sheriff sale lycoming county, pa

On sales where the preparation of a Schedule of Distribution is not required, a Deed will be delivered to thePURCHASERafter the expiration of twenty (20) days from the sale, unless objections are filed to the sale within that period. - 9 photos, 2 BD, 2 BH 1,680 sqft #29880556, ROOSEVELT AVE Williamsport - PA Sheriff-sale Success! Service is made by the Sheriff within 90 days. ROUTE 414 HWY Cammal - PA Sheriff-sale We accept cash, local check or money order. Contact the Sheriff's Office Civil Process Division with questions. How old do you have to be to apply for a License to Carry? Sign Up to be eligible for our weekly Giveaways! get driving directions from your location, Union County Sheriffs Office / Union County Prison, Lycoming County Court of Common Pleas Court Records, Lycoming County Most Wanted (Pennsylvania), Lycoming County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sales, Visiting and contacting Lycoming County inmates. MUNCY TOWNSHIP, Pa. -- The Lycoming Mall could be auctioned to the highest bidder in a sheriff's sale next month. The mall also recently lost the Hallmark store, Foot Locker, Champs, and eateries Brennan's Coffee and Deli and Dairy Queen. Kohan did not immediately return a reporter's phone call requesting comment. 4/29/2023 1:07 AM. The investment group, run by owner Mike Kohan, has a reputation for buying troubled malls and failing to pay taxes and utility bills. Pennsdale, Pa. The Lycoming Mall in Muncy Township, which is now down to 13 stores, is set to go up for sheriffs sale on May 6 for failure to pay thousands in water and sewer bills. Notice to All Parties in Interest and Claimants: You are hereby notified that I, Kerry W. Stover, Sheriff of Clinton County, Pennsylvania, 5 Days after a sale date will file a proposed Schedule of Distribution, of the proceeds of the Sale, in the entitled matter, a copy of which will be posted in the Sheriffs Office, Clinton County Courthouse, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, and a copy will be posted outside the Office of Cindy Love, Prothonotary, Clinton County Courthouse, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. This listing is always up-to-date per the information available to the Sheriff's Office. Search sheriff sale listing. Interested parties are advised that a schedule of distribution, if applicable, will be posted in the Sheriff's Office not later than 30 days after the sale. It is recommended that a potential buyer search the propertys records in the Recorder of Deeds Office and Prothonotarys Office OR obtain professional assistance in researching the title to the property and status of liens. Email. The sale will be held in the 1st Floor, Commissioners Board Room at 10:30 a.m. We look forward to seeing you there! Case Participants Attorney Property Address . - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Sheriff Sale Homes in Lycoming County, PA Buy foreclosure homes for sale in Lycoming County, PA, right now on for up to 75% off market value. The location of a sheriff's sale is publicized for 30 days before the sale. There was a problem saving your notification. 6. Click here for more information, Information on voter registration, polling places, election results, and more, View our position openings and start your next adventure by serving your community. Terms and Conditions - Execution is commenced by the plaintiff (usually the mortgage holder) in a civil action by filing a Praecipe for Writ of Execution with the Prothonotary. Contact & Company Search Sales Automation Conversation Intelligence Workflows. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. Generally, no. Phone (570)327-2263 Fax (570)327-6790. However, we invite you to explore other types of properties available on our website, including short sales and pre-foreclosures. Each individual Writ and sale is scheduled for a specific date and time. Access the following link to see a current list of scheduled Personal Property Sheriff Sales. Harry Entz is a Lieutenant at Lycoming County Government based in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. - 1 photo, 3 BD, 3 BH 2,314 sqft #30171424, GRAMPIAN BLVD Williamsport - PA Sheriff-sale Her family says the system betrayed her. A current list of upcoming Sheriff sales . Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF LYCOMING COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA IN RE: SHERIFF SALES AND NOW, this NO. Sheriff Sales in Lycoming County, PA Buy foreclosure homes for sale in Lycoming County, PA, right now on for up to 75% off market value. According to court documents filed on January 20, the mall owes the authority $103,901.74 in back water fees and $124,393.47 in back sewer fees. Be the first to know when a house in your area goes into foreclosure. - 4 photos, 4 BD, 2 BH 2,000 sqft #29845881. - The Lycoming Mall in Muncy Township, which is now down to 13 stores, is set to go up for sheriff's sale on May 6 for failure to pay thousands in water and sewer bills. Williamsport, PA sheriff sales. - 3 photos, 3 BD, 1 BH 1,344 sqft #30379596, SAWMILL RD Cogan Station - PA Sheriff-sale Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph. Terms and Conditions. Enjoy the pride of homeownership for less than it costs to rent before it's too late. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph. New! Sheriff Sale Listings. These tax foreclosed homes are available for pennies on the dollar - as much as 75 percent off full market price (and more)! All Rights Reserved. Acrobat Reader Windows Media Player Word Viewer Excel Viewer PowerPoint Viewer The Sheriffs Office does not have physical access to the property. Your initial 20% is subject to forfeiture and you lose rights to purchase the property. The group also has let some malls fall into disrepair, as was the case with Woodville Mall in Ohio which closed in 2011 due to court order. Millions of people receive foreclosure alerts daily, don't miss out. Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. The Prothonotary issued the Writ, which is delivered to the Sheriff. Affidavits of Service and Affidavit of Lien Holder (Real Estate Sales): In addition to filing these affidavits at the Prothonotary's Office, a copy must be forwarded to the Sheriff's Office, no later than one week prior to the sale. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Be first with find free foreclosure listings in Lycoming County, PA, before anyone else. All properties are sold as is and the Sheriff is not responsible for a clear title. Sheriff's Sales *Status of sales can change at anytime up until the moment of sale, please call our office at 570-271-3020 with any questions regarding current sales. Williamsport, PA Lycoming County 17701 Sheriff-sale; 3Bd / 1Ba 1,266 sqft $141,200 ; DetailsProperty ID: 30105900. If you desire information concerning tax sales, you should contact the Centre County Tax Claim Bureau at 814-355-6805. does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns. Each Sheriff sale is advertised in the Snyder County Times once a week for three consecutive weeks prior to the sale. Recorder of Deeds and Marriage Licenses. Only Cases of this Category: Only Cases with Judgments. on certain states a sheriff is required to preside over that property's auction. Our data will also include Lycoming county bank owned homes. Alert me about homes in Central Pa Institute Of Science & Technology School District, Keystone Central Career And Technical Center, Northumberland County Career And Technical Center, Sun Area Technical Institute School District, Lycoming Mall set for sheriff's sale in May over unpaid water and sewer bills, 321 Pine Street Suite 220,Williamsport,PA, Lycoming County Water And Sewer Authority, Trees planted throughout local park to honor loved ones, The Blue Collar Bookseller review: Absinthe & Flamethrowers, Man charged for purchasing liquor, marijuana for juvenile. In most cases, the property will be relisted for sale or go to the second highest bidder. RR 2 BOX 203 AKA 2205 GRIMESVILLE ROAD WILLIAMSPORT, PA 17701-8537 OLD LYCOMING TOWNSHIP UPI#: 43-348-148.04 Postponed ( 8/4/2023 ) . The number of foreclosure properties in our database is subject to change due to market conditions. No. This document purportedly lists all of the judgement creditors whose judgments are liens of record on the property to be sold. The Lycoming County Sheriffs Office, located in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, is a law enforcement agency that promotes public safety in Lycoming County through public policing and the management of county jails and inmates. Smart homebuyers and savvy investors looking for rich money-making opportunities buy tax-delinquent properties in Lycoming County, PA, at tax lien auctions or online distressed asset sales. The May 5th, 2023 Sheriff Sale will be held at the Executive Plaza, located at 330 Pine Street, Williamsport, Pa 17701. PA 17701-8537 OLD LYCOMING TOWNSHIP UPI#: 43-348-148.04 Active (P) 19-0144 SANTANDER BANK, N.A. Information on Sheriff's Sales is subject to change at any time due to additions, cancellations, and postponements. The Lycoming County Sheriff's Sale will take place at 10:30 a.m. in Executive Plaza, which is located at 330 Pine Street in downtown Williamsport. 2020-00006 ORDER day of July, 2020, upon consideration of the within Petition of the Sheriff of Lycoming County, it is hereby ORDERED AND DIRECTED as follows: The Sheriff Sale scheduled for Friday, August 7, 2020, at 10:30 a.m. is hereby What is a Foreclosure? The stay continues until the plaintiff obtains an order of Court discharging the property from the custody of the Bankruptcy Court or until the Bankruptcy Court issues an Order releasing the property from the sale. Our Lycoming county foreclosures, sheriff sales, short sales and pre- foreclosures, will also include the full contact information for all foreclosed properties including number of bedrooms and baths, square footage and price. Rule 3129.3(b) of the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure states that a sale can be continued no more than twice to a date certain within 130 days without a new notice. Sheriffs sales are held on the second Friday of each month at 1:00pm in the Sheriffs Office. Joseph N. Hanna Contact. It is my position as Sheriff, irresponsible behavior, criminal or otherwise, will result in permanent revocation of your license. The information provided on this website is the latest data available, but it should not be construed as a complete and accurate description, whether legal or otherwise, of any particular parcel. Contact; Map; Send to a friend; 2 8 Photos W 4th St . Lycoming County Register and Recorder. Free Search. Larger sales are outdoors, commonly on the steps or front lawn of the county courthouse. The Sheriff does not guarantee clear title to any property sold at sale. Pennsylvania Sheriff Sale Homes. Access your Saved Searches on your profile page. SALE DATE TIME PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT DOCKET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY JUDGEMENT 26-Apr-23 11:00 AM FNB PROPERTIES COMPANY INC. Contact the Sheriff's Office Civil Process Division with questions. Find Arrest Records, Inmate Records, and Warrants related to Lycoming County Sheriffs Office. Choose sheriff sale category. In the past year, the mall has rapidly lost stores. Each individual Writ and sale is scheduled for a specific date and time. Only Participants of this Category: Include Attorneys in Name Search. Q: How much must I put down if I am the highest bidder at a Sheriffs Sale? They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. Sheriff Sales will be held online, via Realforeclose. About Us Contact Us Properties sold for mortgage foreclosures and judgments are processed through the Sheriffs Office. Lycoming Sheriff Sale Listings. - 9 photos, 4 BD, 4.5 BH 3,834 sqft #29880558, RURAL AVE Williamsport - PA Sheriff-sale, 3 BD, 1.5 BH 1,931 sqft #30171312, ADAMS ST Williamsport - PA Sheriff-sale, 3 BD, 1 BH 1,120 sqft #30243981, STEVENS ST Williamsport - PA Sheriff-sale, 6 BD, 2 BH 2,128 sqft #30105901, SHAFFER ST Williamsport - PA Sheriff-sale, 2 BD, 1.5 BH 910 sqft #29880397, LYCOMING CREEK RD Williamsport - PA Sheriff-sale The mall owes bills to the Lycoming County Water and Sewer Authority, who filed a judgment at the courthouse in Lycoming County against the malls owner, Lycoming Mall Realty Holdings, LLC. The former Macy's, which is now a CubeSmart storage unit facility, is owned separately and will not be a part of the mall sale. A Sheriff's sale is periodic sale conducted by the Sheriff's office of each county to sell real estate and properties. According to the Lycoming County Water and Sewer Authority, the mall owes . Choose . Address, Phone Number, and Fax Number for Lycoming County Sheriffs Office, a Sheriff Department, at West 3rd Street, Williamsport PA. View map of Lycoming County Sheriffs Office, and get driving directions from your location. Read More . Lycoming Sheriff Sale Listings. Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns. Get an alert. (717)771-9601. - 9 photos, 4 BD, 4.5 BH 3,834 sqft #29880558, RURAL AVE Williamsport - PA Sheriff-sale, 3 BD, 1.5 BH 1,931 sqft #30171312, ADAMS ST Williamsport - PA Sheriff-sale, 3 BD, 1 BH 1,120 sqft #30243981. Lieutenant at Lycoming County Government . There are 39 discounted homes for sale in Lycoming County, PA we think you'll love. Sheriffs sales are held on the second Thursday of each month at 10:00am on the third floor of the Court House Annex Building. Access the following link to see a list of the current properties scheduled for Sheriff Sale. Changes may occur before this information is updated and you are advised not to rely upon the information posted without verifying its accuracy with other court dockets or by contacting the Sheriff's Office or consulting an attorney. The mall opened in 1978 and originally was owned by Crown American. Buy foreclosure homes for sale in Lycoming County, PA, right now on for up to 75% off market value. Real Estate Statement of Value Form and Instructions (PDF), Conditions of Sale / Terms and Conditions (DOC), The Administrative Offices of Pennsylvania Courts, The Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Legal Aid and Defender Association, $150 (For more than 2 defendants call for fees), No later than 30 days after the date of sale. Entdecke Lycoming County Sheriff Pennsylvania PA Aufnher H9 in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! The filing of a bankruptcy by a defendant will automatically stay the Sheriff sale. Important Dates: Real Estate Sales (filings, sales, distributions). Sheriff Sales are held at the utilzing the online process. Thank you for your understanding. Service is made by the Sheriff within 90 days. It is recommended that the plaintiff provide written directions to the Sheriff concerning the execution. The property is still owned by the property owner prior to the sale. "It's been 18 to 24 months of failure to pay or inconsistent payments," said Christine Weigle, executive director of the Lycoming County Water and Sewer Authority. Rule 3129.3(b) of the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure states that a sale can be continued no more than twice to a date certain within 130 days without a new notice after which it can be continued by a court order. Q: Will the filing of bankruptcy stop a Sheriff Sale? The Sheriff Sale process creates opportunities for buyers to bid on repossessed foreclosure homes at auctions and other sales for deep discounts. All our foreclosure listings are pre-screened for accuracy by our team of professionals on a daily basis. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. The mall owes bills to the Lycoming County Water and Sewer Authority, who filed a judgment at the courthouse in Lycoming County against the mall's owner, Lycoming Mall . Display Contact Address. Q: What happens if I cannot pay the remainder of my bid within 10 days of the sale? Error! Sitemap - Sheriff's sales are most often conducted at a county level. Service Fees Terms And Conditions For The Sale Of Real Estate Sheriff Sale List for March 8, 2023 2022 Sale Dates 2023 Sale Dates Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents. - 8 photos, 3 BD, 1 BH 1,266 sqft #30105900, W 4TH ST Williamsport - PA Sheriff-sale A 2% county poundage is added on top the purchase price and is the responsibility of the purchaser. They are usually held in the sheriff's office, a community building, or courthouse. Sitemap - The Sheriffs sale is an auction of the mortgaged premises pursuant to a judgement and Writ of Execution. Sheriff's Sale (Real Estate): Rules, Requirements, and Instructions. Here's your update! Don't have an account yet? Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Find 6 Sheriff Departments within 31.1 miles of Lycoming County Sheriffs Office. . Bankruptcy Processing (Real Estate Sales): If the York County Sheriff's Office receives notice that a defendant has filed bankruptcy, the Plaintiff's Attorney will be notified by email. Unless written exceptions are filed with the Sheriff, not later than ten (10) days after __/__/____ distribution of the proceeds of the Sale will be made in accordance with the said proposed Schedule of Distribution. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. We currently have 125 of the hottest foreclosure deals in Lycoming County, PA, of all prices, sizes and types, including bank-owned, government (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, HUD, etc.) A: Each Sheriff Sale is advertised in the Centre Daily Times and Centre County Legal Journal once a week for three consecutive weeks prior to the sale. Download the York County, Pa Sheriff App: Non-emergency number for 911 center:717-840-2971. Cash in before everyone else! The rest of your bid is due within 10 days. and others in and near the Lycoming County, PA area at The number of foreclosure properties in our database is subject to change due to market conditions. We work hard to deliver timely, relevant news, for free. Service is made by the Sheriff within 90 days. Sheriff sales are NOT tax sales for delinquent real estate taxes. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, To Submit a Subdivision or Land Development, Assessment Database - Register for A New Account. In order to save a search you first need to create a profile. Sheriff Real Estate Sale - Criteria for Writ Packet (PDF), Inmate Records. Choose . A: Your initial 20% is subject to forfeiture and you lose rights to purchase the property. But with an amount that is in the thousands, Weigle said the authority has "reached a threshold for a sheriff's sale.". Sheriff Sales are located on the 3rd floor of the Courthouse Annex the 2nd Thursday of every month at 10 a.m. Properties sold for mortgage foreclosures and judgements are processed through the Sheriffs Office. The sheriff's sales are held on the first (1st) Friday of every other month at 10:30 a.m. in the Luzerne County Courthouse (unless otherwise changed). There are more than 1,380 Sheriff Sales currently on the market. 1998 - 2023 Foreclosure Listings Corporation, About Us - For each property to be sold there is a handbill posted in the Sheriff's Office at the York County Judicial Center and an advertisement in the York Legal Record, York Daily Record, and York Dispatch. More. We update our Williamsport foreclosure listings daily. US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS OWNER TRUSTEE FOR RCF2 ACQUISITION TRUST, U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE OF DWELLING SERIES IV TRUST, WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, NOT INDIVIDUALLY BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR FINANCE OF AMERICA STRUCTURED SECURITITES ACQUISITION TRUST 2018-HB1, WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST F C/O CARRINGTON MORTGAGE SERVICES, LLC, WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS OWNER TRUSTEE OF CIM 2021-NR4, RIEDERS, TRAVIS, HUMPHREY, WATERS & DOHRMANN, U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF AND WITH RESPECT TO AJAX MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2018-B, MORTGAGE- BACKED NOTES, 21ST MORTGAGE CORPORATION, ASSIGNEE OF RESIDENTIAL FUNDING COMPANY, LLC, ASSIGNEE OF PNC BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO COMMUNITY BANK OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA, LAW OFFICES RIEDERS, TRAVIS, DOHRMANN, MOWREY, HUMPHREY & WATERS, TIMOTHY D. PADGETT, P.A. A Deed will be delivered to thePURCHASERand distribution will be made in accordance with the Schedule unless exceptions are filed. What's happening today? A current list of upcoming Sheriff sales can be found on our website Upon all sales where the preparation of a Schedule of Distribution is required, the Schedule will be posted online and be available for inspection in the sheriff's office not later than thirty (30) days after sale. We want to inform you that our site cannot guarantee the availability of any property listed here. Sheriff sales are NOT tax sales for delinquent real state taxes. You have permission to edit this article. This document purportedly lists all of the judgement creditors whose judgements are liens of record on the property to be sold. Search, find, and print public information and documents. The Sheriff's sale is an auction of the mortgaged premises pursuant to a judgement and Writ of Execution. Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. CountySuite Sheriff 2023 Teleosoft, Inc. Many listings on are not found anywhere else. D/B/A PADGETT LAW GROUP, U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS LEGAL TITLE TRUSTEE FOR TRUMAN 2016 SC6 TITLE TRUST. EFFECTIVE 2/13/2023. The rest of your bid is due within 20 days. Execution is commenced by the plaintiff (usually the mortgage holder) in a civil action by filing a Praecipe for Writ of Execution with the Prothonotary. We accept cash, check or money order. vs. MCCARTY, JUDITH B PRESSMAN & DOYLE, LLC . We want to inform you that our site cannot guarantee the availability of any property listed here. Don't overpay for your next home in Lycoming County, PA. 100% of your contribution to goes directly to helping us cover news and events in the region. Important Dates: Real Estate Sales (filings, sales, distributions) Bankruptcy Processing (Real Estate Sales): If the York County Sheriff's Office receives notice that a defendant has filed bankruptcy, the . . All Rights Reserved. A sheriff sale is a property auction very much like a foreclosure auction. Sign up today! In no event will Lehigh County or the Sheriff of Lehigh County be liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct, consequential, incidental, special, or any claim for attorney fees, arising out of the use of or inability to use the information provided herewith. Foreclosure Explained for Beginners, Foreclosure Property - What are they and how to buy them, 8 Things to watch out for when buying a Foreclosure home. How much must I put down if I am the highest bidder at a Sheriff's sale? All properties are sold as is and the Sheriff is not responsible for a clear title. Sort Results By: 9 W Market St Middleburg, PA 17842 What is a Foreclosure? Pike County Sheriff 500 Broad St., Milford, PA 18428 Phone (570)296-6459 Fax (570)296-3564 Jail Phone (570)775-5500 Fax . "We certainly are hoping to resolve this," Weigle said. 8:00am - 5:00pm (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) It is recommended that a potential buyer search the propertys records in the Recorder of Deeds Office, Prothonotarys Office, and Tax Claim Bureau OR obtain professional assistance in researching the title to the property and and status on liens. We provide nationwide foreclosure listings of pre foreclosures, foreclosed homes , short sales, bank owned homes and sheriff sales. The Current Temporary Office is now at Executive Plaza, 330 Pine Street, 4th floor, Williamsport PA. Building located behind (to the north) of the Courthouse. Sheriff of Lehigh County, Pa. Joseph N. Hanna, Sheriff David M. Backenstoe, County Solicitor Charles Smith, Assistant County Solicitor View Sale Dates and Information Clinton County Sheriff's Office Weigle said the mall owed thousands of dollars to the authority, and the issue had been going on for almost a year. - 8 photos, 2 BD, 1 BH 1,176 sqft #30106099, GRAMPIAN BLVD Williamsport - PA Sheriff-sale All of our Williamsport foreclosure homes for sale will include price, square footage, property address, home owner's name and contact information, number of bedrooms and baths. Search all the latest Pennsylvania Sheriff Sales available. How Does Foreclosure Work in Real Estate? Look over the following documents for details. Previously, power was shut off for a day in August 2018 due to the mall allegedly not paying their PPL electric bill. Interested bidders may want to check the Rule 3129.1 affidavit filed with the Prothonotarys Office by the plaintiff. Search Lycoming County jail inmate records by name. . A: The filing of a bankruptcy by a defendant will automatically stay the Sheriff sale. The Lycoming County GIS Data is made available expressly subject to the following terms and conditions.
sheriff sale lycoming county, pa