how big is a dachshunds brain

Dapple Dachshunds have three different coat types: smooth, long-haired, and wire-haired. Powered by Mai Theme. The baby of a dachshund dog is called a dachshund puppy. ), Samoyed Dog Breed Guide (Quick Links and Information), Color-named Chihuahuas (fawn, chocolate, gray, etc. Whilst this sausage-shaped pooch may look very funny they are not to be underestimated. Dachshunds also don't do well in the cold so make sure to keep them warm when temperatures are low. Keep in mind that Dapple Dachshunds will be hard to find. The standard Dapple Dachshund stands 8 to 9 inches (20 to 23 cm) and weighs 16 to 32 lbs (7 to 15 kg). Is the Powerful and Protective Briard Suitable for You? How fast can a dachshund run? Here is our best recommendation: Pawp: a 24/7 digital clinic for pets that connects you to an experienced vet Why we love it: Answers 24/7! Breeding has resulted in this dog breed being available in two sizes: standard and miniature. Husky Colors: The Standard & Rare Siberian Husky Coat Colors, Border Collie Australian Shepherd Mix: Guide to Owning a Border Aussie. This small brain helps account The first few months of life are the most crucial and rapid developmental period for your Chihuahuas brain. Dachshund Shepherd: Appearance, Height, and Weight. Brainpower is often associated with the size of the brain in relation to the body. Their tendencies dont make them high contenders for good family dogs, but good training goes a long way. On average, a dachshunds brain is around 10-15 grams. They are also very food-motivated, so positive reinforcement in the form of treats is a good tactic. Dapple Doxies prey drive might have them chasing your small pets around the house. The standard dog breeds weigh between 16-32 lb (7.3 - 14.5 kg) while the mini dachshund typically weighs 11 lb or less. Pro Tip: If you are not able to get a hold of a vet near you, or you want to avoid an unnecessary ER trip, there are online resources that you can turn to. Sometimes having a large soft spot is enough to diagnose and treat hydrocephalus, but often CT scans or MRIs need to be done in order to make a definitive diagnosis. A dogs brain is about Brains dont work by stimulus and response. Miniature Dachshunds will be Due to the range of possible health problems a Dapple Dachshund can have, health screening is critical. They require at least two walks of moderate distance every day to stay fit and support their long back. We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. Famously nicknamed the hot dog or wiener dog, Dachshunds (or Doxies for short) are known for their long silhouette, short and muscular legs, brave and If theyre looking dirty, use some damp gauze dipped in apple cider vinegar to clean them out. However, its important to note that brain size is not always directly correlated with intelligence or cognitive ability, and Dachshunds are known to be intelligent and trainable dogs despite their relative brain size. They were bred to be hunters and are still quite tough and brave. Make sure you read up on human foods dogs cant eat to avoid any nasty surprises. The beagle, a small hound, has a brain that weighs about 2.54 ounces, or 72 grams, on average. Shiba Inu Mixes: 30 Different Shiba Dog Crossbreeds, Patent ductus arteriosus (congenital heart defects). If you are too harsh when berating them, Dachshunds can shut down and refuse to listen to you for the day. The weight of a dachshund differs based on the size dachshunds are. Their territorial nature also makes them bark a lot and suspicious of strangers. The average brain weight of a miniature dachshund is 68.03 grams. WebChiweenies At a Glance Size: Weight Range: Male: 5-12 lbs. Alaskan Malamute Colors: The Standard & Rare Malamute Coat Colors, Friendly, eager to please: All about the Golden Mountain Dog, Greyhound Mixes: 28 Different Greyhound Crossbreeds. Dachshunds love carrots, broccoli, bananas, and even green beans. Whether the dog has one spot or many he meets the criteria for the Dapple name. Most teacup Chihuahuas have apple-shaped heads; however, teacup Chihuahuas with deer head structures do exist! Their bodies are long and low to the ground, meaning they can burrow deep into the ground to locate their prey. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. It is more common in miniature and toy breeds such as Chihuahuas. But this couldnt be further from the truth. Most dog brains weigh between 7080 grams. Reputable breeders can (and often do) charge a premium price for puppies whose parents both have breed certificates. Chihuahua owners sometimes associate their dogs head shape with brain size; however, depending on a Chihuahuas breed, they will have specific head structures and sizes that have nothing to do with their brain size.,,,,, How much do Dapple Dachshund puppies cost? However, the overall conclusion is that the height, weight, and head shape of dogs can predict certain important behavioral and WebWhen my Big brain is activated ! When the smooth coat is solid or bicolor, the eyes of dachshunds are usually dark. This is thanks to the breed clubs breeding Dachshunds down in size over the years. You will have to be patient and maintain consistency to see results, but starting from the time they are pups will make it easier for you. Today, Dachshunds have retained their sharp bark. If your Dachshund stands closer to 8 -9 inches at the shoulder, and weighs 12lbs or more at adulthood, then it is considered a standard. Shipping a dog can cost upwards of $2000 once-off. The dachshund belongs to the class Mammalia of the animal kingdom. Height at Withers: Male: 6-10 in. 13 Most Common Dachshund Personality Traits. Dachshunds are short and stout dogs. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. Hamsters and rodents beware. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8, Continue reading your article witha WSJ subscription, Already a subscriber? They love to run around in the backyard, but they are loving dogs who need company and attention at the end of the day. Dapple Dachshunds, too, make great watchdogs. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. If you use these links to buy something we earn a small commission. After all, their brains are quite different from those of humans, but canines are still clever. As per the American Kennel Club, the dachshund was ranked the 12th most popular dog breed in the United States in 2018. Dachshunds get along well with other dachshunds, but will still try to emerge as the 'leader' or 'top dog' in a household with more than one pet. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, Cess has more than 10 years of digital marketing experience for a wide range of companies and industries. 6 Are Dapple Dachshunds good-tempered dogs? Your little Dachshund should be able to manage most situations as long as they are properly socialized from an early age. Once she is impregnated through mating, the gestation period lasts for 63-65 days (9 weeks). 2 What should I know about Dapple Dachshunds? Their loose skin, big chest, and short legs were ideal for digging. creative tips and more. Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. The Dachshunds coat comes in an endless variety of colors and patterns. Dapple Dachshund adults and puppies keep themselves clean, so they dont need to be bathed often. Dachshunds have small, dark noses, medium-sized tails, and dark-rimmed eyes. Chihuahuas are some of the most adorable dogs around. Some Dapple Dachshunds have blue eyes, others brown, while others have one of each. Today, dachshunds are popular as pets in Europe, Great Britain, United States, and other parts of the world. What is the Difference Between an F1 and F1B Goldendoodle? These dogs cant take long runs despite these high activity levels due to their short legs holding them back. Packaged dog food with high protein content is great for dachshunds as it provides all the nutrients your dog will need to maintain optimum health. Training any Dachshund requires patience and commitment. This means that there is spinal fluid leaking into their skulls and sitting on their brains. Again, the best approach is to back and forth with emails and knock on the right doors. Their chin and eyebrows are also prominent. The average dachshund brain weighs about 3.5 ounces, which is average for a small breed. These dogs will do well with apartment dwellers and even those living in urban areas, but a few considerations need to be made with this dog breed. Watch for signs that your Dachshund needs to go. A miniature dachshund stands 5-6 inches at the shoulder, and weights up to and including 11lbs fully grown. This may sound sweet, but it can also prove problematic. With its remarkably sharp sense of The brain size of a Chihuahua is interesting in comparison to their standard body size which is normally between 58 inches in height. If you have a healthy dog, though, the cost of care is minimal. Comment below to let us know! Lets discuss the question: how big is a dachshunds brain.We summarize all relevant answers in section Q&A of website in category: Blog Finance For The spunky Dapple Daschund, also known as the Dapple Doxie or the Dapple Sausage Dog, is a rare color variation of the Daschund dog. Long-haired Dapple Dachshunds, on the other hand, require more upkeep. Grooming them is also easy as they don't shed a lot. Dachshunds are sweet and gentle dogs that love to play with their owners. They also make great pets for seniors or those who want to own a dog without a lot of maintenance. Dapple Daschund puppies should eat between half a cup and a full cup of kibble per day, split into three meals. Can Dachshunds and Cats Live Together Peacefully? This is because they are rarer than different color variations. With their high intelligence levels, Dachshunds get destructive if they lack mental stimulation. This dog breed has become extremely popular all over the world, with the American Kennel Club ranking the dog breed to be the 12th most popular dog breed in the United States in 2018. They have a high level of understanding, which enables them to pick up new tricks quickly and solve problems. Hydrocephalus is generally caused by a birth defect and can be found in puppies. Wirehaired breeds are mainly seen in the colors brown with blonde highlights, shades of red, and black and tan. Learn more about some other mammals including Dogue De Bordeaux, or Japanese chin. A female can experience estrus (be in heat) as early as six months of age. Yes, dachshunds are generally considered to be intelligent dogs. 1. Doberman pinschers and German shepherds have an average brain weight of 104.01 grams and 104.63 grams, respectively, which is about 50% more than the average brain weight of all dogs. A drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat people with Type 2 diabetes has ignited a craze among social-media influencers, .css-1h1us5y-StyledLink{color:var(--interactive-text-color);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1h1us5y-StyledLink:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}the rich and famous and everyday people alike..css-11kxzt3-Strong{font-weight:var(--font-weight-medium);}Ozempic, made by Novo Nordisk A/S, has gained popularity for its off-label use, helping users drop excess pounds within a matter of months. Follow the recommended portion sizes on the packet as well. Since Dachshunds are so intelligent, a good tip is to turn training into a game. A 36-inch cage is generally suitable for adult males and a 30-inch crate is suitable for adult females. These dogs get snatched up quickly, so your best bet is to email a breeder and ask to be added to a waiting list. Out of all of the different Dachshund mixes, the Long Haired Dachshund is the most beautiful of them all. Dachshunds are extremely intelligent and tend to be stubborn which makes training them difficult. Your vet is the best person to determine what is causing these symptoms in your dog. Weve put together a table below to give you a quick overview of the Dapple Dachshund. tips for reducing your Dachshunds barking tendencies, questions before you decide to make a Dachshund part of your family. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. Heres the complete guide for the Dachshund Growth and Weight Chart. Dapple Dachshund puppies tend to cost more than other types of Dachshund dogs when bought from breeders. Tendency to Drool: Low While the standard dachshund would typically hunt wild boar and badgers, the dachshund miniature would hunt foxes and hares. Dachshunds are prone to certain health issues like intervertebral disc disease, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, acanthosis nigricans, and gastric dilatation volvulus. Copyright 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. They are also tenacious and strong-willed a necessary trait in a small dog bred for the hunt. Burrowing is common in the breed due to their history so letting them put these instincts into action is a good idea. Is the American Water Spaniel your dream pet? Youll need to adjust your grooming approach based on the dogs coat type, so keep that in mind when caring for a Dapple Dachshund. Do Long, Smooth, and Wire Haired Dachshunds Have Different Personalities? Mini Dachshunds are also renowned for having a strong sense of loyalty, so you can count on them to support you no matter what. 1. Double Dapple Dachshunds, as well as single Dapple Dachshunds with health complications, can cost you thousands of dollars in the long run. While supervision is required when they're around kids, their small size and high energy level makes them a great pet in a house. How big is a dachshund? Dachshunds also have sensitive backs that are prone to injury so they shouldn't be made to jump too much to get onto surfaces. ), Can A Chihuahua Be A Service Dog? WebThe Dachshund is the 13th most popular of the 194 dog breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). Along with the breeding certificates of your pup, youll also receive and test results on the dogs preexisting conditions. Compared with humans and their 1:50 ratio, dogs are 1:125a ratio that holds across all dog breeds. They also wag their tails when they are happy and tuck their tails between their legs when they feel scared or are threatened. German Shepherd Doberman mix: One of the best breeds? The dachshund long hair has smooth, shiny, and wavy hair that tends to be longer in the region of the ears, neck, behind the legs, and the body. Distribution and use of this material are governed by Brains dont work by stimulus and response. They have an overall slightly different appearance oftentimes including longer legs and longer necks. As part of the purebred Dachshund breed, Dapple Dachshunds received official recognition as a color variation from the American Kennel Club in 1885. Dont miss out: 8 Best Dog Food for Dachshunds. Dachshunds are short dogs. 7 How to take care of your Dapple Dachshund. That said, every dog is different. Today, the habitat of dachshund dogs consists of the home in which they live. If you want to see a video of what Dapple Dachshunds look like, check out the link below: Dapple Dachshunds come in two sizes. If youre wondering how much it costs to raise a Dapple Daschund, there is no definitive answer. Dapple Dachshunds are unique in appearance, not to mention adorable. They tend to do better when they're raised with a child rather than when a kid is introduced into the family later. These independent and cute Dapple dogs require attention and commitment, but the pay-off is big. Their narrow, long build has earned them the name of sausage dog or wiener dog. When it comes to brain size, not all dog breeds are created equal. You can spot this unethical breeding practice by looking at the coat of your Dapple Dachshund. Despite their unique proportions, Daschunds are well-balanced and have no trouble moving about. WebThe miniature dachshund has an average brain weight of 68.03 grams, which is about 20% less than the average brain weight of all dogs. For older dogs who have brain tumors, it may be decided to do surgery or to just make the dog as comfortable as possible. 3 What does a Dapple Dachshund look like? Hydrocephalus in older Chihuahuas can also be caused by brain tumors. Dachshund in German translates to badger dog.. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. Miniature Dapple Dachshunds are 5-6 inches tall (13-15 cm) and weigh up to 11 pounds (5 kgs). The ratio across all dog breeds is 1:125; but seeing as the Chihuahua is so tiny, their little bodies house a very large brain! News Corp is a global, diversified media and information services company focused on creating and distributing authoritative and engaging content and other products and services. Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! A dogs brain is about the size of a tangerine.18 thg 3, 2020 WebA Dogs Brain is the Size of a Tangerine The human brain-to-body ratio is 1:40. All dog brains are around the same size no matter their breed. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. Are Dachshunds Good With Kids and Babies? Checking the steps in the house and having a ramp that will allow them to reach these places without jumping will help keep their back protected. These dogs can nip or bite if, say, a toddler happens to yank on their tails. No, dachshunds are not hypoallergenic dogs. Sausage dogs bodies are not only cute, but theyre also capable. Even their flap down ears aid burrowing by keeping debris and dirt out. Hearing and vision problems also occur in Piebald Dachshunds. They are low maintenance when it comes to grooming, however. Additionally, all dog breeds have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and what may be considered intelligent behavior in one breed may not be as important in another. They tend to die from heart disease or cancer, if not old age. They are therefore fantastic for households looking for a practical pet that is also easy to care for. Miniature Dapple Dachshunds cost the same as the standard size, in general. Have we missed something about the Dapple Dachshund dog breed? Male and female Miniature Dachshunds are typically about 5 to 6 inches (12 to 15 cm) tall and weigh about 9 to 11 While we strive to give the most accurate and helpful information about your pets health that we can, this article is meant to be informational only and not medical advice. Long-haired Dapple Dachshunds are also more prone to Progressive Retinal Atrophy than other coat types. All your neurons are firing at various rates all the time. These sizes are determined not by weight, but by chest circumference. Wiry coats are double-coated with soft undercoats and rough topcoats. These tumors can be malignant or benign. So, how big is a small dogs brain? A Dogs Brain is the Size of a Tangerine.Brainpower is often associated with the size of the brain in relation to the body. This is where the breed gets its name. Never disregard, avoid or delay in obtaining medical advice from your veterinarian or other qualified veterinary health care provider regardless of what you have read on this site or elsewhere. Dachshunds are short dogs. Being mammals, dachshunds reproduce through the process of mating. W. Tecumseh Fitch's 2010 book "The Evolution of Language" Dapple Doxie pups are born with spots, which is also called dappling or merle. Standard Dapple Dachshunds reach full size at twelve months old, while Miniature Dachshunds stop growing between 10 and 12 months. The standard Dapple Dachshund stands 8 to 9 inches (20 to 23 cm) and weighs 16 to 32 lbs (7 to 15 kg). Apple head Chihuahuas often have the appearance of a rounder-shaped head with a 90- degree angle where the nose meets the forehead; their eyes are sometimes more pronounced than other Chihuahuas. How big do Miniature Dachshunds get? In terms of length, these long back dog breeds measure between 55-64 cm (21.5-25 in). Dachshunds are always alert and they have a big, deep bark. Dapple Dachshunds are friendly and loving towards their owners. 16 - 32 lb. WebJan 8, 2023 Dachshunds have an average brain size of 20.5 cubic centimeters. Easy Sign UP! As far back as the 17th century in Germany, dachshunds were bred to be hunting dogs, especially to hunt badgers, rabbits, and other small animals in underground lairs. WebThe brain size of a Chihuahua is interesting in comparison to their standard body size which is normally between 58 inches in height. Consult your veterinarian. Any observable spotting pattern on a Dachshund is enough to qualify the pup as a Dapple Daschund. Taking in the shape of the head as well as the body can normally help anyone determine quickly what type of Chihuahua they are looking at! Dachshund puppies can also sometimes eat with too much enthusiasm, so you can use puzzle feeders to slow them down. These include sniffing, circling, sitting by the door, and squatting. Again, anything is possible if you train Dachshunds well. We only recommend high-quality products that are used and recommended by real owners. The Chihuahuas brain doesnt have many folds, so it takes on the appearance of a more smooth surface. 9 How much do Dapple Dachshund puppies cost? WebA unique member of the hound group, the Dachshund is a German canine famous for its elongated torso, short, stubby legs, and droopy ears. They have a high prey drive, which is key to hunting badgers. Treatment for Hydrocephalus in puppies includes trying to reduce the pressure with the use of steroids, other medications, or possible placement of a neural tube. How much brain do they use? Just be sure to occasionally take your dog inside to cool down, as this keeps him from overheating. Make sure their diet is low in fat, calories, and preservatives. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 19922023 K9 Web. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. As mentioned, Double Dapple Dachshunds are associated with severe health risks. Dapple Dachshunds arent good for first-time owners. Mini Dachshunds are one of the smartest dog breeds and can be very entertaining. Seeing as they are known as one of the smallest dogs in the world, have you ever wondered how big their brains are? Owners should be firm but not too firm, as Dachshunds are sensitive dogs. You should avoid foods with high fat content. The short-haired variety is the most likely to become stinky, but brushing and keeping your dog dry should keep him smelling fresh. The average lifespan of dachshunds is 12-16 years. Due to the threat of obesity, owners should consult a vet to get more specific feeding requirements that suit the individual dog. The Dapple Dachshund gets its name from its coloring; the word dapple refers to light spots or superimposed markings on a contrasting base color on the coat. These dogs are moderate shedders and relatively easy to groom. They love to cuddle and are happy to snuggle with you on the couch or bed. This does not influence our choices. Theyre protective and will bark loud and clear to warn you of any intruders. Do this once each day, or, at most, every second day. Wire-haired Dapple Dachshunds should be brushed two or three times per week. With the dangers of Double Dapple Dachshund breeding, you may want to stick to registered breeders to avoid any surprises. How big does a Dapple Dachshund dog get? Dapple Dachshunds are born in litter sizes of 4-8 puppies. Do Dapple Dachshunds have more health problems? Failure, therefore, is an opportunity to discover and learn. They are stubborn and strong-willed, hard to train, and destructive if not trained properly. Yorkshire Terrier Tail Complete Guide (Docking, Grooming, Communication), How Much Do Cockapoos Sleep (Inside Info From Owners), Pawp: a 24/7 digital clinic for pets that connects you to an experienced vet, How Smart are Chihuahuas (Not as Stupid as People Think! That said, we can estimate how much it will cost you to care for a Dapple Doxie, more or less. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! This small brain helps account for their unique personality and behavior. To do so would be to encourage the market for these poor dogs afflicted by awful health problems. This can lead to severe health risks for the pairs offspring, known as a Double Dapple Dachshund. Breeders created Dachshunds to hunt small animals, which is why they bred them down in size over the years. Here are some other helpful resources for you as well. From lino cutting to surfing to childrens mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. The credit of Hitman20741, thanks. This is different from the coat of Dapple Dachshunds, of which the white markings are less pronounced and more spotty. There are also many local dachshund clubs in New York, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Chicago, and Portland. Although there are more common issues that Chihuahuas develop such as eye diseases, allergies, bladder/kidney stones, etc. (How to Train Them), 7 Causes of Smelly Odors in Your Samoyed and How to Fix Them, Solving Your Samoyeds Licking Habits: 5 Common Causes and Solutions, 10 Reasons your Samoyed Howls (Dog or part Wolf? Occasional tests are important, too, to keep an eye out for any health issues that develop over time. Dachshunds should eat a good dose of protein each day. Check your inbox for your latest news from us. Dow Jones Reprints at 1-800-843-0008 or visit For dapple dachshund colors, eyes are partially or wholly blue in color. What Is Ozempic and Why Is It Such a Big Deal Right Now? They also have high activity levels and love to run around and play. A Chihuahuas weight is usually no more than 6 pounds unless the Chihuahua is oversized. The Duke met King Sure, theyre small in size, but they can wreak havoc on your furniture if not appropriately trained. The dachshund is a dog breed that was bred to hunt as early as the 17th century in Germany. These dogs are prone to Glaucoma and early onset vision impairment. Your privacy is important to us. Check-in with the breeders regularly to ask about Dapple Doxies on the horizon, and you might get lucky. Dachshunds also have significant exercise needs, which can prove difficult for some apartment-dwellers. Its scientific name is Canis lupus. Breeding Double Dapple puppies are unsafe for the litter, as the puppies can suffer from vision and hearing loss. When measuring a Dobermans height, it is important to keep the following things in mind: Start at the forechest, not the shoulder blade. Likewise, they will often be more active and fun-loving than those with more modest intelligence. Dachshunds are also known for their strong prey drive and excellent sense of smell, which makes them great hunting dogs. 8 Do Dapple Dachshunds have more health problems? Dachshunds are prone to obesity in their old age, so a high-quality and nutritious diet becomes critical as these dogs age. Wire-haired Dachshunds only need to be bathed every two months or so since their fur repels dirt. If you stick to dog food, make sure the brand you purchase is species-specific. They need halfto 1.5 cups of food per day. Why is the Yellow Labrador Retriever so Iconic? As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. ). Double Dapple Doxies can have white markings or all-white coats similar to the Collie breed. Miniatures are 11 pounds and under at 12 months of age and older; Standards are over 11 pounds, usually falling between 16 and 32 pounds. Double Dapple Dachshund dogs may suffer from the most severe health problems, as weve discussed. Is the Bull Terrier the Right Breed of Dog for Me? This causes their brains to swell which puts increased pressure on their skull and can be fatal. Average litter size of dachshunds is 4-8 pups. The coat types on this dog are the same as that of the smooth dachshunds and wirehaired dachshunds. Other coat types will need to be bathed once or month or whenever they get smelly, which doesnt happen much. Every dog, regardless of intelligence level, has the ability to bring love, joy, and companionship into our lives. No matter the coat type, shedding with all Dapple Dachshunds is moderate. Their popularity however, only increased in the 1930s and 1940s. Female puppies are also more expensive than males, but the price varies quite a bit. Features: Short or long hair, slightly elongated bodies, large ears that may stand erect or flop over Expectations: Exercise Requirements: Moderate Energy Level: High Longevity Range: 12-16 yrs. This is caused by the dapple gene or the merle gene, a genetic mutation in the breeds DNA. Because Chihuahuas are so small and their brains so big compared to their body size they can be more susceptible to brain trauma. Piebald is a coat pattern of prominent lighter patches on top of a darker base.
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how big is a dachshunds brain