have josh and jesse feldman ever found treasure

Reality-TV. Manny Paez, .We have a nice time in the park . The Feldman brothers are on a hunt for more than treasure. If its on privately held land, then its the landowners. Brothers Josh and Jesse Feldman seek out fabled lost treasures. NEW YORK (December 6, 2018) - Behind every lost treasure is a story.Travel Channel's new series "Lost Gold," premiering on Monday, January 14 at 10 p.m. ET/PT, follows brothers Josh and Jesse Feldman as they seek out America's most fabled missing treasures.With a family history steeped in lost mines, buried gold and Old West lore, the Arizona natives aren't your typical treasure hunters. Plus, they share how their childhood led them to gold hunting as adults. Stars: Its weird to think about nowadays, but back then people were allowed to smoke on airplanes for international flights, so the plane ride went from exciting to miserable very quickly. Tim Ferris, Parker's push for a record season could cost him a wash plant. Two survivalists are tested in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Josh and Jesse Feldman trek across California and Nevada chasing the trail of Milton Sharp, also known as The Gentleman Bandit, a prolific stagecoach robber from 1880, whose missing loot has never been recovered. Tori Lynn Bartholomae Hartling. Nick Savage. Throughout each of the six one-hour episodes, their dogged determination will uncover new leads, fresh perspectives on history and even gold. Mark Dodson, 4. Martin, Fans also can visitTravel Channelfor more information or interact with other fans through Facebook, Twitter,Pinterest and Instagram. Its not just for the sake of the show keeping its stars in good shape, its also a huge liability issue since some of the places they go to arent entirely safe at times and every instance needs to be planned for since things do tend to happen sometimes. Our best guess is that if the show does get renewed, Season 2 of Lost Gold can release sometime in January, 2020. Adventure, Hidden somewhere off the south eastern coast of Brazil, could lie hundreds of millions of dollars-worth of lost Incan gold. But it isnt the treasure itself that really attracts us. In each episode, the duo investigates, isolates, and excavates a history-rich location, See full summary, Stars: Season 1, Episode 6 The Lost Blue Bucket Gold But, while they hunt for food, something is hunting them. Travel Channels new series Lost Gold, premiering on Monday, January 14 at 10 p.m. ET/PT, follows brothers Josh and Jesse Feldman as they seek out Americas most fabled missing treasures. Parker Schnabel, Chris Doumitt, TV-PG Marshal Hilton. Americo DiSantis, | Documentary, Using cutting-edge technologies such as ground penetrating radar (GPR), LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), and 3-D imaging, scientists research fascinating underworlds of secret tunnel See full summary, Stars: For the bold, daring and spontaneous; those adventurers who embrace the thrill of the unexpected; those risk-takers who arent afraid of a little mystery; if youre up for anything, down for whatever, and above all, love great stories, journey on to Travel Channel. We will update this section as soon as we hear more. Parker's push for a record season could cost him a wash plant. What qualities do each of you bring to your partnership? The U.S. Government issued the group one of few Treasure Trove Permits. Follow hosts Josh and Jesse Feldman on Facebook and Instagram: @jjfeldmanbrothers. Josh, on the other hand seeks guidance in his older brother. Its alive with volcanic activity. John Shrapnel, J.V. Robert Clotworthy, As its been seen in other shows laws are in place that state that anything found on state grounds does need to be split with that state. I would then do a pack trip into the Outback on horseback for a few days. Reality-TV. As summer's end approaches, Shawn claws closer to the top of the gold count. 42 min | Josh Feldman Self. Documentary, Reality-TV. Its discovering history., We have pulled the truth out of the legend, and weve pulled the truth from history, added Josh Feldman. Travel Channels new series Lost Gold, premiering on Monday, January 14 at 10 p.m. ET/PT, follows brothers Josh and Jesse Feldman as they seek out America's most fabled missing treasures. Because if the legends about lost loot were correct, it wouldve been found by now. Every hunt is grounded in history: they search for old maps, diaries and records, as well as connect with locals who have intimate knowledge of the area. My dad dredged the Yuba River for gold and I learned for the first time what I would be doing the rest of my life -- looking for gold. Car dealer Mike Brewer is back in the UK! The show first aired on Travel Channel on January 14, 2019, with seven one-hour episodes. I guess thats why they call it comfort food. Tony gambles on a 30-year-old beast to finish the season and the Claytons must make a big move. "I mean, this is the land of sun and heat and that's the land of cold and ice." Copyright 2023 Discovery Communications, Inc. The brothers gradually became recognizable faces after they started taking part in Lost Gold. Theres gold in them thar hills! His family grew, and the Feldmans started their business with horses and mining. Treasure hunter Darrell Miklos sets out to find shipwrecks originally located by astronaut Gordon Cooper from space in 1963. They own a horse ranch, are wilderness guides, and even own a gold mine. Tony gambles on a 30-year-old beast to finish the season and the Claytons must make a big move. Brian C. Weed, Rick and Marty Lagina, two brothers from Michigan with a life-long interest in the mystery of Oak Island, renew efforts to discover the legendary treasure with sophisticated machinery. Lost Gold, Travel Channel (2017 - 2019) The Travel Channel series Lost Gold follows the adventures of two brothers from Arizona: Josh and Jesse Feldman, who are not just cowboys and gold miners but are also treasure hunters with a love for adventure and "Old West lore", which their family has a rich history with. | The guys dismantle a barn built by Lincoln's uncle and then build an Appalachian dogtrot barn. Along with ace mechanic Marc 'Elvis' Priestley, he's on a mission to find and restore iconic cars to sell for a Derek heads to a scrapyard to find a retired tow truck he can use around the shop, but this 1979 Dodge D300 proves reluctant to go anywhere. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, https://www.facebook.com/jjfeldmanbrothers/, $950 round trip from LAX to Darwin, Australia, on Qantas, Cool, hot and close to home: Celebrate Memorial Day in Southern California, The 15 things to do in L.A. before the end of summer, 17 SoCal hiking trails that are blooming with wildflowers (but probably not for long! The trip would continue on to New Zealand, where I would hike across the wilderness exploring the wilds. Stars: Josh's father moved to Arizona in 1968 to find the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine. How are copper pipe fittings, cylinder music boxes, pepper mills and steering columns made? Reaching more than 82 million U.S. cable homes, Travel Channel is the worlds leading travel media brand. It was the first time I was able to visit another culture and to understand that the world was much bigger than I could have imagined. But most importantly they are treasure hunters. Lost Gold is produced for Travel Channel by The Intellectual Property Corporation (IPC), an Industrial Media company. . Plus, Captain Keith's life spirals, and Sig torments his old protg. Tell us what you think about this feature. Documentary, Adventure. Jesse Feldman: We didn't have a choice! In their new Travel Channel series, "Lost Gold," Josh, 39, and Jesse, 44, seek to find forgotten gold mines and other pieces of. So, the street cart or food truck is going to win over fine dining every time. Jesse Feldman: We didn't have a choice! He said, Jesse is older and the bookworm. Charles Gregory Schwartz, Hobbyist metal detectorists "King George" Wyant and his buddy Tim "The Ringmaster" Saylor travel the country looking for lost relics of history. have have got have got have . TV-14 Mark Martin, Keep up with your favorite shows delivered to your inbox! 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. has/have+ got " " . For Travel Channel, the executive producer is Anna Geddes,Jane Latman is general manager and Henry Schleiff is group president ofInvestigation Discovery, Travel Channel, American Heroes Channel and Destination America. Its vintage features are suffering under a coat of cheap black paint. Ice Cold Gold, a reality show on Animal Planet, filmed their exploits and followed the discovery for three years. For 400 years, many have searched, fought and died looking for See full summary, Stars: Plus, how do they ensure the Driza-bone coat lives up to its name? From the rising number, Wellness reality shows have become very popular over the last several years. Jesse: Iceland. The show focuses upon two brothers that are out to find the missing treasures that have been recorded throughout history but apparently never found, thinking to use methods and techniques that might help them to discover the truth that no one else as has found. Evan B. Josh and Jesse are Arizona cowboys, gold miners, prospectors and treasure hunters. .They have got a swimming pool . Charlie Meany, 60 min Cork Graham, I have so much work to do now. A group of modern day treasure hunters search for the Lost Dutchman mine in the Superstition mountain range of Arizona. Brothers Josh and Jesse Feldman seek out fabled lost treasures. Mike and Ant work on one of the first utility vehicles, a '64 Falcon Ranchero. Mike and Edd wrap their latest series with a "Best Of." | Directors Stuart Chait Patrick DeLuca (re-creations) Stars Jesse Feldman Josh Feldman Scott Douglas MacLachlan See production, box office & company info Josh Feldman, Check out Lost Gold on TravelChannel.com for show extras including behind-the-scenes photos, videos and more. He has a daughter who lives in Canada. How are bowling balls, barber poles, felt and radar guns made? Q: What was the first trip you took as a child? While Bob deals with the ramifications of crashing his plane, Heimo must find a way to cross a newly frozen river. John Belcik, Odyssey Marine Exploration, a world leader in private deepwater exploration and recovery, is gearing up for its most ambitious season of treasure hunting yet. Its the chance to find history by bringing stories to life. Votes: 74 As summer's end approaches, Shawn claws closer to the top of the gold count. There are some places on earth where the land just seems different, and Blind Frog Ranch in eastern Utah is one of those places. Bill Ladd, Jessica Chobot. Treasure comes in different forms, said Jesse Feldman. Josh and Jesse Feldman are determined to look through the eyes of those that came so long before an walk in their footsteps as they search for the missing riches that will prove their theories correct. You have no right to use my computer. Land in the West is hardly populated. Howard Hewitt, Follows a spirited team of miners who are among the first Americans to prospect for precious metals and gems in parts of Greenland where humans never have set foot before. It might be an interesting show to watch. Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. With 18k+ articles and 40 novels written, Tom knows a little something about storytelling. Do they have what it takes to survive without food, water or clothes? Stars: Finally, he tours a haunted house. Brothers Jesse and Josh Feldman seek out America's most fabled missing treasures. Brothers Josh and Jesse Feldman head into the rugged desert of southeast Arizona to track the history of a legendary Apache chief said to have buried two strongboxes of gold somewhere in the region's imposing mountains. have . Matty Blake, Find out as more items go under the microscope. Travel Channel's new series "Lost Gold," premiering on Monday, January 14 at 10 p.m. ET/PT, follows brothers Josh and Jesse Feldman as they seek out America's most fabled missing treasures. Throughout each of the six one-hour episodes, their dogged determination will uncover new leads, fresh perspectives on history and even gold. Finally, he tours a haunted house. .They have not got a swimming pool . The brothers have to pore over old maps, figure out how the lay of the land has changed over the years, and even go and talk to those that might know something about the area and the treasure. Robert Clotworthy, .You mustnt use your mobile phone inside the gas station . Stars: How do Ford produce the ubiquitous white van, the Transit? With no shelter from the fallen canopies, how will they survive in the desolate rainforest? Before you go out on a search, you have to be well informed and do your research. Ben van der Valk, Kevin Dykstra, Documentary. Each episode is based on a true historical story, and a lot of research goes into planning every episode. The real treasure is the fun of the adventure and the reliving of history. I will not argue that I have not had great food at a food truck, but I dont like my napkins flying off the table or flies on the ketchup dispenser. Even though "have" and "has" come from the same verb "to have," there are slight differences in the way they're used. Along with ace mechanic Marc 'Elvis' Priestley, he's on a mission to find and restore iconic cars to sell for a Derek heads to a scrapyard to find a retired tow truck he can use around the shop, but this 1979 Dodge D300 proves reluctant to go anywhere. Philip Hersh, have had question. How do they breathe life into Rususci Anne - the plastic woman that teaches CPR? Stars: Brothers Josh and Jesse Feldman head into the rugged desert of southeast Arizona to track the history of a legendary Apache chief said to have buried two strongboxes of gold somewhere in the region's imposing mountains. With a family history steeped in lost mines, buried gold and Old West lore, the Arizona natives arent your typical treasure hunters. Fred and son Christopher face off over the nightshift. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. Find out if the third treasure has been located in the Expedition Unknown season finale event . have : I, they, we, you . With a family history steeped in lost mines, buried gold and Old West lore, the Arizona natives aren't your typical treasure hunters. Dominic Selwood, For IPC, the executive producers are Eli Holzman, Aaron Saidman, Stuart Chait and Patrick DeLuca. Josh: There is something about a street cart that specializes in one or two items that intrigues me. The exotic locations have you mesmerized, and the intriguing tales associated with each treasure uncovered are enthralling. Jesse and Josh and believe that theirdesire for adventure and mysteries is ingrained in their blood, having grown up with their father seeking answers to lost treasures. 10 Things You Didnt Know about Brian J. Smith, 10 Things You Didnt Know About Chase Severino, Five Actors Who Should Play Eddie Money in a Movie, General Hospital Spoilers: Julian Learns Devastating News. A lover of great stories and epic tales, Tom is a fan of old and new-school ideas. Only the truth will lead you to treasure Josh Feldman. Stars: Charlie Snider, See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. You will see video segments replayed five, six, seven times! Rob Nelson, Bookbinding! Martin Bayerle, The Arizona natives say that getting to see the world is a big perk of their job. Eric Drummond, But, while they hunt for food, something is hunting them. | | | (c) 2019 JAE-HA KIM DISTRIBUTED BY TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC. Darrell Miklos, There is no trailer available but you can watch this clipto refresh your memories. Only the truth will lead you to the treasure!. 43 min As far as the next season goes, we dont have an official announcement yet. See production, box office & company info. What Will This Years Acting Oscar Nominees Star in Next? Stars: The baby has a slight fever. Plus, how do they ensure the Driza-bone coat lives up to its name? Car dealer Mike Brewer is back in the UK! How would you rate this article? Josh and Jesse combine Arizona history and their family legacy of treasure hunting to unravel the mystery of the Lost Adams Diggings, one of the most famous lost mines in the Southwest. Jamie Theakston, Brad Richards, 60 min Which American Idol Winners Have Reached the Billboard Hot 100? The Travel Channel is certainly starting to become a contender, or is trying at least, by rolling out one show after another such as Legend Hunter and now Lost Gold. Martin Bayerle, who has lost everything in his past expeditions of the sunken RMS Republic, reignites his passion to find buried treasure on board the ship, alongside his previously estranged son. Stars: Jesse Feldman, Josh Feldman, Clark Moore, Marshal Hilton. Its goal for the 2008 season See full summary, Stars: RECOMMENDATIONS TOP LISTS Plus, we know that if anything goes wrong, Mom will keep us in line shes our safety net! TV-PG You can visit Iceland and see how mountains are formed. But, it has a sagging suspension and a defective four-wheel drive. If its on land thats owned publicly, theres a legal process you have to go through to claim it. With no shelter from the fallen canopies, how will they survive in the desolate rainforest? Find out as more everyday items are put under the microscope. A reality TV show that follows crews mining the gold placer deposits of the Yukon Territory. Duane Ollinger, "Nightline" caught up with Josh Feldman, his brother Jesse, and their friend Zach "Gator" Schoose at their century-old gold mine in an old Arizona boomtown. Tim Saylor, Hugh Ross, 30 min They own a horse ranch, are wilderness guides, and even own a gold mine. Later, he visits a traditional Welsh country house with an interesting interior. A new face joins the fold - 23-year-old Sean Dwyer fighting for the legacy of his father. They search for old diaries, maps, records, and even befriend the locals to unravel deep secrets from the past. Corral Stables and partners in their family's widely varied assortment of Superstition Mountains based pursuits. To unravel these more than 100-year-old mysteries, the brothers put themselves in the shoes of the people of the era. Their adventures have also taken them to the remote regions of Greenland, where their small mining company discovered an extensive ruby deposit. Plus, Captain Keith's life spirals, and Sig torments his old protg. Reality-TV, Follow Phil Crawford, one of America's leading safe-crackers, and his best buddy, Blaze as they travel the country to unravel mysteries and unlock the secrets lurking in abandoned safes. Aside from blood, these commonalities have kept them together and bonded them as brothers.
have josh and jesse feldman ever found treasure