names that mean cheetah

[5], The Global Cheetah Action Plan Workshop in 2002 laid emphasis on the need for a rangewide survey of wild cheetahs to demarcate areas for conservation efforts and on creating awareness through training programs. [58][64][65] Each cheetah has a distinct pattern of spots which can be used to identify unique individuals. Enlarged respiratory passages that allow it to inhale and exhale more air with each breath, as well as helping to dissipate body heat (Along with it cool nose). [181] Compared to other felids, cheetahs need specialised care because of their higher vulnerability to stress-induced diseases; this has been attributed to their low genetic variability and factors of captive life. What does a cheetah name mean? A 1973 study suggested the length of the sprint is limited by excessive build-up of body heat when the body temperature reaches 4041C (104106F). Popularity: Cheetah is derived from the Hindi word Chita, meaning spotted one. It's not what you'd expect", "Wow! [5][31] Roadkill is another threat, especially in areas where roads have been constructed near natural habitat or protected areas. It typically reaches 6794cm (2637in) at the shoulder, and the head-and-body length is between 1.1 and 1.5m (3ft 7in and 4ft 11in). In the Middle East, the cheetah would accompany the nobility to hunts in a special seat on the back of the saddle. [140] In the following years, as their natural habitat has been modified dramatically, cheetah populations across the region have become smaller and more fragmented. Here, take a look at some of the most famous cheetah names in media history. [1] The reduced genetic variability makes cheetahs more vulnerable to diseases;[47] however, the threat posed by infectious diseases may be minor, given the low population densities and hence a reduced chance of infection. The small, flat canines are used to bite the throat and suffocate the prey. Mother signalling her cubs by her tail to follow her, A cheetah feeding at night in Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T219A50649567.en, 10.1644/1545-1410(2005)771[0001:aj];2, "A brief history of cheetah conservation", "Cheetah specialization: physiology and morphology", "The classification of the existing Felidae", "Serengeti, and the taxonomy and natural history of cheetahs", "The secretary on additions to the menagerie", "A revised taxonomy of the Felidae: the final report of the Cat Classification Task Force of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group", "Phylogeography, genetic structure and population divergence time of cheetahs in Africa and Asia: evidence for long-term geographic isolates", "Cheetah rangewide status and distribution", "Iran says only 12 Asiatic cheetahs left in the country", "Bericht an die kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften ber die von dem Herrn Consultatsverweser Dr. Theodor v. Heuglin fr die kaiserliche Menagerie zu Schnbrunn mitgebrachten lebenden Thiere [Report to the Imperial Academy of Sciences about the Consultant Administrator Dr. Theodor v. Heuglin about the Living Animals brought to the Imperial Menagerie at Schnbrunn]", "ber neue Gepparden nebst Bemerkungen ber die Nomenklatur dieser Tiere [About new cheetahs and comments about the nomenclature of these animals]", 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T221A13035738.en, "Phylogeny and evolution of cats (Felidae)", "The cheetah: evolutionary history and paleoecology", "Evolution of the extinct sabretooths and the American cheetah-like cat", "Phylogenetic reconstruction of the Felidae using 16S rRNA and NADH-5 mitochondrial genes", "The Late Miocene radiation of modern Felidae: a genetic assessment", "The difference between trivial and scientific names: there were never any true cheetahs in North America", "East African cheetahs: evidence for two population bottlenecks? In most cases, a coalition will consist of brothers born in the same litter who stayed together after weaning, but biologically unrelated males are often allowed into the group; in the Serengeti 30% members in coalitions are unrelated males. Noting this, palaeontologist Daniel Adams proposed Miracinonyx, a new subgenus under Acinonyx, in 1979 for the North American cheetah-like cats;[34] this was later elevated to genus rank. [5][180], Mortality under captivity is generally high; in 2014, 23% of the captive cheetahs worldwide died under one year of age, mostly within a month of birth. Al Capone was Alphonse, and hockey player Al MacInnis is Allan. While females stay close to their mothers, males move farther off. [56] In 2012, the cause of this coat pattern was found to be a mutation in the gene for transmembrane aminopeptidase (Taqpep), the same gene responsible for the striped "mackerel" versus blotchy "classic" pattern seen in tabby cats. Ancient Egyptians believed the spirits of deceased pharaohs were taken away by cheetahs. No courtship behaviour is observed; the male immediately secures hold of the female's nape, and copulation takes place. [71] The cheetah appears to have evolved convergently with canids in morphology and behaviour; it has canine-like features such as a relatively long snout, long legs, a deep chest, tough paw pads and blunt, semi-retractable claws. [156] In December 2016 the results of an extensive survey detailing the distribution and demography of cheetahs throughout the range were published; the researchers recommended listing the cheetah as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Can be shortened to Kenna or Qenna. The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is a large cat native to Africa and central Iran. [66][108][134] The lifespan of wild cheetahs is 14 to 15 years for females, and their reproductive cycle typically ends by 12 years of age; males generally live as long as ten years. [58][123], Cheetahs are induced ovulators and can breed throughout the year. Esperanza: A sweet Spanish exotic name meaning " hope ". Speed and acceleration values for a hunting cheetah may be different from those for a non-hunter because while engaged in the chase, the cheetah is more likely to be twisting and turning and may be running through vegetation. The lightly built, streamlined, agile body of the cheetah makes it an efficient sprinter. Generally only groups of cheetahs (coalitions or mother and cubs) will try to kill larger prey; mothers with cubs especially look out for larger prey and tend to be more successful than females without cubs. [125], Urine-marking in males can become more pronounced when a female in their vicinity comes into oestrus. It means that this name is rarely used. [10][58][60] Cheetahs are sexually dimorphic, with males larger and heavier than females, but not to the extent seen in other large cats. [64] When a female enters a territory, the males will surround her; if she tries to escape, the males will bite or snap at her. [14], In the 19th and 20th centuries, several cheetah specimens were described; some were proposed as subspecies. In the 13th and the 14thcenturies, the Yuan rulers bought numerous cheetahs from the western parts of the empire and from Muslim merchants. [5] Iran declared 31August as National Cheetah Day in 2006. [23], The cheetah was reintroduced in Malawi in 2017. The rampant hunting severely affected the populations of wild animals in India; by 1927, cheetahs had to be imported from Africa. The mane starts out as a cape of long, loose blue to grey hair in juveniles. An open area with some cover, such as diffused bushes, is probably ideal for the cheetah because it needs to stalk and pursue its prey over a distance. The cheetah is active during the day, with peaks during dawn and dusk. as in leopard synonyms for cheetah Compare Synonyms bobcat caracal cougar jaguar leopard lion lynx mountain lion ocelot panther puma tiger wildcat Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. [2] The roughly triangular skull has light, narrow bones and the sagittal crest is poorly developed, possibly to reduce weight and enhance speed. The slightly curved claws, shorter and straighter than those of other cats, lack a protective sheath and are partly retractable. Saying cheetah in Middle-Eastern Languages. [59][84] The cheetah is unable to roar due to the presence of a sharp-edged vocal fold within the larynx. [132], Cubs start coming out of the lair at two months of age, trailing after their mother wherever she goes. [147] With 76% of its range consisting of unprotected land, the cheetah is often targeted by farmers and pastoralists who attempt to protect their livestock, especially in Namibia. Some females, generally mother and offspring or siblings, may rest beside one another during the day. The highest recorded value was 93.24km/h (57.9mph). [68] The pronounced tear streaks (or malar stripes), unique to the cheetah, originate from the corners of the eyes and run down the nose to the mouth. Predation is the leading cause of mortality in cheetah cubs; a study showed that in areas with a low density of predators (such as Namibian farmlands) around 70% of the cubs make it beyond the age of 14 months, whereas in areas like the Serengeti National Park, where several large carnivores exist, the survival rate was just 17%. Many men with a 3 Personality are very handsome; women are often strikingly beautiful. [121] However, on a daily basis, a cheetah feeds on around 4kg (8.8lb) meat. Luckily, there are a lot of humans trying to preserve this species. [174] Tomb figurines from the Mongol empire, dating back to the reign of Kublai Khan (12601294AD), represent cheetahs on horseback. [1], Cheetahs appear to be less selective in habitat choice than other felids and inhabit a variety of ecosystems; areas with greater availability of prey, good visibility and minimal chances of encountering larger predators are preferred. [83] Cheetahs have a high concentration of nerve cells arranged in a band in the centre of the eyes, a visual streak, the most efficient among felids. The vernacular name "cheetah" is derived from Hindustani Urdu: and Hindi: (t). Cheetahs might lose 1015% of their kills to large carnivores such as hyenas and lions (and grey wolves in Iran). Names That Mean Miracle Workout Nicknames Playlist Names for Country Music During the New Kingdom (16th to 11th centuriesBC), cheetahs were common pets for royalty, who adorned them with ornate collars and leashes. [48] The remarkable homogeneity in cheetah genes has been demonstrated by experiments involving the major histocompatibility complex (MHC); unless the MHC genes are highly homogeneous in a population, skin grafts exchanged between a pair of unrelated individuals would be rejected. In central, northern and western Africa cheetahs inhabit arid mountain ranges and valleys; in the harsh climate of the Sahara, cheetahs prefer high mountains, which receive more rainfall than the surrounding desert. A stalking cheetah assumes a partially crouched posture, with the head lower than the shoulders; it will move slowly and be still at times. 4. In September 2022, they were reintroduced to India after being extinct in the country for 70 years. We estimate that there are at least 5900 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. Alf Alf is a Norse name meaning "elf." In Norse mythology, a king named Alf proposed to a woman, Alfhild. In 2016, the global cheetah population was estimated at 7,100 individuals in the wild; it is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. A group of cheetahs is called a coalition. [55] However, in the absence of proof to support his claim, he withdrew his proposal in 1939. [171], The cheetah shows little aggression toward humans, and can be tamed easily, as it has been since antiquity. Meanwhile, cheetahs nearby, who did not take part in the hunt, might feed on the kill immediately. [63][70] Moreover, the cheetah is taller than the leopard. Cheetahs can overtake a running antelope with head start of 150 yards (137.2 meters). The cheetah lives in three main social groups: females and their cubs, male "coalitions", and solitary males. The earliest depiction of cheetahs from eastern Asia dates back to the Tang dynasty (7th to 10thcenturiesAD); paintings depict tethered cheetahs and cheetahs mounted on horses. [110] The vocal characteristics, such as the way they are produced, are often different from those of other cats. This is the translation of the word "cheetah" to over 100 other languages. In Botswana, cheetahs are frequently captured by ranchers to protect livestock by setting up traps in traditional marking spots; the calls of the trapped cheetah can attract more cheetahs to the place. [69] While the first two-thirds of the tail are covered in spots, the final third is marked with four to six dark rings or stripes. They are the major component of the diet in certain areas, such as Dama and Dorcas gazelles in the Sahara, impala in the eastern and southern African woodlands, springbok in the arid savannas to the south and Thomson's gazelle in the Serengeti. [170] The eight cheetahs were released into Kuno on September 17th, 2022 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This may also happen in highly arid regions such as the Sahara, where daytime temperatures can reach 43C (109F). Males, sometimes even those in coalitions, fight among one another to secure access to the female. Weaning occurs at four to six months. : an endangered species. The cubs might purr as the mother licks them clean after the meal. [6] A rough translation is "immobile nails", a reference to the cheetah's limited ability to retract its claws. After trade of wild cheetahs was delimited by the enforcement of CITES in 1975, more efforts were put into breeding in captivity; in 2014 the number of captive cheetahs worldwide was estimated at 1730 individuals, with 87% born in captivity. The name Cheetah is ranked on the 31,856th position of the most used names. [172] According to historians such as Heinz Friederichs and Burchard Brentjes, the cheetah was first tamed in Sumer and this gradually spread out to central and northern Africa, from where it reached India. [135] A few centuries ago the cheetah was abundant in India, and its range coincided with the distribution of major prey like the blackbuck. They are weaned at around four months and are independent by around 20 months of age. Social meetings involve mutual sniffing of the mouth, anus and genitals. Your vibration is full of life. [1][107], Cheetahs in eastern and southern Africa occur mostly in savannas like the Kalahari and Serengeti. Personality analysis of Cheetah by personality number 3 "You are highly attractive. In one of the studies, the average speed recorded during the high speed phase was 53.64km/h (33.3mph), or within the range 41.465.88km/h (25.740.9mph) including error. [8][60] The chin, throat and underparts of the legs and the belly are white and devoid of markings. Opponents stated the plan was "not a case of intentional movement of an organism into a part of its native range". [44][58][119], Cheetahs hunt primarily throughout the day, sometimes with peaks at dawn and dusk; they tend to avoid larger predators like the primarily nocturnal lion. To train her cubs in hunting, the mother will catch and let go of live prey in front of her cubs. [79] Moreover, the reduced viscosity of the blood at higher temperatures (common in frequently moving muscles) could ease blood flow and increase oxygen transport. [64] If a cub is the only male in a litter he will typically join an existing group, or form a small group of solitary males with two or three other lone males who may or may not be territorial. [64] Newly born cubs are covered in fur with an unclear pattern of spots that gives them a dark appearancepale white above and nearly black on the underside. 3. The Cheetah's diet consists of a wide range of prey from steenbok, rabbits, wildebeest calves, duikers, kudu, and impala to springbok, hartebeest, oryx, roan, sable, birds and warthog. [2][66][108][124] A 2007 study showed that females who gave birth to more litters early in their life often died younger, indicating a trade-off between longevity and yearly reproductive success. The coat is typically tawny to creamy white or pale buff and is mostly covered with evenly spaced, solid black spots. [25][139], The first survey of cheetah populations in Africa by Norman Myers in 1975 estimated a population of 15,000 individuals throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. [174], In comparison, theories of the cheetah's taming in Egypt are stronger and include timelines proposed on this basis. The rest of the body is covered with around 2,000 evenly spaced, oval or round solid black spots, each measuring roughly 35cm (1.22.0in). [5] The CCF runs a cheetah genetics laboratory, the only one of its kind, in Otjiwarongo (Namibia);[151] "Bushblok" is an initiative to restore habitat systematically through targeted bush thinning and biomass utilisation. With acceleration that would leave most automobiles in the dust, a cheetah can go from zero to 60 miles an hour in only three seconds. Are there . [194] The book How It Was with Dooms tells the true story of a family raising an orphaned cheetah cub named Dooms in Kenya. search grammatical forms search close synonyms search narrower synonyms also show related names : Save as Defaults: Home Name Meanings. Growls, hisses and moans are accompanied by multiple, strong hits on the ground with the front paw, during which the cheetah may retreat by a few metres. [172] The Romans may have referred to the cheetah as the leopardos () or leontopardos (), believing it to be a hybrid between a leopard and a lion because of the mantle seen in cheetah cubs and the difficulty of breeding them in captivity. [93], There are indirect ways to realize how fast are cheetah running. Aderfi: Aderfi means 'the released', and gives a sense of freedom and independence. [25], In the past until the mid-20th century, the cheetah ranged across vast stretches in Asia, from the Arabian Peninsula in the west to the Indian subcontinent in the east, and as far north as the Aral and Caspian Seas. [154][155] In 2014, the CITES Standing Committee recognised the cheetah as a "species of priority" in their strategies in northeastern Africa to counter wildlife trafficking. [58][61][64], Some males are territorial, and group together for life, forming coalitions that collectively defend a territory which ensures maximum access to femalesthis is unlike the behaviour of the male lion who mates with a particular group (pride) of females. [17][18], In 1975, five subspecies were considered valid taxa: A. j. hecki, A. j. jubatus, A. j. raineyi, A. j. soemmeringii and A. j. They may smell the spot she was sitting or lying on to determine if she was in oestrus.[108]. . [5] The CACP Phase II was implemented in 2009, and the third phase was drafted in 2018. [16] There has been considerable confusion in the nomenclature of cheetahs and leopards (Panthera pardus) as authors often confused the two; some considered "hunting leopards" an independent species, or equal to the leopard. The lunar cycle can also influence the cheetah's routineactivity might increase on moonlit nights as prey can be sighted easily, though this comes with the danger of encountering larger predators. The painting depicts a cheetah, hooded and collared by two Indian servants, along with a stag it was supposed to prey upon. An example is the South African specimen known as the "woolly cheetah", named for its notably dense furthis was described as a new species (Felis lanea) by Philip Sclater in 1877,[15] but the classification was mostly disputed. [14] Today the cheetah has been extirpated in most of its historical range; the numbers of the Asiatic cheetah had begun plummeting since the late 1800s, long before the other subspecies started their decline. Aksil: This name symbolizes strength and speed together as it means 'cheetah' in the Chaoui dialect. Cheetah - Duma Chimpanzee - Sokwe Clawless Otter - Fisimaji Kijivu Crocodile - Mamba Genet - Kanu, Kala Giraffe - Twiga Gorilla - Nyani Hippo - Kiboko Honey Badger - Nyegere Hyrax - Pimbi Jackal - Bweha Mongoose - Nguchiro Monkey - Kima Ostrich - Mbuni Pangolin - Kakakuona Python - Chatu Serval - Mondo Snake - Nyoka Vervet Monkey - Tumbili Cheetahs generally prefer to prey upon wild species and avoid hunting domestic livestock. ", "Cheetah do not abandon hunts because they overheat", "Motions of the running cheetah and horse", "Fiber type and metabolic characteristics of lion (, "Myosin Heavy Chain Composition of Tiger (, "Skeletal muscle histology and biochemistry of an elite sprinter, the African cheetah", "Vocalizations of juvenile cheetahs during feeding at Schoenbrunn Zoo", "An acoustic analysis of purring in the cheetah (, "A comparative acoustic analysis of purring in four cheetahs", "A comparative acoustic analysis of purring in juvenile, subadult and adult cheetahs", "An acoustic analysis of agonistic sounds in wild cheetahs", "Acoustic structure and contextual use of calls by captive male and female cheetahs (, "Cheetah mothers' vigilance: looking out for prey or for predators? [174] Mafdet, one of the ancient Egyptian deities worshiped during the First Dynasty (31002900BC), was sometimes depicted as a cheetah. Nearly all the cheetahs remaining in the wild live in Africa. [192], In 1969, Joy Adamson, of Born Free fame, wrote The Spotted Sphinx, a biography of her pet cheetah Pippa. This subspecies occurs in the northern Central African Republic, Chad, Ethiopia and South Sudan in small and heavily fragmented populations; in 2016, the largest population of 238 individuals occurred in the northern CAR and southeastern Chad. Females may also show marking behaviour but less prominently than males do. [35] Adams pointed out that North American and Old World cheetah-like cats may have had a common ancestor, and Acinonyx might have originated in North America instead of Eurasia. National conservation plans have been developed successfully for several African countries. In areas of minimal cover the cheetah will approach within 200m (660ft) of the prey and start the chase. [109], Unlike many other felids, among cheetahs, females tend to occupy larger areas compared to males. [74], Sharply contrasting with the other big cats in its morphology, the cheetah shows several specialized adaptations for prolonged chases to catch prey at some of the fastest speeds reached by land animals. Cheetah definition, a cat, Acinonyx jubatus, of southwestern Asia and Africa, resembling a leopard but having certain doglike characteristics, often trained for hunting deer, antelope, etc. [98] Running cheetahs can retain up to 90% of the heat generated during the chase. [46][47] A prominent instance was the deadly feline coronavirus outbreak in a cheetah breeding facility of Oregon in 1983 which had a mortality rate of 60%higher than that recorded for previous epizootics of feline infectious peritonitis in any felid. [160] The Iranian Cheetah Strategic Planning meet in 2010 formulated a five-year conservation plan for Asiatic cheetahs. The evidence for this is mainly pictorial; for instance, a Sumerian seal dating back to c.3000 BC, featuring a long-legged leashed animal has fueled speculation that the cheetah was first tamed in Sumer. Gradually the understanding of cheetah ecology increased and their falling numbers became a matter of concern. [191], Two cheetahs are depicted standing upright and supporting a crown in the coat of arms of the Free State (South Africa). The serval also resembles the cheetah in physical build, but is significantly smaller, has a shorter tail and its spots fuse to form stripes on the back. [172] The Mughal ruler Akbar the Great (15561605AD) is said to have kept as many as 1000 khasa (imperial) cheetahs. The tear streaks on the face can sharply define expressions at close range. [120] Cheetahs use their vision to hunt instead of their sense of smell; they keep a lookout for prey from resting sites or low branches. In Namibia cheetahs are the major predators of livestock. [111] For instance, a study showed that exhalation is louder than inhalation in cheetahs, while no such distinction was observed in the domestic cat. As such, the size of their home range depends on the distribution of prey in a region. [66][108] Generation length of the cheetah is six years. Churring (or churtling): A churr is a shrill, staccato call that can last up to two seconds. [66], The cheetah is a carnivore that hunts small to medium-sized prey weighing 20 to 60kg (44 to 132lb), but mostly less than 40kg (88lb). [23], The cheetah is threatened by several factors, like habitat loss and fragmentation of populations. In Iraq, cheetahs were reported from Basra in the 1920s. While females lead a nomadic life searching for prey in large home ranges, males are more sedentary and instead establish much smaller territories in areas with plentiful prey and access to females. These Names are Modern as well as Unique. It has spots on it. Saying cheetah in Austronesian Languages. [64] In 18771878, Sclater described two partially albino specimens from South Africa. Larger ungulates are typically avoided, though nyala, whose males weigh around 120kg (260lb), were found to be the major prey in a study in the Phinda Game Reserve. I've been working with the National Wildlife Federation for the past five years. [161], During the early 2000s scientists from the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (Hyderabad) proposed a plan to clone Asiatic cheetahs from Iran for reintroduction in India, but Iran denied the proposal. [108] A coalition generally has a greater chance of encountering and acquiring females for mating, however, its large membership demands greater resources than do solitary males. Your wit and sparkling personality make you the life of a party. Kansan Sherwin - Sherwin is a boy's name that means bright friend. It symbolises the fighting nature of cheetahs. [64] Groups rest in grassy clearings after dusk. It is the fastest land animal, capable of running at 80 to 98km/h (50 to 61mph), as such has evolved specialized adaptations for speed, including a light build, long thin legs and a long tail. Females tend to lead a solitary life or live with offspring in undefended home ranges; young females often stay close to their mothers for life but young males leave their mother's range to live elsewhere.
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names that mean cheetah