sasebo naval base housing

Pet owners will be held personally and financially responsible for the care of their pets, the cleanliness of their MFH and the entire CFAS housing community. The HSCassistswith locating off-base housing in the local area, including: Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA)and entitlements, Move-in or move-out inspectionsupon request. "This is. Middle school and high school students are provided bus service to and from E.J. Upon arrival to the Housing Services Center (HSC), you will need to register for our mandatory Housing Briefing. Sasebo Naval Base (Commander Fleet Activities) Directory - Housing Office Related documentation is to be presented at the HSC prior to offer of assignment of MFH. Point of Contact: CFAS bachelor enlisted housing at DSN 315-252-3413 or bachelor officer housing at DSN 315-252-3794. Other base facilities include a Navy Exchange and Commissary, schools, banks, restaurants, a gymnasium and fitness centre, softball fields, a swimming pool, a sailing centre and a library. DSN Fax:(315) 252-3530 Documentation certifying registration and inoculations must be submitted to the Housing Services Center (HSC) prior to offer of assignment of Military Family Housing (MFH). Non-appropriated fund personnel accompanied with bona fide family members with command sponsorship approval who will reside with the sponsor for nine consecutive months or more each year during the sponsor's tour and on a transportation agreement are eligible for assignment to MFH. The HSCassistswith locating off-base housing in the local area, including: The NavyHousing Service Center (HSC)mission is to provide housing support for all families and unaccompanied personnel moving to or departing from the local area. All pets must be registered with the Base Veterinary Services, have proper inoculations, and be micro-chipped for identification. The HSC is your advocate, and you should contact them with any issues. Here is a list of additional items you might want to purchase before moving to Japan: electric blankets, air tight containers to store food, shelf units, slippers, favorite make-up, favorite shampoo, clothes rods, rain coats and umbrellas for the rainy season (June July). All DOD appropriated fund civilian employees of the U.S. At CFA Sasebo,all government-ownedfamily housing units are furnished with major household appliances (i.e. Offer of assignment to MFH will not be made until a birth certificate is received or a waiver granted by the HA to reside in MFH prior to birth has been received by the HSC. They are built with unfamiliar materials like tatami (straw mat) floors, and unfamiliar appliances or no appliances at all. Sasebo, Japan Phone 0956-50-3413 Email M-SA-CFAS-UA-Housing-GD@OCONUS.NAVY.MIL CNIC Homepage Freedom of Information Act Navy Recruiting Official Navy Website Accessibility/Section 508 Contact the Webmaster Commander, Navy Installations Command 5720, Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055 Sasebo Military Housing | Dragon Vale - YouTube We will hold your application and that will be activated on a waiting list AFTER you reported to your new command on board NAF Atsugi. None of our TLA-approved hotels will allow pets. When you apply for MFH, we will collect these documents. The standard bedroom size is six tatamis, about 9 ft. by 12 ft. A "large master bedroom" is eight tatamis, or 12ft. Appliances or tools with motors, such as a vacuum cleaner or blender, will operate at a slower speed, due to the 50-cycle power frequency, but will still function adequately. 1602/PSC 476 Box 30 FPO, AP 96322 011-81-956-24-0322 Email this Navy Lodge Guest Experience Free Wi-Fi Complimentary Breakfast Pet Friendly Coin Operated Vending / Laundry Machines Playground Picnic Area With Grill Guest Comfort Hair Dryer Iron and Ironing Board Fully Equipped Kitchens Microwave Refrigerator Non appropriated personnel shall pay the established rental and utility rates for MFH. Advance Application Explore your options to find a home that best fits your needs. Your sponsor should make reservations as soon as your itinerary has been established. English Viet Recommended areas popular with foreigners Active duty single parent. NAVSUP provides information and guidance to assist with permanent change of station (PCS) moves and theHHG claims process. Together, our team provides one of the best housing programs throughout the Japan-region. When a valid offer for MFH is available to a family based on family composition, but unable to accept, the sponsor will be notified in writing and the TQSA entitlements will cease thirty (30) days after notification of MFH availability or unit move-in date, whichever is later. Visit to search for utility providers based on your zip code. GBs must submit an application that will be reviewed by the Assignment Review Board. Free Military Listings. NOTE for dog owners: If upon your arrival there is no unit available that will allow a dog, your TLA will be for 30 days only if a vacant unit that meets your family composition is available for occupancy. Do not plan on finding Japanese quarters that will have space for a dryer, or provide a 220-volt outlet. The program is strictly voluntary and open to personnel in pay grades E5 to E9 (E4 with their commanding officers recommendation), including GBs. On-base quarters are also provided with 100-volt/50-cycle power, and the load is also about 30-50 amps, depending on the type of housing unit. If no units are available for viewing, members decision will have to be made based on available floor plans. We are here to provide you with a variety of Sasebo Housing Service Center | Sasebo-shi Nagasaki From the United States: 011-81-956-50-3402/3923 You are about to leave the Military INSTALLATIONS site. 315-252-3747. All assignments to Military Family Housing are for the duration of the sponsors duty at the geographic location, Sasebo. Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376 These complaints are often heard, but many houses suffer from either none or just a few of these perceived problems. US Fleet Activities Sasebo - Naval Technology IE users: Please note that Google Translate may not render correctly when using Internet Explorer. Also located at Hario Village is J.N. Sasebo is in many ways quite different from other bases in the Pacific. If no units are available for viewing, members decision will have to be made based on available floor plans. If you have any questions related to TLA and non-concurrent travel, contact the HSC and request to speak with an on-base counselor. If appropriate quarters are not available upon arrival, personnel will be placed on a waiting list. Assignments to MFH will be terminated after five consecutive years unless the ICO determines it is in the best interest of the government to extend occupancy. CNIC Fleet and Family Readiness, does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information translated. HEAT creates an easy user experience to connect with your destination. Also located at Hario Village is J.N. Member will be offered the next available unit at the earliest move-in date unit. E-mail: Control Date & Waiting List Placement. DSN: 315-252-3402/3923 Any follow-on tours/extensions in Sasebo (sea or shore) are considered as in the same geographic location. Driving in Japan is exciting. Most newcomers are shocked by their first look at available rental houses. If no unit is available on your arrival, you will need to move off-base, remain on the waiting list and must accept the offer once a unit is available on base. A microwave oven can be provided to you while living off-base, if your unit will not accommodate a government oven. King School in Dragon Vale. You can also visit the Department of Defense lodging website. Additionalutilityfees may apply for gas stove connections. The Sasebo Naval Base ( Japanese: , Hepburn: Sasebo Kichi), also simply known as the JMSDF Sasebo Naval Base, is a group of ports and land facilities of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF), which are scattered in multiple districts of Sasebo City, Kyushu, and where the Sasebo District Force are located. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in translated text, refer to the English version on this website, it is the official version. Housing selection must be made from the housing unit availability list by the close of the next business day once the list has been provided to you. Service Members should check-in with the HSCupon arrival at the installation, even if planning on renting in the local community. Middle school & high school students are provided bus service to/from E.J. Navy Housing Service Center (HSC): U.S. Fleet Activities, Sasebo, Japan PSC 476 Box 126 FPO AP 96322-0002 Front Desk: Building 200 (Across from Branch Health Clinic), 3rd Floor. Additionally, there are several other resources available for Service Members that are looking for information on shipping HHG andprivately owned vehicles: The Fleet and Family Support ProgramsRelocation Assistance Program. The Housing Welcome Center will provide you with air conditioning/ heating units and kerosene fan heaters designed to heat and cool single rooms. Failure to apply for MFH within 30 days; your C/D will be the date of application and also will not be authorized for a government-funded local move. Housing applicants are advised via Family Entry Approval message and PCS Orders not to bring their pet dog(s) until it is determined if the type of unit they will be assigned will allow the dog. The average bedroom size for a Japanese home is 9x12 to 12x12. Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo Welcome Center. Newer homes have only one or two tatami rooms; the rest have tile or hardwood floors, and some homes have no tatami. is a new official Department of Defense (DoD) website, dedicated to helping Service members, Families, and DOD civilians find community housing. Initial move-in costs to live in a Japanese home can normally run from $3,000 to $8,000 or more. The HSC'strained professionals can help you choose the right housing to meet your needs. Phone from the United States: 877-NAVYBED (877-628-9233) or DSN 315-252-3413/3794. Relocation to another unit is not authorized unless there is an increase in bedroom entitlements (self-move) or promotion from enlisted to officer (funded move). Yokosuka has no Public Private Venture (PPV) or mobile homes available but housing does offer the Rental Partnership Program (RPP). The HSC'strained professionals can help you choose the right housing to meet your needs. There are many homes available but keep in mind this is Japan, many places are western style but it's not America. FLEACT Sasebo consists of 414 buildings on 854 acres in the heart of Sasebo, Japan, a port city of 250,000 people located on the island of Kyushu, about 600 miles southwest of Tokyo. CFA Sasebo Pets are not allowed in the Navy Lodge; you must make separate arrangements for your pets. Dogs are only allowed in townhouses and lower garden townhouse apartments. Commander Fleet . In order for you to retain your CONTROL DATE (C/D) which affects your waiting period, you must apply for MFH within 30 days of reporting to your new command in Sasebo. Schools here in Sasebo are located on Main Base Housing and Hario Housing. All military personnel with newly acquired family members and/or non-command sponsored family members who will reside with their sponsor for nine consecutive months or more each year during the sponsor's tour may apply for MFH. Many electrical appliances or home electronic devices sold in the United States are equipped with a standard 3-prong plug. Darby School serving kindergarten-sixth grade. 011-81-956-50-3873. If no selection is made, the first available unit shall be assigned based upon the list of available units. In most instances your control date will be the date you detach from your last permanent duty station, and that control date determines where you are placed on the waiting list. Commander, Navy Installations Command 5720, Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055. JMSDF Sasebo Naval Base - Wikipedia In order to ease your transition, other housing support functions are provided to include the temporary & whole tour loaner furniture program, self-help shop, off-base housing inspection, translation, lease interpretation, mediation and housing showing services are some of the support programs we provide to the Sasebo community. Japanese homes get cold in the winter and hot/humid in the summer. Tel: 011-81-956-50-3747. You can nearly always expect your offer to be a unit located in Hario Village as 72% of all Military Family Housing is located in Hario. Important Contacts. Therefore, king size mattresses often won't fit upstairs. You must apply and/or confirm your application (If sent prior to your arrival) within 30 days of your report date. Front Desk: Building 200 (Across from Branch Health Clinic), 3rd Floor. On-base quarters are supplied with full size electric ranges and ovens. If member or spouse do not respond within 48 hours after being contacted and made an offer, it will be considered an automatic declination of MFH. Mostly Type-A outlets. The internet is plentiful. Navy Lodge Sasebo: Navy and Military PCS Housing, Sasebo, Nagasaki Having a valid U.S. license is a requirement. DOD sponsored civilian personnel accompanied with bona fide family members who will reside with the sponsor for nine consecutive months or more each year during the sponsor/s tour and command sponsored may be provided MFH when surplus assets are available or under special priority situations as determined by HA. Oversized couches or overstuffed chairs may not fit, since dining rooms are often just one end of a living room. Storage inside the house or outside may be limited or non-existent, and there is usually no attic or basement and no garage. This includes, but is not limited to: snakes, lizards, potbelly pigs, rabbits, chinchillas, chickens, ducks, ferrets, monkeys, reptiles and tarantulas. HOMES.milis anofficial Department of Defense (DoD) website dedicated to helping Service Members,families and DoD civilians find housing. Sponsors in this category should seriously consider preceding the family to Japan to find appropriate accommodations. The following are the documents required: Dependent Entry Approval or Command Sponsorship Approval if applicable, When you apply for MFH, we will collect these documents. Do not plan on cooking roasts, turkeys, or large pizzas in these ovens. Members get only one offer of assignment to Military Family Housing with a government-funded move. Sasebo Base Website. Documentation certifying registration, inoculations, spaying, or neutering must be submitted to the Housing Services Center upon initial assignment and upon request. Although the Department of Defense may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. The HSC staffwillassist withallofyour home-finding needs. Housing referral professionals inspect these rental properties for suitability. Housing Service Center - CFA Sasebo On July 4, 1980 this trend was reversed. Member must check-in to Housing Services Center to submit an application to be eligible for TLA after check-in to your new command. The Hario Village housing area is a scenic and peaceful community located 25 minutes from Main Base (via the expressway). King High School) is for kindergarten through 12 th grade. Navy Lodge Sasebo: Navy and Military PCS Housing, Sasebo, Nagasaki Navy Lodge Sasebo is located on Kyushu Island (bordering/near Sasebo Harbor), about 45 miles (1.5 hour drive) from the prefecture's capital of Nagasaki and 78 miles (2 hour drive) from Fukuoka (largest city on the island). Temporary loaner furniture is issued to accompanied and unaccompanied military and Department of Defense civilian personnel for amaximum of 90 days. Our goal is to assist our customers locating suitable, safe and affordable housing. If no units are available for applicants who have been authorized for pet dogs, they will be authorized to move off base with full OHA. PSC 476, Box 25. PSC 476 Box 126 There is neither space nor an adequate electrical supply to support this appliance. Navy MWR SaseboONE CLICK . It's as easy as entering the Installation name, SASEBO JAPAN COMFLTACT (NAVY). A member either accepts and move-in or may decline the offer. The housing application control date will be the date the housing application and physician pregnancy certification are received. There will be an initial waiting list based on your pay grade and bedroom eligibility. CFAS Housing Department is responsible for the smooth operations of all military housing facilities at FLEACT Sasebo. Door frames are often lower, about six feet from floor to top. Together, our team provides one of the best housing programs throughout the Japan-region. Sasebo Housing Service Center | Sasebo-shi Nagasaki - Facebook Select one of the tabs beloworthemenu button to begin exploring CFA Sasebohousing. King School (grades seven-12), the Teen Center, the Youth Center and the Child Development Center. Reservations cannot be made via 800-NAVY-INN; they must be made directly with the Sasebo Navy Lodge. Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. HSC location: As you enter the main gate take the first two lefts to arrive at building 200 (Across from Branch Health Clinic). Housing Offer & Assignment When you receive orders to Sasebo, please make a list of your questions and call, write or email the Housing Service Center. refrigerator, electric rangeorstove, clothes washeranddryer,and dishwasher). Authorization, requirements and documentation will vary according to your pay grade and assigned duty station. Contact the Navy Housing Service Center (HSC) for housing and community information.. Front Desk & Check-in: Bldg 151California Drive(1st floor) Most newcomers are shocked by their first look at available rental houses. Visit theCNIC HQ HEATpage to find out more. Darby Elementary School serving grades K-6. Hickam Housing Management Office - Air Force Housing. Such decisions will be documented and placed on file for a minimum of three years. Most common for single family homes is open parking. MWR has a kennel with 10 spaces available. For more information about on-base housing for accompanied personnel, including eligibility requirements, visit the, The Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT) enables Service Members and their families to apply for government-owned family housing prior to departure from their current command, before or after receiving permanent change of station orders. Navy Lodge Sasebo CFA Sasebo Bldg. In order for you to retain your CONTROL DATE which affects your waiting period, you must apply for MFH within 30 days of reporting to your new command in Sasebo. MFH includes recently constructed modern town houses and high rise apartments - kitchen and bathroom areas are small, and closet space is limited. Dogs are allowed in only 19% of two-bedroom units and 29% of three-bedroom units in Hario. If no government-owned housing isavailable,then members will be authorized to seek community housing. There are no basements or usable attics in family housing but all MFH has air conditioning and heating. The following are the documents required: When you apply for MFH, we will collect these documents. Report a Correction. Failure to apply for MFH within 30 days, your control date will be the date of application and also will not be authorized for a government-funded local move. Most U.S. appliances and other electrical equipment usually list a requirement for 110-120 volts/60 cycles. The Hario Village housing area is a scenic and peaceful community located a 20- to 30-minute drive from Sasebo Navy Base. New bachelor officers housing tower to open soon at Sasebo Control date for civilian employees will be the effective date on SF-50 to your command in Sasebo. The following are the documents required: Housing application DD Form 1746(Available at the bottom of this page), Family Entry Approvalor Command Sponsorship Approval, Detaching Endorsement (L20/L01 Activity Loss from last Permanent Duty Station), Valid Power of Attorney for your spouse or representative if sponsor is absence, Marriage Certificate (married after arrival member), Pregnancy Certificate (single pregnant member), Court Ordered Custody Agreement for your step children (if applicable), Pet Customs Forms and Record (if applicable). The official text of content on this site is the English version found on this website. However, you may find doorways, elevator openings, and stairwells a bit narrow, and ceilings and doorframes a bit lower than what youre accustomed too. Newly arriving housing-eligible personnel will be provided a list of all units available for immediate assignment (if any) within their respective eligibility category. Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo Housing - Military OneSource Members declining involuntary assignment will no longer be eligible to receive a government-funded courtesy move (moving from off-base to on-base) and Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) is forfeited in 30 days or on the availability date of the unit offered, whichever is later. King School (sixth grade-12th grade), the Teen Center, the Youth Center and the Child Development Center. If you are interested in RPP please contact the CFAY Housing Services Center. A government funded local move is authorized for those who are assigned a MFH unit at a later date. Our office hours are Monday-Friday 08:00 am 4:30 pm. As offers could be made while the unit is in the Change-of-Occupancy Maintenance phase, the offered unit may not be available to view. Upon arriving in Japan we will assist you in finding off-base housing if necessary. A housing referral professional will be in touch within 2 business days. Please use links to the left to learn more about CFA Sasebo. Purchasing used vehicles in Sasebo is our recommended option vice shipping your stateside vehicle. If member or spouse do not respond within 48 hours after being contacted and made an offer, it will be considered an automatic declination of MFH. We advise you to make reservations at the Navy Lodge (DSN 252-3608 or COMM Japan 0956503608) as soon as you know when youll be arriving as they sometimes get booked up well in advance. However, driving in Sasebo is fun and safe due to the well-maintained roads and markings, and the relatively low speed limit. Getting Here - Navy At the time you register for the Briefing, you will be given an Application Packet complete with all appropriate paperwork to be filled out and a list of documents you will need to provide us on the day of your briefing. 011-81-956-50-3604. Housing referral professionals inspect these rental properties for suitability. Sasebo Travel Guide: Things to do in Sasebo, Nagasaki Commander, Navy Installations Command 5720, Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055. Commander, Navy Installations Command > Regions 1333 Isaac Hull Avenue, SE From the United States:011-81-956-50-6081/2155 Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo - Military OneSource On-base quarters do have 220-volt outlets to accommodate standard American-style clothes dryers and electric ranges. The Housing Service Center(HSC)will provide loaner appliances for off-base housing (refrigerator, four-burner gas stove,washerordryer, conventional or microwave oven,and transformer) as needed.
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sasebo naval base housing