msha hoisting regulations

Track cable connections shall not obstruct the passage of carriage wheels. The operator must retain purchase records that demonstrate compliance with this requirement for one year after the date of purchase. Backpoling of trolleys is prohibited except where there is inadequate clearance to reverse the trolley pole. Protection against moving or runaway railroad equipment. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) minimum performance criteria for falling object protective structures (FOPS) SAE J231January, 1981. 57.22106 Dust containing volatile matter (I-C mines). Piping shall be provided with flexible connections or other special fittings where necessary to prevent leaks caused by tanks settling. Fire protection shall be provided at the head, tail, drive, and take-up pulleys of underground belt conveyors. Regulations Regulations MSHA is responsible for enforcing the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine Act) as amended by the MINER Act of 2006 . More than 50 pounds of non-fire-retardant wood. A flexible cord containing a center core of high explosives which may be used to initiate other explosives. (a) For fighting fires that could endanger persons, each mine shall have, (1) Onsite firefighting equipment for fighting fires in their early stages; and. (a) If methane reaches 1.0 percent in the mine atmosphere, ventilation changes shall be made to reduce the methane. (v) Testing speeds shall be a minimum of 10 miles per hour and a maximum of 20 miles per hour. To calculate an individual's exposure to WLM for a given period of time, multiply the total exposure time (hours to the nearest half-hour) in an active working area by the average concentration of airborne radon daughters for the applicable active working area (average working level calculated to the nearest hundredth working level) and divide the product by the constant 173 hours per month. Telephones or other two-way communication equipment with instructions for their use shall be provided for communication from underground operations to the surface. (e) Damaged or deteriorated cartridges of grouting material shall not be used. (2) On the surfacecovered metal containers or equivalent containers with flame containment characteristics. Such measurement shall be done at the following locations: (5) In the last open crosscuts or other ventilation openings nearest the active faces where the air enters the return. At 66 FR 35518, July 5, 2001, the effective date of paragraph (b) was delayed pending disposition of current litigation challenging the rule. Explosives are substances classified as explosives by the Department of Transportation in 173.53, 173.88, and 173.100 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (1986 Edition). 3, 2006]. An application must include the following information: (i) Documentation supporting that controls are technologically or economically infeasible at this time to reduce the miner's exposure to the final DPM limit. The ratio of vent size to internal size of the equipment or facility shall not be less than one square foot of vent for each 80 cubic feet of volume or space. (d) Facilities, bins or tanks shall be posted with the appropriate United States Department of Transportation placards or other appropriate warning signs that indicate the contents and are visible from each approach. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. 57.6900 Damaged or deteriorated explosive material. Disconnecting switches that can be opened safely under load shall be provided underground at all branch circuits extending from primary power circuits near shafts, adits, levels and boreholes. Travelway. (a) When the entire length of a conveyor is visible from the starting switch, the conveyor operator shall visually check to make certain that all persons are in the clear before starting the conveyor. (b) Fixtures and accessories not addressed in ASTM F43295 may be used for ground support provided they, (1) Have been successful in supporting the ground in an area with similar strata, opening dimensions and ground stresses in any mine; or. Working platforms shall be provided with toeboards when necessary. 57.16017 Hoisting heavy equipment or material. Fixed ladders shall be anchored securely and installed to provide at least 3 inches of toe clearance. Requests for a hearing shall be in writing and contain the following information: (1) Name, address, and mine identification number; (2) A concise statement of the reason why the Administrator's determination is inappropriate; and. 57.6404 Separation of blasting circuits from power source. If methane reaches 2.0 percent in the mine atmosphere, all persons other than competent persons necessary to make ventilation changes shall be withdrawn from affected areas until methane is reduced to less than 1.0 percent. 57.12038 Attachment of trailing cables. (j) Publications. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 2027416030, or go to: ANSI N13.81973 may be examined at any Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health District Office of the Mine Safety and Health Administration, and may be obtained from the American National Standards Institute, Inc., at 25 W. 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036; Battery charging stations, compressor stations, pump stations, and transformer stations shall be installed in intake air at locations which are sufficiently ventilated to prevent the accumulation of methane. Landings with more than one shaft entrance. 57.19062 Maximum acceleration and deceleration. Air passing unsealed areas (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). (c) Mine fan data for all active main and booster fans including manufacturer's name, type, size, fan speed, blade setting, approximate pressure at present operating point, and motor brake horsepower rating. Separate toilet facilities shall be provided for each sex except where toilet rooms will be occupied by no more than one person at a time and can be locked from the inside. Buckets shall be stopped about 15 feet from the shaft bottom to await a signal from one of the crew on the bottom for further lowering. Suitable warning notices shall be posted at the power switch and signed by the individuals who are to do the work. Cage doors or gates shall be closed while persons are being hoisted; they shall not be opened until the cage has come to a stop. (a) When there has been a main ventilation failure, such as stoppage of main fans or failure of other components of the main ventilation system, tests for methane shall be conducted in affected active workings until normal air flow has resumed. Materials that can create hazards if accidentally liberated from their containers shall be stored in a manner that minimizes the dangers. (d) All piping, valves, and fittings shall be: (3) Maintained in a manner which prevents leakage. 57.22206 Main ventilation failure (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). Smoking shall be prohibited in all areas of a mine where exposure records are required to be kept in compliance with standard 57.5040. Examples of detonators are blasting caps, electric or non-electric instantaneous or delay blasting caps and delay connectors. (a) Tamping shall not be done directly on a primer. Trailing cable and power-cable connections to junction boxes shall not be made or broken under load. (2) The Assistant Secretary shall promptly notify the Administrative Law Judge of a discretionary review or an appeal. (C) A second fan capable of accomplishing ventilation reversal shall be available for use in the event of failure of the main fan; (iii) Provide rapid air reversal that allows persons underground time to exit in fresh air by the second escapeway or find a place of refuge; and. learn more about the process here. (b) Main facilities used to store explosive material underground shall be. Subpart R - Personnel Hoisting ( 57.19000 - 57.19135) Subpart S - Miscellaneous ( 57.20001 - 57.20032) Subpart T - Safety Standards for Methane in Metal and Nonmetal Mines ( 57.22001 - 57.22608) Authority: 30 U.S.C. (1) A mine operator must authorize each miner operating diesel-powered equipment underground to affix a visible and dated tag to the equipment when the miner notes evidence that the equipment may require maintenance in order to comply with the maintenance standards of paragraph (a) of this section. (b) A fire suppression system may be used as an alternative to fire extinguishers if the system can be manually actuated. 57.22304 Approved equipment (II-A mines). Where manual scaling is performed, a scaling bar shall be provided. (2) An alarm system for blower malfunctions and an evacuation plan to assure safety of personnel in the event of a failure. Before entering a manway where persons may be working or traveling, a warning shall be given by the person entering the manway and acknowledged by any person present in the manway. Certification of calibration tests shall be made by signature and date. This back-up system shall provide and maintain a respirable atmosphere in the enclosure for a period of time equal to at least twice the time necessary to complete the evacuation of all persons designated to use that hoist as prescribed in the mine escape and evacuation plan required under standard 57.11053; or. In addition, areas containing explosive material at underground areas of a mine can be considered attended when all access to the underground areas of the mine is secured from unauthorized entry. (1) The form entitled Record of Individual Exposure to Radon Daughters (Form 40009), shall consist of an original of each form for the operator's records which shall be available for examination by the Secretary or his authorized representative. (a) Gamma radiation surveys shall be conducted annually in all underground mines where radioactive ores are mined. Man cages and skips used for hoisting or lowering employees or other persons in any vertical shaft or any incline shaft with an angle of inclination of forty-five degrees from the horizontal, shall be covered with a metal bonnet. Mine operators must give prior notice to affected miners and their representatives of the date and time of intended monitoring. Seat belts shall be maintained in functional condition, and replaced when necessary to assure proper performance. Equipment and supplies shall be loaded, transported, and unloaded in a manner which does not create a hazard to persons from falling or shifting equipment or supplies. (a) Provided with a pressure-recording system; and. Power circuits shall be deenergized before work is done on such circuits unless hot-line tools are used. (e) The person making the measurements or nondestructive tests as required by paragraph (c) of this section shall record the measurements or test results and the date. The records shall be kept at the mine or nearest mine office from the date the defects are recorded, until the defects are corrected.
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msha hoisting regulations