleave 3% | | |80.00 |80 ||Glowworms (Lit) |270 |300 | | |2 | | ||True Heart of the Sea |speed +30 ||Filled Receptacle |distance fighting +2 |magic level +5, healing magic level +1, ice magic level +1 | |270 |6.10 | | | |18 | |31 |earth +10% | |19.00 |5.00 | |ice +6%, energy -6% | | |druids|Lion Wand ||Odd Hat | | |12.00 |distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1 |speed +10 |knights|Elethriel's Elemental Bow | | | ||Wand of Dimensions |7.50 | | |sorcerers|Wand of Dragonbreath | | |28 | | |36 |60 |27 | | | | Magical Damage cannot be blocked, and the damage it inflicts is not reduced by the target's armor. | |180 | ||Rotten Demonbone | | |physical +6% | ||Lit Glowing Mushroom | ||Broken Iks Cuirass ||Seashell Lamp | |6 | | | |65 |24.00 ||Might Ring | |knights|Energy Heroic Axe | Armor See Armor Calculator . |75 | | |6 |34.00 You will find here a knowledge base, calculators and various statistics. | |200 ||Fluorescent Fungi (Lit) |8.00 | | | | |75 | ||Golden Bell ||Shield of Honour UPDATE: EK spell damage has been updated. Share with: Link: Copy link . | ||Friendship Amulet | |45.00 | | |life drain +20% |8.50 |35 |knights|Crude Umbral Mace | | |150 | | | |21 |6.66 ||Energized Limb | 1 to 100, 100 to 101) ||Silver Amulet | | |80 |magic level +3 |death +8%, holy -8% | ||Scarab Shield | This page is protected to prevent harmful edits. | | | | |2 |46.00 | |42.00 |18 |40 |0 |99.00 ||Energy Ring | | | |magic level +3 |1.20 | | |80 | Privacy Policy. |death +5%, holy -5% | | | ||Gnome Sword | |1 |paladins|Umbral Hammer | |400 | | | |20 | | | |knights|Thunderheart Hauberk |25 |65 Percentage Reduction This formula have to be applied for every single item that has percentage reduction. | |sorcerers and druids|Firesoul Tabard |84.50 |32.00 |magic level +2 | ||Horseman Helmet |300 | |52.00 Best answer I took these fromulas from tibiawikia Melee: Min= lvl/5 Max=0.085datkskill+lvl/5 atk = Weapon's attack d = Damage Factor: Full Attack: 1 Balanced: 0.75 Full Defence: 0.5 Whirlwind Throw: min: (skill+atk)/3+lvl/5 max: skill+atk+lvl5 avg: (max+min)/2=2/3 (skill+atk)+lvl/5 Groundshaker: min: 0.5 (skill+atk)+lvl/5 | | |31.50 | |5 |19.00 Level calculator. | | | | |27.00 |knights|Amber Staff | |6.80 | | | | |0 There are two main kinds of damage: Physical Damage and Magical Damage. | | |41.00 |21 | | |9 | | |9.00 | | |14 | | |distance fighting +3 | |knights and paladins|Dark Armor | |46.00 |17 | | |shielding +2 | ||Angelic Axe | |24 ||Mean Knight Sword |22 ||Steel Boots |99.00 |physical +13% ||Ornamented Brooch | | | | | ||Obsidian Zaoan King |150 | | | |250 | |death +3% | |20.00 |7 |3.14 |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Pair of Nightmare Boots | |18 |75 |energy +8%, earth -8% ||Energy Cranial Basher | |knights|Hammer of Wrath | | ||Ring of Green Plasma | | ||Amulet of Loss | |distance fighting +3 |28.00 | |death +6% | ||Sea-devil Wall Lamp | | |knights|Eldritch Bow | | | |knights|Lion Spellbook | | | | | | | |29 |7 | | |12 |energy +8% | |2.00 | | | |22 |8 | | | ||Emerald Necklace | |9 |31.00 | |21.00 |13 |19.00 |85 | |0.40 website of Tibia is tibia.com.
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tibia damage calculator