general knowledge quiz nepal

Ans: 36 districts, Q.n.14) How many Terai districts are there in Nepal at present? 207927. How many colors are used in the South African flag? b) Janakpur General knowledge nepali 18. Gk nepal Loksewa 39. Samanya gyan in nepali 24. Ans: In the Museum of London, Q.n.29) Who is the first martyr of Nepal? You can now see where you stand compared to your partners and competitors. Basically, School level Quiz is a way of testing students ability to general knowledge. Q.n.37) How high is the Terai region of Nepal? Q Who is the foreign minister of Nepal ?Q Which is the highest dam in Nepal? Pathshala Nepal provides medical quiz for various governmental and medical examinations. There are 50 important History of Nepal General Knowledge Questions Answers in English mentioned in below; General Knowledge About Nepal Questions and Answers 31. Egypt. In the below section, we incorporate some Nepali Quiz Questions with Answers for School Level Quiz with English to ask. What artist has the most streams on Spotify? c) Ganges 1. quiz questions and . Facts about Nepal - Nepal is a landlocked country in Southern Asia, between the Tibet autonomous region of China and India. Which country features a shipwreck on its national flag? What country has the highest life expectancy? d) Kudremukha, 4) Which country is to the south of Nepal? - Chandra Shumsher 34. These all questions are very important for competitive exam in Nepal like Bank exam, Nepal Army's exam, Nepal Police's Exam, Various Post of Nijamati exam, etc. Missed a few questions? QWho is the President of Nepal ?Q Who is the vice president of Nepal? Which Disney movie has had the most sequels? egg sinks in pure water but floats in the salt solution, Computer Fundamental Multiple Choice Questions Exam. Gorkhapatra Wednesday 207933. This GK will be beneficial for PSC and tsc, Your email address will not be published. What country has won the most World Cups? Dolpa, Bhaktapur, Jhapa, Kai. Play our quiz games to test your knowledge. What character have both Robert Downey Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch played? - 23 5. b) Everest c) Mahendra Q Which is the national animal of Nepal? Iconic movies and memorable characters. You may not even need them, but they are there to give you a little helping hand! There is a 5 second timer after the multiple choices have been given. d) Brahmaputra, 2) Who was Nepals king in 1911-1955? Q.n.1) Who is considered the first king of Nepal? School Level Quiz is interesting among the students and one of the popular to examine student ability. It contains a huge amount of knowledge from different fields such as history, geography, rules and policies, games, organizations, current affairs, etc. General Knowledge questions in Nepali based on Nepal History, Geography, Nepal Constitution, Polity and Current Affairs. Nepal, country of Asia, lying along the southern slopes of the Himalayan mountain ranges. General knowledge is a broad topic and it is impossible to cover all general knowledge questions with answers in a post. ), Q.n.19) Which is the smallest province of Nepal in terms of area? d) Rupee, 9) In which script is Nepali written? Ans: B.S. Ans: 147,516 sq) Km Q.n.2) What is the east-west length of Nepal? Q What is the National Anthem of Nepal? If you are looking forward to practice and prepare gk and iq quiz for loksewa aayog nepal then you have come to right place. 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7, Q.n.24) Which are the provinces of Nepal that only touch India? We've even included niche topics from the world of TV and entertainment with specialist quizzes on Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel or Friends trivia. 2. Nepali GK and Nepali quiz reading history . Questions includes various test of IQ such as Verbal intelligence, Numerical intelligence, Spatial intelligence and Logical intelligence. Below you can browse many categories and very important gk and iq questions that have been asked in loksewa aayog examination nepal. Gk questions in English 44. This Nepali Quiz App will be helpful In Nepal (Public Service Commission) exams. Download these Free General Knowledge MCQ Quiz Pdf and prepare for your upcoming exams Like Banking, SSC, Railway, UPSC, State PSC. Queen guitarist Brian May is also an expert in what scientific field? Nepali gk questions and answers 42. When your quiz is ready to go, press "Present", and your audience can use their smartphones to participate! Which of the following sauces is NOT traditionally vegan - Hoisin, Worcestershire, Mustard, Wasabi? So, if it's really your turn to host the quiz, don't panic. What is the largest Spanish-speaking city in the world? My quiz is very usefull for all students because its a practically knowledge for our daily life so that the very intresting and general knowledge for the mind test. Ans: Province No. - Japan 33. Who constructed the Shital Niwas that accommodates the present President Building? Ans: 68%, Q.n.6) What percentage of Nepals land is occupied by the Terai Regions? 2018 Baishakh 01, Q.n.28) Where is the Head of Bhimsen Thapa located? 100+ General Knowledge Questions and Answers about Nepal Q.1. #general-knowledge #geography #geography-quizzes #school-quizzes #so-epic More Stuff . a) Indus Ans: Chandra Shamser, Q.n.13) Who built the Pashupatinath Temple? Karnali, Mechi, Koshi, GandakiWhat's the third highest mountain in the world? Ans: 11 (Hetauda, Butwal, Ghorahi, Dharan, Janakpur, Dhangadhi, Tulsipur, Itahari, Nepalgunj, Kalaiya and Jitpur Simara), Q.n.32) How many municipalities are there in Nepal? Health category includes Health related General Knowledge Quiz that consists of Multiple Choice Questions on deficiency syndrome. Loksewa iq tricks in nepali 48. Thank you, Your email address will not be published. Where is the strongest human muscle located? d) Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, 7) When was Tribhuvan University set up? Quiz questions and answers can be easy to difficult to ask different level people such as school level quiz, college level quiz, kid quiz, etc. d) Kathmandu Ans: Ratna Malla, Q.n.16) When was the first Muluki Act introduced in Nepal? Which language has the more native speakers: English or Spanish? General Knowledge Test with questions on Nepal for UPSC, SSC, Banking, UPPSC, RPSC, KAS, MPSC, MPPSC etc. Ans: Pratap Singh Shah, Q.n.21) How many years did the Gopal dynasty rule in Nepal? Added more Nepali quiz ( ). Gk nepal Loksewa41. Who did Jai Nepal use for the first time? We hope, you found some exciting and important reading materials in this post. Tsc online form28. General Knowledge about different types of sports, players, events around the world, Sports is a important subject of GK. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ans: Amsuvarma, Q.n.4) When was the Bir Hospital built? In this easy General Knowledge quiz, you will discover 100 easy general knowledge questions and answers. Ans: Provinces No. Gk nepal Loksewa 41. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a76bcb819beb9f7619fe7335a210414f" );document.getElementById("f73ea8f14c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Vincent Augustine DSouza is a blogger, author, novelist, and quiz master. Quiz is a program or way that enhances people's knowledge in a game way. Q Which is the oldest dam in Nepal? They have also been created in Mentimeter which will let you quickly create the perfect quiz. Get General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with answers and detailed solutions. Complete the following lyrics - "I should have changed that stupid lock..". You all know that General knowledge is required to pass many competitive exams in Nepal or win quiz and get jobs and awards. a) Dhavalagiri I b) Baghmati 2) Who was Nepal's king in 1911-1955? Level: Subject: Year: Primary: GK: 2076: GK Questions for Class 3. Gk questions in nepali 43. These Nepali quiz questions are useful for those candidates who are preparing competitive exam like Nepal Police, Nepal Army, Banking Examination, Government and Non-Governmental Corporations, Kharidar, Nayab Subba and Official Level Government Employment Examination, local level exam, school quiz, and others all exam regarding GK. What character have both Glen Close and Emma Stone played? 6848 m, 7848 m, 8848 m, 9848Learn Nepali and English speaking and pronunciation, and improve your vocabulary, by watching English speaking YouTube videos on English Guru Channel.How to learn English?English ?how to start learning English language in Nepali ?English language course for beginners in Nepali language.How to speak in English? ?How to ask question in English? ?WH question, yes no questionHow to start English speaking? ?How to learn vocabulary English in Nepali? ?How to learn English fast?Hamro English Guru lesson 1#skooll #gk #hamroenglishguru #englishnepali What Netflix show had the most streaming views in 2021? Ans: 193 km, Q.n.4) What percentage of Nepals land area is occupied by Himalayas Regions? This category includes all movies, songs, actors and entertainment related quiz along with current affairs on media sector. 3, Q.n.21) Which is the smallest province of Nepal in terms of population? True or False: Holland is a region in The Netherlands? Ans: Dhichung, Q.n.27) When was Nepal divided into 14 zones and 75 districts? b) Birendra We have posted here more than 300 general knowledge questions and answers about Nepal. c) Girija Prasad Koirala, 7) When was Tribhuvan University set up? General Science is very important for all the government recruitment exams like loksewa & questions based on General Science or General Awareness are frequently asked in many other exams Questions based on daily life phenomenon are more important for all competitive exams. India from Bensound.com Currencies by Alpari Org is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( District in Nepal 2015.svg by NordNordWest is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Map of Asia by Mapswire is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( video may contain information and/or images/audio from Wikipedia licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( #triviaquestions #nepal Gorkhapatra gk questions 35. Roald Amundsen was the first man to reach the South Pole, but where was he from? Intro0:17 Question 1. Who has won the most total Academy Awards? Is Your Brain Maxed Out With Random Knowledge? What car manufacturer had the highest revenue in 2020? 6, Q.n.22) Which is the only province of Nepal that touches China? Gk nepal Loksewa39. Ans: Province No. b) Bisheshwar Prasad Koirala But why stop there? Which is the first magazine in the Nepali language? Where is Disney's European theme park located? Dung Beetle Answer: Shukraraj Shastri Q.4. Nepal is the world's largest producer of which of the following?2:37 Question 5. Makalu, Manaslu, Kanchenjunga, AnnapurnaWhat day is celebrated as the International Nepali Cap Day? Who famously crossed the Alps with elephants on the way to war with the Romans? Ans: 147,516 sq) Km, Q.n.2) What is the east-west length of Nepal? Added more Nepali quiz ( ). Ans: 0.03%, it is very beneficial for the school children to equip them in general knowledge from these questions and answers. Ans: Chandra Shamser, Q.n.26) What was the name of Bhrikuti in Tibet? What European country experienced the highest rate of population decline from 2015 - 2020? What is the national sport of Nepal?4:24 Question 8. We have included literature questions from Nepal as well as all around the globe. The Parthenon Marbles are controversially located in what museum? Your email address will not be published. b) Everest, 4) Which country is to the south of Nepal? on School Level Quiz GK Questions and Answers in Nepali and English, School Level Quiz GK Questions and Answers in Nepali and English. Gorkhapatra Loksewa 40. He writes on politics, economy, corruption, terrorism, current events, sports/games and many more topics on his blog Voice From The Rooftop. Ans: 600 m. 4877 m. Q.n.39) How high is the Himalayan region of Nepal? What is the difference between the skeleton and the luge? . It contains 8 of the world's 10 highest peaks, including Mount Everest - the world's tallest - on the border with Tibet, and Lumbini, the birthplace of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. a) 1951 Join us on a fantastic journey as we travel to a different location or have a worldwide adventure with each video! Share our Nepal General Knowledge (GK 2020) Quiz with others who enjoy world trivia questions! This general knowledge is about politics, sports, agriculture, tourism, banking, airplane, economics, kings, Ranas, democracy, history of Nepal. d) 1937, 8) Which is the currency of Nepal? Knowledge of internet has been a very fundamental requirement in each and every competitive exams like loksewa. Hi friends, this is Raj Belbasevideo highlights,general knowledge 2022 in nepaligk questions of nepal in nepaligeneral knowledge of nepal 2022nepali quiz questions and answersnepali general knowledgeWhich city is known as the city of seven hills?Topic cover in this video,1.Gk questions and answers in Nepali2. Basic World Countries information for all - Best General Kn. 41 Questions. Your email address will not be published. What bird is found only in Nepal? We added a 5 second timer so you know if you need to pause the video or not. These all are very useful for you to exam preparation for samanya gyan. Ans: 193 km c) Pakistan b) Baghmati, 2) Who was Nepals king in 1911-1955? a) Tribhuvan How many elements are in the periodic table? Ans: Rudrasen, Q.n.11) Who built the Rani Mahal in Palpa? Gk in nepali 16. But in this post, we are going to provide Nepali General Knowledge (Nepali GK) Questions and Answers and quiz Collections to all of you. Topics include movies, history, geography, music and more! What is the official unit of currency used in Nepal?0:51 Question 2. 8. Ans: Jung Bahadur Rana, Q.n.8) Which is the first college in Nepal? Kathmandu. Nepal is in Asia. What year was the United Nations established? Ans: Bhimsen Thapa, Q.n.19) What is the height of the Pashupati Nath Temple? We are regularly searching of Nepali GK, Current affairs of Nepal, Loksewa Online Materials and make them form of General Knowledge of Nepal PDF for all of you who are preparing the Public Service Commission Exam. Ans: 26 degrees 22 north- 30 degrees 27 north, Q.n.11) How many districts are there in Nepal at present? In this post you found the solution of your Loksewa Aayog GK related quires in form of PDF such as Current affairs of Nepal, Nepali GK, General Knowledge of Nepal, Samanya Gyan in . English is the official language in Mexico. What kind of money is used in Nepal? If you require some extra thinking time then this is the best time to pause the video and ponder over your answer! Bonus facts follow each question after the correct answer is revealed. No. Which river flows through the Grand Canyon? Online GK Practice for the exam of Public Service Commission (Lok Sewa Aayog), Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Armed Police Force and others. On what continent would you find the city of Baku? The duration of this section depends on the amount of information. 1) Which of the following rivers flows from Nepal to Bihar? This category includes very important questions for governmental examination such as loksewa. . If you didn't already know all the information of course!=========================== Let's see how well you know Nepal! Enjoy the quiz! Let us know how many you get in the comments! Subscribe for more General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Trivia! IQ. GK and Quiz question and answers with explanation by pathshala nepal. Round 4: Easy History Trivia questions . Furthermore, it saves value able time by enabling practicing in once place. So, we have included some easy questions and answers to ask your student in the school-level quiz. This math questions and answer quiz section provided by pathshala Nepal for loksewa preparation. Nepali G.K: Nepali Samanya Gyan ( )is a very useful app for Nepali students and people of Nepal of all age groups which contain diverse knowledge of each field. Ans: 4 (Manang, Mustang, Rasuwa and Humla), Q.n.36) Which is the smallest district of Province No) 5 in terms of population in Nepal? Everest. From local to cultural to inter continental all the recipes and questions related are presented in interesting manner. Ans: 80 degrees 04 East 88 degrees 12 East, Q.n.10) Which latitude line Nepal is located? How much of the Heritage of Nepal is to be celebrated in the World Heritage Site? The list ranges from broad topics like films, geography, and history, to niche topics like pop culture, James Bond, and Game of Thrones. Nepali general knowledge4. It is not limited only to ask general knowledge, a teacher can ask other questions making it like a quiz in the classroom as well. Pink Ladies and Granny Smiths are types of what fruit? Pathshala Nepal provides hundreds of free IQ questions and answers with explanations. Get here Nepali general knowledge quiz questions and answers about Nepal and Nepali people. Please share your views regarding these Nepali GK, Banking Questions, and other Quizzes. Alexa Fishman / BuzzFeed. Ans: 460, Q.n.34) How many wards are there in Nepal? Q Which is the national Fruit of Nepal? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023, Scroll down to find our ultimate 300 . Nepali quiz question49. When was the industrial census started in Nepal? How many ghosts chase Pac-Man at the start of each game? Samanya gyan nepali23. general knowledge questions and answers 10. gk questions and answers 11. live gk quiz in nepali 12. live gk questions and answers in nepali 13. quiz questions in nepali 14. Who was the Ancient Greek God of the Sun? Geography General Knowledge Quiz Think you know geography? Ans: Prachandev, Q.n.14) Who is Malla Raja who asked for an umbrella and shoes with Prithvi Narayan Shah? This Nepali Quiz App will be helpful In Nepal (Public Service Commission) exams. Gorkhapatra gyan sagar 207934. 1. We really hope you learn something new in this part! Ans: Dolpa (7,889 sq. d) Rupee, 9) In which script is Nepali written? Ans: 77 districts (after Nawalparasi and Rukum divided), Q.n.12) How many Himalayas districts are there in Nepal at present? This category provides Politics GK quiz questions and answers for competitive exams preparations like loksewa. b) 1955 b) 1959 Dolpa, Bhaktapur, Jhapa, KailaliWhat's the smallest district of Nepal by area? Playing or participating quiz is being interested game with playing friends, students, family members, etc. Q Who wrote the National Anzthem of Nepal ? General knowledge are of different category. c) Kharoshti Just click the links below to jump right to each different category. Ans: Province No. We have included interesting mathematics puzzles to important algebra, arithmetic and geometry questions. b) Taka Ans: B.S. [25=10] . Each of the trivia questions comes with bonus facts, where hopefully you will learn something new about Nepal! How Our World Quiz Works *********************************** The quiz begins with our 'classic' first question about currency! Each general knowledge quiz question comes with a selection of 4 multiple choice answers. Ans: Province No. Everyquizis connected to a memorable. In what city is the NFL Hall of Fame located? Simone Biles is famous for her skill in what sport? on Nepali Quiz Questions and Answers Collection, Nepali Quiz Questions and Answers Collection. c) Lahan We hope you learned something and that you found plenty of questions you can add to your very own games night! In which country is considered one year of age? a) Devanagari. Here at pathshala Nepal we have collected various important, basic and trending questions on Internet and Communication. Compared to their body weight, what animal is the strongest - Dung Beetle, Elephant, Ant, or Cow? I think this is appropriate for school level only. Economics trivia questions to answer! What colors is the flag of the United Nations? Ans: 885 km, Q.n.3) What is the average north-south spread of Nepal? Pathshala Nepal has collected hundreds of General knowledge on Constitution of Nepal and from around the world. b) 1959, 8) Which is the currency of Nepal? Who is the worlds highest-paid athlete in 2021? Pick any of those included here or browse our. 2 (5661 sq km. This post offers free quiz templates that you are free to use. MCQ Quiz are Here: History of Nepal General Knowledge Quiz with Answers Geography of Nepal Questions and Answers for School Level Quiz Q.n.1) What is the total areas of Nepal?
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general knowledge quiz nepal