science fair projects with guinea pigs

Check out our latestAdmissions Results! What is _________ (insert piggies' names) favorite food? The name may come from the price of a Guinea pig in 16th-century England: 1 guinea. (You should check this one just for the pictures). In the video, it looked like they were almost ad big as a kitten. Grass hays such as Timothy hay or orchard grass are the best for adult guinea pigs. TheMontane Guinea pigranges from northwestern Argentina and northern Chile to Peru. ), Science Teachers: Fairs, Projects, and General Support, Grades K-5: Getting Ready for the Science Fair, Grades 6-8: Getting Ready for the Science Fair, Grades 9-12: Getting Ready for the Science Fair, Math & Computer Science Sponsored by Hyperion Solutions Corp. Do Oranges Lose or Gain Vitamin C After Being Picked? This science project compares the growth of pea plants with and without nitrogen-fixing bacteria. You can use This is a simple eighth grade science project with really cool results. If your guinea pig seems uncomfortable and has been outside for a while, put him back inside his cage for a little while. im working on how to potty train my guinea pig for a science project. However, like Asia points out in her book, this was not an experiment fail! The boys wondered if the guinea pigs make their selections based less on the food item and more on which thing they can grab first. In 1907, Norwegian biochemists Axel Holst and Alfred Frhlich replicated a scurvy-like condition in Guinea pigs by restricting certain foods. Its an easy project with fascinating results. You may print and distribute up to 200 copies of this document annually, at no charge, for personal and classroom educational use. You can use cardboard boxes and tubes, or if you have access to woodworking equipment, try wood. Baby Guinea pigs are called pups. One of our guinea pigs seems to love grapes, where the other one could care less. While demonstrations are fun and valuable, teaching kids to explore the scientific method on their own is priceless. You probably already know this, but guinea pigs dont make vitamin C, so need to have it in their diet. The taxonomy of the Guinea pig, according to theIntegrated Taxonomic Information System(ITIS), is: Domesticated Guinea pigs and most of their wild cousins are in no danger of extinction and are listed as "Least Concern" by the IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species. This is a cool project for aspiring architects. "Through this analysis of ancient guinea pig DNA, we better understand the history of human social interactions over thousands of years and across three continents. Spanish explorers brought guinea pigs back from the New World to Europe, where they were kept as exotic pets. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Guinea pigs, also called cavies, are a domesticated species of rodent (Cavia porcellus). Typically, domesticated Guinea pigs eat processed pellets made from alfalfa hay or timothy hay and vitamins and minerals that Guinea pigs need to be healthy. For example, if you have 125 days to feed your All rights reserved. She is at the end of (Worried about making a mess? Heres a science fair project thats sure to impress. ScienceDaily, 16 June 2020. This simple chemistry experiment uses iodine to determine the starch content of food items. In this project, students can grow plants in different solutions with varying pH levels to see how acid rain affects plant growth. Eighth grade science is often all about the science fair, so weve rounded up lots of terrific project ideas for students to try. In this experiment, kids water plants with different liquids, like rainwater, tap water, salt water, and even soda. WebA third-grader decided to breed guinea pigs for her school science project. Lichtenberg figures capture the branching path of electricity as it travels through an object. Build a circuit that can differentiate between two different colors, then use it to tell which tomatoes are ripe and which arent. Guinea pig They have small, triangular mouths, which contain 20 teeth. Good sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit, strawberries, green peppers, broccoli and potatoes. These interactive ideas will teach kids so much about science and the world around them! Blowing up a balloon with baking soda and vinegar is the classic acids and bases experiment. They concluded la respiration est donc une combustion, which means respiration is therefore a combustion. We also ran out of cucumber pretty early in the week, and with five kids, we dont just run to the store, so that threw off our experiment. I can honestly say that I wholeheartedly recommend this book! Fertilizer runoff has become a serious cause of water pollution. Back from when I was a student, I still remember another graduate student complaining that during his thesis defense exam one of the professors asked him What other mammal besides humans lack the ability to make its own vitamin C? The student didnt know the answer, but I did. Books with more information (linked titles and images go to Amazon): For an introduction to guinea pigs for younger children, you might want to try: I Love Guinea Pigs: Read and Wonder by Dick King-Smith and Anita Jeram (Illustrator) Dick King-Smith has some wonderful fiction books told from the point-of-view of animals. Learn more: Science Buddies/Interleaved Paper. Can your eighth grade science students build a device to stabilize and carry two cups of water, using only a few simple supplies? The Edge Learning Center is Hong Kongs premier Test Preparation, Academic Tutoring, and Admissions Consultingservicesprovider. The two guinea pigs produced a litter containing only rough black animals (F1).The F1 litter produced F2 offspring, and to her surprise, the child found a variety of coat types. Required fields are marked *. Learn more: 123 Homeschool 4 Me/Build a Light Bulb. In this case, he has written a nonfiction book that is an introduction to owning and caring for guinea pigs. Leave your details and we'll contact you within 48 hours. For more information, see Roberta Gibson Writes. If you have curious kids, be sure to check out The Curious Kids Science Book! Once youve covered the nutritional basics, you might want to give the guinea pigs some food choice tests to see if they have any preferences. Learn more: Blog She Wrote/Cast Animal Tracks. Make it into a project by trying different variables and exploring the amount of power you can produce. Learn more: Steve Spangler Science/Science of Cleaning Products. What kind of bedding are you using? We had thought that red pepper was a favorite food, probably second after cucumber, but neither of the guinea pigs chose it first consistently., School project: Guinea Pig ownership survey. Its a blast! Guinea pigs enjoy hiding and climbing. A science fair project might involve how a guinea pig navigates a maze. Exhibitors show many breeds of guinea pigs at fairs and shows. Rosettes and ridges in the body coat characterize the Abyssinian breed of guinea pigs while Texals have long curly hair. Are you thinking of a food choice experiment? It makes sense they would like grass, since they are originally from grasslands. It did seem to keep them calm, though. COPYRIGHT 2023 THE EDGE. Vitamin C is required for the body to make and maintain collagen, a protein. Yes, you read it right. This fun activity demonstrates the chemical reaction between baking soda and vinegar. Our results? Some studies of DNA sequences published in the journal Nature during the 1990s seem to indicate that cavies arent rodents. Hey I am doing a science fair on what music do guinea pigs like best and I cant find any websites can you help. Guinea Pig Facts | Live Science Thegreater Guinea pigoccurs in southern Brazil and Uruguay. If you dont have guinea pigs, hear some at Jackies Guinea Pigs. Your email address will not be published. I know i can google it but i want something thats more original than google at least asking for ideas here its coming from a person, i was thinking of doing one that compares the bedding types but i dont know if that would be good enough, my brother won it when he was in grade 8 and so i have big shoes to fill, after all wouldnt it be cool if two kids from one family won it when they had to participate. This experiment is easy to set up, but of course, it requires safety precautions. An experiment, however, tests a variable. University of Otago. Here are some of their greatest contributions to science. This post contains Amazon affiliate links. Find out if all those laundry detergent commercials are really telling the truth with this eighth grade science fair experiment. Speedy Robo-Gripper Reflexively Organizes What Made Us Human? WebFor caretakers of guinea pigs encouraging the proper techniques in handling, treating and raising cavies. Scan this QR code to download the app now. This intermediate Javascript coding project requires some very basic background programming knowledge. Why the guinea pig was viewed as a pet in some cultures and a food source in others can likely be attributed to long-established cultural notions of what is acceptable as food. Whatever experiment you choose, you should include foods with vitamin C in both the control and tests. 20 Science fair projects ideas | pet bunny, pet rabbit, bunny care Nutrition Daphne has her night house, her day hut and her "condo" (the bottom drawer of our drafting tools! All they knew was that it could be cured by eating citrus fruits or some plants. "Identifying the origins of the guinea pig remains from the Caribbean helps us to understand how the human trade networks in the region moved in the past 1000 years or so. Our piggies let us know they thought one of the cardboard houses we provided was too small. It is not intended to provide medical or other professional advice. In a world thats become more aware of the effects of starch on our diet, this seems like a timely activity. Newtons cradle is a fascinating way of demonstrating momentum and energy transfer. Do you have some specific questions? Put the guinea pig in the middle and see which end it prefers to go to. Then switch the music and see if it moves. Clicker, shaping, and luring and reward. Like other rodents, their teeth grow continuously, and Guinea pigs must chew or gnaw constantly to keep them from growing too long. My oldest son loves engineering types of projects, and the middle two are really into animals. My Coworker Is Selling My Lessons Online. Professor Matisoo-Smith says the research demonstrates that the history of guinea pigs is more complex than previously known and has implications for other studies regarding mammal domestication, translocation and distribution. In the early 1900s, scientists speculated that aside from carbohydrates, protein and fats, there are some unrecognised substances that are necessary for life, and they named them vitamines. You are using an out of date browser. E. All Cavies will be released after the show and MUST be removed from the building that day. WebHow many and which guinea pigs will run the maze: 2 guinea pigs (Brownie & Munchkin). Hey boys, what are you getting us for dinner? University of Otago. It also provides a critical historical perspective of the genetic diversity in guinea pigs and the relationship humans have had with this important domestic animals.". Find out more about the NEW, drastically improved site and forum! This timed challenge pushes their creative engineering limits! Guinea pigs can be trained to do many things. Szent-Gyrgyi was studying metabolism and plants. 56 Best 8th Grade Science Fair Projects and Experiments Housing We were thrilled to get a review copy of my friend Asias newest book The Curious Kids Science Book. If you are interested in genetics, this might be a science topic for you to tackle in the future. They will run the maze one guinea pig at a time. Who says science cant be delicious? I want it to be guinea pig related, and here are the five options. I bring both of my potatoes(guineapigs) out to hang out, they seem really relaxed and got use to me and sit on my lap and all. You must log in or register to reply here. Press J to jump to the feed. Origins of the beloved guinea pig. Perhaps you could do a choice test. Register for free to enjoy the full benefits. Explore wildlife biology by becoming an expert tracker! I will try to send you something like a homemade lapPad if i choose to use your idea. In this experiment, students will see its effects firsthand and brainstorm ways to keep it in check. Being fluffy and soft makes this friendly rodent, the Guinea pig, one of the more popular household pets. This high school experiment can be adapted for an eighth grade experiment. Guinea pig The guinea pigs do this every time we feed them. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Smores, anyone? Have any problems using the site? It covers the basics of guinea pig care clearly and concisely. Cavy They will run the maze one guinea pig at a time. Behavior Build a better light bulb. They are very patient, as seen in our LEGO math post, Heres our chart: (A certain adorable toddler got ahold of this, along with a pencil!). It may not display this or other websites correctly. Just published in the international science journal, Scientific Reports, the researchers use ancient DNA from archaeological guinea pig remains which reveals the transition from the animals being used as a wild food source 10,000 years ago to their domestication and later role as beloved pets and medical animal models. Find out more about the NEW, drastically improved site and forum! Learn more: Science Buddies/Peppermint Reactions. If they seem restless or scared, try to provide something for them to hide under until they feel safe, or return them to their cage and try again later. Science Fair Project 101 Leighton Road Is this connected to that? Well,a few since I need backup plans for if the first topic doesn't go through. Guinea pigs as "guinea pigs" According to Vanderlip, since the 1800s, Guinea pigs have been used in laboratories to study nutrition, genetic, toxicology and pathology. Or encourage them to think of ways they can improve upon the design. The Best Pet, umm Research Specialist - in the World! Ask an Expert: Trash to biogas - with guinea pig Alina Bradford is a contributing writer for Live Science. Questions? Materials provided by University of Otago. Using ancient DNA of guinea pigs remains excavated from several sites in the Caribbean, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Europe and North America, they found the guinea pigs on the islands did not originate in Colombia, but most likely originated in Peru. Each 4-H member enrolled in the cavy project may exhibit a maximum total of eight (10) entries. Test the water quality of local streams, swimming pools, or even their taps at home. To date, she has been a volunteer firefighter, a dispatcher, substitute teacher, artist, janitor, children's book author, pizza maker, event coordinator and much more. Because like humans, and unlike other small laboratory animals, Guinea pigs do not produce their own vitamin C; instead they must obtain it from their diet. ScienceDaily. Some soils may contain pesticides, which could harm your piggie. The genetic information, along with archaeological contexts, also shows how the guinea pigs had different roles through time. Provide toys such as mirrors, balls and bells. Challenge your students to make the model as shown at the link. Just remember to always supply lots of pellets and hay so they never get hungry. Google "8th grade science projects" (without the quotes) and you'll get a jillion ideas. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Learn more: and Personality. How about one that can pluck up a piece of string? This is the same concept, but much bigger! Science Fair Project Ideas Using Guinea Pigs | Sciencing One is a small brown animal named Cavia aperea. Growing Wheat Grass It builds on previous research over many years by Professor of Biological Anthropology, Lisa Matisoo-Smith, tracing the DNA from plants and animals that Pacific settlers carried in their canoes and using that as a proxy for identifying human population origins and tracking their movement around the Pacific. Are the Least Social Animals the Most Innovative? Learn more: Steve Spangler Science/Film Canister Explosion. Building batteries is a classic science experiment for any age. *Terms and conditions apply. More distant relatives are the Patagonian cavy and even the capybara. Youll need water crystals, iron oxide filings, and calcium chloride. Thanks to its physiological similarities to us, in its hearing, immune system and respiratory tract, the Guinea pig makes a valuable model of study in medical and physiological research. Apply Hookes law to find out if the stretching of a spring can be used to accurately measure the weight of objects. Learn to dust for prints and try a technique called fuming for trickier surfaces. I'm mom to four boys and one little girl. WebAnimal Science Department G Cavy (Guinea Pig) Sarpy County Fair Co-Superintendents Don Petersen, Mallory Henninger, Janice Henninger 4-H Staff: Brett Kreifels GENERAL RULES: All cavy exhibitors need to have completed Quality Assurance training in order to exhibitin the Sarpy County Fair. Science fair projects require a testable question. Sometime around AD500, guinea pigs were taken out to the islands of the Caribbean, through at least one of several established trade networks. 101 JFK Parkway | Short Hills, NJ | 07078 | (973) 921-5500, How To Bowl Like a Boss/Main Event Play Academy, Steve Spangler Science/Egg Drop Inertia Trick, Steve Spangler Science/Magic Traveling Flame, a few special supplies for this experiment, learn more about Rube Goldberg machines here, Steve Spangler Science/Homemade Hand Warmer, Steve Spangler Science/Film Canister Explosion, Steve Spangler Science/Science of Cleaning Products, Check out more ways to explore the states of matter, 24 Science Kits for Middle and High School That Make Hands-On Lessons Easy, 34 Black History Month Activities for February and Beyond, Help! Theyd run back in.
science fair projects with guinea pigs