santa clara county court case lookup

Probate Online: MyCitations: Ability to Pay Tool https://mycitations . | 04/22/2022, DESCRIPTION: CONFERENCE: FURTHER CASE MANAGEMENT; DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT 16; TIME: 10:00AM, DESCRIPTION: NOTICE: ENTRY OF DISMISSAL W/POS; COMMENT: NOTICE OF ENTRY OF DISMISSAL AND PROOF OF SERVICE, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | ), the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California,, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. About Us Contact Us cases filed in the county Other cases, such as those where a parent or guardian is accused of abusing or neglecting a child, are heard by the Juvenile Dependency Department at the Family Justice Center Courthouse. The Downtown Superior Court, located at 191 North First St., San Jose, CA 95113, handles civil, probate, and small claims cases. Contract ATTY KATHRYN ZOGLIN AS TO DEF. 70 West Hedding Street, West Wing. As a result of these reckless failures, the decedent reportedly developed necrotic ulcers and infections that led to his death, according to the suit. The juvenile sentence in California | 04/08/2022, DESCRIPTION: CONFERENCE: FURTHER CASE MANAGEMENT; DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT 20; TIME: 10:00AM, DESCRIPTION: PROOF OF SERVICE: PUBLICATION/POSTING; FILED BY: C. V.,; COMMENT: SUMMONS (CITATION JUDICIAL), Santa Clara County Superior Courts | ), U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. For your convenience, we have a drop box located inside at the County Government Center at 70 W. Hedding Street by the main entrance of the Clerk Recorder's Office. Home - Office of the County Clerk-Recorder - County of Santa Clara E-Payments - Traffic Tickets Now, it's revered. There are three ways to look at court records: Go to the courthouse and ask to look at paper records. Sottile v. Motion Recruitment Partners LLC, STOER CONSTRUCTION, INC., a California corporation vs LD MILPITAS PROPERTY, LLC, a Delaware corporation et al, Jun Ma et al vs Good Samaritan Hospital et al. Search City of San Jose parking tickets page by citation number, including payment options and information links. Not only does UniCourt give you access to the Santa Clara County Superior Court, UniCourt also provides you with access to other state courts across California, including many of the largest counties across the state, such as the Los Angeles County Superior Courts, the San Diego County Superior Courts, the Orange County Superior Courts, the Riverside County Superior Courts, and San Bernardino County Superior Courts. Case Summary On 03/28/2014 County Of Santa Clara filed a Family - Child Support lawsuit against Genelle M Biggle. Santa Clara County Restraining Order Forms & Applications AND COMPENSATION OF CONSERVATOR. California Court Records - CA State Courts County Case Load & Crime Information. Home General Info Locations & Contact Info Courthouses. LEGACY NAME = RECEIPT OF DISTRIBUTEE DECISION = M CLOSED = 02/18/2003, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Public court records for Santa Clara County will include criminal cases (both felonies and misdemeanors), civil cases (like personal and business lawsuits), bankruptcies, marriages and divorces, liens, tax issues, small claims, traffic court cases, evictions, family law cases and more. The Traffic Division addresses violations of traffic laws, minor offenses, and more serious automobile-related matters. Civil Tentative Rulings - Superior Court of California, County of Santa family law cases. Self-Help for Family Matters, Juvenile Home Downtown Superior Court | The Santa Clara County A recent census estimate indicates that there are approximately 1918044 residents in the county. Downtown Superior Court | Downtown Superior Court | Collaborative Law Collaborative law is another way of resolving your divorce without going to court. Case Information Portal UniCourt further gives you access to court records for all of the federal courts in the state of California, including the federal courts with jurisdiction over Santa Clara County: the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California (N.D. | 01/19/2018, DESCRIPTION: ORDER; COMMENT: ORDER RE DISMISSAL - SIGNED/PML, DESCRIPTION: DECLARATION; COMMENT: ROBIN G. WORKMAN DECLARATION ISO REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Santa Clara County Notary Forms Home Court Divisions Criminal Criminal Case Index Search. On 10/09/2017 Conservatorship of Tyree Jackson was filed as a Probate - Conservatorship lawsuit. Riley & Son, Inc. Olivo v. Khanna Enterprises General Partner, et al. In 2018, Superior Court Small Claims Courthouses, Traffic Home Case Information Portal The county spent $260365550 on crime-related prevention and . | 07/08/2005, DESCRIPTION: CONFERENCE: CASE MANAGEMENT; DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT 15; TIME: 4:00PM; RESULT: VACATED, DESCRIPTION: ANSWER (UNLIMITED) (FEE APPLIES); FILED BY: JW RILEY & SON INC., FINANCIAL PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY,; COMMENT: TEXT = DAWSON LEGACY NAME = CV ANSWER, UNLTD, W/FEES DECISION = M CLOSED = 09/26/2005, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | The plaintiffs his surviving family members said that when he consumed a sandwich about three days later, he became ill and presented gastrointestinal symptoms. Other county. Personal Injury You can reach the Probate Clerks Filing Office by calling (408) 882-2100 or emailing | 07/06/2001, RECEIPT: DISTRIBUTION (PR) - JUDICIAL OFFICER: EDWARDS, THOMAS C; COMMENT: TEXT = COLLEEN CANION LEGACY NAME = RECEIPT OF DISTRIBUTEE DECISION = M CLOSED = 01/12/2004. According to the complaint, plaintiffs believe thatTruong developed sepsis and septic shock as a result of an infectious process which developed as a result of deplorable, unsanitary conditions in the facility and lack of care from employees. Search Santa Clara County, California arrest warrants by name, including mugshots, DOB, warrant number and charges. By continuing to use this website, you agree to UniCourts General Disclaimer, Terms of Service, Riley & Son, Inc., et al, Stevens Creek Quarry, Inc. vs J.W. Contract Downtown Superior Court | Downtown Superior Court | Originally formed from previously undeclared California territory, Santa Clara County makes up 1,291square miles of California territory (with 4665.66 miles of public roadway). UniCourt also allows you to lookup Contract, Civil Right, Infraction, Other, Small Claim, Personal Injury, Family, Property, Labor and other cases in Santa Clara County Superior Courts, California. Probate Find Santa Clara County, California probate records by name, estate number, case number and party type. 1-16. The court has seven authorized judicial positions, consisting of a presiding justice and six associate justices. You should have your attorney contact our office. | 12/21/2018, DESCRIPTION: APPEAL: NOTICE OF COMPLETION, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Lookup the case information you need and search by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more. Since 2012, a total of 1,746,474 were filed in the county. The case status is Disposed - Other Disposed. Contract These records will only be available for purchase in person or by mail. The Santa Clara County Superior Court Hall of Justice addresses criminal matters. Downtown Superior Court | This page provides information about, and links to, online case information access for the Superior Court of California in Santa Clara County . Since 2012, a total of Unfortunately, in many areas of the Santa Clara County, | 03/01/2018, DESCRIPTION: HEARING: ACCOUNTING/FINAL DISTRIBUTION; DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT 13; TIME: 9:00AM, DESCRIPTION: SUBSTITUTION: ATTORNEY; FILED BY: EVAN FARBER,; COMMENT: SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY, DESCRIPTION: SUBSTITUTION: ATTORNEY; FILED BY: IRENE KEENAN,; COMMENT: SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY, DESCRIPTION: BOND; FILED BY: WILLIAM BRANDENBURG,; COMMENT: $1,431,5523.98; LIBERTY MUTUAL COMPANY, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | My legal issue. Labor | 03/04/2005, DESCRIPTION: CONFERENCE: CASE MANAGEMENT; DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT 16; TIME: 10:00AM; RESULT: VACATED, DESCRIPTION: NOTICE; FILED BY: CITY OF SUNNYVALE,; COMMENT: TEXT = ORDER LEGACY NAME = CV NTC OF DECISION = M CLOSED = 09/19/2005, DESCRIPTION: CONFERENCE: CASE MANAGEMENT; DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT 2; TIME: 10:00AM; RESULT: VACATED, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Real estate records for Santa Clara County since 1850 are available after they have been recorded. A subscription to PACER is required. With UniCourt, you can access Probate cases online in Santa Clara County Superior Courts . Adoption | 04/19/2023. Help others by sharing new links and reporting broken links. the court type, the courthouse or county name, and other information. Lookup District By Address. | 02/21/2018, DESCRIPTION: ORDER; FILED BY: ORU AND FRIENDS,; COMMENT: REQUIRING, DESCRIPTION: PROPOSED ORDER: MSOP JUDGE 1; FILED BY: ORU AND FRIENDS,; COMMENT: PROPOSED ORDER, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Downtown Superior Court | | 06/04/2007, DESCRIPTION: REMITTITUR; FILED BY: RICHARD CARRIGAN,; COMMENT: TEXT = THE JUDGEMENTS ENTERED ON AUGUST 31 & SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 ARE AFFIRMED ON APPEAL #H036088. Local Bail Schedule County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. Ariana Bindman is the news features reporter at SFGATE. 6th District Court of Appeal - 6DCA - California City of San Jose Parking Tickets Santa Clara County court records search Also see phone numbers on the list of main Court Telephone Numbers. 55 West Younger Avenue. There are various options to search for a Santa Clara County court case using someones name, | 02/07/2001, HEARING: MOTION HEARINGS - ORIGINAL TYPE: HEARING: MOTION HEARINGS; JUDICIAL OFFICER: NICHOLS, LESLIE C; HEARING TIME: 9:00 AM; RESULT: OFF CALENDAR (BEFORE HEARING); COMMENT: TEXT = TO BE RELIEVED AS COUNSEL. Courts in Santa Clara County maintain records on everything that occurs during the legal process for future reference, including appeals. However, in some cases, you will have to Downtown Superior Court | The Collaborative Courts for youths include the Juvenile Justice Court. | 02/20/2007, DESCRIPTION: CLERK'S NOTICE; COMMENT: TEXT = JUDGE JACK KOMAR'S RETIREMENT NOTICE + PROOF OF E-SERVICE G-17830 LEGACY NAME = CV CLERK'S NOTICE DECISION = M CLOSED = 09/01/2009, DESCRIPTION: CONFERENCE: FURTHER CASE MANAGEMENT; DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT 17; TIME: 10:00AM; RESULT: VACATED; DISMISSAL FILED, DESCRIPTION: CONFERENCE: CASE MANAGEMENT; DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT 4; TIME: 1:00PM; RESULT: VACATED, DESCRIPTION: ANSWER (LIMITED): UP TO $10K; FILED BY: J.W. Probate Public Records Policy. Santa Clara County Family Court Forms Search By Case Number - Civil - California Santa Clara Superior Court Records Google LLC et al vs John French III et al, Rich Voss Trucking Inc vs JW Riley & Son Inc, et al. Santa Clara County Court Records are public records, documents, files, and transcripts associated with court cases and court dockets available in Santa Clara County, California. Personal Injury Information found on is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. This page has been replaced with our Public Portal Case Search page. Downtown Superior Court | Or open a list of courthouses with addresses, phones and hours. HEARING: REPORT OF CONSERVATOR/EXECUTOR - ORIGINAL TYPE: HEARING: REPORT OF CONSERVATOR/EXECUTOR; JUDICIAL OFFICER: EDWARDS, THOMAS C; HEARING TIME: 9:00 AM; RESULT: APPROVED: ORDER SIGNED BY COURT; COMMENT: TEXT = SETTLEMENT OF FIRST ACCOUNT, REPORT OF EXECUTOR AND FEES RESULT BY = C RESULT JUDGE = TCE - EDWARDS, THOMAS RESULT DATE = 11/14/2003 LOG NOTE TEXT = {EVTCD=1000; JDG=41; CLK=294; HDRDTM=2003/11/14 1418PM; NOTES=NONE; }, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | UniCourt is your single source for state and federal court records, offering comprehensive court coverage and the most complete and accurate dataset available. Request a Fine Reduction Online: If you are unable to pay the full amount due, you may request the court consider your ability to pay and reduce the bail or ask the court to consider community service instead of your bail. With UniCourt, you can access Probate cases online in Santa Clara County Superior Courts , find latest docket information, view case summary, check case status, download court documents, as well as track cases and get alerts on new case updates and access Santa Clara County Superior Courts - Probate cases with Enterprise APIs. Case Summary. Probate Family Justice Center Family, Drug Court, Self Help, Juv. Public access to court records in South County Morgan Hill Courthouse, Santa Clara County Superior Court, California. Civil cases in Santa Clara County are heard in the Downtown Superior Court, the Old Courthouse, and the South County Courthouse. court records data dates back to 2012. Check out the fee schedule for fees. You can reach the courthouses for criminal case-related inquiries by calling them at their respective court contact numbers or by emailing There was a total of Perform a free Santa Clara County, CA public court records search, including court dockets, files, transcripts, and case lookups & searches. Find information about Santa Clara County, California Probate Forms including estate forms, surrogate, probate, guardianship, self-represented forms, and trusts. You can also look up "Attorneys-Mediation" in the yellow pages of your phone book or contact the Santa Clara County Bar Association . Property in the jurisdiction of Santa Clara County. Downtown Superior Court | In order to fulfill its mission and to serve the residents of its county, the Superior Court of Santa Clara operates the following nine divisions out of seven different locations: Appellate, Civil, Collaborative Courts, Criminal, Family, Juvenile, Probate, Small Claim, and Traffic. City of Mountain View Parking Tickets Especially for tenants: Asian Law Alliance phone: (408) 287-9710 Bay Area Legal Aid (BayLegal) legal advice phone: (800) 551-5554 Santa Clara County Court Records Lookup. Civil Calendar Schedule Downtown Superior Court | Search Case Information About Us The Sixth District is located in San Jose and has jurisdiction over the following counties: Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz. Other Villages Assn (Valle Vista) V. UDC Corporation, Et Al. Contract California court records. Find your county court case information using the lookup tools provided by Santa Clara County.Santa Clara County, California is a suburban county established in 1850. Probate Self-Help for Civil Matters Guardianship You can reach the South County Morgan Hill Courthouse by calling (408) 695-5000. Conservatorship the Traffic Clerk's Office relocated to the South County Courthouse. Santa Clara. You can reach the Family Justice Center by calling (408) 792-4200. Access to Electronic Court Records - California Downtown Superior Court | Contract Santa Clara County Small Claims Forms Small Claims Advisor Find information about Santa Clara County, California Family Court Forms including family services, emancipations, paternity tests, custody forms, and annulments. On 09/06/2017 Bruce Devisser filed a Family - Other Family lawsuit against Amber Devisser. The court does not have divisions. California Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District. Many counties have court records posted online on their Search Santa Clara Superior Court criminal index record by last and first name, filing date, or case number. is not a consumer reporting agency under the Fair Credit Reporting Act Find information about Santa Clara County, California Orders of Protection & Restraining Orders including filing protective court orders, temporary restraining orders, domestic violence forms, emergency orders, and dismissals. Self-Help for Small Claims Matters YOUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT. website at, and even Courts in Santa Clara County maintain records on everything that occurs during the legal process for future reference, including appeals. 217,577 in 2017. This case was filed in Santa Clara County Superior Courts, Family Courthouse located in Santa Clara, California. Santa Clara County Court Records | CA Case Lookup Family Court Services The Santa Clara Courthouse is temporarily closed. As of 2018, The Appellate Division of the Santa Clara County Superior Court decides appeals in misdemeanor, traffic, and limited civil jurisdiction cases only. | 09/20/2001, JUDGMENT: SATISFACTION - JUDICIAL OFFICER: HUBER, JOSEPH H.; COMMENT: LEGACY NAME = CV ACKNOW/SATISF OF JGMT FULL DECISION = M CLOSED = 10/25/2010, ORDER - JUDICIAL OFFICER: HUBER, JOSEPH H.; COMMENT: TEXT = #G-26162 AMENDED JUDGMENT FOLLOWING MOTION FOR APPELLATE ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS, SIGNED BY JUDGE JOSEPH H. HUBER. To locate your divorce papers, the Court will need the case number. Check out the table below to review the filing information for a specific The Old Courthouse, located at 161 North First St., San Jose, CA 95113, handles cases related to civil and criminal matters. Is San Francisco tiki bar the Tonga Room actually good? Santa Clara County Court Case Records, Criminal Background-Lawsuits-Assets Address History-Property-Liens-More. is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and does not assemble or evaluate information for the purpose of supplying consumer reports. 2012. Probate | 01/17/2023. In December 2016, the county had a reported unemployement rate of 5.4% (the county employed 5314 people in 2015). Contract Downtown Superior Court | This case was filed in Santa Clara County Superior Courts, Downtown Superior Court located in Santa Clara, California. The complaint says that when he went into cardiac arrest a second time, it prompted a paramedic to declare, This one is a goner.. Find information about Santa Clara County, California Family Court Forms including family services, emancipations, paternity tests, custody forms, and annulments. Cancellation and Refund Policy, Privacy Policy, and 1740 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE SUITE #250 SAN JOSE, CA 95110 (000) 000-0000 X LEGACY NAME = ATTORNEY INFORMATION DECISION = M CLOSED = 06/28/2003, DESCRIPTION: DOCUMENT: OTHER; COMMENT: TEXT = ATTORNEY INFORMATION TYPE - ATTY: SANDALL & PENROSE SANDALL, KENNETH W. 2841 JUNCTION AVE., SUITE 110 SAN JOSE, CA 95134-1921 (000) 000-0000 X LEGACY NAME = ATTORNEY INFORMATION DECISION = M CLOSED = 06/28/2003, DESCRIPTION: ORDER; FILED BY: J.W. Downtown Superior Court | Family Ex-Parte - The Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara Whiteley v. Barracuda Networks, Inc., et al. 183,236 RILEY & SON, INC., FINANCIAL PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY,; COMMENT: TEXT = WITH CASE # 1-04-CV-03316 (LEAD), 1-04-CV-030943, 1-05-CV-034009, 1-05-CV-035343, 1-05-040813, 1-05-044707, & 1-05-CV044716 GRANTED BY JUDGE JACOBS-MAY. Public Records Policy. Local | This mysterious Bay Area beach is covered in broken ceramicsFood | Is San Francisco tiki bar the Tonga Room actually good?Culture| This SF restaurant was the blueprint for Bobs Burgers'Music| Nirvana's Cow Palace show was once panned. Self-Help for Probate Matters, Small Claims Home The Family Justice Center Courthouse, located at 201 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95113, hears family law, drug, juvenile dependency, and traffic matters. Nirvana's Cow Palace show was once panned. Our Legal Data as a Service (LDaaS) collects, organizes, standardizes, and normalizes court data from California state courts and all federal courts, and makes it readily available via our UniCourt Enterprise API for business development, competitive intelligence, litigation strategy, and docket management. Finding Santa Clara County court records is possible using the South County Courthouse Business Hours Refer to this list of courthouse hours for current business hours. This is called "remote access Downtown Superior Court | (Note that Google may use "cookies" to collect information or have links unrelated to Court content. RILEY & SON, INC., FINANCIAL PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY,; COMMENT: TEXT = DAWSON LEGACY NAME = CV ANSWER, LTD, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | | 02/25/2000, HEARING: REPORT OF CONSERVATOR/EXECUTOR - JUDICIAL OFFICER: EDWARDS, THOMAS C; HEARING TIME: 9:00 AM; COMMENT: TEXT = SETTLEMENT OF FIRST AND FINAL ACCOUNT, REPORT OF ADMINISTRATOR AND FEES (STEVEN POGUE 258-3260) RESULT JUDGE = TCE - EDWARDS, THOMAS, ORDER: APPROVE ACCOUNTING - JUDICIAL OFFICER: EDWARDS, THOMAS C; COMMENT: TEXT = SETTLING FIRST AND FINAL ACCT. Downtown Superior Court | District Attorney's Office. People v. Monterey Mushrooms, Inc., et al. Please check your email for a confirmation email. Print. | 12/26/2018, DESCRIPTION: NOTICE; FILED BY: IMERYS TALC AMERICA, INC. F/K/A LUZENAC AMERICA, INC.,; COMMENT: NOTICE OF SUGGESTION, DESCRIPTION: NOTICE; FILED BY: WESLEY SULLIVAN,; COMMENT: NOTICE OF COURT ORDER RE COORDINATION OF ADD-ON CASES, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | The Judge overseeing this case is Huber, Joseph H.. Search City of Mountain parking tickets page by citation number, including payment options and information links. County of Santa Clara presents Safety and Government Affairs Career Fair . Superior Court of California County of Santa Clara Case Number: 4:2022cv03565: Filed: May 1, 2023: Court: US District Court for the Northern District of California: Office: Oakland Office . Note: the following departments are the only ones posting tentative rulings at this time. For More Information Please Contact: Records Unit. Probate The Santa Clara County Superior Court currently has 77 judges and five commissioners. Reporter Transcript Request - Superior Court of California, County of Records Unit - Office of the District Attorney - Santa Clara County Downtown Superior Court | Downtown Superior Court | Ensure that your material is packaged in an envelope or secure packaging. MyCitations: Ability to Pay Tool, Important Changes to Court Appearances Case Details Parties Dockets Case Details Case Number: ************3568 Juvenile Justice Courthouse You understand that by clicking "I Agree" you consent to our Terms of Service and agree not to use information provided by for any purpose under the FCRA, including to make determinations regarding an individual's eligibility for personal credit, insurance, employment, or for tenant screening. Self-Help for Criminal Matters, Family Home Search for public court records online in the Santa Clara County Superior Court of California. Now, it's revered. | 05/02/2001, HEARING: PETITION - ORIGINAL TYPE: HEARING: PETITION; JUDICIAL OFFICER: GALLAGHER, CATHERINE A; HEARING TIME: 9:00 AM; RESULT: HEARD: GRANTED; COMMENT: TEXT = ORDER TO APPOINT SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE; (LYNN DEAN 916-786-7515, HEARING: FINAL DISTRIBUTION - ORIGINAL TYPE: HEARING: FINAL DISTRIBUTION; JUDICIAL OFFICER: GALLAGHER, CATHERINE A; HEARING TIME: 9:00 AM; RESULT: HEARD: GRANTED; COMMENT: TEXT = EVAN JUDD 358-1951 RESULT BY = C RESULT JUDGE = CAG - GALLAGHER, CATHERINE RESULT DATE = 10/07/2002, Santa Clara County Superior Courts |
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santa clara county court case lookup