pathfinder: kingmaker token of the dryad

Continue further south for another horde battle: Commando Commander, Sneak x 2, Roc Eye x 4, Dogcutter x 3, Soldier x2, Alchemist Master, Alchemist Expert. Afterwards, you can free the prisoners from their cages by clicking on the doors. When the party's over, you will be back in your throne room. The remainder flee leaving you to take care of the Owlbear. They're still dangerous in packs so get the drop on them and use something like Fascinate to manage them. Otherwise, let Jhod speak. Continue to the end of the path and search among the rocks for a Taldan Snaffle (3/5). If you don't pass the initial DC18 Persuasion check, reload. Their room is the large one at the top of the stairs. he's interested in antique artifacts.He's all too eager to buy up any Ancient Rostland Coins (200 GP each), Tokens of the Dryad (300 GP each), Ancient Cyclops Coins (400 GP each) and Taldan . Kesten will want to rush off and look for the origin of the disease - you can let him go or order him to stay. The Alchemist is a pain since he uses Greater Invisibility which makes him hard to spot and target. When you get six territories, you can upgrade another village to a town. Southwest of the nymph's projection you can find a poorly hidden stash [Perception 6] containing a Token of the Dryad, and beyond that a crate full of baubles. Afterwards, you can raid their nest for two Owlbear Eggs. A monster stole her great-grandmother's string of pearls. When the second team return to the real world, two Dire Venomwolves and a Greater Owlbear-like Treant will appear. Question him about his family - but don't have him executed as a spy - and agree to help him. The enemies are all 5th to 7th level. 85. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker. If you drink jagwart, you will have to make three Consitution checks (10, 11, 12), "[Stealth 13] Nok-Nok climbed on the roof", Primal Spider Matriarch, Primal Giant Spider, Spider Swarm x2, Quickspider Swarm. Basically, you have three choices as to what to do with Tsanna: It seems to me that merely being evil is no crime and that no crime has been carried out. Travel to Silvershire and speak to Mim. Buy A Pouch of Feather Tokens from The Old Beldame in the Swamp Witch's Hut area. Warning the public may help you later, so I suggest you choose one of the "Chaotic" options. This time there are four Tremendous Centipedes, and they writhe behind a mass of smaller bugs, meaning you'll likely . Collect water from the pond and you will obtain the quest item Vial with Poisoned Water. When you've killed them, a Hamadryad and three Treants will attack. When the rest of the enemies are dead, you can destroy the Everblooming Flower. You can investigate further, but the most profitable option is simply to announce that you are the baron and he an impostor (Intimidation DC22). For the best outcome select "Don't submit to despair". If you press them you will see either "CLICK" or "THUD". Morhalan's hiding place will be revealed on your world map. The Hunting Lodge is a short distance to the east of your capital. The Hunting Grounds are immediately north of the lodge. Some guards will helpfully absorb a few blows from it. Speak to Ekundayo. There's a trap among the enemies that you may need to take care of. Start making your way west where you will encounter a Black Dweomerowlbear and a Greater Enraged Owlbear. I know about the herb cache at Abandoned Hut. Choose whichever option you want. Return the gems to Irlene and she will tell you to return in a week. Spread your party out before attacking them, moving your squishier characters to the north of the area. She may be an evil priestess of a very evil goddess but she's a competent advisor and gives you some redundancy for the Councilor and High Priestess posts. Return to the previous cave and head cautiously down the eastern tunnel. The one at the top of the room is locked (DC27) and contains minor loot. If one of your advisors didn't make it, the surviving advisor will want you to do the other thing (i.e. If you build Mage Towers in your capital and your second town, you can teleport between them without having to rank up your Magister. Ask about the three wishes and she will name her second wish: berry wine from Kyonin or Elven Absinth. Afterwards, Dog will approach Ekun affectionately. When you finish speaking, the Greater Primal Owlbear will make a dramatic entrance. Start making your way across the bridge. If you followed Kesten here or were able to send him back to the capital, there will be a group of goblins (Sneak, Falcon Eye, Dogcutter, Soldier x3, Sneak Eye x3). If you ask where the surgery is to take place, you can make an alignment choice. There's a locked (DC28) chest to the right of the flower with some minor loot. There are a couple containers to loot nearby. Going clockwise, you will find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag under a rock, some gold and gems in a locked (DC27) crate, more gold and gems in a chest, a well hidden (DC30) and a locked (DC31) chest containing a decent amount of gold and a Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4. The next time you see him, Kimo will seem rather crestfallen. Again you have a good / evil choice where the evil choice is obviously stupid. Don't bother questioning Dumra behind the bar because you don't get anything useful out of her. However you come by a Unicorn Horn, give it to Irlene to complete her quest. There's a locked (DC23) container with minor loot. I'm also aware that after the . Head northeast to clear out the rest of the camp. Search a rock just beneath it for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. Dryads with druid levels add this racial modifier to their wild empathy checks. If you spared Kalannah way back, she will be here. Tsanna is most suspicious - she has a limp, has come in through the back door, has burnt something in the fireplace and is cooking something that isn't a meal. Continue left. You should be able to turn in a bunch of artifacts to Storyteller: Cypress relics, Taldan relics, Forest Knight's Bracers and Ring of Reckless Courage. Before you burn it, choose to take a part of the root., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. In the first room. Return to the kitchen and speak to the Tedrims' servant, Tsanna. Head south to your original starting point. The addition of Morhalan doesn't make this much more difficult than casting Stinking Cloud. Loot Masterwork weapons from the cultists' remains and search the rocks near to where you fought them for a Melted Shard of a Ring (9/13). Take the skins back to Sharel who promises to see Morhalan arrested. Head south down the slope from the sisters to the water area and continue down to fight three Owlbears. Either way, you will have a message to convey to Kimo. Click on the campfire to rest and when you awaken, click on the dais again to obtain the Bird Bones. Maegar will send you a bunch of goodies. If he is with you Tristian, as usual, will urge mercy. When they're dead, clear the trap and have a tough party member head further into the cave to trigger another spider assault accompanied by a pair of Redcaps. To the north is a gate to an inner compound. There is a trap at the end and four Primal Giant Spiders. There's a crate outside the northernmost hut with a couple of potions. Your quest will update but don't go before you collect the loot. Cross over the Crooked River and head south (this is the route you took to Talon Peak earlier). He claims to have been a smith in Kyonin, where the forge burned out his eyes. There's a pen in the northeast corner with a Primal Manticore which will become hostile if you open the gate. The next time Kimo drops something off, he will ask you to visit him again. When they're dead, you will find the last Melted Shard of a Ring (13/13) on one of the Primal Spider Matriarchs. Go back down through the area with the traps and head west through a gate. The other contains a Belt of Physical Form +4. If you have more time than that, reload the save you made earlier and do the Mother of Monsters quest instead. After that, unlock a container (DC25) which contains the unique Kneesplitter heavy pick. The various crates in the cave contain potions, provisions and lots of animal hides, some of them quite valuable, although the Lizardfolk Skins are worthless. Varrask the Wildfist (your other artisan in Kamelands) will bring you a gift and ask you to come and visit him in Shambling Steps. You have a number of choices. However, Ekundayo is a dab hand with Lore (Nature) so make a couple of checks (DC25 and DC20) to get her on her feet again. Its skin seems wooden and its hair appears to consist of leaves and flower blossoms. There is a solitary Owlbear wandering around. Note that they are quite tough and not worth fighting. Join. Follow the path around and take out another pair of Fighters and a Bard. Kill the Black Dweomerowlbear wandering around. Unfortunately, she does not have your item. Backtrack to where you fought the wyverns and start making your way north up the path. Go through the gate to the north. Before crossing the Crooked River, you can check out the Hilltop Trail if you want another pair of Bracers of Armor +5. 1 Some dryads are bound to rare trees, such as a clonal colony of titan aspens, that are a single tree spanning larger distances than many people expect and which grant the dryad unique methods of traversing . Sneak damage is great, particularly with Crippling Strike. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker on Reddit: I got a bunch of items with Golden Speak to the refugee on the other side of the road who is visibly distraught. Your envoy will tell you of an urgent message from Jamandi Aldori, expressing concern that Varnhold has cut off all contact and demanding that you investigate. Before speaking to her, you may want to have Linzi Inspire Competence. He says that trophies will be awarded for killing the three dire monsters and that whoever brings two or more heads back will be declared victors. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker on Reddit: My main character's weapon is in The Storyteller has a supernatural ability to . As always, the most difficult challenge gives the highest reward. Track your Hero Points in your Pathfinder 2nd Edition games with these official metal Hero Point Tokens made by Campaign Coins. What you will find there depends on your actions at the Goblin Fort. A Redcap will run further into the cave but don't follow it. When the week is up, seek Irlene out again. If you spared her, the Priest will grant you Lamashtu's boon: +2 to Perception and Intimidation, +1 AC vs. animals and magical beasts. Continue north to the town centre where you will fight two Owlbears, a Ferocious Wyvern, a Yellow Dweomerwyvern and a Yellow Dweomermanticore. Abandoned Hut - Chapter 1 - Trailing Tartuccio and the Stag Lord When you see Edna and Julia Aldori, cast Haste on your party. if you go through the patch of fog to the east, you will encounter two Poisonous Primal Manticores. Near the entrance you will find some escaped prisoners and a short distance after that, Kesten and his militiamen ineffectually fighting a large group of goblins. Afterwards, raid its nest for the Roc Egg that you've come here for. If you bring up kingdom management, you may well see that Linzi wishes to speak to you, in which case you might want to stop by your throne room. The front side shows the Glyph of the Open Road, and the reverse shows . Jhod tells you that the problem is reaching epidemic proportions. Stand your frontline in the doorway and let them come to you. Head to the Goblin Village revealed on your map. Ask him about the relic he mentioned and he will talk at length about a hammer named Obliteration, initiating his artisan quest. You will find the Pitaxian contingent lounging by a campfire. Tristian and Jhod will arrive with the report for the events at Bald Hill, earning you 6500G. Continue making your way west. Look for a hut among the prisoner cages. Instead, remove the trap just inside and have Ekundayo shoot it. Assign an advisor to the Expert Mountaineering project which will cut your travel time significantly in the next chapter. There's a chest near where he skulks which contains a probably useless scroll of Hold Person. "How can this be?" 1. Some beginning questions regarding Items :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker You will find Olika standing to the right of the fireplace. Below and to the left of the wyverns remains is a third trap (DC20). Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Credit for the information on this page goes to Unikatze / Christopher Gerlach and the Pathfinder: Kingmaker community. Return to Tatzlford and give Kimo the good news to complete his quest. Item Basics. Dryads are benign forest fey. When you kill one of the wyverns, the real threat will emerge: Moray, a Nereid, accompanied by a Black Dweomerowlbear and a Purple Dweomerowlbear. She will deny having anything to do with the problems blighting your lands. Be careful because some of the lower ones will go round the long way to attack the characters you left behind. Exhaust his conversation options but don't murder him. You're better off simply buying the absinthe from Hassuf for 400G. The tokens are designed by artist Terry Lane. He'll die shortly after you kill it. Otherwise he gracefully gives you leave to decide where you will be more useful rather than him. Agree to help to initiate her artisan quest. Dryad - PathfinderWiki This will unlock a piece of Curse research. Don't go through yet, but there's no reason why you can't deal with the group of goblins guarding it who become hostile as you approach. Add to Cart. This event will appear in your list 14 days before the deadline. Head through one of the fog clouds to be whisked away. (DC22) option and Ekun will open up. Question her further to learn that her pregnancy is a troubled one. One of the containers in the dormitory holds a Scimitar +2 while a hidden chest (DC26) contains the Chocolate Ice Cream recipe along with a pair of high level scrolls. War of the River Kings - The Menagerie - Chapter 5 - Gamer Guides Select the Teleport button and you will see a list of possible destinations. At some point, you will have a scripted encounter with a Priest of Lamashtu. Unfortunately, the curse is merely abated and is progressing to its next phase. Update 2.1.3j is here! Leave the settlement, go to Kingdom Management / Settlements / Tatzlford and build workshops for your new artisans. Kill time until then - I annexed North Narlmarches. [I played the KM AP on tabletop, so I know the overall plot] I know about the herb cache at Abandoned Hut. When you get to the road that leads south to Bridge Over the Gudrin River, you will probably see the Goblin Village appear on your map, unless you haven't invested in Perception on anyone in your party. How things progress depend on how previous events played out: I don't like this: persuading the refugee girl to go home is good, but persuading the peasants on the road to go home is bad. Instruct Kesten as to what is to be done with her. This leads to an illustrated book episode. 20 days-or-so before the deadline, Octavia and Regongar will seek you out in your throne room and tell you that an agent from the Technic League is in the tavern. The goblin here is a merchant. Afterwards, Ntavi will ask you to speak to her when you have a moment. Backtrack and go through the gate you ignored earlier for a scene where a captured goblin is to be fed to an Owlbear. Dumb Question #3342-a: Dryad Tokens :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker General When the deadline is reached, your advisors will congratulate you and you will receive 8600G. Having obtained this, go through the patch of fog just below and to your right. Finally, a chest next to the rightmost hut contains a Torag's Pendant. If the lock is too tough for you, there's a key elsewhere in the area. If Kesten went to the Womb of Lamashtu first, things will play out slightly differently in this section. Welcome to our Official Pathfinder: Kingmaker walkthrough and guide brought to you in collaboration with Owlcat Games. If you annexed Silverstep, you can recruit Mim now. He tells you that he needs some Inubrix to reforge it and then you might find some in a Technic League camp. Clear all the traps and swarms (there are around nine of each) as you make your way west. A dryad appears as a comely humanoid. Loot a hidden cache nearby for some gold and gems. Search among the rocks at the bottom of the area for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. Afterwards, you can simply burn it. Leave the throne room and go to the Capital Square for a scene with two peasants arguing about whether to leave the city. Controlled Fireball) to take out the swarms. Search its remains for a Shard of Knight's Bracers (8/10). During the performance, push Ekun closer to Elina. Before he dies, he will mention a place called the Womb of Lamashtu. You can grab Unicorn Horns from all four Unicorns. Slighly more profitable (to you at least) is to persuade her to stay with Kimo for the sake of his art, although you will then tie her to a man she does not love. Search the barrel outside the hut for the unique falchion, Beastrender. Because why not? Agree to track down the poachers. Grab some minor loot from a corpse and go through. Start making your way up the path. Advance and you will find yourself in battle with a Greater Enraged Owlbear. Backtrack and make your way to the pond in the centre of the area. After Kesten and crew show themselves to be quite incapable of defeating monsters, speak to the man. Head forward into the first cave. Allow him to do so. The Arch-Chemist drops a Ring of Protection +1 while the Commando Commander drops a Melted Shard of a Ring (12/13). line of conversation, you can provoke them by insulting them. Fire and cold iron will stop it regenerating. There are various ways to deal with this whole situation but frankly, you may as well deal with this Stag Lord like you dealt with the previous one. Backtrack up the road and head east when you can. He tells you that they have someone who has the disease who is prepared to be cut open to investigate the nature of the illness. Examine their trunk to notice that they have no hunting equipment. Kill the goblins (two Sneaks and two Roc-Eyes). When you visit your throne room, Linzi will come to you with the suggestion that you throw a party for Ekundayo to cheer him up, initiating his first companion quest. option. The Six Bears Camp is in the west of the North Narlmarches, close to the East Sellen River. Return to Mim. Basically, they want to do something with the old prison - I suggest Guards Headquarters because Stability is a harder stat to increase than the others. Assign your General to this. You can speak to the people who stay behind. A goblin will open the gate to a Hydra pen. It simply tells you that new levels in the Tenebrous Depths have opened up. Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Go there and you will see the aftermath of a noisy fey gathering. And you've seen how poorly he handles Owlbears. Buff up and head up the path. If you don't mind a whiff of cheese, don't speak to Kesten, respec at the inn so that you have lawful alignment and come back here. If you ask about the flower, he will eventually let slip that he is in love with "a lady in the forest". She tells you that the gems were not enough and now her partner is asking for a unicorn's horn. Make your way around the rock where you'll find a second trap. Check the cart to your right for ingredients and a new recipe, Succulent Sausages. Head to your throne room and Linzi will tell you that Mim has gone missing, last seen walking towards Talon Peak. There is a dais, which you can place something on, a campfire where you can rest and a tent. Head up the slope behind the hut and search among the trees for a Melted Shard of a Ring (10/13). You've already won the competition, such as it is, so fighting them for the monster's head is fruitless and will have consequences down the line. Finally, search the desk for Maestro Janush's Key. In my case, the date is "Wealday, 2 Calistril (II)". I won't give suggestions for managing your kingdom in the walkthrough text, but priorities for Act 3 are: You can build to help raise a stat to 60. The Redcap drops a Token of the Dryad. Frogs will remain neutral if you place a 10 lbs item or a Token of the Dryad in the box before taking the golden toad out. Feather Tokens - Errands - Side Quests | Pathfinder: Kingmaker Official There is a solitary Owlbear wandering around. When you emerge on the other side, you will be treated to a brief vision, Head north and you will be treated to a lengthy scene. - Pathfinder Hero Point Tokens (Pack of 6) The purple owlbear is protected by Mirror Image. Afterwards, you can loot the area. Talon Peak is a pain to get to. Through the gate to the east you'll find the leader of this little operation, but again, there's a better strategy . Cast Delay Poison (Communal) because there are spiders. Found in the caves beneath Old Sycamore, surrounded by frogs that become hostile when the idol is taken. After you kill the Owlbear that emerges, Urkhed is pretty ungrateful, all things considered. When the enemies are dead, Maestro Janush makes an entrance accompanied by two Fighters and two Archers. Return to your capital. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Preorders of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Season Pass 2 on Steam, GOG, and EGS are open! After this, you should concentrate on the following: If you have any time remaining, you should level up the new advisors as much as possible: After the events at Bald Hill, your envoy will inform you that a hunt has been arranged to eliminate the magical beasts ravaging your lands. Continue down to the repurposed torture chamber and buff up - a potion of Heroism is good for the skill checks. You can investigate the various conversation options - none useful - but in the end you should agree to accompany him. Kill any remaining goons and then make a decision as to what to do next. Have a stealthed rogue scout ahead a little to start clearing the four DC 27 traps from the floor. Tsanna can be employed and is more valuable alive than dead. Head back up to where you fought the bandits and continue east where you will see the shadow of a large bird flying overhead. If you let her live, Tsanna tells you that she will be at the Shrine of Lamashtu if you want to speak to her. Kalannah (or whoever) will mark the Technic League Hideout on your map. They've got little to say right now, but you can search a pile of rocks to find a Token of the Dryad. There is a pack of four Owlbears about half way up. Cross Lake Silverstep and the Womb of Lamashtu will appear on your world map. Continue further and search a crate near the hut for the Energy Source ring and a Token of the Dryad. Regongar is all for chasing Janush while Octavia, rather more reasonably, suggests that you might prevent the trapped slaves from burning to death. Be careful that you don't "interact" with the prisoners since that seems to result in you killing them instead. To the right of the cart is a stash with a Token of the . Make your way down the path. There are prisoners in five of the cages. Before you can do anything with it, you will have to eliminate the creatures nearby: an Ancient Wyvern and Red and Yellow Dweomerwyverns. They will be back in the caverns with a fairly modest Giant Flytrap to eliminate. Grab a bit of loot from a nearby body. The things you have to give to the Storyteller. Sounds like a fetch quest! Ask him what he wants and he will tell you that he wants to woo her with a gift, an emerald necklace to be precise. Exhaust her conversation options (apart from the one where you murder her for no reason at all) and she will tell you approximately where to look. When you emerge, ignore Mim who is lying on the ground. This throne room event will occur about now. You will emerge in a previously inaccessible part of the map. The Roc Egg is unique and can be used in a later recipe; save it for your last meal before the point of no-return and you will enjoy massive boosts in the final dungeon.
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pathfinder: kingmaker token of the dryad