lancaster county, sc zoning codes

2021-1735 - Rezoning Property Located at 923 Hamstead Circle from MDR to GB (Applicant Joyce Brooks)(RZ-2021-0478), document Header 2018-1543 - Rezoning Four (4) Properties Owned By R. Warren Norman III (Applicant Lennar Carolinas, LLC), document Header 2018-1530 - Placing Synergy Steel Holdings, Inc., Golden Spike, LLC (Project Wine) in a Multi-County Park, document Header General Contractor certification is required when the total value of non-residential work exceeds $5,000. 915, document _recordid 2021 International Fuel Gas Code. 2021-1790 - Termination of the Imposition and Collection of Charge at the Preserve at Tree Tops Upon Imposition of Charges in the Van Wyck Fire Protection District, document Header Ordinance 2015-1378 Ansley Park Development Agreement, document Header 2019-1588 - Amending Chapter 7 of the Code of Ordinances by Addition of Article IV "Dwellings Unfit For Human Habitation", document Header Effective Date. 2019-1608 - Amending the Unified Development Ordinance To Increase the Allowed Height Of Buildings Within Light Industrial and Heavy Industrial Zoning Districts, document Header Ordinance 2015-1355 Amended Budget for 2014-2015 FY, document Header 2017-1443 - Rezoning Property of UHF Development Group LLC, document Header 2019-1569 - Authorization of the Issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds in the Principal Amount of Not Exceeding $1,700,000, document Header Meats and cheeses cut, sliced or prepared on site (meat/cheese trays). These drawings are provided to assist customers who possess limited . The City of Lancaster has eleven (11) zoning classifications. 2017-1475 - Rezoning Property of Zimmer Ventures LLC, document Header 2017-1462 - Rezoning Property Owned By Ralph Adams, Represented By Mackenzie Riggins, document Header 2021-1791 - Amendment of Ordinance 2021-17961, Lancaster County School District Impact Fee Ordinance, to substitute a Corrected Map of the Indian Land Attendance Zone, document Header 2016-1416 Rezone Blackwell property (Little Dude), document Header 2021-1749 - Rezoning a Portion of Property Located Near the Intersection of Pageland Highway and Rocky River Road From RR, Rural Residential District, to RUB, Rural Business District (Applicant WTC of Lancaster, LLC) (RZ-2021-0959), document Header 2022-1796 - Specifying the Purposes for which Excess Capital Project Sales Tax Collections from the First Reimposed Capital Project Sales Tax will be Utilized Pursuant to the State Budget Proviso and the Capital Project Sales Tax Act, document Header 2018-1525 - Rezoning Application of Lancaster County to Rezone 2 Properties Owned By Transformation Church from MX to GB, document Header Ordinance 2015-1364 Rezoning of Property of Sandhills Medical, document Header document Header Ordinance 2015-1332 - Leroy Springs Pool, document Header 2017-1456 - Rezoning Property of Bryan O'Neal, document Header 2020-1646 - Amending Chapter 3 of the Lancaster County Code Related to Airports & Aviation and Establishing the Airport Advisory Committee, document Header 340-31394--0000, 340 . 2019-1619 - Adopting and Approving the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Plan As Revised, document Header 2020-1680 - Rezoning Property Owned by Mark Haldeman from LDR to MDR, document Header Packaged dinners that are not cooked, or modified on site. 2016-1414 Rezone 2575 Lynwood Avenue - Snipes property, document Header 2019-1571 - Rezoning Property Owned By Sharon C. Horne From RN to MH, document Header 2019-1636 - Rezoning Seven Parcels of Real Property Owned By Lancaster County Water and Sewer District, document Header 2019-1616 - Rezoning Property Owned By Donna S. Patterson From MX To NB (Applicant Sam Levin), document Header 2019-1554 - Creation of the Reid Pointe Special Tax District, document Header City Main Line: (803) 283-2489 Job Announcement Line: (803) 285-8811 Crime Tip Hotline: (803) 289-6040. Ordinance 2015-1372 Bradley Mullis rezoning, document Header Any person, firm, business, or corporation planning to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, convert, or demolish any building or structure within the corporate limits of Lancaster. 2016-1423 Amendment relating to the Policy for capitalization of fixed assets, document Header 2016-1425 Economic Development Organizational Structure, document Header This home has fresh interior paint and partial flooring re. ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF KERSHAW Joint Use of Required Parking Spaces. 1369-12022016173501.pdf, document Header 2021-1742 - Authorization for the Issuance and Sale of Walnut Creek Improvement District Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2021A-3, document Header Copy and paste this code into your website. 916, document _recordid Maps for reference use are available at no charge. MLS # CAR4017419 2016-1420 Multi-County Park Central Wire, document Header 2018-1535 - Amending UDO regarding Chapter 5 - Temporary Recreational Vehicle or Travel Trailer, document Header 2018-1499 - Rezoning Property of MPV Properties, LLC (Michael Bilodeau), document Header 2018-1545 - Rezoning Application of Danny Burch, document Header 2022-1830 - Amending Chapter 7 of the Lancaster County Code to Adopt Updated Uniform Building Codes as Mandated by the SC Building Codes Council, document Header 2020-1640 - Rezoning 46 Parcels Owned By Haile Gold Mine, document Header Ordinance 2015-1329 - Amendment regarding Hwy Corridor Overlay District, document Header 2019-1625 - Authorizing the First Amendment to the Lease Agreement for Allegiance Healthcare Corporation, Now Known As Cardinal Health 200 LLC, document Header 2021-1724 Adoption of a Sheriff Development Impact Fee, document Header 2021-1731 - Authorization of Quit Claim Title to Real Property for an Unnamed Road that Extends from Norfolk Drive to Lynwood Drive, document Header For more information about the update go to 2021-23 UDO Update. No. Job Announcement Line: (803) 285-8811 2020-1698 - Amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to Allow the Cottage Court Building Type in the Mixed Use District, document Header 2017-1458 - Amending the County Code So As To Separate Duties of the Building and Zoning Departments, document Header 2021-1722 - Adoption of a Fire Development Impact Fee, document Header Lancaster, SC 29720. 2019-1602 - Authorizing Certain Modifications to the Walnut Creek Improvement District Assessment Roll for Bond Area 3, document Header 2018-1521 - Amend the UDO regarding Conditional Use Appeal, document Header Lancaster, SC 29720 Ph: 803-285-1969 Fax: 803-416- 9380 Typical Residential Construction Detail Drawings . Ordinance 2015-1349 - Grant Fancy Pokket additional time to obtain Certificate of Occupancy, document Header - BUILDING DEMOLITION DIVISION 2. Fees are applicable. 2021-1714 - Rezoning Property Owned by Annie Leak From RN to AR (RZ-2020-2772), document Header 2018-1502 - Rezoning Property of Darren Sowell, document Header This staff shall perform the daily enforcement activities associated with Sec. 1386-12022016173005.pdf, document Header THE CITY OF LANCASTER RECOGNIZES FAIR HOUSING MONTH IN APRIL. Ordinance 2015-1353 - Rezone property of Ruby D. Catledge, document Header Maps for reference use are available at no charge. Ordinance 2015-1340 - Lease Purchase3758 Charlotte Highway, document Header Board of Zoning Appeals. 2020-1647 - Approving an Easement to Comporium Communications To Be Located Across County Owned Property At 2057 Pageland Highway. 2020-1691 - Authorization of the Creation of the Roselyn Residential Improvement District, document Header Ordinance 2015-1322 - Library Duplicate Language, document Header Ordinance 2015-1368 regarding Walnut Creek Bond, document Header 2018-1547 - Rezoning Application of Mt. Rezoning Request; Zoning and Occupancy (Business) Zoning and Occupancy (Home) . 2018-1501 - Rezoning Property of Randall Collins, Trustee, document Header 2021-1778 - Amending the Amended and Restated Master Multi-County Park Agreement Between Chesterfield County and Lancaster County, document Header Ordinance 2015-1321 - Joint County Industrial Park relating to enlarging the park and extending the termination date for Schaeffler Group USA, document Header 2018-1537 - Rezoning Property Owned By Kathleen Adams (Applicant Dustin Adams), document Header City Main Line: (803) 283-2489 Job Announcement Line: (803) 285-8811 Crime Tip Hotline: (803) 289-6040. 2019-1582 - Rezoning Property Owned By John Thomas Dallas (Applicant Kenneth Starnes) from LDR to NB, document Header 2020-1689 - Rezoning Property From RN to MDR (Applicant Carolina Ventures 1, LLC, Robert Turri), document Header 2020-1677 - Amending the Lancaster County Procurement Code, document Header Lancaster County, SC. The Lancaster County Zoning Office is responsible for administering the Unified Development Ordinance as adopted by Lancaster County Council, Town of Heath Springs Ordinance, and Town of Kershaw Ordinance. 2022-1798 - Approval of an Easement Grant to Lancaster County Water and Sewer District for the Indian Land Recreation Center, document Header Ordinance 2015-1380 3i Products Fee Agreement, document Header The submitted documents will help determine if the project is in compliance with building safety codes, zoning ordinances and other applicable laws. 2022-1802 - Rezoning 38.92 Acres of Property from LDR, Low Density Residential District, to MDR, Medium Density Residential District (Applicant Gabriel Jon Hardy) (RZ-2022-0175), document Header 2019-1583 - Rezoning Property Owned By Susan M. Stade from LDR to MH, document Header Administration; Building, Planning, Zoning & Licensing . Knowledge of building and code standards. If a permit is required, the first step is completing a Building Permit Application. Structural repairs, remodeling, vinyl siding installation, re-roofing, and alterations. 2020-1683 - Approval of Extension of the Investment Period for Silgan Containers Manufacturing Corporation and to Authorize the First Amendment to the Fee Agreement (Project Pumpkin), document Header Ordinance 2015-1384 Rezone Property 2670 Flat Creek Road, document Header Job Announcement Line: (803) 285-8811 The City of Lancaster requires electrical, plumbing, gas, and mechanical contractors to possess a Master Qualification Card (purchased through the Building andZoning Department), City of Lancaster business license, and a South Carolina Contractors License or certification through the Municipal Association of South Carolina. Use Description Grocery Store Financial Institutions Barber/Beauty Shop Dry Cleaning/Laundry Lancaster, SC 29720, City Main Line: (803) 283-2489 Ordinance 2015-1341 - Marvin Harper Rezoning, document Header Ordinance 2015-1377 The Gillette Company (Duracell) Fee Agreement, document Header County of Lancaster Office of Recorder of Deeds; 150 N. Queen St. Suite 315 Lancaster, PA 17603; Phone: 717-299-8238 Fax: 717-299-8393 Grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, pizza, nachos, chicken, etc. 2021-1730 - Rezoning a Portion of Property from RR to RUB (Applicant Matthew and Heather Ellis)(RZ-2021-0261), document Header 2018-1524 - Rezoning Property Owned by Christine Adams, document Header 2020-1644 - Approving an Easement to Duke Energy Carolinas to serve the new Animal Shelter, document Header 2021-1719 - Authorization of a Fee Agreement with Accutrex Products, Inc. 2020-1693 - Authorization of a Special Source Revenue Credit Agreement with 9080 Northfield Drive, LLC, document Header 2021-1704 - Adopting Amendments to Elements of the Comprehensive Plan By Adoption of the Southern Panhandle Small Area Plan, document Header Staff also provides support to various City Boards and Commissions related toappeals, zoning, etc. 2017-1473 - Rezoning Property Owned By Sarah Ruth Mahaffey, Represented by Jeffery Humphries, document Header Lancaster, SC Code of Ordinances.
William Sequeira The Town,
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lancaster county, sc zoning codes