pete the cat shoes activities

Your child can write a sentence about the shoes or how much they love them. You dont need actual shoelaces for the activity; you can use yarn of any thickness or color. Throwing a Pete the Cat birthday party? Its great when you can use multiple books to teach the same skill. Pete the Cat is the go-to book for many kindergarten and elementary classrooms. Little Blue Truck's Springtime: An Easter And Springtime Book For Kids. What a great way to keep learning through December bring back in a little Pete to save the day. Paper Plate Santa Petes - Paint or color a paper plate to make your own Christmas version of Santa Pete. Youll find so many fun activities, and there are so many pages to explore. These ten frame cards can be used for more things too! circle time) activity by using the larger set of shoe color cards. Theyll make your water bottles groovier and more festive. Here are the themed resources, printables and lesson plans for math. You might not require more epoch to spend to go to the ebook initiation as skillfully as search for . - Leslie, Leslie: You are a very talented person! " It will get stuck in your head. ). Pete the Cat Rocking my School Shoes is a great back-to-school book. Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes Activities. Learn to organize, think and teach kindergarten in smart ways. Counting and Matching Sets -Students can match object sets, numerals or number wordswith these button cards. With a few simple supplies, kindergarten students can create this fun Pete the Cat face craft. Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses Retell Activity - Grab a pair of Dollar Tree sunglasses and make your own character masks or character signs to retell Pete's Magic Sunglasses as a class. Not sure if you have all of the best Pete the Cat read-aloud versions for the kindergarten? Hi Leslie! Speech therapists can send home an instruction sheet along with the book so that parents have a better understanding of how to use books for practice at home. Pete's got writing under control now let's make writing groovy for your class. You'll find hands-on learning activities, themes, and printables for Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten kids. Petes groovy buttons are all different colors, and your child can use pipe cleaners and large buttons to create a super groovy bracelet of their own. Pete the Cat is such a popular guy that he even has his own show on Amazon. Your students will practice writing their name and coloring the image to look like them. All rights reserved. Thanks for sharing. They are just one of the many book activities we have for you on Growing Book by Book. I'm Karen Cox, a Pre-K teacher in Georgia. Ready? Students will retell the story by gluing pictures from the beginning, middle, and end. "Teams" are formed by students with the same sight word and they can cheer each other on - the first team to get their sight word in the right place wins. Song, 20 Famous Story Retelling Ideas and Printables, 27 Fresh The Kissing Hand Freebies and Teaching Resources, 5 Clever Sneezy the Snowman Kindergarten Activities,, This product includes: - Written directions for each activity to lea. Pete the Cat Falling for Autumn By: Kimberly and James Dean. Thank you Becky. Join Pete in New York Times bestselling author James Dean's Pete the Cat picture book series as Pete has a groovy Easter adventure. Print, Copy, and Go! Students and I then hit the hallways in search of Pete. Pete The Cat School Tour with Craft Included. The first student with a button-free shirt wins. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 The Activity Mom | Trellis Framework by Mediavine. Let children place any color shoes on Pete the Cat's legs. Plus, being free means you can print as many copies as you need. She also has a decade's worth of experience working with children in the great outdoors. Grab some colorful buttons and construction paper. I Love My Shoes Book- Designed for first graders, students can get sentence writing practice in. Be sure to cut 2 identical Pete the Cat heads since we are going to sandwich them together for the top of the mobile. Let them tell you what color shoes and how many Pete is wearing. In this paper-over-board picture book, complete with poster, punch-out cards, and stickers, Pete helps out the Easter Bunny! 6 Activities + Multiple Goals! Here are activities and printables to go along with other Pete the Cat books. Its always nice when a craft doesnt require many supplies. -Leveled book visuals Grab a handful of buttons to make this manipulative and easily differentiated. Grab this free printable from Tot Schooling, glue the puzzle onto cardboard (e.g., a cereal box), and then cut into strips. After reading the book, encourage your kids to color in their own pair of high-tops with this coloring page. (And just a heads up that these are affiliate links). Spread out white paper and red, blue, and brown paint buckets on a sheet. Here are resources created for specific Pete books. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. You might even be able to fit in a tiny science lesson about how springs work. Get it wrong? Join here to get weekly emails with free printables and activities for Pre-K! Your students will have fun drawing and writing about the daily school activities and building their Pete the Cat craft. As a class or in small groups, look through the book and write a list of the places Pete goes in school (bus, class, library, lunch, etc. Students draw cards to move spaces along Pete's Groovy Buttons colored game board. . Shop jcgoodbys's closet or find the perfect look from millions of stylists. Source: Pete the Cat Books More Pete the Cat Inspired Fun. You can have them sort the shoes by color, height, laces, or no laces. -Leveled adapted writing visuals and templates, Save a TON of time AND money with this bundle of Pete the Cat products! They'll love it! But no . The text is made up of the lyrics to the song he sings throughout the school day as he reads, eats, plays, paints, adds and writes in his school shoes. Watch on. Creating finger puppets is a creative and versatile way to let students retell the story or act it out as they read. Have fun designing some shoes of your own! Pete the Cat is backand this time he's rocking in his school shoes. Print out the Pete the Cat craft template and use it to cut out all of the pieces for your craft project. Pete the Cat Color By Pages- These pages would make a great addition to your sub folder because they'd be ready in a pinch! "Find other Pete the Cat activities in my store. Grab some construction paper and model how to make a Pete the Cat with shapes. Required fields are marked *. This is perfect for grades K-3, with versions of activities with primary writing lines or lines. Thanks so much for providing these links!!! Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site (Board Book for Toddlers, Children's Board Book) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Read more Glad you're here! I'm glad I caught the link change so people can continue to use it. Youll find some fun Pete the Cat printable activities below. And no matter where he goes, Pete never stops moving and grooving and singing his song . It's super easy to complete with our free printables. And right now he is holding a pumpkin. These Pete the Cat printables and activities are going to have your child dancing, playing air guitar, and begging to read some more Pete the Cat books before bedtime. so much fun, Ha! Use this fun and creative writing activity so students can share their first day of rocking in their school shoes through drawing and writing. Pete Mask - Create DIYPete the Cat masks. How to Draw Pete the Cat - Here are the steps to drawing this famous cat. Pete the Cat Craft - With some simple shapes and some tennis shoes, your students can create their own blue cat. Pete the Cat Saves Christmas Craft Template - A Pete the Cat cut out template to show off Pete in a Santa costume. This can be an activity for counting, colors, or crafting during storytime. Story by Eric Litwin, Art by James Dean, Edited by Stephen Lentz, Music & Narration from HarperCollins Children's Book Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. Your students can color by number word and practice writing color words. Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes - Eric Litwin 2010-12-07 Don't miss the first and bestselling book in the beloved Pete the Cat series! Small Group Activity: Give each child a set of small colored shoe cards. He has4 shoes altogether. Its always fun to see what a child can create when given just a few pieces of paper and some directions. When a child is just starting to read, they are considered an emergent reader. This would be perfect to introduce after teaching the guided drawing how to! These counting cards make for a fun activity for preK and kindergarten students. Then students will write why that Pete the Cat book is their favorite. Pete is all about his shoes, and this activity will help your students learn how to tie their own shoes. That sounds like a blast. Youll need a camera, laminating sheets, and a binder (or just the ring clips). These can also be used as a large group (a.k.a. Students will need a plastic plate, some pipe cleaners, cardstock, and pom-poms. Grab some blue paper and cut it into rectangles, squares, circles, and triangles, and see if your child can put together a Pete. The books included areRocking in My School Shoes, The Missing Cupcakes, Magic Sunglasses, His four Groovy Buttons, I love My White Shoes, The Cool Cat Boogie, Out of This World, Perfect Pizza Party, Pete The Cat School Tour- ENGLISHI created this School Tour to go along with Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes. Read the question and choose the picture to answer. It's a fantastic book for the beginning of kindergarten since kinders are working on writing their names so much. After reading about Groovy Pete and his magic sunglasses, students will love this fun activity. Each provides a fun way to connect a read-aloud with standards-based literacy skill practice. This product includes interactive picture scenes, WH Questions, sequencing, following directions and preposition activities all in one big bundle! 94 offers from $1.49. As a homeschooling mother of two, Kathryn understands the dynamics of a busy family life. Have children find the shoe color card and hold it up. You could also play this as a color bingo game (where everyone wins). You will need one per student. Has Pete hidden in your home or school? The importance of instilling the concept of KidsSoup Resource Library Membership With all that sloshing around, there are bound to be some colorful footprints. Take kids outside and let them draw giant colorful buttons on the ground. Cavecat Pete Dinosaur Pages - These printable dinosaur worksheet pages are awesome to go with this lesser-known Cavecat Pete book. "It's All Good" Posters and Playdough Sight Words - There are two freebie Pete the Cat printables in this post. You could also laminate a flap over top to make it a "checking" card, or have students cover the letter tiles with scrabble tiles instead! STEP 2. Print out the free printable shoe template. When he hears a groovy beat, he's full of happy in his feet. Easy peasy! This picture game is so fun! Every kindergarten classroom can be improved with a massive Pete the Cat cutout. Although most of the objects in this story box are school-related items (except for the guitar and the Pete the Cat plush), Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes is often presented to students at the beginning of the school year, so the students may not yet be very familiar with many of the objects. Enjoy -MzFig. PLUS one interactive picture scene that can be used with any Pete the Cat book.Target Goals:-Prepositions-Following Directions-Sequencing-Story Retell-Listening for Informatio, Grab this book companion activity for "Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes" (book not included) for an easy activity for your Back to School themed speech therapy sessions! Kids love learning about all the different colors on Pete's shoes. Here are the favorites I've found. (Inspired by original from madefor1stgrade). Kindergarten students are always looking for an excuse to get their little hands dirty. Perfect for first grade! Sentence Editing Chart - Encourage good sentence writing and checking their work with this partially visual editing sentences chart. 101 JFK Parkway | Short Hills, NJ | 07078 | (973) 921-5500, Protected: Classroom Talk-to-Text Project, STEM Shopping List: Basic Supplies You Need for Your School, 23 Owl-Themed Classroom Ideas That Your Students Will Think Are a Hoot. Read More, Serving Pre-K teachers, parents, & kids worldwide since 2000. When the student rolls the die, they remove that number of buttons from their shirt. Send home these fun stickers after a day full of reading! We did activities based on each of the colors that Pete's shoes turned. Thanks for all these ideas. Monthly Book Extension Activities. It has activities for School Shoes, Groovy Buttons, White Shoes, Treasure Map, and Cool Caterpillar. Pete the Cat Classroom Rules - Ahhh, how saying "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit" has become a regular part of my teaching day. Compare and Contrast Back to School Activities Book Companions, Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes Book Activities, Pete The Cat: Rocking In My School Shoes FREE Activity Packet, Pete the Cat: Rocking in my School Shoes Leveled Adapted Book Unit. Download a printable Pete the Cat sunglass template and let students decorate the shades with mixed materials. You and the other players compete to see who can fill in their missing buttons first. Top 15 STEM Activities For Little Grinches At Christmas Time, 20 10th Grade Reading Comprehension Activities, 18 Teacher-Recommended Books for Middle School Boys, 23 Perfect Pumpkin Math Activities for Kids, 110 Stimulating Debate Topics for Middle Schoolers, Exploring Cause and Effect: 93 Compelling Essay Topics, Inspire Young Writers With 79 Descriptive Essay Topics, 120 Engaging High School Debate Topics Across Six Diverse Categories. Let kids create their own Pete-inspired sunglasses to wear when they are feeling blue. My students love it! Then, they can then practice on their own shoe. Downloads 396. Packed Out Pack - I called this the packed out pack, because it is. Im a big fan of the first four Pete the Cat books written by Eric Litwin. With the help of his friends and some wise words from Owl, Pete learns that he's his grooviest when he's . A large flat rate box full of Pete the Cat themed items. Pete the Cat is quite a celebrity amongst preschoolers and kindergarteners. I hope you gets lots of new traffic! It is a great way to have fun and help young children with shapes. Ten Frame Cards - Pop off Pete's groovy buttons from a ten frame as students practice Pete the Cat subtraction. Besides the song-like rhyme to the story, I love how it . See more ideas about pete the cat, cat activity, pete. Either laminate or use as a craft activity! How many different Petes can your children create? I'd keep the rest on hand to sprinkle throughout the rest of the school year. Greater Than Less Than Math Center - Students can compare numbers 1-100 with these cards and equality signs with a little Pete flavoring. Fairy Tales and Fiction provides a whole set of graphic organizers for students who are just learning to write sentences on their own. Book Review/ Opinion Writing The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School What are the best Pete books for the classroom? Construction Paper Headband - Simple shapes on royal blue construction paper makes the cutest Pete the cat headbands. Have children find the shoe color card and hold it up. Tennis Shoe Printable -Need an easy tennis shoecut out template to make your own activity? [Click here for the direct freebie link as her website is currently down - I pulled this from her article using the wayback machine]. Many accents and classroom decor for a Pete the Cat Classroom Theme. Have students highlight the sight word "see" to help them improve their tracking skills. Activities are not theme or month based and can be used anytime of the year once you feel your students can independently complete the activities. There are different levels of activities (some include drawing and primary other lines, and others have more lines for writing). Learn more: Frogs Snails and Puppy Dog Tails. Could also be a great placard for a student's desk on a back to school night. Text-based reader's notebook prompts. Pete the Cat is a classroom favorite. Kids can create and decorate their own shoes as well as practicing letters. It will add meaning to at least one other person's page in the book - in addition to their own! - Leslie, Thanks so much for these activities my kiddos and I are pete the cat obsessed. Pete Davidson keeps it casual in denim trench coat and sunglasses while arriving separately from girlfriend Chase Sui Wonders at Bupkis premiere in New York Meghan hits the big league! Read more at For this Preschool STEAM activity, we were inspired by the coolest cat who like to rock in his school shoes! Here are free Pete the Cat activities, freebies and books listed all in one place so you won't have to go digging to look for them. In this product, you are receiving an interactive and self-correcting digital copy and 2 printable copies (identical and flexible). Materials. {wink}, Class Tour - Get your students practicing their hallway procedures while learning the layout of their new school building with this class tour. Coloring and writing. End a reading of "Pete the Cat and his four groovy buttons" with a delicious plate of button cookies! You can use red pipe cleaners, but the thick chenille yarn will work just as well. Pete is learning a new dancethe Cool Cat Boogie! Making Mental Images - Here's a quick lesson you can do before reading any book! You will need one per student. Can your child help Pete the Cat through the marvelous maze? There are printables for back to school, reading, math and so much more. Today's activities are based on Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes. Let your child put together the alphabet and create a fun picture that includes some school images and, of course, Pete himself. The best thing about these cards is they do not need to stay on the calendar. It is important at this time to really look for books that they enjoy and want to read. Easy word searches are so much fun! I was looking for exactly this stuff. web mar 9 2022 15 pete the cat activities that will be a blast for your child 1 pete the cat face Includes a page for boys and a page for girls with the wording of the sentence changed. I look forward to hearing from you! Letter, Word, Sentence Sort - Give students the chance to show that they understand the difference between a letter, word and sentence with this sort. Pete is all about his shoes, and this activity will help your students learn how to tie their own shoes. Pete the Cat Glyph from Playdough to Plato. Teaching Virtues - Free Story to Teach Determination to Young Children. Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes. I bet they loved the karaoke - Leslie. These roll and read printables help make building fluency a little more fun! Calendar Cards - Want to change up your calendar one month to add a little Pete flavor? Jodie Rodriguez is a mom of two young boys and an early childhood/elementary educator with over 20 years of experience. Pete The Cat Sunglasses 13 Creative and Sweet Kindergarten Mother's Day Crafts, Free Editable Goodbye Letter for the End of the Year, If You Didn't Hear This From Anyone Today (Teacher Appreciation Poem), Free End of the Year Kindergarten Handprint Poem, Retell Literacy Center: 20 Famous Story Retelling Ideas and Printables. An easy way to build inPete the cat lesson plans! Each provides a fun way to connect a read aloud with standards-based literacy skill practice. Pete takes the first day of school in stride as he discovers new places such as the library, the cafeteria, and the playground. As we read the Pete the Cat books we place something from the book in his bent arm for him to hold. Running record assessment. Positional Words Activities, Reader and Worksheet for The Wheels on The Bus- This is a great landing place if your class is working on positional words (like above, between, below, behind). Get children matching colors, playing games, and more with all of these fun Pete the Cate color word activities. Pete the Cat Full Day Sub Plans - What a life saver! I am super excited to share these my students! #1. Pete Saves Christmas Graphic Organizer - Fill in the boxes to break down the characters, setting, problem and solution. Watch on. Karen is the founder of Pete is a cat who likes his shoes, which start out white. If you have some Pete the Cat lovers in your classroom or at home, you are definitely going to want to check out these Pete the Cat printables and activities that make learning fun. We had a Pete the cat themed move up day last year and had so much fun with are pete the cat game activities. Jul 19, 2020 - Explore Vicki Tanck's board "Pete the Cat: White Shoes", followed by 180 people on Pinterest. This is a 10- to 12-minute activity. Pete the Cat is absolutely stylish with his four groovy buttons, and once your students make their own button bracelets, they will have the purr-fect accessory to wear. Play until all of the colors are face down. Heidi Song:s Pete the Cats Four Groovy Buttons, Making Learning Fun: Pete the Cat Printables. You can easily make a fun number recognition and counting activity using both. Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes; Felt board; Felt cut-outs: one cat and a set of four felt pieces each for brown, white, red, and blue shoes Comprehension assessment. Retelling using Story Maps To find the tune we looked on you tube and found the Eric Litwin reading of the book. Read Rockin in My School Shoes to your students then use this product to organize the events in the story. From dances to creative crafts, here are 15 of the coolest activities to do along with Pete the Cat. Its always helpful when someone creates a lesson guide. These resources were all free at the time that I found them. Want to create your own Pete the Cat perfect pizza? Ask: How do guitars make sound? Kathleen, Awesome to hear Kathleen - enjoy! Here are activities and printables to go along with Rocking in My School Shoes. Simply fold to make this one page booklet a hit with your class. I am Eric Litwin's (author of the first four Pete the Cat picture books) assistant, Becky, and we love what you have done here! Perhaps a Halloween party at school? . Here is a list of the current titles available that I think are a good classroom fit. Education - This is a contributing Drupal Theme, Pete the Cat Has 4 Shoes Math Play Mat Activity, Additionalpreschool and kindergarten Pete the Cat activities, and crafts available inside our KidsSoup Resource Library, cats, dogs, and pets preschool and kindergarten activities and crafts. Create crafts and drawing activities to extend your favorite Pete the Cat book. Before kindergarten, it is always a good idea to practice shoe tying. Pete the Cat is one of the favorites among PreK teachers. Emergent Reader - Your young readers will exude confidence with their own Pete book. Preschool and Library lesson plans and worksheets. {wink}. First, little ones will use the Shape Mats to go on a Shape Hunt! This is the perfect way to explore a great book with your new class! Write 6 sight words on the shoe templates and print off enough copies for each child in your class to get one shoe. Activities progress in difficulty and include teacher samples for your subs. Math Game for Kids from Buggy and Buddy Button Sewing from Mama Papa Bubba Button Sandwiches from Sugar Aunts Scavenger Hunt from Homegrown Friends Make Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons from Meri Cherry Counting Activity from Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails Students will need a plastic plate, some pipe cleaners, cardstock, and pom-poms. It's a great way to get them to use pictures, words and numbers to show their work. Used with permission. Activities For Group Projects Writing Worksheets Mental Math Activities And Answer Keys by online. Pete makes everything more palatable. These are wonderful activities to transition to, after reading Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, by James Dean and Eric Litwin.Your students will LOVE the catchy little tune. Have students create their own mental image of the character and compare it after reading. But when Grumpy Toad tells him, "Pete, you dance all wrong!". Tip: After you print these shoes, glue them to cardboard to make them more durable. Pete the Cat is one of the favorites among PreK teachers. Pete the Cat Big Book for Kindergarten - Add your own class' photos to make a big book that your students will want to read again and again. . Help your student learn to interact appropriately with books, get information from text and illustrations, sustain joint attention on a book, and enjoy books with these supports. 'Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes' is a great story for predicting and retelling the story. 1-2-3 Come Do Some Pete The Cat Activities With Me. Subtraction Workmat - Students can practice their subtraction sentences alongside using a workmat of Pete. Learning activities like the ones mentioned above do not only help with developmental and educational skills but help children gain confidence and a love of reading and books. Clip Cards 1-20 Pete's Shoes - Count 1:1 to 20 and identify the correct numeral with these clip cards. Rainy Day Mum shares a fine motor and letter-sound activity to use with the book.>See it here. Sep 14, 2018 - Explore Stephanie Johnson's board "Childrens Literature (Pete the Cat Activities)", followed by 1,793 people on Pinterest. Show them one of the picture cards and ask them which color it would turn the shoes. The Teacher/Class/Class Pet From the Black Lagoon If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. Pete the Cat goes walking down the street wearing his brand-new white shoes. "Official" Shoe Tying Club - Want to encourage your students to be independent show tiers? Gingerbread Pete Alternate Version - I'm a sucker for different versions of the Gingerbread Man, so this one just made me smile. Pigeon & Duckling Printable. This product is a collection of fun activities to accompany the book Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes. Add writing paper below to make it a craftivity display with writing. It is a game of memory, observing pictures, and possibly even process of elimination. The sneakered cat with his groovy baselines and "can do" attitude has a string of fantastic books to his name, documenting his fabulous adventures. You can also play games with the puppets or have students recreate the stories. Wow, thanks for compiling this awesome list of freebies!
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pete the cat shoes activities