memories of palmers green

You walked up a long gravel path under the pergola to get to the house which had dark wooden panelling etc., very posh! Has any reader furniture in use purchased from Allen & Appleyards at 362 Green Lanes, replacing Kiltycakes Cafe next to the still existing post office? The ford zepher was back in the 60s it would have been the 70s in PG. I remember the Coffee place & it wasnt Home & Colonial.. that was a few doors up!! Possibly during WW2 it was requisitioned for war work. Yes Bezazz coffee bar, went their most nights as well around 1964 onwards coffee, egg & chips, juke box, pinball machine, 3/6d last all night!..some faces Denis Day, Mick Stanton, Mick Smith, Dave Todd, Michael joannou, Michael De Bear,Wendy & Susan Smale, Laureen Blackwell, the cast goes on! I just recall the horse. Thanks for your rememberins. She retired when I was there and replaced my Mrs Gibbs trendy and Beatles fan. Remember Dr Meldrums surgery opposite Janes and Adams, and his receptionist? 213 p. 239 halftone & black & white line illustrations. Probably some of my first photographs were taken there. I also, an geography class at Southgate County Fox Lane Please Miss! PS. Since opening its doors in 2014, FUFU (meaning lucky) has established itself as one of . Good Morning America is still very much interested in doing further fake degree segments. There were two blokes in the back workshop mending bikes and preparing new ones. Lived in New River Crescent during 60s and 70s. He even used to ask children for a tip! 2 min read. I lived in Wolves Lane. National Service. Up until the purchase of the motorised bike I used to cycle in every day from Muswell hill. Visiting Palmers Green Walkfo Preview Palmers Green is located 8 miles (13 km) north of Charing Cross. She would sit regally on the little wooden chairs by the counter. The manager in the 60s was Keith Small, very nice man who had a daughter Jacqueline. Yes.thats where I learnt to swim. Was that called Pritchards or am I mixing it up with somewhere else? I owe so much to your father who be came friends with my father and would meet for a drink in the COCK TAVERN. Some boys from Winchmore worked for him on the window cleaning. David Way of Winchmore Hill Broadway? Best teacher was the top class with Mr Smith. These chairs had the smallest seats Ive ever seen and I often thought it was a miracle that my Gran ever managed to perch on one. Sylvia , there was a WW2 bombsite at the corner of Sidney Ave/Green Lanes near Bowes Rd it was used in the 50/60/70s as a car yard called Kieth Cars, no longer live in PG so not sure what stands there today. No Dave,my brothers name is Derek married to Cathy. They were green wooden gates. I had a mini and a few cortinas in the 70s all with big bore exhausts and used to make a deliberate noise going up Green lanes. Most of the sites stayed flattened for many years afterwards some right up to the 60s. Footnote: Dad an is fellow freelances performed under aliasis to avoid problems with HMCRC.why else am I cultivatin a full Santa Claus beard5 months to go! memories those were the best days. The coffee shop WAS on the right going towards Winchmore Hill, surely? Thanks Dave. The garage was Saul and Slatter Ltd. Just found this by chance and been reading some of the comments as I grew up near this area. Anniversary Edition. 1955-1957. Doc. What a lovely road it was then. Dr Stewart was our doctor too. .Yes I remember the cafe well, 1964, it was on the corner of N.C Rd & Green Lanes. Was the camera shop you are thinking off Camera Craft just beyond the top of Osborne Road and some way short of Hedge Lane? I seem to remember it being a Vauxhall dealer then a Volvo garage (?Triangle motors), in the 80s & 90s. The buildings opposite however, which was the bombed out Princes Dance Hall, were rebuilt in a totally different style. Thanks for the info. Sylvia 0 I grew in in NRC, What was there before the maisonettes were built. Buy Intimate Memories: The History of the Intimate Theatre, Palmers Green by Geoff Bowden online at Alibris. However, local schools do still use Arnos Grove, Southgate, Edmonton Green pools etc. I believe she moved up to Scotland after living in Ibiza for a while. I lived in Winchmore Hill while married and enjoyed the playing field that is now Sainsburys and Baker, butcher and tea shop with the Green by Broadwalk and have fond memories of PG and WH as a young man. I then went to A quaint . Thank you for any help you can give I was given an anointing spoon to commemmorate the big day. When I lived in London and just started my business Aubrey would do most of my black and white printing and I also did a few weddings for him. The garage was called Saul and Slatters. I went to Brownies and Guides at that church too! And the wonderful smell The smell really made me sick. Hi Sylvia, No your not dreaming, Dr Baxter was there, he had a huge almond tree near the entrance to the surgery off Hazelwood lane which we would scrumpy almonds from when they started to ripen! julia, I remember Victor Value, we used the shop sometimes. I was born in Southgate in October 1936 and lived with my parents at 6 Tintern Gardens until September 1956, when they moved to Willingdon, Eastbourne. Incidentally Gran used to black her ever smouldering grate with liquid something which inevitably warmed the proceedings. I recall Evans and Davis, Jane and Adams and the owner had an e type jaguar. Which barbers do you mean? Can someone confirm the existence of a Tesco store in Palmers Green at this time? Hi Normathese Palmers Green Memories are great, eh? I used to have a paper round in the paper shop top of hedge lane and green lanes in 1963 I got fifteen Bob a week Mr pogson was the proprietor does any body remember him. Palmers Green N13, is lovely, a Edwardian area with plenty of independence shops, the parade of shops has beautiful building above them a lovely 1930s style park, a railway station journey to the countryside and Moorgate and properties are still very affordable. I think your Father was there too. Life was never the same again. . Helen. I cannot recall any other bombs round that area. Dobbin fell over on the slope below the New river bridge in Hazelwood Lane when the road was very icy one winter and we all rushed out with buckets of cinders to spread over the road so the horse to get e grip and get back on its feet, luckily no harm was done and the milk was just a bit late being delivered that day. I went there with my sister and her friends I think the Small Faces were signing autographs ? Hello Christine, I do remember the china and glass shop which I went in with my Mother to buy any special gifts for people. I assumed that the horse was some kind of pet that he took with him on his deliveries. Annyway she sees the ambience of Palmers Greenery so later Dad as to buy a property to satisfy er haspirations Palmer Green wise N14annyway my Palmers Green is Jewell in Crown (I am salutin you er Majesty) no rushkeep crackin on, eh? Sylvia. Happy days at Nans. Remember the Rag and Bone man had a horse and cart and my mum would send me out with a shovel and bucket to scoop up any droppings the horse might leave. When were all the doctors, dentists, solicitors along Green Lanes private residences? Also in Aldermans Hill was a butcher called Drakes and the Gas Company with the Electricity Co round near the current McDonalds in Lodge Drive. You will also find memories from contributors below, and across other pages on the website, where a post has maybe triggered a memory or two, As to guy fawkes nightI was shot n the leg by a lout with an airrifle November, Beech Avenue rush. He has also now retired and the surgery has now moved nearer to the roundabout at W.Hill next to the petrol station. It may be that your memory of PG is slightly off but, as I recall, it was the Home & Colonial grocer shop and it was on the left hand side as one went north towards Winchmore Hill; it was on that side shortly before Devonshire Road, the Fox Inn and Fox Lane, possibly about where the Red Cross shop has been in recent times. Haveyou and your family lived or worked inthe Palmers Green area for donkeys years? Also the lady who sold us orange flavoured ice cubes for 1 penny . To supplement income he was a musician from 1926. The sound of a siren still turns my stomach over to this day. Did your dad run a newspaper stand by The Fox. Does anyone the name of the 1960s Record Shop in the parade of shops at the Cambridge Roundabout at the junction of Hedge Lane and the North Circular Road ? N21. I also attended Hazelwood school and remember Mrs bellefontaine I am now 66 years old. I used to get home absolutely filthy but so happy. Dad did buy furniture at A an Asand all else for Elsie (my Mum) without consulting er. A group of Palmers Green residents, in association with Friends of Broomfield Park, are planning to open a small, not-for-profit Community Cafe in a disused building in Broomfield Park. He suspected everyone under the age of 18 of being a shoplifter. teecher at Winchmore ill and Southgate County Grammer, Fox Lane, do you remember? Those were the days. The song's lyrics were written by Lewie's friend Keef Trouble, a fellow member of Brett Marvin and the Thunderbolts. Do you remember one opposite Arnos Grove tube in early 80s? If my memory is correct that represented .W.W. Poultney and his Perlice in the Guardroom. no NHS .no grudgis but years go on this tripe celebration with fireworks still upsets loads o animals for a month (even pets let alone them foxis an badgers) annually..Annyway ice cream an jellys under a glass case (repro) at the Ritz cinema 1943 in Leyton (before the doodle bugs) but nil else at the Odeon Southgate (2/9 for the best seats and icis (extra) in the interval (with my wife 1959). Fantastic David, thats amazing. Was this a WW2 bomb? Loved it there in palmer s green even earlier where l myself grew up too. an dreemin on you remember Lou Ansell and is Dance Band founded I believe at Hazlewood Lane Skool and practicin evenins before puttin on dances for the skool and other worthy causes. Singing Tom used to give me all the flower heads to play with. Do you mean `Tom the flower man at the Triangle next door to Woolworths? 70s. Few people in those days owned a car, most of us used public . These drawers had glass fronts so you could see the contents. Remember the Pet Shop across the road from there, selling all manner of exotic animals (would be prohibited today) including Marmaset monkeys! I am Geoffreys sister Carole. I was Jean cook then with a brother Brian l remember the bombing of the dance hall between princes avenue and Tottenhall rd and the trolly bus wires catching fire and my friend Louise loosing a leg l remember Doreen young and Gary spicer.also the smell of Mac fisherys shop. The Fox has a number of accolades. This was run by a short tubby lady. I lived at no46 Conway road, My mother knew your parents. My brothers and I were trying to remember where the furniture store Jays was located in Palmers Green, can someone help. Happy searching, Sylvia Gambin. Rosalie lived in Palmers Green during the war, and provided this memory of her wartime life as part of the BBC project the WW2 Peoples War, an online archive of wartime memories contributed by members of the public and gathered by the BBC. A lift man too to take you to the upper floor who would call out Corsetry and Carpets. Between Windsor Road and Park Avenue was a greengrocers called Burkes, there were 2 Janes and Adams shops, the toy shop already mentioned, plus 2 doors from that there was the electrical shop an old sign saying Ultra Radio was still up on the front at the first floor (last time I looked). Sad as I am, I have just had a look on Google maps and as of August 2014, there was still a Doms offering Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner no mention of ice cream though! At the time Kennings had a garage in Edmonton which I remember was a Jaguar dealer so I imagine our old car hire site was the Jaguar dealer you recall and would most likely have also been a Kennings branch. Around the mid 60s lovely to see we all grew up in such a cherished place. Hi David, I think I remember you from Winchmore. Some of the musicians achieved International fame (not meI was on drums) . Its population was very small, and there were no more than a few isolated houses in the mid-17th century. They were great times at that school but I then left at 11 to go to Ambrose Fleming Technical Grammar School for boys, what an awful place, hated every minute and left at 15. Mr. Music Baggarley, S.County did not think much of my voice, a judgement echoed by Regimental Sgt.Major, Rifle Brigade, on the Square, Winchester. Collecting shrapnel since 1939 in Leytonstone gutters and still collecting turning over neolithic shards in Cornish fieldsmy motto: Its Fun Finding Out (Chapman Pincher and Bernard Wicksteed, 1947) shaped my career. We often played up the Wreck at the end of Lynbridge grdns where the parky Mr Moody and his co parky Mr Savage would chase us if we caused them any trouble! Getting my school blazer and cap at Isaac Waltons. I remember my Nan going I to Tescos on Green Lane and used to run around Brookfield park and go into the burned down museum with the bees and the art work. I left in 1986 as a Grocery Manager. It was a super meeting place for a great crowd, all feeling very sophisticated drinking coffee from glass cups. I think that he worked on the railways. I wish I had found this page earlier as he would have loved to chatted with you about Palmers Green as that is where he had his office and owned several properties in that area. Anyone remember him? Cameracraft now theres a blast from the past too! our school on fire by insendery bombs ,also the sky appearing like a red sun set and being told it was London docks on rodwell Mrs green are. This isnt the place to get involved in that discussion so Ill just say that changes arent always for the best! I believe some time in the 80s Doms was sold but the new owner had the good foresite to retain the classic Doms signage, but not the good foresite to retain the ice cream servery!. Grouts the haberdashers on the corner of Green Lanes and a small side road the name of which I cant recall and then a little further down, near Fox Lane and on the other side a huge white post office. Maybe a member will remember Jays. and had a Saturday job in Grouts!!!! Not prescribed by my doctor Seifert of Hedge Lane fame. Syds daughter, Jill, is my Mum, now living in Midhurst, W.Sussex and still thriving, thankfully. us failed musicians worship for rush puttin the latest grandaughter Reenie to bed..ope she gets on the bandstand soon shes got the lungs for it and we may need er thirty shillins a week to pay orf the mortgage.Annyway (am I keepin you up?) I have a friend who grew up in Palmers green and he says that there was no Tesco in Palmers green?!!
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memories of palmers green