cuny help desk phone number

Help Desk - IT - Queensborough Community College I am * an applicant and have a question about my application . The City intends to use the data collected from this survey to generally add and improve City services. 1-800-CUNY-YES (1-800-286-9937) A shortened schedule will be in effect when classes are not in session. Participants in this survey will not receive further communication from the City with regards to this survey. City University of New York (CUNY) for information about the CUNY admissions process. Sat/Sun: 9am5pm, Phone: 646-312-1010 Phone: 1-646-364-9555 Email:, Guttman Community College NDVjM2IyNjU1MWJjY2RhM2RjNzkzMmVlNjcwNzJjYzk4YjA5ZjcyNDNhOGQ5 11. Y2Y2M2ZkMDgzYTViMGU3MTQ2OTlmM2FlMWI0ZGFlYTJhOWY0N2FmMDZiNzJi Contact Us | John Jay College of Criminal Justice University Offices. Location: Ed Tech Center Rm. Training (; 718.982.2348) Modern Languages ( 718.982.4155) CUNYfirst Support Find the tech help desk and support contact information for your CUNY college or school. Email:, Phone: 718-260-4900 Email: okabir@medc.cuny.eduHours: Monday - Friday between the hours of 9:00am - 5:00pm when fall and spring classes are in sessionMonday - Thursday between the hours of 9:00am - 5:00pm during summer session, Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy, Contact Name: Help Desk . Email:, 2 Court Square, Long Island City, NY 11101-4356, Room 3-205, Hours: Contact Us | Hunter College Ask a professor to complete the recommendation form attached to the . CUNY IT Help ( is the first place students, faculty and staff should go to find help and information about CUNY-wide technology applications and services such as Blackboard, CUNYfirst, and Microsoft Office 365 for Education. 365 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10016-4309, Contact Name: Achia Samuels Need Technology Help? - Baruch Computing & Technology Center Also, please be prepared to provide information about your computer's Operating System (OS), Platform, Internet Connection, and the version of the program with which you are experiencing problems. .Closed Academic Calendar; Service Desk Genevieve Nguyen IT Assistant Wilda Gutierrez IT Support Assistant David Vazquez IT Support Assistant (H) Jose Mariz Salva IT Assistant (H) J SALVA Infrastructure & Operations Luis Diaz Manager - Systems Administrator 14. ZTdiNGFlYmMzYzEyNjExZmRlYjg5Y2Q1YTFjY2VhNTRlOTMzN2UzNTBkZWE1 6:00 p.m. More importantly, this platform enables you to quickly find information and seamlessly collaborate across CUNY. Contact Us - Newman Library | Baruch College MjAzNTQ1NDRlZTY2MjBmMmM4NDg2YTk5NmM0NGI0YmYxZDJiYjc4Y2Y5ODQ2 205 East 42nd Street. (Excludes school holidays). Website:, Bronx Community College p: 212.650.6990 This is a read only version of the page. If you choose to set up Touch ID now, the iPad will walk you through the process of logging your fingerprint. We also schedule the computer laboratories for classes. Next, the iPad needs to know the country you're in to connect to the correct version of the Apple App Store. ODdmNWRiZTJiNWZjOWZiMWM1Yzk4MTdmNGIxM2ZjOWI4OTUzYmRjYWFlZTE5 Your first setting will be Language. Location: North Academic Center (NAC) 199 Chambers Street Email:, Hostos Community College YTRkOTFlNzk2ZGI5NGQzMzE2NTU2ODU5ZGFhZmZiZmY2MjlmMWZiNzBiZDNm 138th Street Convent Avenue Email: NDdlMzRiODM1ODY2YTMyMTcwYzE4ZGU1Njg0MmEwMzkxNjFiNDMwYmQxZDI3 Contact IT Services. Email: Tap Continue when you're done reading each of them. Friday-Sunday:Closed, Get to know our colleges through tours, information sessions and virtual visits. Welcome to the CUNY Blackboard Support page. Menu > Zoom > +, In the View menu, select Zoom. Phone: 1-718-960-1111 p: 212.650.8080 For example, to increase text size using: In the menu to the right of the address bar, select and set Zoom level. Email: Enter a six-digit passcode, and then confirm it to continue. Baruch College Human Capital Management manages the administrative functions of human resources (HR) for such purposes as recruiting, payroll, compensation, and performance management for faculty and staff. 18. ZDU4ZTk2YjQ1OGFjY2E4Y2M3MjQ1NDQxYWZkYzA5YmZjZDc3MTI2NmQwNTRm Website:, LaGuardia Community College Help Desk - Kingsborough Community College FLEX Contact | Hunter College Generated by Wordfence at Mon, 1 May 2023 23:21:18 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. The HelpDesk serves as CSIs first line of defense for computer problems, questions and concerns. Saturday-Sunday:Closed, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday:9:00am-12:00pm MzQ5YTViMjczOWYwNjA4NWE4MmQwMDE5NGQ5YTAzNzBkMzcxM2IzODdkOWQ3 Brooklyn, NY 11201, Queens College Once you sign in, your bookmarks, extensions, and apps will appear automatically. Help Desk - City University of New York . 24. The Bursar's Office is where you pay your tuition and other fees. 1650 Bedford Avenue . Email: Website:, Hunter College New York, NY 10007, Contact Name: E-Learning Center You can contact the help desk by: Phone: 718-368-6679 Fax: 718-368-4626 Our hours are Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m. Sat & Sun: 9am5pm, Phone: 212-220-8379 Contact Us | The City College of New York MDQ4YWUzODlkZDI3OTAyYTFkYWQ4YzFkNDQyOGIwNjE5ZjVkZjVlMjZlZWQ4 Academic Calendars and Final Examination Schedule, Center for Career and Professional Development, Consumer Information for Prospective and Current Students, Office of Information Technology Services, Site Licensed Software and Vendor Information, Campus Site License Coordinator Contact Information, Uploading student supporting financial aid, health services and registrar/student record documents through CUNYfirst,, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Consumer Information for Prospective & Current Students. Phone Number: (212) 997-2869. Business Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week. (All Application Development service personnel will get this email and will respond the same day or next day depending on the urgency of the . 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM. ABOUT; ACADEMICS . Email:, Kingsborough Community College If this is your first time with any Apple device, you will need to create an Apple ID. If not, tap Install Updates Manually. CUNY IT Help CUNY IT Help is the first place students, faculty and staff should go to find help and information about CUNY-wide technology applications and services like CUNYfirst. Staten Island, NY 10314 Top Tap Customize Settings to set them up individually. 32. OTVlMTQyNzM4YTBmNjJjN2I4Y2NmMmIzNjY0MGZiMmRiMWY5MDRhNmY4YTZj ZWIyZDU0NDI1MTY0MDI0NjYzMTJlNGU3NGYyN2NiZTUxMGE4M2UyYmJjMmU2 All rights reserved. IT Service Desk Hours / Support Location York College / CUNY Days & Time: Monday - Friday ; 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM CUNY Login (CUNYfirst, Blackboard, DegreeWorks, FACTS), Student MyHunter Microsoft Office365 Email. For a complete list of problems you can report using NYC311, please visit our. Tap Enable Location Settings to turn them on or Disable Location Settings to leave them off. Doing so is purely your decision. Email:, Hours: Open a Service Desk Ticket Medgar Evers College | IT Service Desk (718) 270-6262 Hours of Operation Mon - Thu: 8AM - 8PM CUNYfirst not displayingproperly? Email: You can do so by calling 718-960-8175. OTE5YWM5YzdiNWU3MWNhZmRjOWQ4ZTJlMjNmMTNiNmM0NzkxNDk5NmFmZGIz 8:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. Technical support for hardware or software incidents on campus issued devices. Email:, Hours: Where you can find instructions for CUNYfirst, email, password reset, Wi-Fi,voicemail and more. 119 W. 31 st Street. Email:, CUNY School of Medicine Leveraging a. repository, CUNY IT Helps search engineprovides users with free text searchto findhelp and information inCUNY IT Help. Email:, Phone: 646-313-8440 New York, NY 10001 (212) 652-CUNY. Log into Human Capital Management Resources, Recent Enterprise Service Desk Announcements, Discrimination and Retaliation Reporting Portal. (Excludes school holidays), Saturday Sunday: Mon-Thur: 8am10:45pm The CUNY School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS) Help Desk can be reached at or (646) 664-8592. Check out these frequently asked questions about CUNYfirst along with a number of helpful how-to guides in CUNY IT Help. Students Email: Either press the Home button or swipe up on the screen to continue. 151 E 25th Street MTk1MWYzMzJjMzY2ZjIxMDVlNDQ4YzY2YzQxYjg5MzU4ZTljMzM2Nzk4NjVl CUNY users have these options from the CUNY login window: For more info see this list of articles relating to the CUNY login at the CUNYIT Help portal. Blackboard Support Location: North Academic Center (NAC) Room: NA 1/301 p: 212.650.6990 e: . Last Updated: 04/12/2023 16:37 Phone Number . The City College of New York. 34. 2800 Victory Blvd YzVhODkwZmQyNTFjZTZhZTk1ZTM0NjNlNDFlYmE5ZGVhN2JkNTRiODJjNjA5 Phone: 1-646-313-8008 YTNlODI3In0= 20. College of Staten Island Foundation, Inc. MonFri: 8am8pm Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. ZWIxMmZmYmVkYTE3Y2Y4OTZlMmMwZWRhZjE1ZWM3NWZiZWIxMGEwOWYwZGVi CSI students registered for the active semester and needing Adobe for their courses, can download Adobe Creative Cloud applications to their personal devices. p: 212.650.6656 e: Go to Website >> IT Help Desk Any technical questions, to include CUNY Portal, e-mail, Blackboard, and eSims info. Decide if you want to turn on Location Settings on the next screen. Support | Hunter College Contact Us & Events - The City University of New York Connect - Queens College/CUNY - City University of New York 1. 35. Phone: 1-212-817-7300 (Emergency calls only) ). WEBSITE OTHER CONTACTS ONLINE DIRECTORY Email addresses, phone numbers for other Hunter administration, faculty and staff. Technology HelpDesk - Report a Problem - College of Staten Island New York, NY 10021, Contact Name: Student Help Desk New toCUNYfirst? 2023 All Rights Reserved, We will use your feedback to improve NYC311. Nzc3NzU0ZmZhZmU4ZjlmMjViODE4NWI5YjMwYWE1YmE0YjAwOWQ1NDE2MTNh Monday-Thursday:9:00am-5:00pm Contact Us. For CUNY Staff, in addition to performing administrative tasks relating to a students record, faculty and staff can manage employee-related activities like reviewing and updating personal details, tracking compliance-training requirements, and viewing payroll and compensation data. Mon, Thur, Fri: 9am5pm STUDENT HELP DESK HOURS. But, if you have any qualms at all, choose not to share the information. You can report a problem with the admission process at CUNY by contacting the CUNY Help Desk. MThlZWE3OTM2YWZkYTI2MmVhYzk2ZDA0ZDlmNjQ3NGQ1OGJlNjEzZGU2M2Rk Website: Help Support and Resources, The CUNY School of Professional Studies Email:, The College of Staten Island Even an iPad without 4G and GPS can use location services by utilizing nearby Wi-Fi networks to determine the location. Not all apps are available in all countries. Monday Friday 8:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M. MonThur: 8am11pm The CUNY School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS) Help Desk can be reached at helpdesk@sps.cuny.eduor (646) 664-8592. Website:, Lehman College Location: NAC Building - Room 1/301 English is the default, but tap you're preferred one if that isn't it. Phone: 718-368-6679 | e-mail: . MDY3Yzk0ZjYyNWMwMjQwNzEwMGFkZjYzYTYwODNiMzhjOTdiODQwYjUzZTY2 You don't have permissions to view these records. Service Desk | The City College of New York If your screen shows an error message, print it or write it down exactly as it reads. To register a service request or incident, go to Hunter College in the CUNY IT Help portal. Contact the IT Help Desk at 718-631-6348 or by e-mail: Be specific. NTBjOTIzYTk2NjM5YmFmZmRkYTdhMzYzNTgwNWIzYmMwNzc2N2MwOTUwMjEw NGJmNjM2NmQ1Njg4ZmZiYmI3ZGQwYzc2NjM3ZDhhYzRjNmJiNTZlMzBhMzhl Tues & Wed: 9am7pm, Phone: 718-631-6348 This will make it easier for us to assign the proper technicians. Tap your country or region to continue. New York, NY 10019, Contact Name: Department of Online Education and Support Blackboard Support Services Help Desk | John Jay College of Criminal Justice Phone: 1-212-650-3624 The iPad will take you to its home screen and is ready for you to use. 250 Bedford Park Boulevard West eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiN2FkZDk0ZWQ5MzRkMjNlYWQ3MTkxM2QyNzlkMDVlMDAx Connect with Us. NjJmZjhkZWI2NWY5OWFlYTllYmI2NzYwNzk5OTU1OWM4MTgyZDBjNmQzNGY3 The mission of the CUNY SPSHelp Desk is to provide our academic community and staff with the highest level of support and customer service while leveraging the most effective online troubleshooting and problem-solving tools. Website:, New York City College of Technology View > Text Size > Largest, In the View menu, select Zoom In. CUNY Faculty performs semester-related activities such as entering textbook information, verifying enrollment, and entering final grades. ZjkxZTllMzM4NTQxZGE4OGUzNmNlNDllOGRhNjliMzMxZjU2ZDQxNDU2ZWZh, Phone: 718-270-6262 Leveraging aServiceNowknowledgemanagementrepository, CUNY IT Helps search engineprovides users with free text searchto findhelp and information inCUNY IT Help. Blackboard for Students Workshop 03/12/20 . MonThur: 8am8pm Room 303, Hours: You can report a problem with the admission process at CUNY by contacting the CUNY Help Desk. CUNY IT Help provides the following: A growing, searchable knowledge repository of 1500+ articles populated, The CUNY IT Help knowledge repository contains frequently asked questions (FAQs), how-to instructions,forms,policiesand links to relevant information about applications and services. call or email the Student Help Desk. Phone: 718-482-6121Email: Phone: 1-718-319-6622 CIS training provides access to CUNYfirst eLearning courses, recorded webinars and guides to your build your skills. Email: (non-CUNYfirst issues) Email: Google Voice & Text: 929-352-5776 Office Hours Monday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Thursday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed Email:, Phone: 718-982-HELP (4357) Sat & Sun: Closed, During Summer 4 Day Work Week Hours: Phone: 1-718-677-6180 Assistance with resetting passwords for accounts (CUNYfirst, Blackboard, CUNY Portal, Hunter NetID, etc.). Email:, 365 Fifth Avenue, Concourse Level of Library, Email: 119 West 31st Street, 3rd Floor Bronx, NY 10453, Contact Name: Blackboard Student Support Phone: 1-718-281-5540 Phone: 646-364-9555 Students Email:, 222-05 56th Avenue, Administration Bldg. On the next screen, you can choose to set up your iPad as a new one or to restore a backup from another device. ZjJkNTYzZWE1ZWEyMDc4MTRmNTU2Njg0NWYwYjE2Y2RmZTcyM2ZhODk1NmNm Need Technical Help? When you email or call the CUNY SPS Help Desk, please be sure to identify your problem, provide your full name, and a number where you can be reached. Tap and hold the See Without True Tone Display button in the center of the screen for a preview of what you'll see if you turn off the feature. The CUNY Application - The City University of New York The Graduate Center & School of Journalism Schedule can change depending on semester. NDMyMzgxN2M0YzQ2YmFmNTVkOWJlYWVjNGNhMGNiNTE3ZGIyMzgxMWE5N2I3 Contact the Help Desk for Students Email: Sat & Sun: Closed, Phone: 212-650-7878 Phone: 646.664.8592 By Telephone You may reach the front desk at 646-312-4830 during the hours listed above. Brooklyn, NY 11210, Contact Name: Help Desk If you are experiencing technical difficulties or if you have questions that require immediate assistance, please contact the IT Helpdesk Student at (718) 289-5970. or Phone: 1-212-220-1243 Please make sure to include a full description of your problem. MonThur: 8:45am9:30pm Phone: 1-212-650-8407 For all other SACC matters, please email . City University of New York (CUNY) Admissions Complaint 6. ZThmODczZjgzMzUwNDI4N2IzZDg0NjA0MDgxNTY1ZmUyYWFmYjQyZjc5YTIz 212-772-4444 Emergency 212-772-4447 Non-Emergency FEEDBACK Your feedback is essential to helping us improve the website. Contact Us | Brooklyn College The next screen gives you the option to accept Express Settings for some other options, like Siri, Location Services, and Analytic Data. Service Desk: NAC 1/301 Please print the name (s) and number (s) of faculty who will support . The Fund for Queens College Senior Class Gift Scholarship Support Naming Opportunities Planned Giving Commemorative Gifts Room: NA 1/301 Friday: 12:00pm-5:00pm In addition to software support, we provide departmental training to faculty, staff, and students in various applications, including MS Office, email and CUNY Portal. MWYxMDEzZDdjODA1NDYxZTI1NDI5ZWZhZmFmYzQ2ODc1YjE0ZTBjNGU2ZDRl -----END REPORT-----. Tap Continue to use Screen Time or Set Up Later in Settings to turn it off. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. CUNY IT Help provides the following for CUNYfirst users: CUNYfirst Student Documentation CUNYfirst Faculty Documentation CUNYfirst Advisor Documentation On the next screen, you can choose to set up Touch ID, which secures your iPad with your fingerprint. There's really no reason not to use Siri. Location: North Academic Center (NAC) PDF LEHMAN COLLEGE - 8. Email: Email: Jamaica, NY 11451, Phone: 1-718-262-5300 New to SharePoint or MS 365? The language you select will be the one the iPad uses for all of its text and directions. YourCUNYfirstStudent Center isagateway formanagingyouracademic relatedactivities. MjkzNzdkNWMzYmZiMzlkZjc3MDQ3ZDkwYzQxMWFjNGNhYzE4Njc4ZGRmOGUz Student - The City University of New York IT Help Desk - Office of Information Technology ***Hours are Subject to Last Minute Changes. If you already have an Apple ID, enter the username (usually your email address) and password. 25. Press the button below to review Employee/Manager Self-service resources which assist with human resources activities. Contact Us - Student Academic Consulting Center - City University of Fri: 8am7pm Email:, 250 Bedford Park Boulevard, Carman Hall Room 108, Hours: Monday, June 19th. All rights reserved. ZTVlOTZiNWI2MGVmNDQ3ODBjMzZiYTdmZDNhOWMwODI2YzgyNjcxODA0MGQ1 Apple uses the information to better serve its customers, and you shouldn't be worried that your information is being used for any other purpose. 1:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 65-30 Kissena Boulevard Monday through Friday IT Service Desk 718-262-5300 or 5311: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Phone, Limited field ( Summer Hours ) Saturday IT Service Desk . Website: Student Support, Queensborough Community College If you use another Apple device like an iPod or iPhone, or if you download music using iTunes, you already have an Apple ID. You can turn off location services later and choose which apps you allow to use them and which apps can't use them. TheCIS Security Information page contains forms for granting access and maintaining security in CUNYfirst. Faculty and Staff can contact the Help Desk for the following: The Student Help Desk provides services for students experiencing issues with signing into their accounts, such as the following: * For assistance with the Admitted Student Portal, please contact ZjM0MWZmMDViNDUyNjg4N2RiODEzZGE4MjBlOTcyZDQ4MGYzMTdlY2QwN2Fl Survey participation is voluntary. 524 W 59th St Hours of dispatch and phone coverage. NTUzMWUyMTZjOTcwMmE3NDYyMDRiNTUzNWUzMDhhYTkwMzMzOWRhMDBkMzdh Email:, Faculty/Staff/Students Phone: 718-368-6679 26. ODFhODMxMmJiMGM3NWI2NWJiOTZkNzNhYzM4MWMyNjZkZDcyODRiZDM5MmYw 445 West 59 Street. Youre offline. Register for Summer and Fall 2023 - Media Arts and Technology Bronx Community College: CUNYfirst - City University of New York 31-10 Thomson Avenue CUNY IT Help is the first place students, faculty and staff should go to find help and information about CUNY-wide technology applications and services like CUNYfirst. Contact Us - Hostos Community College Saturday Sunday 1:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 300 Jay Street Contact Us | CUNY School of Professional Studies | CUNY SPS 33. e: Telephone: 212.237.8200 See our technology online resource checklist for additional help. Using any web browser, staff can organize, share and access information from any device. Hunter College695 Park Ave NY, NY 10065212-772-4000, Hunter College in the CUNY IT Help portal, Fall and spring: Monday Friday, 9am - 5pm, Fall and spring: Monday Thursday, 9am - 5pm, Friday 9am - 3pm, Use the Forgot password link to send a password reset link to your designated recovery email address- (instructions to, If a new user to CUNYfirst - click the New User link, (instructions to. The next screen shows a list of all of the available Wi-Fi networks. Why is it so hard to transfer community college credits? NOTE: When submitting your Blackboard Support Request to the Colleges below, please include the following: a) Your full name 3. Common browsers are included in this page; mention of a specific browser does not imply endorsement or recommendation. 12. Help Desk | CUNY School of Professional Studies | CUNY SPS NWQ5YTk3ZTU5NDk2NmE1NDc5MGMzYTZkMDM4Yzc1ZWEyMjcyMjgyNmE3Mzhh CUNY IT Help provides the following for CUNYfirst users: CIS Training develops and delivers high-quality training, create learning experiences that are personally and professionally relevant; and to respect and support every learners unique way of thinking, learning, and interacting with others. Helpful Forms & Instructions * Supported Technology/Browsers Learn more about Digital Accessibility from the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities. Email:, Phone: 646-313-8008 Contact Name: CUNY SPS Office of Information Technology Help Desk Faculty resources are available via CIS Training SharePoint page. Brooklyn, NY 11225, Contact Name: Stephen Wymore, Director More importantly, this platform enables you to quickly find information and seamlessly collaborate across CUNY. 22. Tapping Continue will turn all of these settings on. This setting lets apps on your iPad know where you are to do things like give you driving directions or show you nearby restaurants. Monday - Friday 8am-5pm Mjk4NDUyNmUwMGYyNDE5ZmI1OTNjNGE2ZTE0OTlkNWRjYjc2MWFjYjQ3MjIx Advice on choosing software for a new task. Please do not include personal information or expect a response. ZDg1ZmM5ZjdhOTIzMjUyNTdkMGNiZjZjMmExOTgyMWMzOTliNjQwNDI4ZmFk 94-20 Guy R. Brewer blvd. Help Desk 212-237-8200; Library 212-237-8225; Search Directory. 2800 Victory Boulevard CUNY IT Helpprovides the following advantagesin finding help and information about CUNY-wide technology applications and services: See Using CUNY IT Help in CUNY IT Help for more information on searching the knowledge repository and using the site. ) 10. Monday - Friday. Fri: 8:45am5:30pm, Phone: 718-340-4456 Saturday and Sunday It will generate a default based on your language and country settings from earlier, but you can choose another one if you want. Email:, Normal Semester Hours: To reach the CUNY SPS Help Desk Manager, please contact Cristian Cardenas at (646)6648593, or at Undergraduate Applicants Educated Outside the U.S. Graduate Applicants Educated Outside the U.S. Veterans Fee Waiver for Undergraduate Degree Applicants, Veterans Fee Waiver for Graduate Degree Applicants, Veterans Fee Waiver for Certificate Applicants, Health Services Administration Organization, Management and Entrepreneur Leadership Organization (MELO), The National Society of Leadership and Success, Enough is Enough:Combating Sexual Misconduct, Providing assistance with the access and use of CUNY SPS and CUNY computing resources, Providing a helpful, courteous, and knowledgeable first point of contact, Provide proactive, accurate, straightforward, and relevant resources to empower users to find technical information and answers quickly and conveniently.
cuny help desk phone number