city of statesville planning department

Q88sv>oZnrODV jbh@"skuX+t`/m ,$!]"t[X\?@&5W5&AXc(x{0 Pressly is running for a seat on the Statesville City Council. Statesville City Planning Department - Statesville, NC (Address and Phone) No. City officials reviewed a number of respondents and ultimately chose Clarion Associates, a Chapel Hill firm. Address and Phone Number for Statesville City Planning Department, a Building Department, at South Center Street, Statesville NC. contacted include, but are not limited to; utility providers and other departments within the City of Statesville. Statesville City Planning Department in Statesville, North Carolina, get driving directions from your location, Davie County Planning and Zoning Department, Iredell County Register of Deeds Land Records, Iredell County Tax Administration and Land Records Department Website, Iredell County GIS Mapping Department Website, Iredell County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sales, Iredell County building codes and ordinances, Building and construction permit searches, Iredell County building violations, appeals, complaints, and fines, Building information searches and property records, Zoning regulations and ordinances in Iredell County, North Carolina. Last Update: October 2022. There was a problem saving your notification. Yet Martin Marietta had access to the plan months before most of our citizens knew major aspects of the plan sprinkled purple magic on the quarry. The city of Statesville is planning for its future, and it wants to hear from residents about how the city should develop as it goes into the coming decades. 5Y +#H6vK7=^J[/8r^dSYPhMlav_5$gE/3 51bCciS `^z9Dt=hY'4lFEz9[{vc/AWG(bC]iM4 City of Statesville Planning Department 301 South Center St. P. O. The Planning Department provides review and analysis of land use and development proposals to ensure compatibility with the community standards as established by the Citys Land Development Regulations (LDRs) including: The purpose of the Planning Department is to perform the daily operations associated with the maintenance of the Comprehensive Plan, providing interpretations of the: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. Make a payment online, bymail, or in person. <> Planning Department phone (704) 878-3583 Fax (704) 878-3464 CITY OF STATESVILLE PETITION REQUESTING ANNEXATION Date: _____ To the City Council of the City of Statesville, we the undersigned owners of real property, respectfully And it became quite obvious why the plan was kept secret and restricted to only a select few for such a long time before our citizens saw the plan. In early 2015, the City of Statesville contracted with Parrish & Partners of North Carolina, PLLC to provide professional planning services for the preparation of both an Organizational Assessment, as well as a Strategic Market Analysis, for the Statesville Regional Airport (SVH) . In its November 6, 2019, Letter of Intent to the city planning department . A total of . Now we know why the Planning Department request for consultant proposals purposely restricted communication regarding the development of plan to city staff, the consultant, and the land development committee. x=k7 ?W? dq[,#Fdg_=HShY$X,V7\_9ZEXzzE?V_]EoE'2JfS}/^ ".HD*qEc#P.z__e},M#uG]z4OGc,1qc!|w |zkvD'#ehOTe$5l *:NtJFy6J>:lSYm\~5yUSn/B] ouzm'tI:`FVzVI'&J3%ZJTuJ [=E1M*$8qQ4mb*oyFY Sign up to receiveemail or text notifications. Requirements: $61.80 fee residential/$103 fee commercial Permit Application Minor Erosion Control Permit: All land-disturbing activities inside the watershed 0.5 acres and greater but no greater than 0.99 acres. Its a sad day in our Statesville city hall when our citizens realize we as taxpayers spend $160,000 on a corrupted land plan, and we ask the city council to reject it, Pressly said in closing. +3}>bg]z2ZmM+zI,wF_'v!e,_:^wD,"h{bjYsAl&bMdG {npdW ^sj 5 2$8cRqzAn(DsE>LuubevK_HhXSB?6:BB!h"9Iu&w0jr5)%fv!HQ$;%opYwHN2! 2 copies Erosion Control Plan (may need an engineers seal), $175-per-acre (fraction of an acre/rounding up to the next acre) fee, Minor Erosion Control Plan Packet for Single Lot Development, Major Erosion Control Plan Packet for Multiple Lot Development, Erosion Quick Sheet Channel Protection (PDF), Erosion Quick Sheet Site Protection (PDF), NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, Erosion Control & NCG010000 Combined Form for Self-Inspections (PDF), Minor Erosion Control Permit Self-Inspection Form (PDF), NC Dept. They do not photocopy. Important Information Downtown - City Of Statesville, NC This opportunity for quarry expansion will continue the devastation and destruction to North Statesville residential neighborhoods. A Statesville man was arrested for multiple felony and misdemeanor drug charges during a traffic stop. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. Below is a list of current openings at City of Statesville. City Hall officials did not want our citizens to know the plan favored the quarry owners. version: Jun 9, 2022 (current) THE CODE OF THE CITY OF STATESVILLE SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE Code of Ordinances Supplement 49 Online content updated on June 9, 2022 CODE City of STATESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Codified through Ordinance No. ) pjVnvj1/^.Gis}&a/}%sf'4h":+l[iQA5'J}Wg^Gvb~{%u=:=Ev@Lo&hvDf9 /O&s~>^@1\C0$0Y. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. Michael Barakey, Chief. Popularity:#1 of 2 Building Departments in Statesville#2 of 3 Building Departments in Iredell County#75 of 201 Building Departments in North Carolina#2,465 in Building Departments. (704)-878 . And we know Mayor Kutteh and his associates own nearly half of the undeveloped 130 acres on Davie Avenue referred to in the Clarion plan. Viewpoint: City of Statesvilles proposed land development plan benefits Martin Marietta, threatens to harm residential neighborhoods. <> Permitted Uses for the District Official Iredell County Zoning Map (PDF) Permitted Uses for Land Type: GB (PDF) Due Diligence is encouraged, especially before signing a lease or purchasing a property. The Department of Planning & Development provides public services related to land development activities. As a taxpayer I am very disturbed/concerned about this entire process lack TRANSPARENCY and as a result unethical behavior takes place. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Brenda Fugett City Clerk . endobj Limit of 5 free uses per day. The fire caused heavy damage to the buildings, including fire, smoke, and water damage, and also affected neighboring buildings with smoke and water damage. Fire & Rescue. Follow Ben Gibson on Facebook and Twitter at @BenGibsonSRL. The Building Department establishes building codes and standards for the construction of buildings and addresses virtually all aspects of construction, including design requirements, building materials, parking, resistance to natural disasters, and trades such as electric and plumbing. Erosion Control Section | Iredell County, NC Suffolk's City Administrators support the strategic and functional . Please subscribe to keep reading. Share the Warmth; Reminder About City Leash Laws in Parks; Scam Alert - Mail Theft Epidemic; 2022 SPD Annual Crime Report; February 20 - Council Meeting Wrap Up; Statesville Fire Department . Among the incomplete public records we received are memos from Clarion Associates relating to the purple color on the land map which will permit easy expansion for Martin Marietta. The Statesville City Planning Department, located in Statesville, North Carolina, ensures the construction of safe buildings, primarily through the development and enforcement of building codes. The council has until July 1 to approve a new development plan. PDF Request for Letters of Interest (RFLOI) Design or CEI - NCDOT Home - City Of Statesville, NC ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - WAREHOUSE PROJECT Pursuant to N.C.G.S. Business Resources - Downtown Statesville An explosion was reported at a metal company on Salisbury Road in Statesville on Wednesday. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 23 0 R 31 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> We know quarry proximity depresses home values and makes homes difficult to sell. For information regarding these cases please contact Sherry Ashley, Planning Director, Statesville Planning Department at or 704-878-3539. Standard Format PDF, Print Size: 8.5"x11", File Size: 705KB. stream Box 1111 Statesville, NC 28687 Ph. Large Format PDF, Print Size: 24"x36", File Size: 2.6MB. PDF Statesville Regional Airport (SVH) ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT MARKET <>/Metadata 311 0 R/ViewerPreferences 312 0 R>> We read the first memo from Clarion dated January 19, 2021, describing Primary Uses for the cleverly-stated Employment Center/Industrial Flex as manufacturing, industrial, maker spaces, commercial and office use. Planning | Titusville, FL }*;T*tCX5 sAZ?p$xt(\zy9s}Hc%#e|Ciz What was even more startling was the fact that many in our Planning Department are members of the American Institute of Certified Planners, which has a comprehensive Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. 4 0 obj Find Statesville residential building & property records including ownership, land use & zoning, parcel & structural descriptions, market valuations, sales history, tax assessments, deeds & more. The City of Statesville is seeking interested residents to serve on its 11 boards and commissions. Does that explain why the Planning Department was recommending the quarry expand into North Statesville residential neighborhoods, against all planning concepts and against their own Code of Ethics? Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Out of Our Past - Only then did we learn of Martin Mariettas long-time relationship with Mayor Costi Kuttehs law firm. Quarry dust is present as far south as Summit Avenue. What that leaves is that the people that already live here are going to have retail jobs and service jobs. A 16-year-old was shot along Inglewood Road in Statesville early Tuesday morning. That the plan services special interest and political insiders over the needs of our citizens is another tragedy, Pressly said. Kutteh interrupted Pressly and said some of those concerns had been addressed, but Pressly fired back and said despite repeated requests to Ashley and the planning department for a copy of the plan, he never received it. City of Statesville Online Utilities PDF Land Development Plan In its November 6, 2019, Letter of Intent to the city planning department, Clarion Associates representatives wrote and disclosed that they have no conflicts of interest with updating Statesvilles land development plan. Residents voice opinions on airport access road options - kEmQHP]:sAhW`#; If you dont get ahead of it, your city in the future is going to be populated by people who consume here but produce somewhere else. Departments | Holly Springs, NC - Official Website does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The path forward for the land development plan is clear. We were completely surprised and stunned by the Statesville Planning Department, which recommended the quarrys heavy industry expansion into residential neighborhoods. Physical Address349 N. Center StreetStatesville, NC 28677, Mailing AddressPO Box 788Statesville, NC 28687. Information found on is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. City of Titusville P.O. The Primary Uses do not mention heavy industry as a land-use. Please refer to the chart below to help determine which permit is necessary. Find 6 Building Departments within 20.7 miles of Statesville City Planning Department. The whole expensive process of hiring these expensive land planning firms to come in from outside and try to plan our future land use needs stop. Earlier today, City staff placed temporary fencing from the Merrill Lynch building on S. Center Street to Theater Statesville on W. Broad Street, and the alley behind the buildings on Court Street. The main goals of the Planning Division are to: Increase community livability and quality of life through the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations GIS, directions, elections,property & specialty maps. PDF Request for Letters of Interest (RFLOI) Design or CEI - NCDOT Simple Assault Charge Filed Against Coach. The third memo from Clarion April 30 indicated Primary Uses as heavy and light industrial, office-corporate campus and others. ?nx?I,ZRwSPf:.ShMeGXD|.3KN%J'_;B\g_R Statesville citizens must reject the proposed plan. The city held three public hearings, with the first reading approvals of annexations of properties on U.S. 21/Turnersburg Highway and Houpe Road, Northside Drive between Meachum Road and N.C. 115/Wilkesboro Highway, and on James Farm Road at Parcel Drive. Requirements: 2 copies Erosion Control Plan, Financial Responsibility Form, Copy of Deed, $100 fee Councilman Steve Johnson addresses the room while speaking during the Statesville city council meeting in Statesville on Monday. The City Council passed a Resolution of Intent to abandon on April 3, 2023. 1 0 obj Central Permitting Division | Iredell County, NC 2045 Land Development Plan contentious subject for Statesville City Council The secret plan richly rewards the Martin Marietta quarry area along the North Center Street corridor at N.C. Highway 115 and Interstate 40 with a magical purple color, which sprinkles heavy industry designation over the entire neighborhood. W?\-t3m&D|{e^Sk{6J|6.:kv[Z9'J:A1u1.mK2vtl.)="N-$4X4[u0b9,?fk,sa+j.Y Q p7X^PGB D={zGKzF7V d: 1Sc9p$l;BbmK2Ht:3 The full copy of the Resolution, including a metes and bounds description and a survey of the area to be abandoned, is. 49) Good governance and excellent public service require hard work, trustworthiness, patience, a commitment to transparency and, in many cases, sacrificing ones personal interests for the public good! All Rights Reserved. "As of April 16, there were 68,268 registered voters in Iredell County. During the quarry rezoning process, there were a number of us in the conference room next to the City Council chambers. United Way of Iredell County Partner Agency Spotlight: Iredell County Rescue Squad & Fire Inc. (Video). Applications are required to be submitted at least ten business days before a regularly scheduled Downtown Design Review Committee meeting. Town of Holly Springs 128 S Main Street P.O. Iredell - There is language in there that will cripple my ward, and parts of Ward 3, Councilman Frederick Foster said. Categories. Planning & Community Development. Current Openings at City of Statesville. Box 788 Statesville, NC 28687 Phone: (704) 878-3118. We know now why the plan was kept secret from most of our citizens for more than a year and a half. Terms and Conditions. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. To discuss your project or request a Design Review Application, please contact Marci Sigmon in the City of Statesville Planning Department at 704-878-3578 or Download Design Review Guidelines Design Assistance Title. Please click on an opening in the list to view details and apply. Leigh Anne King, director at Clarion Associates, the company that helped the city develop the plan, said the company improved the citys plan after listening to the public. /UserFiles/Servers/Server_9409707/Image/home-bg.jpg, About Important Info - Downtown Statesville, City Of Statesville, NC | All Rights Reserved | Powered by, Water, Sewer & Electric Services Information. Zoning | Iredell County, NC Statesville Planning Department at or 704-878-3561. Community after community didnt get ahead of urban sprawl, then all the folks moved in there, Johnson said, noting the difficulty of rezoning high-population areas. Statesville - Ballooning Capital of the East; Reward Fund for Statesville Children; Leadership Statesville - Mural Project; Need Help With Utility Bills? endobj <>/Metadata 428 0 R/ViewerPreferences 429 0 R>> Early on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, a devastating fire broke out in the Historic District of Downtown Statesville, damaging three businesses: GG's Art Frames Gifts, Merrill Lynch, and Theater Statesville. <> King said adjustments could be made to the wording to allow more flexibility and also stated that the business and amenities listed in the wording presented wouldnt be required for a multi-family development to be built. They typically lack the intimate knowledge of the areas studied and have a disregard for private property rights. >g City Planning Director Sherry Ashley is seen to the right. In the end, it was decided to strike the portion that could give the impression the commercial development would be needed, and Ashley pointed out not all of Ward 3 would be under the Neighborhood 2 designation that caused concern. With the heavy industry designation, Martin Marietta, which has been successful in all eight of its rezoning attempts, can move its blast pit closer to North Statesville residential neighborhoods and add concrete and asphalt plants with a simple rezoning. Statesville Planning Director Sherry Ashley said in the case of the city the ideal population of each ward would be 4,739, though the law allows adjustments within plus or minus 5% of that number . He also mentioned Fosters concern with the wording, questioning the citys plans as South Statesville didnt have access to the commercial centers that the Neighborhood 2 designation mentions. 3 0 obj Code of Ordinances | Statesville, NC | Municode Library 3 0 obj The work on the plan by Clarion and the Statesville Planning Department was secret to all but a select few until it was released publicly August 10, 2021. Erosion Control CoordinatorEmailPhone: 704-878-3118 ext. PDF Rules of Procedure City of Statesville Planning Board 301 S. Center St. Statesville, NC 28687 704.878.3564 He said that without a base of retail and other goods and services, developing multi-family housing would be difficult with how the plan was written. We also know that Councilman William Morgan has voted for quarry expansion toward North Statesville residential neighborhoods since June 23, 2009. A federal appeals court has cleared the way for former Vice President Mike Pence to testify before a grand jury investigating efforts to undo the results of the 2020 presidential election, rejecting a bid by former President Donald Trump to block the testimony. Viewpoint: City of Statesville's proposed land development plan 4 0 obj David L. Pressly Jr. is a former Statesville mayor and former Member of the Statesville City Council. Recognizing the soiled, tainted, and corrupted proposed new city land plan benefits only a select few in Statesville as well as out of town millionaires, citizens will never have confidence in this plan as long as City Hall uses the plan. City Planning Director Sherry Ashley said the process had been delayed in approval as areas such as the Interstate 77 corridor, Interstate 40, areas near the airport, and industrial zones needed further study. 02-22, enacted February 7, 2022. The address for mailings is: Sherry Ashley, Assistant Planning Director City of Statesville Planning Department P.O. The city council was considering approving the second reading of an ordinance to demolish the dwelling at 522 Stockton St. as unfit for human occupancy. The city approved a request from Richard Angino with Third Wave Housing to proceed with right-of-way abandonment for the extension of Solstice Drive to Wolf Creek Lane and the stub street to vacant property to the north. )[lpx--|A1]:/_BlC4Xh50 ]_wJxq=FLP sU+f=rve^4FXg. Find Contractor Licenses, Land Records, and Property Records related to Statesville City Planning Department. PHOTO USED WITH PERMISSION Ben Gibson The 2045 Land Development Plan was once again a hot topic as concerns from the public, business. 143-129, sealed bid proposals endorsed "Warehouse Project" will be sent out April 21, 2023, and will be received by the City of Statesville at the City Manager's Office, Statesville City Hall 2nd Floor*, 227 S Center St, Statesville, NC on or before 2:00 PM, MONDAY, May 22, 2023. Simple Assault Charges Filed Against Coach - City Of Statesville, NC On March 29, 2023, during the Spring Athletic Games at Statesville High School, an 18-year-old student reported that she was assaulted by a female coach following a soccer game. Iredell County Planning & Development 349 North Center St. P.O. What is ETJ (Extra Territorial Jurisdiction)? Current Openings at City of Statesville - ApplicantStack Downtown Statesville Development Corporation staff is available to assist you in setting up meetings with the City of Statesville and Iredell County to understand what is required for each project. Next, recognizing someone inside City Hall had influenced the land development plan draft, we sent a Public Records Request to city officials requesting public records regarding the Martin Marietta rezoning as well as the drafting of the new Statesville land development plan. Complete Interactive State Senate Districts for NC. Box 8 Holly Springs, NC 27540 Phone: 919-552-6221 Submit requests for public information here. endobj This website is constantly undergoing review and ADA remediation. Iredell County Area Transportation System (ICATS). Sign up to receiveemail or text notifications. Box 1111 Statesville, NC 28687 Phone: (704) 878-3575 Town of Troutman Planning & Zoning 400 North Eastway Dr. Troutman, NC 28166 Phone: (704) 528-7600 Ashley said the owners had cleaned the property as requested. We know Mayor Kuttehs law firm previously represented the quarry before the Planning Board and City Council. Both efforts were driven by the vision and stated City Administration (oversees the operations of all City Departments) Electric Utilities (Electric system, meter installation, energy services, economic development, security lights, street lights) Finance (Budget, collections, purchasing, auditing, accounts payable, payroll, privilege license, data processing)
city of statesville planning department